chapter 2

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Ashley. I had to rush after my run and run in with coach black to get to work on time, I had just enough time for a shower and change thankfully. I wanted the world to swallow me when I saw him looking at me all sweaty, he thought I looked disgusting. I shake it off and start taking care of my table's I shouldn't care what he thinks of me. I've been working at our small restaurant for about 2 years now and I enjoy it and my regular customers. I make my way to my newest seated table and I'm shocked to say the least " she isn't her friend mom I'm sure she's a b***h. she needs to actually try to make friends instead of falling into a cheerleaders trap to make her life hell" I know that voice and I clear my throat " well small world. I'll have you know I am a b***h yes, but not to your sister. but if you wish to continue to believe that so be it." I turn to who I'm assuming is the mom and put my hand out " I'm Ashley I met Ellie today" she shakes my and smiling " it's nice to meet you. she told me how you stood up to that ride girl for her. I was just trying to that to my overprotective son her" she shoots him a glare and Ellie laughs " sorry he said that" I shrug " no harm done I'm used to it" she smiles " well Ellie here was promised a shake after her first day of highschool " I smile at Ellie " girl you came to the right place. my favorite is strawberry what would you like" " just vanilla please " I write it down and I see coach rolling his eyes at me or her " and for you guys?" I keep my manners " just a coke for me chase?" their mom says and he looks at me for a moment " just a sprite please " I nod " okay I'll have that right out " I turn to leave but then remember " oh and her milkshake is on the house it's a special for the start of school " their mom smiles nodding and I leave. handling my other table before bringing their drinks and making small talk with Ellie some. I take their order and make my way around again before I'm pulled to the side. " can I have a word please?" sir ass speaks low and I roll my eyes at him coach black. shit Ellie wouldn't stop going on about Ashley and it was pissing me off I don't understand why she can't see the girl is no good. but I didn't mean for her to hear me say those things about her. her face said I'd hurt her feelings but she snapped back pretty fast so I was glad for that. " you need to apologize" my mom says and I roll my eyes " yeah after she proves she isn't gonna hurt el a free milkshake isn't s**t mom". Ellie groans from beside me " apologize chase Black now you were brought up better than that." I maybe 21 but my mom can be scary. I look for her and she's smiling and talking with costumers I'm sure flirting with all the guys. I make my way to her and when I ask to speak to her she rolls her eyes in my face before leading me to the side door. when she turns her face almost hits my chest and I get a smell of her, coconut mixed with honey. she looks different from earlier, make up and sweat gone her long dark hair thrown up. I take a step back from her and she slightly blushes as I clear my throat. her eyes are dark green and so big looking up at me waiting " okay this is where you speak" this time I roll my eyes " look I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that about you" she laughs a sarcastic laugh " no you didn't mean for me to hear" " and I stand by it until I know you want hurt el. paying for her milkshake isn't going to make me fall for it" she rolls her eyes pushing my chest " you are seriously a jerk. one Ellie is a sweet girl. and two the milkshakes is free ask the manager" and with that the sassy brunette leaves me standing there speechless. I shake my head gathering myself no chick has ever spoke to me like that much less someone j could get into trouble for putting their hands on me. I make my way back to the table and she's chatting with my sister and mom while she says the food down. as soon as I take my seat she leaves again " well I take it that didn't go well" Ellie says stating the obvious " drop it okay. do what you want with her " I hear my mom sigh but we eat our dinner and have small talk about Ellie's up coming year and mine before we head out. I pay for the food and leave a tip. and I don't know why but I write ' sorry' in the check like that'll help things. that night I laid in my bed and I couldn't get those big green eyes out of my head! " f**k" I yell I shouldn't be thinking this way about a child! I need to get laid, that's it. I've had a dry spell I need to get laid and she will be out of my head. Ashley. I couldn't believe him acting like I was a villain or something just because I had a cheer uniform on! I made it through the rest of my shift and I found his little ' sorry' . one second he's somewhat nice and the next he's mad at me. so I'm just going to try to avoid him the best I can. he's way to hot to be such a jerk. that night I let my friends know I was good and me and my aunt had our favorite homemade dinner, lasagna.i told her about Ellie and she agrees she probably on the line some where, but was happy she was thriving so well. as for the new coach I didn't mention him. .. the next day I was in a rush, I went tumbling this morning and went home to shower and change like always but after I got myself dressed in a tee shirt dress, sandals and let my hair in a braid I laid down taking a moment. well I fell back to sleep. my bad. but at least my aunt woke me up, sending me on my way with some snacks and a breakfast burrito. I'd made it to school just in time to walk into class with Zack. " girl slow down you are going to choke" I shot him a glare trying to finish my burrito he just chuckles laughing at me as we take our seats. the bell rings and then I hear a throat clear " Miss Summers can we not eat in class please?" comes the deep voice that loves to hate me. I look up and damn it if he isn't looking good, blue jeans with just a Tshirt on and no hat as of yet. " I'm sorry" is all I can think to say trying to finish " finish or throw it away" at that I shove them uneaten part into my mouth smiling with a flushed face because his eyes are wide so I send him a thumbs up. Zacks laughing beside me and I hit his arm thankfully we move past this and my embarrassing moment and he starts telling us what we're doing. since classes a split our periods are longer and honestly I'm so sick of sitting in history copying from this book. my stomach growls again, and Zack tried not to laugh. getting my grapes out that are in a small container I open it quietly and start snaking while I eat. I eat alot, because I work out alot I guess I don't know it's something I've always done, really when I'm bored just sitting. I was