chapter 5

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Ashley. the rest of the week he didn't text me and I didn't say anything to him either. I had gotten sort of used to our little back and forth but I didn't know why he was being rude to me. today was the day of the first game of the season so the school was buzzing with excited everyone has hope this was going to be there year. " well you look extra pretty today" I hear from behind me and turn to find Zack smiling at me " thank you. is this stupid now straight?" I ask giving h a pout. I don't mind the rest of the uniform but the bow always gives me a headache he smiles fixing it a little " perfect" as he kisses my cheek. " I noticed a few of the players in the parking lot apparently new coach out a dress code, they are all in button downs and slacks" " yeah I heard they had to something about representing the school" I shrug closing my locker. and we turn to walk to first period which of course today is history. I guess I'm not mad at him, I mean he is a adult and probably just got tired of texting with a teenage but I'm just confused. we had started being friendly with one another and now he just sends me glares every now and then. when I walked into the room I had to force my eyes to keep moving because there he was standing writing something on the white board in his own button down and jeans looks absolutely drool worthy. giving a big sigh as I sat down Zack raised a brow at me " just ready for the weekend it's been a long week" he nods in understanding squeeze my hand. coach starts his lesson and his eyes scan the room landing on me for a moment, and I don't know what he's thinking but with a simple shake of his head he continues on. I made it through the rest of class without making eye contact with him, at one point he'd walked past my desk and I smell his cologne but refused to let myself look up. once the bell rang I was walking down the hall " Lee!" I hear Alex holler so I stop and turning waiting for her and she locks our arms together and we both head off down the hall " so I have a date tonight" " oh yeah not coming to the game?" she scoffs " I would but the date will definitely be more fun" I can't help but giggle with her " alright whose the lucky guy?" she smiles big " his name is Leo he goes to the school I'm the next town, he came in last weekend at the restaurant during my shift, we flirted and before he left he asked for my number and we've been chatting and well I guess we will see how tonight goes" I give her a big smile " text me with the details!" " of course!" and we've that we part ways to go to class. it was now almost game time and I had just enough time for a snack and to fix my make up before getting the squad warmed up and I was walking down the athletic hall eating my sub not paying attention when I bumped into him looking up at him his still had his straight face " sorry wasn't paying attention" I whispered out and he cleared his throat nodding. " uh good luck with there" I said giving him a soft smile he didn't return it just kept the straight face " you two" and with that walked around me and continued " oh look it's our fat cheerleader. don't worry I have Regan his good luck charm" I roll my eyes as we pass each other " thank goodness. don't know if he could play with our his blow job. or did you help the whole team out today?" she turns red stopping in her tracks and I hear chuckle from down the hall " you know you are so jealous of me Ashley but that's okay. I completely understand " I laugh " you know Julie I really am" and I continue on I've gotta finish this and my make up before warm up time I don't have time for her petty bickering. ... we won the game and I've never seen our stadium so loud, so proud. our players dumped the water jug over on coach to celebrate the first win. he did name his captain and it josh, he's a nice guy senior and road the bench alot last year. but seems like maybe coach maybe on to something because he had Josh in and Regan on the bench or not in his usual spot as quarterback. the team seems to have a connection with Josh going when he's got the ball so it definitely wasn't a bad call. Regan though left the area when the celebration started. but I did notice he was here at the bash, I came with Zack and the cheer team to help celebrate their win. there are already rumors he's quiting the team. so we will see. there were moments during the game I found myself watching coach instead of the game, he was in his own zone. you could tell he was comfortable doing what he was doing and he'd get loud from time to time which only made him hotter when he'd start ranting about a call pacing the sideline. I shake that thought from my head looking at the beer in my hand I hadn't even touched. I look aroun and everyone is having a good time but me. I sigh throwing the full beer in the trash and making my way to my car. I don't know why or what my plan is but I'm going and I don't know if it's a good idea or bad. the drive wasn't long, but it is pretty late so he may not be up or my luck Ellie is here and will obviously have questions. finding my courage again I take a breath and knock on his door. I step back pulling my jacket I have on over my uniform closed as the wind blows because it's gotten a little chilly. the air leave my lungs when he opens the door, no shirt. hair a mess with his grey sweat pants hanging