chapter 8

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Ashley. thankfully we talked finals and he explained his side of things and I explained mine. I understood he didn't want to get into trouble but he couldn't just keep doing things like that and then pushing me away. we clearly needed to figure out some control. and when I say talked we texted since obviously he can't just come up and talk to me about things like this. but I'm officially 18, honestly I don't feel any different. I had a good birthday day and Alex, Ellie, and Zack enjoyed the lunch my aunt had delivered to the school. after my usual run after practice I met up with Chase and he surprised me with a cupcake which I thought was sweet. Ellie also told me her and her mom had talked with my aunt and we were going to do my small party at chases since he has a pool and it'd be fun. so I guess he really did have that part figured out because she really did think it was her idea, when she was asking me my opinion I had to hold back a laugh. my aunt and I had our dinner just the two of us and she told me how proud she was of me, which in return I cried. and I cried a little they night for the parents I don't actually have around even though they don't deserve it. now we're half way through Friday and I'm so relieved. I'm exhausted but still have to cheer tonight but after that I'm crashing early because I already know my aunt will be up bright and early ready to get pampered like we do every year, and honestly I enjoy she does things just the two of us. when I've been walking down the halls I can feel chases eyes on me some times and when I look around I always find him looking around the busy halls like all the other teachers, he's got literally the best poker face. Zack hasn't made any moves or said anything so I think our friendships may actually be okay. .. we won the game by 2 and everyone was so excited, everyone was talking about the after party and honestly i didn't care I just wanted to go home and sleep. after the field celebration everyone was headed off doing their own thing. I had told my friends goodbye and id see them tomorrow. grabbiness my bag I was leaving the changing room still in my uniform since it needed to be washed anyways " Ashley" I hear from behind and time and find chase smiling with another dude, he has light blonde hair and in the glow I lights I can see his baby blue eyes. he's definitely food looking " hey great game coach" I smirk at him " Ashley this is Dalton Salto this is Ashley" the guy sticks his hand out and I shake it " hey nice to meet you" I say his eyes looking me over smiling " damn it chase I completed understanding now" chase nudges him and he just chuckles " it's nice to meet you Ashley. I'm the best friend" I nod smiling " well guys I'll see y'all tomorrow, I'm going to crash" Dalton looks at me confused and chase nods " see you tomorrow ash. get home safe" I smile " always" and I turn to leave damn is everyone Ellie knows hot? I got home in no time and showers and crawled in my bed. I waited to see if I'd hear from Chase but I never did so I finally just went to sleep. .. the next morning my aunt had breakfast ready, French toast, bacon and eggs my favorite. then we headed off to get our nails done. I love spending time with her, she's like my best friend also so it's always nice when we get some girl time. we gossiped and I even told her my fears about Zack and she understood surprisingly. I know she thinks we'd make a cute couple I just don't feel that way. I obviously didn't say anything about my crush on chase since I don't even know what we are or what we're doing. I guess it's something we will just figure out and when the times comes I'll tell her. we arrived at his house and she went with Ellie's mom to finish decorating and I went upstairs to change. I got a new belly ring while in the mall today so I changed it, it has a few stars that dangle and I love it. my next thing will be a tattoo I think, my aunt took me on my 16th birthday to get my belly done so I'll talk to her about a small tattoo now that I'm 18. I put on my light pink bikini then make my way down the stairs, stopping to grab Alex's bag first. I know she has her dad's vodka in it, he never notices and it isnt like we get out of control we just sneak a few drinks and honestly I'm positive my aunt knows but doesn't say anything since I never drink and drive and I don't really drink when I do go to parties. walking into the kitchen I stop in my tracks wide eyed " you need to figure you s**t out chase" the guy Dalton tells him pointing his finger but I'm more surprised at Macy hanging on chases arm glaring at Dalton as she scoffs at him " just stop Dalton we will talk later okay" chase says and they finally realize they aren't alone anymore when Macy turned to me giving me her ebay fake smile throwing her hair over her shoulder " oh it's great to see you again! I know Ellie is so excited to have your birthday here and my chase is so sweet to let it happen" she sounds so fake I fight the urge to roll my eyes I just give them my best fake smile " yes I'm greatful" she giggles still holdings on to his arm he looks at me and I shake my head not giving him the time of day I will not be the side chick or booty call or whatever this was to him " need a hand with