chapter 9

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Ashley. to say my birthday didn't go as planned was definitely an understatement. but I refuse to act like a side chick or a second option he's clearly go things he needs to work with her before he can even think of trying anything with me. I'm a girl so I was hurt but not enough to lay in my bed and cry. wasn't like we'd been on dates or actually had s*x. now Dalton. he was definitely a surprise, yeah he's good looking but he seems like fun to. I figured he was just flirting all day to to get chases attention but then he asked me out so guess we will see what happens there if anything. he does seem like a player and I don't really want to end up getting hurt or come between two Best friends. they shared her! like both at the same time I'm assuming! my mind thinks about how that's even work and I blush at the thought of it. my phone chimes and I pick it up seeing it's an unknown number ( number)- hey pretty girl it's Dalton. hope your birthdays was good. me- look at you, you actually texted Dalton - well of course why wouldn't I? me - I have a feeling this maybe some kind of game between you and chase Dalton - I'll assure you it definitely isn't. me- okay we will see I guess. I don't want to be the reason you to fight... dalton- trust me if we argue it'll be because Macy is a b***h and around all the time. it's his own stupid fault for letting you slip through his fingers. I blush at his message. he's sweet me-im really nothing special. I'm just a simple girl. Dalton - you are special. and driven from what I've been told, and let's not forget I watched you cheer last night ( wink face) me-I have to be honest I don't really dare often and I'd your expecting something I probably won't be the one to give it to you Dalton - also means you probably will (wink face) look I don't either I usually do this casually no strings and I'm not saying we have to rush to that but I am saying I'm trying to grow up and I also see what a good girl you are and how fun you are. when other things happen they happen no rush me- oh so you can do with out s*x? Dalton - you have a mouth. dalton-just playing. I told you I think it's time I grow up some. me-you perv! ( laughing face) Dalton - yes I am that won't deny it. now get some sleep it's late and I want you fresh for our friends date me- yes sir! what time? Dalton - maybe around 3? if not earlier depends on how Macy is acting. me- Lord try not to have another 3 way before taking me out place Dalton - ( laughing face) you are rather cheeky. and that only happened a few times and every time I was rather drunk me - ( surprised face) omg! more than once?! Dalton-( laughing face) it was fun okay me- if you say so.. dalton-stop thinking negative and go to sleep before I come spank you. oh my goodness! they did it more than once and now he's talking about spanking me?? he's definitely going to keep me blushing if he talks like this in person. me-sir yes sir.. sweet dreams Dalton - sweet dreams angel. .. when he picked me up today he texted asking if he could come a little early, said he needed out of the house so I said whynt wasn't like I was doing anything. he looked hot, his hat on backwards. shorts and a tight blue tee but his beard draws me in when he kissed my hands yesterday it was kind of rough and I want to touch it to see how it actually feels. I'm wearing simple cut of shorts, sandals and a bee neck tee. we made small talk on the way to our destination apparently Macy was bitching at them because they were playing the PlayStation and she needed chases attention at that moment. he's pissed because he did think he was coming down here for hang out with his friend some. I did ask if chase knew he was with me and he shrugged and said he just told him he was going out for a while he'd probably ask questions when he got back. I wasn't sure how that made me feel, I really don't want to come between them. when we pulled up to the mini golf I was surprised I figured it'd be a standard movie and dinner date but he said we can't really get to know each other in the movies. we're now on the 4th hole and like I always do I suck but he laughs with me Everytime I get excited for getting close to the hole. now at the 5th one he makes another hole in one making me roll my eyes he chuckles " I okay actual golf" I line my ball up " of course you do" when I stand straight he's behind me really close and he takes my putter with both our hands and his other on my hip. he smells so damn good and his hand on my hip makes me hot. maybe I am to innocent " nice and easy" he whispers moving my hips with his and I breath in " okay ready" I just nod my voice gone. and he helps me swing and I get a hole in one. I jump squealing excited and hug him, thankfully he catches me laughing " told you nice and easy" when he sets me down we're chest to chest and I can't help but look at his lips then his eyes and he does the same. I want him to kiss me but instead he just shakes his head smiling then grabs my hand to go to the next one. I try not to seem disappointed. " so what are your plans how long are you in town?" he shrugs " well I was thinking of moving here and chase had said I could crash at his until I found a spot but I don't think that's gonna last long so I may need a hotel soon if I don't find some where before then" I nod " why do you wanna move here don't you live and work in the city?" he smiles at me " yes I do. but the city has a lot of trouble I can get into and like I said I'm trying to grow up some" at that I laugh and he nudges my shoulder " you I'm sure people are out having crazy 3 someone's around my small town too" he laughs shaking his head " your are stuck on that huh" I shrug " I guess you can call me curious" he looks at me up and down then