chapter 11

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chase. I swung by my house before going to work and found Macy passed out I woke her up and told her she and whatever she has here needed to be gone by this afternoon. she yelled. I yelled. but I told her it was final or I would be calling the cops. I can't deal with her. I can't let myself get sucked back into that, I stupid for even thinking she was going to change. Dalton patted my shoulder letting me know he was here for me and I'm greatful for that I know I've been a shitty friend. I just hope me going after Ashley doesn't cause problems between us now I'm not stupid I know he likes her and to be honest even if she was up for the 3 way thing I don't think I'd ever be able to share her in that way. I shake the thoughts from my head as the class starts coming in, as always she stops at the door finishing her breakfast before coming in. she looks beautiful today, her hair down and wavy. some kind of dress on that looks lose but shows her curves. I think Ellie told me one time they were called Tshirt dresses but I could be wrong. either way she takes my breath away. I take a moment to gather myself before going on with the lesson then passing out the work. I watch her work and I will her with my eyes to look up but she doesn't. I walked around the room looking over their work over their shoulder and stopped when I got to her she looked up at me confused but I just nodded and carried on. I have so much I want to say to her but getting to look into her beautiful eyes is enough right now. when the bell rings I watch as Zack carries her bag out for her and she waves at me and I send one back. I let out a long sigh what am I even going to say to her? oh sorry I f****d my ex after I lead you on? yeah that'll go over well. the day dragged and practice was hot but the guys made it through and I couldn't help but sneak looks over at Ashley as she did her cheers and stunts. I maybe older than her but I feel like she's out of my league. she's to good for me and for some reason I can't seem to let her go. after I finished up in the coaches office I headed out seeing her laying on her back in the grass by the Field probably catching her breath from her run. I pull my shades on and walk over making my shadow go over her and her eyes open she smiles pulling out her ear phones and I take a seat next to her " rough run?" she giggles " actually I was just enjoying the sun" I chuckle the girl is crazy " so I wanted to apologize. I've been an ass. well worse than an ass but I do want you to know I'm sorry and I've told her to leave " she sits up slightly looking at me with a brow raised " you think just because you asked her to leave again I should trust you?" I shake my head " no definitely not I've got to prove myself I know that " she nods thinking and she hops up " well then prove yourself coach." and with that she's gone and I sit there with a sigh. how do I prove myself with out outing is to her aunt or the school? I'll figure something out. when I get home I find Dalton cleaning up broken glass that's all over my kitchen " what in the hell?" " queen b***h had a field day before she left " I groan " f**k me" he hands me the broom " but at least she's gone. better be for good this time" he pats my back as he walks out. I get the mess cleaned up and start some dinner. nothing fancy just baked chicken and rice. then I get an idea me - are you working tonight? it takes a minute but I get a reply Ashley - yes should be off in 15 why? I don't respond I just pack up some to go boxes and Dalton walks in raising a brow " where you headed?" I look at him damn it I forgot he was here " to win my girl" he just laughs " you'll have to do more than that man" I nod " oh I know this is just a start." he nods " go get her " I'm surprised at first but I guess I'm really not he's my best friend he knows me better than myself sometimes. I head out to the restaurant and send her a message when I park. me-I'm parked out back if you'll meet me Ashley - okay they inst creepy I laugh okay it is kind of creepy me-I'm trying to be sweet don't hurt my ego. before she replies there's a tap on my window I roll it down and she smiling at me " what are you doing?" " hopefully having dinner with you" she nods biting her lip " well hop in" she goes to the other side and gets in and I grab the food boxes from the back and smile at her sheepishly " isn't much but just wanted to be able to see you tonight" she smiles at me taking the box " I'm starved" and we dig in " so this you proving yourself?" I chuckle " yes this is me showing you I'm going to prove myself. I was an i***t and let's just say being in a non toxic relationship isn't something I'm used to. on top of the fact I'm your teacher it sound stupid but I freaked out I guess" she nods " yeah I guess I do understand that a little." we make small talk about our day and she is so animated when she tells me how Timmy is going to ask my little sister out to which I groan and roll my eyes taking a bite of chicken " I hope she turns him down" she smacks My arm " hey that isn't nice to say!" I chuckle " well I'd rather my little sister not go on dates" she rolls her eyes when we're doing we put the containers in the back and she pulls her feet in the seat facing me " how's Dalton" I raise a brow at her okay definitely not the topic of conversation I wanted to have to end the night " he's good at home I think" she nods biting her lip " he isn't upset with me or you is he?" I shake my head " no I think even though my best friend does want to f**k you he seems