lose on his hips. then it hits me like a ton of bricks I like him. I like coach black. Coach black. it's been a long week. I stopped talking to Ashley Because it's for the best, I can't explain to her that I'm jealous of some boy that is more suitable for her than I am. I'm her damn teacher. but watching her in class and in the halls has been torture. when she bumped into me before the game I wanted to laugh because of course she was eating but she looked so damned beautiful. I cursed myself for thinking this way and went on my way but not before I heard her exchange with Julie. they didn't see me and I don't think they heard me laugh but I couldn't help it it was hilarious. and for Julie to tell Ashley she's jealous of her I can't think of any reason in my mind that Ashley would be jealous. we won the game and the boys were so excited. hell I was excited, I was so nervous before hand I didn't want to let them down they worked hard they deserved this win and Josh deserved the captain spot. I did watch Regan walk off the field and I know he's pissed but he's got to understand he isn't a great quarterback, if I keep playing him we won't win games but I don't think he cares about the winning. I wasn't expecting the water that came over my head but I do think the boys have finally accepted me. I did find myself a few times glancing at her watching her do her thing, she's so smooth with it and the smile on her lips literally could brighten the stadium. after that I came home and showered and got changed. my head swimming with questions if what Ashley was doing at that moment and if she was safe. I know the bash is tonight, thankfully Ellie didn't even ask to go. she didnt come to the game as we've got to find her some headphones to cancel out some of the noise she apparently lost hers in the move because she used to have some so she could come watch me play. I was sitting on my couch having a drink when there was a knock at my door, I got up hoping something wasn't wrong with El since it was so late. but to my surprise it was Ashley standing there staring at me like a deer in headlights. I cleared my throat catching her attention and under the porch light I could see a slight blush come to her cheeks. her hair now down and the big bow lost the wind blowing it around slightly " I um." she looked around then back at me " just wanted to congratulate you coach" I raised a brow at her " thank you Ashley. you girls did great tonight" she nodded slightly biting that damn bottom lip making me want to be the one doing it. she was thinking I could see the wheels turning. " everything okay?" I take a step towards her and she takes one back shaking her head " okay why don't you come in its a little chilly" she only nodded so I opened the door wider letting her in first. as soon as I closed the door and turned around she was turned around and we were so close she was looking up at me my breath caught " are you bipolar? did you get tired of talking to me because I'm a teen? or because you think I'm a w***e?" I let out a breath " Ashley you shouldn't be here it's late" she looked me in my eyes " no I need answers because it's driving me crazy. the other two I can deal with but I'm not a w***e and for you to assume..". I stopped her blabbering with my lips grabbing her face and crashing my own into her, she's feisty, she beautiful, she's funny and f**k I shouldn't be doing this! it takes her by surprise at first but then her hands fall on my chest and they are cold against my warm skin. her lips feel like heaven. I bite her bottom lip making her gasp giving me the opening and I slip my tongue in and f**k she taste just as good as I imagined. pulling back I rest my head against hers her eyes still closed as I look down at her. our breathing both crazy. " it's none of those things. f**k I have thoughts about you I shouldn't be having. and talking to you and me getting jealous of some boy I knew I shouldn't continue our talking. we can't do this" I breath out and her eyes finally open looking into mine as her small fingers slowly plays with my chest her and it feels so good. " why?" she whispers " one your under age. two I'm your teacher. and three trust me I'm not the man you want for you. I'll ruin you " her breathing picks back up. " I turn 18 next week. I'm aware your my teacher and I have no idea what to do with these feelings I have for you because I've never felt this way" i sigh kissing her forehead and her eyes close but I pull me body away from her " I'll ruin you sweet heart. I'm not the man for you. I need you to be the strong one because obviously I'm not and just walk away. find Zack. be happy with him." the words are bitter coming off my tongue but they are true. she shakes her head and tried to place her hands by on my chest but I grab them " that isn't fair if it's something we both want. then ruin me chase". her voice is only a whisper but hearing my name fall off her lips makes my whole body burn with need. " Ashley you need to stop and think about this. we could end up in trouble. you need someone your age" she pulls back now looking me over. " you think about what you want chase because I know what I want." she kisses my lips gently then walks out. leaving me standing in my own house looking like an i***t. I hit my head on the door " damn it!" she wasn't supposed to feel the same way.
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