putting one in my mouth when I smell him and feel his breath on my ear my body goes tense he shouldn't be this close to me " really ash?" I chew the grape swallowing and I try to turn my eyes to look at him but I just end up face to face with his freakishly handsome face " I um. sorry, I went to tumbling this morning and just extra hungry". I try to explain as he raises a brow at me and I know my face is red, one I'm being a pig two his breath on my face and his eyes searching mine I haven't ever been this close to a dude this hot before. " just eat please and don't let it ruin your work" he quickly stands up straight and I breath a sigh of relief as he walks away, Zack raises a brow at me and I just shrug because hell I don't know either thankfully the rest of my day was interesting. coach black. I had looked over my class this morning and realized I'd be teaching her, if I could move her out of my class to avoid her I would. but this school is so small they only have one history teacher at the moment. watching her stuff that burrito or whatever it was on her mouth about killed me and she didn't even realize it. then when I lend over to get on to her for eating once again my head was lost, she smells like warm coconut and honey again. it's got to the a body spray or something this isn't right. I quickly tried to play it odd but I saw the guy she hangs out with look at us funny. great just what I need. the rest of the day went by with a breeze besides this Julie girl, Ellie has told me this was the girl who was ugly to her in the hall when Ashlee came up to them but I didn't want to believe it. but then she came into my class wearing hardly any clothes just letting her eyes run over me. then I had to separate her and Regan which made them both pissed off. but his hands were definitely not where they needed to be dieing a history class, I mean I was a teen not long ago I like to think but damn these kids are different now. last period I was at my door waiting for students when I saw Ellie talking with Ashley they seemed friendly then she called a boy over and told Ellie to go with him, why I don't know but I texted Ellie to come see me after school so I could find out what was going on. she can't be setting my sister up with some kid that's going to break her heart. I was in my room going over notes when I heard them at the door " Ashley you should join band." Ashlee laughed a big laugh and that pisses me off so I moved closer " honest I can't , they had to move me from band because no matter what we tried I was failing" Ellie giggled " I love it always have, and Timmy and Alex are both in there so that makes it easier" " I figured it would. but I've gotta run I need to change for practice". I stepped around so they could see me " Ashley a word please" I said and she looked day me confused but nodded agreeing thankfully Ellie went and made herself comfort behind my desk waiting for mom I spoke low Hoping el wouldn't hear " look I get that you want to appear friendly but don't lie to her like she dumb just because you don't think band is cool" she looked at me and I saw hurt face over her face before she removed it. looking at me closely, she didn't raise her voice but moved in " actually you can look, I was failing band so bad they moved me in order for me to be able to pass the year, my best friend is in band with her and Timmy literally did half my work at one point" with that she turned and walked away. I ran my hand over my face. I know she wants to seem nice but I'm just looking out for my sister. once I talked to Ellie she told me Timmy was nice to her and helped her set up the clarinet with the new notes from class and Alex was supposed to be amazing at the keyboards. I shook it off and she went to meet mom while I went to practice with the guys. when I found them they were supposed to be warming up but I found them drooling over the cheerleaders down the field. I laughed to myself, I remembered those days. " alright boys two laps" they groaned " look coach all respect but shouldn't you be working on teaching us plays since you want to win" Regan says and I keep calm " look trust me I want to win but y'all also need to be able to run to run the ball without getting winded" he said something under his breath but took off. I took a moment to glance at the girls and saw Ashley doing a flip mid air. damn she really is good . the rest of practice was pretty smooth, as we made our way to the locker room I overheard Regan and some of the other players " so you finally think it's your year?" Lee asked and Regan responded " oh yeah if miss Ashley doesn't give it up this year she's into girls that's all I'm saying" kee back to Regan " and Julie" i watched him shrug before responding " you f****d her while we were dating right" Lee nodded laughing like this was some joke but it it was my girlfriend's messing around id be pissed Regan to Lee " just wait until we all get together for the bash I'll have her don't worry" Lee slapped him on the back and they went off to where I could no longer hear I have no idea what or when bash is but Ellie will not be going. I gathered my things doing a little paperwork before heading out " girl do you ever go home?" I hollered over at Ashley who was leaving the weight room she turned and looked surprised to see me " uh yeah I do I just need a quick work out before work then I go home" I was shocked the girl has a load it sounds like and it's only her keeping it. " but why? you said this morning you did tumbling right?" she looked at me I guess confused that I'd noticed and shrugged " I enjoy it I guess keeps my mind busy. don't worry it won't hurt my grades" I nodded I was just like her in highschool " when do you sleep" she giggles " well I did that over this morning which is why I was stuffing my face in class" I couldn't help but laugh with her " alright well don't over do it" she nodded thinking for a minute " don't worry I take days off and I don't work most weekends" I nod that did make me feel a little better. before I knew it we were walking together to our cars she looked over my jacked up truck then at me " well well well me stick up his ass has some taste" I had to laugh at her bluntness " yeah it's my baby" she walked around it admiring it " pipes?" I nod " well one of these days I'll catch you on a good day and talk you into driving it" I shook my head " I doubt it. no one drives her but me" she shrugged giving me a big smile " don't worry I don't give up easy". and with that she walked away leaving me standing there like an i***t. why is this girl making my head spin? my ex didn't make me think the things that Ashley does and I know I shouldn't I could lose my job if I'm not careful.
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