chapter 12

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Ashley. the guys should be here soon to go riding, also looks like it may rain today so that should make it more interest. I gassed up both fourwheeler and I threw on a tee with some comfy shorts. no need trying to impress him since we will more than likely get dirty. I threw my hair in a hat as the door be rang and I raced down the stairs swinging it open finding them both leaning on opposite sides of the door but my eyes fell on chase, he looked hot, cut off shirt with some shorts and his hat backwards " when you two are done drooling over each other Im ready to ride" I blushed at Dalton calling me out and chase chuckled before kissing my lips gently " don't mind him he had no patience. you look fine as hell doll' I blushed even more biting my lip " you look alright" I teased throwing Dalton a pair of keys and walking past them " you driving or me?" he smacked my butt making me squeal as he took the keys from my hands " I'm driving " he said with a wink. we loaded up and took off me holding on tight to him as he and Dalton raced. by the time we finally pulled up to the creek we were covered in mud. I had started to get off but he grabbed my hand pulling me to sit in front of him facing him my legs over his. his large hands holding my thighs. " you are amazing" he breathed out and I smiled " I didn't do anything " he shook his head smiling before he kissed me. biting my bottom lip as he slipped his tongue in my arms going around him as his hands gripped my thighs our tongues exploring each other. I pulled back catching my breath " lets go find Dalton before he gets lost" he whispered and I nodded not really wanting to move but we did and I looked around seeing Dalton wasn't around " where did he go?" he shrugged " I was a little busy" I slapped his chest as he laughed and then took my hand. we took our shoes off leaving them but the four wheeler. we walked along the creek and dipped our feet in. " s**t that's cold" he said about to get out but Dalton came up behind him splashing us both I laughed " you ass hat" chase hollered before turning and splashing him " oh don't be a puss it's just water" the two started wrestling like kids until they both fell in the water. I'd made myself comfortable watching them as I say on a rock letting my feet hang in the water. " I'm starving guys" Dalton said as they made their way out of the water. " did y'all bring extra clothes?' both nodded " well come on we can shower and then find something to eat" I said getting up. we made our way back to the house and they got their things from the truck. we only had two showers so chase let me go first snd I used the one connected to my room and Dalton used my aunt's. I told him to be sure not to leave mud everywhere. once I was coming out wrapped in a towel I stopped in my tracks seeing chase looking around my room, or really at my awards from cheer and tumbling. he turned seeing me and his eyes ran over my body making my face heat up " you are really good aren't you?" he asked clearly his throat pointing behind him I shrugged " I just enjoy it" he nodded rubbing the back of his neck " I'm going to shower. I'm begging you to be dressed when I come out" I let out a laugh nodding. and he grabbed his clothes quickly going to the bathroom shutting the door. I made sure to shut my bedroom door before throwing on a big tee and shorts I'd get ready for our date later. then I went downstairs to find Dalton already eating a sandwich and I shock my head " make yourself at home" he held up his sandwich smiling " thank you" I laughed making myself one and taking a seat at the bar with him " thank you for letting me hang out" he hit his shoulder to mine " not a problem. we did agree to be friends" he nodded " true but that doesn't mean you want me hanging out on y'all's dates" I shrugged " he said we're going out tonight. no big deal. really " he nodded and we went back to eating, well until chase came out wearing his jeans, they hung low on his hips, no shirt and his hair damp. " your drooling again" Dalton pushed my jaw closed and I blushed chase sending me a wink as he started making his own sandwich. after we ate chase and I cuddled on the couch while we all watched a movie, when it started to get late Dalton said he was headed home. I looked at them confused because they'd rode together " that is if you don't mind me driving your car on our date and dropping me off. if not I can run home and grab my truck" chase offered and I shook my head " no it's fine I was just confused I didn't even think of my car" they said goodbye and I left chase in the living room while I went to ready. I did my make up and hair but then when I went to find something to wear I was lost. I finally found a black long