chapter 1

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I kissed my aunt goodbye and headed off to my first day of senior year. I couldn't be more excited! getting out Alex and Zack are already waiting for me, being on time has always been a struggle for me. I'm not late for school but lage compared to them. " looks good sweet cheeks" Alex calls and I try to straighten my cheer uniform, we're having a pep rally today to welcome the new cheerleaders, football players and rumors have said they got a new coach. I roll my eyes at her, she's very anti anything school and jokes with me all the time on being a cheerleader, all jokes of course as she supports me just as I support her amazing drawings and her in band. trust me I can't do either of those things to save my life. I hug her an Zack both even though I just saw them a couple days ago. " looking good as always sweetie" Zack says and I kiss his cheek, we've been best friends since I moved in with my aunt years ago, he's her next door neighbor. he's captain of the baseball team and I helped him with his batting seems like the whole summer. he's got colleges coming to look at him this year so he's working hard. " y'all ready to do this?" " nope not at all" Alex says rolling her eyes as we make our way in. we have split days, today I will have math, science and reading. tomorrow I'll have history, Spanish and an extra study hall since I have most of my credits. thankfully I have first period with Alex so we take our seats and I pull out my breakfast burrito, I was running a little late as always. .. the day hasn't been bad, I have no classes with Zack today but we have history together tomorrow so I guess we will survive. as I'm heading to my locker before I go out to the field I see queen b***h harassing a girl " seriously I didn't even touch you so no need to freak out. isn't like it'd hurt that outfit " she yells and the poor girl looks like she may cry. Julie has thought she was the best thing since white rice as king as I've known her, to me she's just mean and sleeps with anyone willing to. she claims our football captain is her boyfriend and I guess he is because he never says different even though they have both slept with other people. not my business " can you not speak?" Julie hollers again " Julie back off " I go behind her and she turns fast " if it isn't miss good two shoes I knew you'd be walking around with your nose up in your cheer uniform today " she flips her hair over her shoulder looking me up and down and I do the same to her, her tank top is pulled low on her breast line and the skirt she's wearing is shorter than mine. but her dad apparently has money so some how that makes it impossible for her to get in trouble for dress code " you look fatter this year" she continues and I just roll my eyes shaking my head " leave her alone or I'll make sure you need even more make up then you already have caked on your face" her face goes red as she looks like she my combust before she turns back to the girl " just stay out of my way" and with that she storms down the hallways I'm sure to find her only follower Misty to complain about me, it's their favorite pass time " hey you okay?" I ask the scared girl and her eyes are still wide as she nods " I uh I um thank you. you didn't have to do that" I just shrug " is everything okay? are you headed home?" she shakes her head sighing " no I had asked her where the field was I need to meet my brother but she got to close to my space and touched my hair which lead to well what you saw" I look her over confused a little but then it clicks, my aunt works with autistic kids and i think she maybe. " well I've just gotta drop these books then I'm headed there I can walk with you " she shakes her head fast " no no it's okay really I'm sure you have things to do and I can find it" I give her a smile " nope you are walking with me, I'm Ashley. you?" she looks at me smiling " Ellie " I nod and then towards my locker with her a distance from me but still following thankfully I put my books away and we head to the field in silence." don't let her bother you or ruin your day trust me she's a b***h to everyone " she giggles " isn't that supposed to be your job" I laugh at her sass but her eyes are wide looking at me waiting for me to get mad " you know she had that job covered so I don't think there needs to be another doing it". she giggles again putting her hair behind her ears as we make it to the field " alright I've gotta go fund the team but I hope to see you around" she nods " um thank you really" " anytime" I take off towards the field and find coach with the girls stretching going over what we need to do today. thankfully just the pep rally and no practice. the football players come out and all the girls start giggling, I shrug it off because they get like that every time the guys have their uniforms on. " oh Lord he's hot" " ash that can't seriously be the coach can it?" I look around confused and then my eyes fall on a beautiful man. basketball shorts, school tee and a baseball cap on his head not hiding his dirty blonde hair, he has sun glasses on so I can see his eyes as I let mine take me in. " alright alright students calm down." the principal breaks the trance I'm in and I snap back into form before anyone notices. the principal says a few words introducing the new coach, coach black. in a very deep he addressed everyone " thank you everyone for the warm welcome, I've worked some over the past few weeks with the boys here and I believe we will have a good season. Go hawks!" the girls clap loudly and the guys whoop and holler, our football team hadn't won a game in 3 years so they are excited. after that he introduced a couple new freshmen players and then said he'd announce captain spot after the first game. I know for a fact ambers on again off again boy toy Regan is probably beyond pissed at this, he has poor spirit and believes he is a God when it comes to football