chapter 3

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Ashley. the rest of the week flew by and I can finally say I finished my last first week of highschool. Ellie called this morning and invited me and Alex to if we wanted to come swim, I gave her alexs number to call but told her if I could bring Zack I'd definitely be there. but Zack was already at my house with my watching movies like normal on my lazy days so I didn't want to leave him out. he went home and changed and I went upstairs to change, just a simple black bikini and my cover up. " you know Timmy likes her right?" Zack asks me on our way over and I giggle Timmy is a sweet boy " well she's a beautiful sweet girl and they have a lot in common I can see why he would" he shrugs " I don't know her brother or coach whatever I'm supposed to call him seems really overprotective and seems to hate you" I nod " yeah tell me about it and I didn't do anything to him" he looks me over and shakes his head like he knows something but doesn't say anything else. we knock on her door and Alex is already with her " hey guys mama just left but we can walk down to my brothers to swim" my eyes go wide " I thought we were swimming at your house?" she shakes her head " nope sorry he's the one with the pool but it's no bother he lets me use it. he's cool with me coming and going now that the wicked witch is gone" I raise a brow at her and she laughs " his ex" " oh drama" Alex says making us girls laugh. Zack looks like he no kinder wants to swim. but she runs to get her things and we head down the street I hop on Zacks back and he gladly carries me like he does " ya know if I didn't know any better I'd think y'all were together" Ellie says and Alex laughs as Zack sends her a look " no just friends " Zack says and I nod agreeing, he's like my brother I never had. Ellie knocks and a shocked coach opens the door without a shirt. I'm sure my eyes are wide as I look over his chest. he has a little hair and abs with a happy trail. with a large tattoo of a cross going down his ribs I'm drooling " damn coach look at you" Alex says and my eyes snap to her and he shakes his head " mama said we could come swim" he sighs " Ellie" " what bub?" he shakes his head again opening the door wider letting us in " can I borrow the bathroom coach?" Zack asks and he looks over at us me still on Zacks back " yeah right down the hall to the left" I slide of Zacks back and he leaves and I go to follow the girls out but coach grabs my hand " a word please" I lift a brow at him he may look good but he's still an ass I nod and he leads me into his beautiful kitchen not letting my hand go. standing slightly in front of me " look what are you doing?" confused I answer " Ellie didn't say we'd be swimming at your house she just called and asked if I wanted to join her" he shakes his head and I look down our hands still joined " no what are you doing being her friend? she's a freshman and your a senior and I know you aren't stupid I know you know she's autistic" I drop his hand now crossing my arms " yeah all those things are correct but none of it matters she's fun to be around and she's new she needs friends so why not me? why am I so bad?" he looks at me I mean my whole body and sighs running his hand through his hair pacing then he turns back around and we're closer than before I can feel his breath on my face as I look into his green eyes I should step back but my body doesn't want to " don't hurt my sister is all I ask" Zack clears his throat and I realize how close we are and we both step back " yes he's just being overprotective like always" I say Zack looks between us for a second " well come on babe let's get in the water" I nod looking at coach then heading out with Zack trying to catch my breath. holy s**t I wanted to kiss my highschool coach and my freaking history teacher! no man should be able to look that good. I shake the thoughts from my head. because one I shouldn't be having them and two he's a jerk. we spent some time in the pool having fun until I needed to head to work. " Zack I need a ride home" he nods telling the girls bye and so do I. getting out and coach walks out all dressed up. nice button down shirt, jeans and his hair combed. damn. thankfully Zack wraps a towel around me and I give him a smile " alright guys I'm headed out. please don't wreck my house. Ellie I'm trusting you" " always bub" she gives him a big smile. he just nods at the rest of us. once I got home I rushed to get ready for work just throwing on shorts and a work shirt with my converse, I wasn't supposed to work tonight but someone called in sick so they called me this morning. Zack had to go into work also, he works at one of the mechanics shops in town and he really like it. working my table's when I hear a voice that sound alike nails on a chalk board " babe you can't just give up your life or she won't ever grow up" then of course I hear his damn voice " stop I didn't give up my life" with a heavy sigh I walk up to their table clearing my throat because clearly they aren't getting along or whatever. he looks up at me stunned and I just flash him a smile " Ashley I thought you didn't work weekend" I simply shrug " someone was sick no big deal" " Ellie still at my house?" he ask looking between me and the lady " she was when I left but I left not long after you in order to get here" he nods and the lady clears her throat and I look at her smiling but I'm meet with a very angry looking face, covered in make up with her arms crossed pushing what