something Ashley?" Dalton asks breaking the awkward silence and I smile at him thankful " uh yes just making a drink before I go out" he nods and chase pulls Macy out of the kitchen so I make my way to find a cup and ice setting the bag down. I grab the vodka bottle and I hear a chuckle behind me before I feel his chest pressed against my back as he reaches in the cabinet above me he sets a glass down but doesn't move " I don't think you are 21 today ma'am" I turn smiling shaking my head " and are you going to tattle?" he chuckles " absolutely not as long as you share and don't get crazy" I move from his body getting my ice and making my drink with some of chases orange juice as Dalton leans against the counter " so I'm sorry about that I'm sure he will explain later she just supposed to need a place to stay for a few days" I look at him and I shake my head " it really isn't my business wasn't like we were dating" he raises a brow at me as he looks me over biting his lip " he's a f*****g i***t that's for sure. I have to say with the most respect that I can you look absolutely hot" I laugh pushing his chest" and you are nothing but a flirt " he raises his hands shrugging I put the things back and when make our way outside where everyone screams happy birthday making me blush, I'm then passed around for hugs and Ellie came up last she looked at me smiling shyly " I will gladly take any kind of hug you give " I tell her and her arms wrap around my waist and mine around her she sighs then leaves my arms " happy birthday and thank you so much for not being my friend but like a sister " " you know I was thinking the same thing. the little sister I never had" her smile grows. and her mom pulls me in for another hug whispering a thank you to me. I just smile at her. we all played in the pool and had a good time while Mrs black and my aunt say out sun tanning and chase sat next to Macy who looks like she was having the worst time in the world " chicken!" Alex yells and before I can respond Dalton has me thrown in the air and I am on his shoulders laughing I hold on with my legs hitting his head with my palm " could've warned me ass" he just laughs and Alex gets on Zacks shoulders. Dalton's hands hold my thighs and I want say it was a bad feeling. at one point Alex had pushed us and he ended up grabbing my butt to keep us from falling but I don't think he even realized what he was doing. in the end we all ended up knocked over as we came up laughing splashing each other. we cut the cake and opened presents and we all had a good time. I kept getting heated glares from Macy the whole time but I didn't let it bother me it isn't like I was going to fight her for him I'm not that type of girl. by the time it was getting late we were all sitting by the pool with our feet in just talking and chase came over and sat by me " I would like to talk" he whispered to me at the same time Macy called his name from the back door he sighed as he looked at her then me and I shrugged " there really isn't anything to talk about . go." he left with a shake of his head and everyone was looking at me and I shrugged " he just asked if I had a good time. and told me not to forget the Cake" they all nodded in understanding. everyone helped clean up and my aunt went with Mrs black telling me to walk down when I was ready. everyone was slowly leaving as I was gathering my things I saw Dalton walking around the pool, he looked cute a little sunburned with his hair all crazy I snuck up behind him and pushed him in but I'm the process he grabbed me bringing me with him. when we came up splashed him " you jerk" he laughed swimming towards me as I backed away " I'm positive you pushed me ma'am" I shook my head the look in his eyes said he was about to get me he just smirked at me as he lunged forward picking my body up and throwing me into the water again as I squealed when I came up this time I was face to face with him " don't start a war you can't win" he breathed as our wet chest were touching. his hands grabbed my hips and I gasp " what are y'all doing out here?" chase voice called out breaking me from my daze and we both looked over but didn't move and I saw chases angry face while Macy stood behind him in what I'm assuming was her PJs with her hands on her hips " just messing man." Dalton called and chase never moved so we finally did making our way out the water, Dalton brought me my towel " need a ride home?" he asked and I shook my head " I'll get my aunt" he smiled " you sure I'm sure they are still gossipping" I sighed " if you don't mind" he shook his head " she has a ride home Dalton" chase said and Macy looked like she was going to blow any second " no big deal I'll just drop her so your mom can have some girl time dude chill" Dalton said shrugging and Macy began to pull chase arm " come on baby I'm ready for bed" Macy said and chase looked at us for a moment before he finally turned to follow her. " well that was awkward " Dalton said and i let out a laugh I let my aunt know I had a ride home to enjoy her time . he changed and I gathered the rest of my things after I threw on my sweater and shorts. he loaded my things into the car and beside the radio and me giving directions it was silent. Dalton. now normally I would never make a move on my best friends girl but he