chapter 6

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coach black. I pulled the door open quickly and she was still walking down the drive. " please come back in ash" I called out and she looked me over but then nodded coming back. I let her through the door , and less her to the living room so we could at least sit. well she sat and I was pacing letting my hand run through my hair over and over trying to think. " even if we were to do this what do you want? a quick f**k to get some fantasy out the way?" I stop and ask her looking at me. she thinks for a moment before shrugging " I don't think so, I think I'd want to see what my feelings are for you because they have my head all messed up." I nod " we would be able to date like normal people. I'm your teacher and I don't even know what the school by laws are I could lose my job" she sighs out now running her hand through he own long hair. we are both quiet as I stare down at her for I don't know how long " do you have them?" now I look at her confused " the schools by law" " um yeah I have them here some where from my sign on." she nods " okay can I see them? so we at least know?" I go to the dinner table where I still have things out and thrown about because I'm in no way organized. finding it I go back and sit next to her on the couch, I can smell her she has a mix of fire with her vanilla and honey. did she go to the bash? had she been drinking and dancing with Zack or someone else? but when we kissed I didn't taste any alcohol so I don't think she's been drinking. I shake the thoughts and flip the pages finding the one I need and I read it three times. then once out loud " no teacher or staff should have any kind of inappropriate relationship with a student that is underage" she looks at me then back at the paperwork taking it from my hands reading it herself " so technically it doesn't say you can't havea relationship, just not inappropriate while underage" that's true, but these by laws were probably writing decades ago and they just haven't updated them. shaking my head slightly " but that doesn't mean I can just our right date you Ashley. do you realize what will get said Id people knew" she stands up throwing the paperwork on the table " I maybe young but I'm not stupid chase trust me I've thought of everything they will say and I'm not saying Thursday we need to announce to the school we like each other. I'm just saying if we did this then maybe after some time if it is worth the fight of things then according to that they can't fire you" I think about it I do think she'd be worth it and she's right it technically does say if she isn't underage I won't get in trouble. sighing I put my head in my hands " I need you to really think about this because .." she cuts me off standing right in front of me looking down as I look up " sounds like you are the one that needs to think about it coach" I shake my head can't fight the smile that comes to my face and she lets out a squeak as I pull her down on my lap making her straddle me as I lean back looking over her beautiful face blushed " you sure do have a mouth on you " and with that I grab the back of her head while my other hand rest on her thigh and crash our lips together she's surprised at first but soon one of her hands falls to my chest and the other finds the back of my head our tongues dancing away the taste of her is like a f*****g drug. Ashley. kissing him is like going into another world my whole body gets set on fire and I don't want to stop, but then he slowly starts kissing down my neck and it makes my head fall back as my nails dig into his chest, he bites at me neck making me moan out and he lets our a groan himself squeezing my thigh roughly. but then he places two small kisses on my lips as he rest his head against mine our breathing fast " we've got to slow down I don't want to be like the other guys you've been with it needs to be special and it sure as hell can't happen while your underage." he breathes our and my body tenses. should I tell him? I mean he's going to have to know at some point. " chase there's something you need to know" he looks at me in the eyes and I wish I didn't have to actually say it out loud " I'm a virgin" he pulls his body back, eyes wide as the sun he shakes his head and looks at me waiting for me to say I was joking. " are you serious right now?" I just nod " but how? but I mean your body. the way you just moved against me I. how? why?" I had no idea my body was even moving so I don't have an and for that. I shrug I'm sure I'm red as a tomato " just hasn't ever felt right. hasn't ever been anyone that makes me feel like well you do like I'm on fire just from a kiss" he swallows nodding thinking I guess " okay uh well then definitely we need to slow down" " how many have you been with? I need a number so I know what I'm up against considering if we have s*x I'm not going to know what I'm even doing. he scoffs " you don't want that number" " yes I do." she sighs shaking his head " 15" my eyes go wide now holy s**t he's a Playboy! " holy crap dude! what'd you'd do sleep with half your college class?!" he laughs shaking his head " just messed around to much when I was younger " all I could do was nod. I knew I'd be up against a few but 15. that's alot. I clear my throat and shake the thoughts from my head. we will cross they bridge when we come to it. if we even get that far. I'm sure he's used to more sexually experienced girls. " okay so we agree we're going to confirm talking?" he nods " yes. and we will see where this goes before we decide what to do next" he lightly kisses my lips. " I've gotta get home. it's late " .. he was a gentleman and walked me to my car and made me promise to let him know when I'd made it home. so once I got home I showered and laid in bed texting him I'd made it then I let my mind go over everything that happened today. I don't care that he's older or my teacher but I just don't even know how to go about this. my phone chimes letting me know I have a message. cb-. glad you made it safe. stop over thinking. we will figure this out together, get some rest. the stupid smile finds my face me- howd you know? cb- because I can already tell your sn over thinker. so am I. but we've just got to take this slow and go with the flow. like we have been doing before admitting we like each other. me-sounds like a good idea. great game tonight by the way cb- it's rather hard to coach with you on the sidelines I blush at this, I didn't think he even noticed me. me-( laughing face) but yet you pulled it off. ever been told you have an amazing poker face? cb- ( laughing face) yes actually I have been told. we texted back and forth for a while before I finally fell asleep and I couldn't help but dream about him and that kiss.
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