was left of her breast I'm her tight shirt out " Macy this is Ashley a friend of Ellie's and a student Ashley this is Macy my um friend" I give her my best smile while she just stares so I turn back to Coach " drinks?" he gives me their order and I quickly walk away. jerk face would have a b***h of a girlfriend but think I'm the b***h here. I did hear her tell him if his sister was at his house then she wasn't coming over. I think that's a bit rude but I don't know them really or their story so I stayed out of it. I finished my shift and headed out thankfully they didn't stick around to long I don't think her salad was up to her standard. I went home and crashed pretty early tomorrow my aunt is having Ellie and her mom over to get to know them, she likes to know everyone. she's a people person and I'm sure knows everyone on this town. .. the next day I got up and had some coffee on the porch with my aunt " think I'm going to see if Zach will come get the knot out of my neck is that okay?" she smiles at me " of course honey. just don't forget we're having company so don't run off" I kiss her cheek and go to find me phone me- how much do you love me? zack- depends on what you need me - ( laughing face) I have a knot in my neck zack- okay I'll be over in a few me - you are the best ( heart) he doesn't reply so I go shower and get dressed. just shorts and a tank top since I don't have to dress up in my own home. not long after he comes into my room where I'm laying down reading " whatcha reading?" he asks as he lays down with me I show him the cover and find a stopping point " want to lay on the floor and I'll work it out?" I get up and lay down and he straddles my back side, he does this all the time for me. I don't know why I always end up with bad knots in my neck and back. he starts rubbing and it's kind of painful but I'm okay. " so what's up with you and coach?" I try to sit up but can't since he's on top of me I simply shrug " nothing he just thinks I'm gonna hurt Ellie. I did me the girlfriend last night or booty call I'm not sure which" he laughs " how'd that go?" I laugh " let's just say she's who he thinks I am just because I have a cheer uniform" he continues to rub the knot thankfully getting it out as we make small talk. then he rubs the rest of my back and I almost fall asleep. his hands are like magic. my aunt comes in and chuckles " our guest will be here soon no going to sleep" I give her my pout face " wanna go for a ride real quick?" Zack ask as he gets up and i agree making sure my aunt doesn't need anything first but she tells me to go we take off with me on the back of his fourwheeler. we like to go for rides, if you go far enough back you'll find a some creek in the summer we cool off in and just hang out. on the way back I see Ellie's mom's car so I know they are here but a truck I know pulls in after and I watch as he gets out dressed in jeans and a tee while the other door opens and his girlfriend gets out wearing a very small dress and heels " she definitely didn't come from here" Zack says making me hit his shoulder " eyes to your self" he laughs as we pull up and I hop off " hey guys! Ms. black this is Zack out other friend Zack this is Ellie's mama" Zack shakes her hand " you staying for lunch?" she asks him but he shakes his head " no ma'am just came to fix her back before I head into work" she gives him a smile Ellie and I tell him goodbye and coach and his girlfriend haven't said a word. her arms are crossed and she looks pissed. we go in and make introductions with my aunt before her mama and my aunt go to the kitchen just talking away so Ellie and I go out to the back porch " it's so pretty here" she says looking around the backyard I nod agreeing " yeah my ain't picked a good spot, Zack lives over there" I point to the house covered my trees across the field " dang he really does live close. I think he's in love with you" I can't help but laugh " no no he isn't he and I have been friends since we were little " coach black. last night didn't go any way I thought it would. when she called and told me she was in town, I knew she was here to b***h at me but I figured she'd at least wait until after dinner. we broke up because she could accept the fact that she had to be nice to Ellie and because I was moving here. she thinks I threw my life away and should be coaching so big college team right now. she's always been this way, when I got hurt it for a lot worse she seemed to always be mad at me. it was a rough relationship but I thought maybe she was looking for a quick lay. and I guess she was because we did do that but it didn't feel right and on top of that flashes of f*****g Ashley's face kept coming to my mind. so that didn't help my mood along with her comments here and there. we finally just went to bed then this morning while I was trying to have my coffee my mom called to tell me we had to be at dinner with Ashley's aunt she thought I should be there also since I'm also new. that didn't go over well with Macy at all. and I really didn't want to go either to be honest I'm trying to avoid her and trying to get Macy to go home. when we walked out back to get some air while her aunt and my mom talked I over heard Ellie tell Ashley Zack was in love with her and Ashley denied it. anyone with eyes can see the boy has the hots for her but she seems to think differently. " it's a nice area around here". I say letting it be known we're out here they turn and I try not to check her out back damn how can she wear something so simple