to think I should go for this" she nods blushes slightly " are we you know like competing?" she looks up at me with wide eyes " no I think he's fun and a great guy" she shrugs " but unfortunately you are messed with my head" I chuckle taking her hand " well I'm glad I did then" I kiss her hand " so I hear your very interested in 3 ways now" she blushes pushing my shoulder " oh shut up I just had questions" Ashley. I didn't expect today to go the way it did. being in his class was torture but after he talked to me on the field I had hope maybe he was actually going to give us a chance. but I was very surprised when he showed up outside my work, spending time with him makes me feel the stupid butterflies in my stomach. he smirks at me " or thoughts I know you dirty girl I know what you read" I gasp " chase!" he chuckles deep coming close to my face " don't worry doll it's our little secret. but one of these days were definitely trying out a few things in your books" I know I'm red as a tomato as I gulp I can feel his breath on my face, this is the part that scares me he sucks me in so easy he makes me want things crave things I didn't know I could need in my life. " can I have a kiss goodnight? " I nod slowly and he looks at me for a moment then at my lips before placing his gently on mine. it's a slow sweet kiss and then he pulls back biting his lip rubbing mine with his finger " you need to get home doll it's late" I nod but don't move I kiss him one more time before pulling myself back from the daze of him " I'll see you tomorrow?" he smiles " most definitely. text me when you get home" he send me a wink as I close the door. I head home with a smile on my face. I really hope he doesn't let me down again. .. the week was passing pretty quick and we have a game tonight. I'd texted back and further with Chase and we'd had dinner a couple times in my car after my shift. the whole school was excited about the game winning two after the last years we had has been amazing for them. sitting in my last period I send chase a text. me- hope you have a good game tonight coach. chase - I think you might be my lucky charm. so hopefully the boys play good. me - I'm sure they will. chase - wanna come over for dinner tonight? this makes me smile me - absolutely if you order me cheese fries with a burger chase- (laughing face) absolutely just try not to distract me while I'm coaching tonight. me - only doing what I was told to do coach chase - yeah I'm sure. just a heads up I believe my quarterback will be asking you out me - oh yeah? he is pretty cute and I do like a guy in uniform. why do you think he's asking me out chase - it isn't nice to tease me ash. I'm a very possessive man.. gossip. it's all he and his friend are talking about ( eye roll) me - I'd never tease you. the bell rang and I had to go to the athletic hall to start getting ready and stretch. walking through the hall I pass chase and smile as he winks at me. the game was close but they pulled it out towards the end thankfully. I sent chase a wink after things calmed down a little and began to grab my things. I wanted to avoid Josh honestly and I wanted to wait around for chase. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around seeing a smiling sweaty Josh. " hey Ashley" " hey Josh great game" he kicks the rocks a little and I can't help but smile " so I was wondering if you were free if I could take you out some time" ugh I hated this part. " look Josh in sure your really sweet but I'm just really busy and not looking to date. I'm sorry" he smiled at me " that's cool I understand but let a guy know if your schedule is ever free" I laugh a little as he runs off. walking out the crowd has thinned out I'm sure finding the nearest party. I see chase walk out of the locker room and walk to bump his shoulder " good game coach" he winks at me " it was definitely a hell of a game" I no biting my lip we walk together to the parking lot and he walks me to my car then goes behind me " meet me at my place I'll grab the food" I smile at him over my shoulder and hop in my car and head to his place. I didn't know if I should go in or wait in my car so I was sitting outside playing my phone when the door opened making me jump lightly " dang it Dalton!". he laughed from where he was propped up on the door frame " sorry I didn't mean to scare you I was just trying to figure out if you were staying outside all night or what" I blushed I've never been in this situation before I don't know what to do. " I uh well I'm waiting for chase" he chuckles " yeah I know he called. come in I won't bite I promise" I nodded following him in and he lead me to the kitchen be leaned his arms in the bar as I looked around " so I heard y'all won. I was coming but didn't make it back in time" " yeah it was definitely a nail biter" he looks me over smiling " damn it you shouldn't look that good in that uniform" I laugh blushes " stop it!" he just shrugs. " so y'all together now?" like officially?" I shrug walk around the counter and hopping up my feet are killing me " right now he's just trying to prove he's actually going to try I guess I don't know really Dating isn't exactly my specialty" he nods " well I for one think he better lock it in. it should be a crime you looking this good" I blush deep then I hear chases voice " stop hitting on my girl d**k" Dalton chuckles " hey I'm just telling her what she are knows." he comes in setting the bags down and kisses my lips " did you get me anything? or do I have to eat a sandwich while y'all pig out? or is this the part where I make myself disappear?" I