chapter 13

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chase. I woke up with her body wrapped around mine. memories of last night running through my head. I definitely don't regret it, but having see her during school hours and the guys falling at her feet it's definitely going to test my patience and I've never been good at that. I slowly unwrap myself from her tucking her in as I make my way downstairs to start some breakfast but first coffee. I'm not old, but the whirl wind of emtions she makes me feel is intense I don't what to do with them. I want to be serious with her and I think she wants that too but what if this is just some crazy fantasy for her? I mean I read one of the books she likes and trust me my thoughts aren't crazy she could just be after a fantasy and I could end up heart broken. she's fun and funny she all around amazing and I think I'm just going to try to hold on to her as long as she will have me. i sip my coffee starting some breakfast. my thoughts going wild. my only actual relationship was Macy and we all know how they was. I'm brought from my thoughts when her small arms wrap around my waist from behind " something smells good". I turn to face her, she's still in my tee her hair a messy in a bun on her head now. beautiful. I smile at her " making breakfast I know if you don't eat you can't cranky" she pushes my chest and I grab her hand pulling her in kissing her " coffee?" " yes please" I watched as she fixed it, two sugars and s splash of milk. " your staring" I come out of my daze shaking my head " sorry, I like you in this" I said tugging on my tee she's wearing. she blushes " finish the food before I die of starvation" I chuckle turning back to the food. once I had it done we say and she together then we were laying on the couch her head in my lap as I played with her hair " you didn't have any plans today?" she asked " just lesson plans for next week but I can do that later" she nodded " you okay after last night? I mean you don't regret it do you?" she smiled up at me " think I'd still be here if I did" I flicked her nose " good point smart ass" someone started knocking on my door. and at that moment I was glad it was locked she looked up at me with wide eyes " go to my room. I'll come get you once I know who it is" she nodded running up the stairs and I locked down I'm still in boxers. I run up the stairs also and she looks at me from the bed where she's sitting " don't really want to surprise whoever it is" I say pulling on my sweats and she giggles I run back down stairs and swing the door open and see Ellie standing there " hey el what's up?" I try to act natural she comes on in like she always does " mama said you weren't answering the phone and wanted to know if your having dinner with us. we're you still in bed? geez it's almost 11." I shook my head " no El I was just being lazy. and yes tell mama I'll be there." she nodded not making a move to leave " anything else?" she shrugged " Ellie?" she looked down " Timmy asked me on a date " she whispered not making eye contact I ran my hand through my hair " okay and how do you feel about that?" she looked up smiling " I want to go but I don't want you to go all big brother on him " I rolled my eyes " yeah well he's going to have to deal with it if he wants to take my sister out " she bounced on her toes " so you aren't against it??" I groan out " I guess not if this is what you want. but if he makes you uncomfortable in anyway I'm kicking his ass!" she giggled " deal" " deal" " okay I'll see you at dinner." and with that she was gone. I locked the door and went to find Ashley. she was laying on my bed looking at her phone so I crawled in with her. " who was it?" " Ellie" I chuckled " that was close" she sighed and I nodded " you still up for this even though it'll be like this for awhile?" she looked at me smiling " yeah. it'll take some getting used to but we can make the most of it" I nodded. Ashley. we spent the day talking and laughing, until things for heated again. then he asked if I wanted to join him in the shower " like together?" he smirked at me " I've already seen it all what could it hurt?" I blushed nodded as we got up. I had his tee back on and him he was still naked. he started the shower and made sure the temperature was good and I was just standing there, I wasn't sure about him seeing me completely naked under these bright lights. " you coming?" I looked down biting my lip and he raised my chin to look at him " what's wrong doll?" I sighed out running my hands down my sides " I don't look like her." he c****d his head sideways scrunching his brows " who?" " Macy" he laughed and I was starting to get angry but he took my shirt and pulled it over my head then grabbed my hands before they could cover me. he looked over my body. " trust me I know all too well that your body doesn't look like hers and for that I'm thankful" I let my mouth hang open I didn't know what to say. he pulled me into the shower and the hot water felt good against my body. I breathed out a sigh his hands roamed over my curves and he groaned " you are sexy as sin Ashley don't ever let anyone make you think any different" I bit my lip nodding. he turned me so I was looking at him then he kissed me hard. he pulled back and rested his forehead on mine as the water washer over us. we fooled around in the shower some before finally washing up and getting out. I knew he had dinner at his mom's but I wasn't ready to leave our bubble. standing at the door in his house that lead into the garage he hugged me " tomorrow is going to be pure hell" I giggled. " it won't be that bad" he chuckled. " well I don't teacher you tomorrow so that'll help but Tuesday. having to look at you all class period and not touch you might actually kill me" I smiled at him " well you better learn to behave coach" he rolled his eyes at me. before I drove off he kissed me on more time. when I got home I pulled the dress off and put in some comfy clothes, I had homework to get done, but I also started some spaghetti. I wasn't sure if my aunt was coming home today or tomorrow but I'm sure she'd let me know soon. I was sitting eating when my phone chimes twice. one being my aunt and the other chase auntie- won't be home until tomorrow morning. always call if you need anything. love you. I texted her back letting her know I was fine. then read chases. chase - I enjoyed our time. I'm starting to like our little bubble as you call it, and hate having to come out of it also. me- it's going to be a long week. chase - that it is. but I'll do my best to sneak around to find ways to see you don't worry about that ( wink) me-I hope so. how was dinner? chase- oh you know mama telling me I had to be nice to Timmy when he picked up Ellie but other than that good. what have you been up to? me-you do have to be nice he's a sweet guy. I made dinner and I've gotta finish studying. chase- yeah you better study