yet still be so beautiful. when I first saw her on the four wheeler I thought " okay there's a girl that can have fun " but then I tried to stop myself from thinking it because she's a child! " yeah it's peaceful for sure. I enjoy a good book over there " she points to the hammock hanging in the trees " well there isn't anything to do out here. " Macy says and I try my hardest not to groan " there's lots to do trust me" Ashley replies and I see Ellie shrink back. she knows Macy can be ugly and she has been ugly to my sister behind my back apparently part of the reason I called us off thankfully my mom sticks her head out letting us know lunch is ready and we all pile back inside and go to the table to find fried chicken, potatoes, beans and bread. it honestly smells and looks amazing. we take our seats and dig in and just as I thought it taste amazing " this is great Ms. winters" " thank you! I enjoy cooking but it's so hard for only two people" " so Ashley what are your plans after this year?" my mama ask her and she looks up with a mouth full and chews then swallows blushing and I can't help but smile across the table at her and she blushes more when she looks at me. cleaning her mouth she speaks " uh well I'm not really sure yet. maybe teaching? maybe open a bakery?" she shrugs " I have lots of interest I just haven't decided what to do for the rest of my life yet" my mama nods " well I'd start by getting our of this small town" Macy says beside me and I send her a glare and she just shrugs at me " well Ashley I do hope to be seeing your around you are bringing my El out of her shell" she gives my mom a big smile " she's a good friend I can't wait to watch her and Alex in the band this year." I hear Macy snort beside me but no one says anything. " well Macy how long are you in town for?" her aunt asks " oh I'm leaving after this. I just wanted to see if I could talk chase into coming home, he has a spot as a coach on the college football team if he wants it and it's got to be better for him than this town" I glare at her hard but she doesn't look up she just keeps pushing her food around " well I hear he's been doing great with the team. we might actually win a game this year " Ashlee says and I can't help it I look up and give her a greatful smile. I don't think I ruined my life moving here. I mean yeah college ball would pay more money but working with these kids has been a joy and getting to watch my mom be happy again and Ellie knowing she is happy also it's just nice being with my family I guess " hopefully there's a few kinks I still need to work out but we will get there" the rest of dinner everyone made small talk and they even brought up the Timmy kid which has my sister blushing like crazy I didn't like that at all! we all left ron a good note and it wasn't so bad having lunch with them other than Macy. she left as soon as I got her back to her car. mad because I wouldn't come back with her but there isn't anything I could do I didn't want to and I really don't want back in that relationship. I was laying in my bed and I did something I shouldn't have even started. but I did it and there was no going back. my mom had given my Ashley's number in case of emergency when Ellie was with her me- I'm sorry about how Macy acted. I didn't expect her to come to town and I didn't expect to come to lunch today. I had already apologized to my mom and sister and my mom of course tore me a new one for letting her back in my life after she'd made it so miserable but she finally hugged me and told me to be cared with my heart. I don't know what she meant by that but I agreed I would. it seems like forever before I got a reply Ashley - who is this? me-no how many people do you have apologizing for their ex named Macy? Ashley - ( laugh face) fair point. it's fine nothing I haven't ever experienced. she's definitely the type of girl you think I am in your head. but I'm not surprised she's with you. okay that hurt and what is it supposed to mean she isn't surprised I dated her me-and what is that supposed to mean? Ashley - really? me- yes. Ashley - she's tall blonde and stuck up. just the type that your type goes for me-oh and what is my type then? Ashley - playboy. thinks he's God's gift to women me - ( laughing face) you are very out spoken Ashley - so I've been told me- it's late why aren't you asleep instead of busting my balls Ashley - who knows I'm a cheerleader I could be partying or hooking up with a random as we speak.. or text that made me sit up. she better not be out partying with random guys! me-seriously? no reply. me- Ashley please tell me you are at least being safe. it took a minute and I was staring at my phone Ashley - condoms are a must me-that's not what I mean! but yes always have them wear a condom I couldn't believe I was having this conversation with a student but I needed to make sure she was safe. why? I have no f*****g idea. Ashley - just kidding calm down Coach. I was actually finishing my book. I breathed out a sigh she's gonna kill me me- what book? Ashley- that I will never tell. I have an app on my phone with lots of good ones and then I have my regular hardcover books. had to finish the one on the app so Id know the ending me- why can't I know the one on the app? Ashley - because coach you wouldn't understanding. now I'm so confused what's so bad about a book? we texted back and forth for I don't even know how long before she fell asleep on me never giving up the name of the book
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