so he shouldn't have to work for Capitan. I know this because he's been captain for 3 years under the last coach and it was all about him never the team. I'm sure amber is just as pissed. after that we do the school chant while we dona few stunts. the principal concludes the pep rally and we're released to go home, since no one has after school practice today. I how ever make my way to find Alex and Zack to tell them goodbye, I'll stay and run a few laps before heading to work. I always run to clear my head, and today of all days I need it. on this day 8 years ago my parents signed their right to me away like I was a car. it was the best thing for me but it still stings, they know this so I know they will just check in later along with my aunt. " hey guys" I greet walking up behind them and they turn and smile " girl okay but the new coach is easy on the eyes" I laugh at Alex as Zack rolls his eyes " yeah all this for football but nothing for baseball and we went to state last year" he says and I side hug him I know it sucks Because the team does work hard but the school only seems to care about football I see elli standing alone and I drag my friends to her " hey Ellie you have a ride home?" she nods looking around then back at us " yeah my brother is busy but my mom will be here soon" I nod " okay well this is Alex and Zack. guys this is Ellie" they greet each other and Alex complements her on her black boots she has on. I already know they'll accept her the way she is, but if they don't catch on or she doesn't say anything I'll tell them later. we all chat for a minute before they have to go leaving me with Ellie " alright I've gotta go get changed but I'll see you tomorrow okay?" she smiles at me shocked it seems but then she nods " want to meet my brother?" I shrug she seems to be comfortable with him so it's probably a good idea. " okay he's coming" and before I can reply a deep voice from behind me startles me " el is she causing you problems? there is a no bullying tolerance at this school miss" I turn shocked at both the assuming and the fact that coach black seems to be her brother " no chase she isn't bothering me" I look from him to Ellie who rolls her eyes and be just keeps a straight face " well you should be making friends not enemies Ellie" " well she did make a friend or should I say 3 " I raise a brow at him challenging him to be an ass but he just shakes his head " come Ellie mom's waiting" " bye Ashley!" she calls out and I send her a wave. okay coach black maybe hot but he's an ass. I change and start my run. coach black. I knew moving here wouldn't make things perfect for Ellie but I have hope that it'll be better now that they are away from our father, his drunken outburst about her not being normal and not fitting in hurt her confidence. she's a smart beautiful girl she just gets over stimulated easy and hates to be touched when not ready for it. I moved to keep an eye on them and to stay close after college, I hurt my knee in football so it wasn't like I was going pro anyways but thankfully I had coaching to fall back on. it's been a rough year to say the least, between their divorce, my injury, the move which caused a break up of some sort. but being able to coach and getting to know these kids has been fun and it's really helped. there is one kid who thinks he's too s**t but I'll knock him down to size he needs to learn to play as a team. I moved a few blocks from them so Ellie is always over when she wants when mom's working, which I don't mind we've always been close and I've always been protective over her. that's why things got so bad at home because after I left there wasn't anyone to keep him in line. when I first laid eyes on the cheerleader I cursed the heavens there is no way a teen should look that good. and then I cursed myself for even thinking that. I don't trust her eitb Ellie though, I don't know what game she's playing but I want let her play my sister. " really chase you couldn't be nice?" I roll my eyes " I was nice trust me. you need to make friends and I don't think she's gonna be it" she huffs but gets in mamas car. I tell them goodbye and I'll see them for our dinner later and make my way back to the office to go over a few things before I call it a day. I sigh out looking over the paperwork, seems the old coach gave up on these boys. only one work out a week and never any new plays just the same three. I'm definitely gonna make some changes and some won't like it. I turn everything off and head out but notice someone is still running the track and I need them out so I can lock the gate. making my way over it's like I can't stop my eyes from taking her in, her body dedicated shouldn't look like that and I definitely shouldn't be looking. f**k! Ashley. she leans over her hands on her knees catching her breath sweat dripping from her body while she's in short shorts and a sports bra. " hey I've gotta head out so you do too" I say trying not to look at her ass but she doesn't respond ignoring me like the snob she is, thinking she runs things just like the football kid it's probably her boyfriend. I clear my throat and go to speak again but she turns jumping slightly and squeals. her face flushed from the run as she wipes her face and pulls her air pods out I can't help but chuckle " I'm sorry I didn't hear you come up" shaking my head at the thought of her being cute " I've gotta head out so I need you to so I can lock the gate" at first she looks confused but then it clicks " oh sorry coach didn't tell you she has given me a key, I come in and run when I need to" I nod understanding " oh okay. well I'm heading out it's getting kind of late you may want to also' I look down at my watch seeing I need to meet my mom and sister soon " yeah I was just finishing up. don't worry I'll lock up" I just nod and turn to leave. I have to because I can't be looking at her the way I am right now.
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