can't have your grades falling miss me-( eye roll) did you get those lesson plans finished chase- doing them now. we chatted back and forth the rest of the evening until I finally fell asleep. the next morning I wasn't in a rush since I wasn't going to rumbling but I did have to stop and pick up breakfast since my aunt wasn't back yet to make the usual to go burritos. I was standing at my locker when Alex came up all smiles " so enjoy the weekend with the boy toy?" she asked and I turned to her wide eyed. what did she know?? " what? uh who?" she laughed " that Dalton guy didn't he take you on a date a couple weekends ago? I figured he spent time with him this weekend too" I let myself relax " oh no we decided we'd just be friends not really clicking " she rolled her eyes " sometimes I think you may like girls. what's wrong with him he's hot!" I heard I chuckle behind her and see chase back walking past. " nothing was wrong with him were just both really busy, he's trying to figure out a move and works alot " I shrug " ugh you so suck. well anyways. the parents are letting us use the cabin for Labor day weekend like always." I smiled " yay! I'll bring the food you bring the drinks " she nodded " I'm also bringing Leo. and Ellie is coming and Zack has a girl coming as well" I nodded " okay so I'll bring enough for everyone " the day passed quickly and I was stretching my body after practice and my run " so I hear your into girls " I looked up and chase was standing there smirking at me I rolled my eyes " I am actually. they seem to always know what I want " he chuckled sitting beside me " damnit doll you shouldn't be bending like that in front of me" I had my legs spread grabbing my left foot " I've gotta stretch coach " he hummed " I've got a way to help you stretch " I pulled up smacking his arm " you are so dirty" he smirked " but you like it " I nodded lightly " so what's this I hear about my sister going camping with you?" I smiled " Alex's parents have a cabin on the lake about an hour away we go every year. she will have fun don't worry." he nodded ' and alcohol?" I laughed " you sound so old right now. but yes I will be drinking. no Ellie will not be drinking. I'm not dumb" he rolled his eyes pushing me over " watch it or I'll show you just what an old man can do to you" his body was hovering over mine and I look pulled his head down for a kiss. not caring that both of us were sweaty. he pulled back pecking my lips " so I want see you this weekend?" " well we only go for two nights so I can see you when we get home" he smiled " who all is going? " me, Ellie, Alex, Leo Alex's boy friend, Zack and s girl he's talking to from what I heard " he rolled his eyes " does he have to go?" I giggled " he's bringing a girl" he pulled off of me sitting back down in the grass and I sat up " yeah and that'll stop him from looking at your ass in your bikini" I sighed " chase he's a friend" he threw his hands up " I know I know but doesn't mean i have to like it" I have him a kiss " just trust me." he sighed nodding .. the rest of the week was pretty much the same, stolen kisses and dinner in his car when I had to work late. it was fun teasing him in class, all I'd do was lean over my desk or bat my lashes at him while biting my lip and I'd get s message telling me to behave. but then after practice on days I teased him he would come out after my run or work out and we'd fall into a heavy make out. I wanted him so bad at one point but he had to remind me we were on school grounds and I had to go to work. it was heaven and hell all at once. we'd made it to the cabin and I met Leo, he was a shy guy and I guess Alex's crazy balanced them out. I was introduced to Zacks friend who was so far s b***h. her name was Kerri and I don't think she looked up from her phone for a second. but if she makes Zack happy I can't complain I guess. Ellie and I had enjoyed some girl time when we got here, I braided her hair while she told me about her date with Timmy. she told me he was extra sweet and took her to see a movie and dinner. he hadn't tried to hold her hand and she had wanted to. she was blushing so bad it was cute. I told her to just tell him, I know she isn't comfortable a lot of touch unless it's on her terms so I told her to tell him that. then we got on our swim suits and headed for the lake. chase. I couldn't go all weekend without seeing her so I got Dalton to come up with me. I figured out which cabin they were in and rented the one next to them. she has no idea and I'm going to play it off as just keeping an eye on Ellie. which is true too. the friends thing is new for her and so she's never done anything like this and they does worry me. what if someone goes wrong and me and mom aren't there. Dalton said I was whipped but I honest don't care. we settled into the cabin and I'd heard them all leave out so I'd pop up when they returned, we sat down on the deck opening a beer. " so is it really that good you gotta stalk her?" he asked and I chuckled " we haven't actually had s*x ass" his eyes went wide. " but it is that good. I know they much. f**k man you wouldn't believe it" he laughed knocking our beers together " damn it man. told you she wasn't as innocent as you thought" I shook my head ' bro she deep throated me the other day then swallowed. I could be wrong but I think she got off on sucking me off" he looked at me like I was crazy. " I don't believe that " he shook his head and I chuckled taking a drink " believe what you want " we talked about his move, he had plans to stay with me but he may have found an apartment. I'm gonna like having him closer. I think he was excited to he needed out of the city just as bad as I did. we heard girls giggling and knew they were back I heard her friend Alex she's always so loud " Lee you start the grill. I'll make us s drink" I didn't hear s reply. but we walked around the corner and could see them on their deck. Ashley still in a black bikini bending over then grill. Ellie talking to her about something and the others hanging out. " well well well what is in my Little sisters cup" I called out and Ellie looked at me mad and Ashley turned fast caught by surprise. " what are you doing over there chase?". Ellie asked " you first" she rolled her eyes " green tea". I nodded " we rented it just to make sure y'all stay safe' I saw the smile come to Ashelys face and Ellie rolled her eyes putting her back to me. I sent Ashely a wink " well y'all hungry? I'm making burgers and hot dogs" " can you actually use that thing?" Dalton called out and she put her hands on her hips " I can do a lot of things you don't know Dalton" I smirked at her biting my lip. oh I know exactly what she can do. " then yes I'm starved. then maybe you can show me what else you can do' I slapped him on the back of the head and she giggled shaking her head. this is going to be a fun little get away
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