maxi dress. it had a slit up the side and seems sort of dressy. he said we weren't going any where fancy so I threw it on. spraying on perfume and looking myself over in my body mirror. I was getting nervous, my body isn't slim like his ex and I sure in hell don't know how to act on a date. " damn " I hear his deep voice behind me and I turn finding him biting his lip looking over my body. I looked him over as well. he had on a black tee and his jeans with some vans. I saw he'd out a chain around his neck and I could smell his cologne from here. " you look amazing" he breathed and I blushed " you sure? wasn't really sure what to wear" he nodded " absolutely" he came over kissing my cheek then taking my hand leading me down the stairs I grabbed my purse and keys looking up before we got in my car and headed off he held my hand as he drove and we talked. he drove us to a small restaurant a two towns over and we had a good dinner, we talked and laughed and I wasn't ready for the night to end. on the way home I laid my head on his arm as he held my thigh. " stay with me tonight?" he was quite for a moment " are you sure?" I nodded I knew he could feel it he was quite again. " Ashley we don't have to jump into this if you aren't ready that isn't the only thing I'm after" I sighed chase. we'd had An amazing day I don't remember the last time I'd had this much fun. she looked freaking amazing on our date and I had to adjust myself a few times during dinner, the dress she had on dipped just enough to see the top of her perky breaths. and damn it if her ass wasn't on display also. even the waiter kept eyeing her which pissed me off. but we had a good time I think, the conversation was easy and she was so funny always have a smart comeback when I'd say something stupid. it didn't feel forced it didn't feel like I was just going through the motions I was truly enjoying myself. then she asked me to stay and f**k if I don't want to but I don't want to rush her. I tried explaining to her that they didn't have to happen. I definitely didn't want to pressure her. " just stay whatever happens happens chase" was her reply. " doll." I breathed " how about you stay with me? even if nothing happens tonight I have to respect your aunt's house. Dalton headed back to his place to start his packing so the house is ours." she looked up smiling at me " okay" when we got to my place I pulled her car into my garage and lead her in. rubbing back of my neck nervous. " I'm going to be completely honest here Ashley I don't know what to do now. I don't know what you want." she came around letting her arms go around my neck smiling at me " I had a great time with you today." I breathed out " I did too. you are one of a kind" she smiled at me biting her lip and I caved in crashed my lips into hers picking her up as her legs wrapped around my waist pushing her body into the wall. trailing kisses down her jaw and neck where I began to bite and suck making her hands pull at my hair as she moaned softly. her moans egging me on, they sounded so sweet. not forced or over the top like I was used to. my hand grabbed her breast squeezing and I groaned against her skin I could feel her hard n****e she didn't have a bra on " tell me to stop" she just moaned and I sucked on her collar bone letting my hand slip under her dress and make contact with her breast, teasing her n****e. " Ashley baby please" I begged her to tell me to stop. " we can fool around. not all the way yet I'm not ready for that" okay I could do that. I could bring her pleasure without my c**k. I pulled her body from the wall and walked us to my room as she kissed my neck " you smell so good" she purred in my ear my knees hit my bed so I let her body go and she hit the bed with a squeal. I looked at her watching her as I pulled my shirt over my head. " dress on or off?" I asked and she bit her lip " off" I nodded slowly dragging it up her body then over her head letting it fall to the ground as my eye took her in. her n*****s hard, her breast perky and her tones stomach. but as my eyes went lower I wasn't doing myself any favors, I'd never forget this. she had on some black lacy panties. her big thighs squeezed together I know she was trying to find relief. she blushes putting her hands over herself and I shook my head " no doll don't ever cover yourself in front of me. f**k you are a masterpiece " I breathed out before crawling on top of her claiming her lips once more. Ashley. I knew what I was asking when I asked him to stay. but he had to be a gentleman and tell me we had to respect my aunt's house but he offered me to stay. I know I'm not ready to have s*x but damn it I want to touch him and I want his hands to touch me. his lips on mine as I run my hands done his hard chest and let my fingers dance