can't tell if he's joking with Chase or being serious chase punches his arm " I got you a burger to" he pulls everything out and hands me my cheese fries as I do my happy dance Dalton grabs his things " alright y'all have fun but not to much I can hear just about everything" I laugh at that and chase looks at me and leans in whispering " mind if he hangs out?" I shake my head no and he nods " stay man eat with us" Dalton looks from him to me and I nod smiling " just don't touch my food" and with that we all dig in chatting away me still on the counter and chase has made his way in between my legs at some point just holding my thigh as we all talk. " ya know now that your aren't tired to the crazy witch we should all go riding" Dalton says then looks at me " well that is if you'll have us" I giggle " of course it'll be fun" " hey I'm down any time. we'd just have to find a way to explain it to your aunt" I shrug " honestly she isn't home most weekends so it wouldn't be a big deal" Dalton punches the air excited and we laugh at him " alright you two I've had a long day I'm headed to shower and sleep. be good reminder always wrap it. Ashley of he doesn't please you you know where I am" he winks at us and takes his leave chase just shakes his head as he wraps his hands around my waist " thank you for letting him stay and hang out. we haven't had much time to hang out with everything going on" I smile at him letting my hand run up his chest around his neck " I don't mind. as long as you can deal with the slightly flirting he throws around " he chuckles " I'll figure it out. as long as you two keep your hands to yourselves " I smirk at him " I'll try" he runs his nose along my jaw " you make being good so hard" he whispers and I let my eyes close enjoying being close to him " I never said we had to be good " he kisses along my jaw " oh but we do. we aren't rushing this. I want you to know just how much I like you and it isn't just for your body" his hands squeeze my bottom making me groan. chase. fuck me man she kills me. I enjoy her personality and I honestly think they maybe what makes it so much hard to resist her. her legs are wrapped around me and I know she flexible as hell but I'm trying my hardest not to think about it " just kiss me chase " she breathes out and I take her lips with mine. I bite her bottom lip making her gasp and she opens up letting me slide in she's so addictive. her body now pressed to mine as I hold her firm ass one of her hands on my face the other has knocked my cap off and is in my hair a small moan leaves her and I just about die I pull back resting my head on hers " we've gotta slow down" she tightens her legs " why?" she begins kissing on my neck and I let my head fall back. " Ashley baby don't do this to me" I beg she giggles " I'm not doing anything" she nips at my collar bone making me groan " woman you know exactly what you are doing" she looks at me and smiles " maybe" I squeeze her ass " definitely. be good. for me at least let me actually take you out before I bend you over" her eyes go wide " take me out?" I nod " yes I'm making plans so you don't make any" she smiles big " thought you said we couldn't do real dates?" I shrug " you deserve all that I can figure out. may not be the best but I want to be able to go out and have you on my arm" she kisses my lips " fine I'll be good " she smirks " until then " I chuckle " that's all I ask. is your aunt home?" she shakes her head " wanna ride tomorrow? then maybe I can steal you away for a date night " she bites her lip " a date night so soon " I can't help but chuckle " baby nothing happens unless you are ready. just let me take you out." she's breathes out " okay" we make plans to ride tomorrow and I tell her I'll take care of the date. I walk her to her car and tell her to call once she's home and to lock the door since she's alone. I actually don't like that. I kissed her one more good time before letting her leave and it did absolutely nothing for my hard on. I cleaned up our mess and when I passed Dalton's room I pounded on it " what d**k?" I open it " we're riding tomorrow" he smiles at this " you sure your okay having me around y'all?" I nod " yeah man just keep your hands to yourself and try not to flirt to much" he laughs " and is she cool with it? I mean I know y'all don't get alot of time alone" I shrug " she seems like it" " okay bro I'll be there. just let me know when you need to be alone I really don't need to see y'all going at it as much as id like to see her body" I pick a water bottle up off the table and throw it at him and he yells " watch it" I say pointing at him and he just laughs " see ya in the morning" " yeah good night lover boy" I roll my eyes and close his door and head to shower. as I'm getting out my phone rings me- took you long enough she giggles Ashley - I had to shower sir me - yeah me too. hey are you really cool with Dalton coming tomorrow I mean I know he's excited but if you want it to be just us I can tell him no Ashley - it really isn't a big deal. he's fun to be around and y'all are fun together me-don't be getting any ideas dirty girl she giggles Ashley - shut up I'm not i just know he's your eBay friend I don't want to come between y'all I breathe out a sigh of relief it'll be nice to be able to hang out with my girl and my best friend and maybe he will even find someone at some point me-thank you we talk for a few before she's yawning and I tell her goodnight. I fall back on my bed smiling at the ceiling like an i***t. maybe I can be happy?
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