obviously is to busy being stupid. I knew last night when he fell for Macy's s**t once again he was going to act dumb. and I've gotta be honest Ashley is a good looking girl and she's alot of fun to be around it seems. and I didn't miss when Ellie gave her a hug, it isn't big to a lot of people but it is for Ellie she isn't comfortable with a lot of people like that. " so you and Ellie are close?" I say breaking the silence and she smiles over at me. her cheeks a little sunburnt and her hair thrown up in a messy bun. she look hot. " yeah really she's becoming like the little sister I never had" she gushes and I smile at her " so you known chase and Macy a while?" I sigh " yeah me and chase are best friends and I really am sorry for some reason when it comes to macy he tends to act stupid" she shakes her head " you don't like her very much do you?" I let out a laugh " you could tell? I just know how she is and I know she isn't a good person" she nods " I do have to tell you something before I even ask the next thing" I say as I turn into her drive way. she turns slightly giving me her attention " I am not a great person either but I'm working on it and normally I would never make a move on my best friends girl.. well okay Macy doesn't count but you know what I mean" her eyes go wide " you slept with Macy?" I move a little uncomfortable I don't really want to tell her but I also know if Macy is hanging around she will tell her " we got drunk one night and well one thing lead to another and we all kind of well hooked up" her cheeks blush and she covers her eyes " oh my goodness Tmi!" I laugh at her reaction " but that's not what I was trying to tell you. I'd like to take you out if that's okay? like I said I'd never step on his toes but I see what he's doing to you and that isn't fair " she shrugs and thinks it over " it really isn't like we were dating yeah it sucks but I'm not going to beg him to pick me." I nod " we could hang out as friends.. to see if we have anything in common I don't usually date and all that " her answer makes me smile and I grab her hand kissing it lightly " yeah me either but friends I can work with that it's a good start. how about tomorrow?" she nods smiling at me our hands still joined " I'll see you then " " can I have your number?" I ask and I sound pathetic I've never really done this before she takes my hand and a pen I have in my truck and writes it on my hand " don't wash it off" she giggles before getting out. I hop out to help her carry her things in then I kiss her cheek before I take my leave. I'd like to take her upstairs and have my way with her but she isn't that type of girl I can see that. I don't even really know what I want or what I'm doing but I can't let her slip through my fingers the way he did. chase. last night when Macy called I was just getting into bed and was going to call Ashley but Macy called first saying she thought someone tried to break into her apartment. apparently her parents aren't home so she wanted a place to stay. Dalton told me not to do it but I I can't just leave her hanging like that what if something happened to her. we didn't have s*x last night but she was glued to me all day and complained about all the people at my house all while she faked being nice to everyone. when Dalton and Ashley were in the pool alone I almost lost my s**t. then he gave her a ride home. I'm not stupid I know she's a great girl and now my best friend is making his move I think. but I'm hoping he wouldn't do that to me. but he is pissed at me that we haven't had the guy time he was hoping for since Macy showed up. he had told me last night after the game he's thinking of moving to town but I know after what I just did with Macy he's probably not gonna stick around like he thought, the two hate each other and me having s*x with her just now she thinks we're back together. f**k! I run my hands through my hair and move her off of me so I can go shower and clear my head. I finally hear Daltons loud ass truck pull back in so I know he's back. after I shower I throw some sweats on and find him in my kitchen snacking " hey man" I say testing the waters he looks at me " hey how's things go with Macy" I sigh grabbing a beer " she says she wants to change wants to make us work" he raises his brow " you really think that?" I shrug." and Ashley?" I shrug " I don't know what to do man. you know we've always been off and on and Ashley f**k man I think she'd get me in a lot of trouble along with being so innocent I just don't know what to do" he sighs leaning against the counter " well I'll be out tomorrow I had plans to stay a while till I found a place but that won't work with her here" " dude don't leave we will figure it out don't waste your money on a hotel." he sighs " first time she starts her s**t I'm out and just for the record I think you're being stupid" with that he walks off to the guest room and I hit my head against the wall. did I mess up? I'm right Ashley could get me in a lot of trouble and even though Macy is well Macy she says she wants to change, even though other than being extra fake I didn't see much of a change today other than she didn't say anything rude to Ellie. I've gotta figure my s**t out and I don't even know where to start.
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