over his abs. he groans into my mouth so I must be doing something right. his hands find my breast massaging and teasing my n*****s making me buck my hips. he kissed his way down my body, sucking on my n*****s before stopping at my panties he looked up at me and I nodded my head bitting my lip watching his every move. he slowly slipped them off of me then he spread my legs as he looked at my core " f**k that's a beautiful p***y" he fingers touched me and I gasped. his other hand holding my thigh " at any time you want me to stop just say so" I nodded " words please" " okay" I choked out my own my in a haze. his finger slowly circled my clit before he spread my lips, he teased my core sliding his finger every where but where I wanted him most. finally he slipped a finger in and I called out then another " you are so wet" " harder please" he thrust his fingers harder and I watched his fingers work on my body. " so damn tight" he groaned and then his face went to my core and I watched as he licked my clit looking up at me his fingers never stopping " oh yes!" I moaned out as he sucked my clit into his mouth I was so close now. his mouth and his fingers both working on me. my hand grabbing his head pushing him into my core as my head fell back " chase" I called out as I came hard. he worked his fingers slowly as I rode it out then he removed them and licked up my juices before kissing his way to my mouth. I could taste myself on him " you taste better than I imagined" moaned against his lips. he fell beside me breathing out and I decided to take the chance. I got on top of him " what are you doing doll?" I just smirked at him as I began to kiss down his body the way he did mine. when I got to his pants I started to unbutton them but he grabbed my hand " Ashley baby you don't have to do this" I looked up at him through my lashes " but I want to" I finally got them un done and he helped me take them off along with his boxers as he fell back on the bed. I finally saw the freaking monster he had between his legs. he chuckled " like what you see" " I uh um. your huge" I stuttered out I grabbed his red member and began to stroke it. his head fell back letting me do whatever I wanted to him, I had wanted to suck it but now I'm nervous. chase. I didn't know p***y could be so good. she is extremely tight and got so wet and turned on which is a huge turn on for me. and she watched everything I did to her body up until she came. and f**k does she look amazing when she does. I didn't expect anything from her but now that she's between my legs stroking me I'm not going to complain. I know I'm large, Macy refused to give me head because she hated the way it felt so I can handle a hand job. my head shot up when I felt her warm mouth take me in, her eyes still on me as she began sucking me off. a little at a time my c**k was disappeared in her throat until she'd taken me all the way in. then she came up and did it again. she rested her hands on my thighs and began deep throating me no gag, no complaints. " s**t Ashley just like that" I moaned out and she moaned around me. " oh f**k I'm not gonna last much longer" I know she's never done this before but if I didn't know that id think she'd taken a class. my balls got tight and she deep throated me as I came in her mouth her name falling off my lips I fell back on the bed breathing out and she sucked me for a minute more before snuggling in beside me " f**k me Ashley where did that come from?" she shrugs " just went with it" I leaned up looking down at her " you don't have a gag reflex" she shrugged again " I guess not" I shook my head smiling her so innocent yet so wild. " did you like that?" she whispered looking down and I raised her chin to look me in the eyes " doll I haven't ever received head that good " she blushes " how about you did you enjoy doing that or something you'd rather not to again?" she's biting her lip again " I liked it" she whispers out hardly loud enough for me to hear. I breathed out. she's going to drive me wild I can see it now. " how about what I did to you" she smiles " I really like that". I kissed her lips gently " anything we try you can always say if you don't like it. okay?" she nodded yawning. I got up grabbing a wash rag and cleaned between her legs, I could tell but notice she must have gotten wet again sucking me off. I then pulled one of my shirts over head her and I pulled on boxers before grabbing us a water. we snuggled into my bed. I was thankful I'd changed my sheets I'd never want her laying on the same ones Macy had. I was holding her her head on my chest her breathing evened out and I knew she was asleep. I laid there playing with some of her hair thinking about the day. could I really be this lucky?
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