around seeing we're the only ones out here at the moment " okay miss curious ask away" I think about it do I really even want to know? but my crazy brain tells me yes " okay like weren't they dating didn't he get upset? and how did it even work like did y'all take turns or what?" I know I'm blushing and he leans on his putter close to my face I can smell the mint on his breath " you miss innocent have been thinking about this since last night haven't you?" I nod biting my lip. I have I hadn't ever heard of anyone actually doing this kind of thing he raises a brow " interested?" I cough chocking on my own spit while he smirks at me " oh my goodness. I just want to know how I guess I haven't even actually had s*x so I definitely don't need two guys" he chuckles then he looks at me dead in my eyes " we didn't really take turns. the p***y was trash so I wasn't concerned with getting in that after I did it once. one time she sucked me off while he f****d her from behind and the other time I f****d her ass while he was in her p***y " my eyes go wide at all that information and I know I'm red as a tomato. " it was more for the high and rush of it than the actual s*x I guess " I nod trying to understand " how do you know uh um it was trash?" he smirks " the p***y?" I nod " trust me if it don't smell right and some what lose you know going in if you will enjoy it" I run my hand through my hair, what if mine is bad? he looks at me the c***s his head to the side " oh no. yours will be amazing I already know it " I scrunch my brows " how could you possibly know that?" he looks me over biting his lip then leans in again " because you don't throw it to everyone and you take very good care of yourself. trust me how a woman's takes care of her body reflects in the s*x" I gulp at his words and closeness " I dont know when I'll be ready for that. and I sure don't know if I want anything in my butt" he chuckles kissing my cheek " don't over think it. I'm not asking you to get naked right now even though yes your ass in those shorts makes me want to bend you over and take you. and as for butt stuff" he shrugs " that's not for everyone " I breath out thankful he isn't expecting anything " thank you " I whisper and he looks at me confused " for you know telling me that. you didn't have to" he smiles grabbing my hand " trust me if I don't then as soon as Macy gets word I like you she's gonna find away to tell you to scare you off." I nod in understanding and I'm really trying to process everything. we finish out our game with small talk getting to know each other and a lot of laughs. then he drove us to a Mexican restaurant for dinner where we talked and laughed some more. on the way home he held my hand and walked me to my door like a gentleman I turned smiling at him " for a guy who doesn't really date you sure are good at it" he chuckles deep mobile some of my hair that's blown in my face " a girl as pretty as you deserves a little more effort" I blush biting my lip " thank you for today Dalton" he squeezes my hand " hopefully another soon?" I smile nodding " we can always do a movie night in or ride four wheelers you don't always have to go all out" he smiles big " and they is what I mean you are something special Ashley" I shrug and look up at him and as soon as I do his lips are on mine, they are soft. his arms wrap around my waist and mine go around his neck as he bites my bottom lip and I gasp as he slips his tongue in. I respond making out with this gorgeous guy on my front porch. he pulls back breathing with his eyes closed. " you are gonna be trouble for me girl" I smirk looking him over " think you maybe trouble for me also" he lightly kisses me " I'll see you soon" he says as he turns to leave and I head inside. " hey Dalton?" I say over my shoulder and he stops and looks at me over his " gonna let me drive your truck?" he smirks " that'll cost ya" and with that he turns to leave. Dalton. as soon as I walked through chases door he was standing there looking pissed off with his arms folded I just shock my head at him going to the kitchen and he of course followed " what chase? where is your master?". he rolls his eyes " she's trying dude you can try too" I chuckle " yeah she's trying to f**k you around again. but bitching you out because your hanging out with me that isn't exactly a good way of trying" he closes his eyes shaking his head " how was your date with my girl?" I laugh loud Shaking my head at him " really chase you girl because to me it looked like you through her out for Macy's nasty ass" he scoffs " it was a good day if you must know we just hung out for to know one another " he raises a brow at me his fists now in balls at his side " she is to innocent for you Dalton don't do this to her " I scoff " she maybe innocent but she isn't stupid she knows what she wants and I'm not hurting anyone but hanging out with her" he slams his hand down " yeah other than me" " you didn't want her" I raise my voice and Macy comes around the corner arms folded in nothing but a bra and panties I roll my eyes at her " I'm trying to take my nap y'all" she says and like usual chase baby's her grabbing her arm " we're sorry go back to sleep" she jerks her hand away " no chase I want have you in here fighting with him over that pathetic little girl she isn't good enough you so just stop Dalton can have her" I laugh out loud and chases face goes red " we aren't fighting over her. I just don't want him to hurt my sister's best friend" I roll my eyes at him now " don't worry about it chase. you picked and I'm sorry it was that " I say pointing to Macy and now her face goes red and she glares at me " you weren't saying that when we were having fun" she spits and I laugh hard " trust me an easy lay will always be an easy lay. Ashley at least knows her worth " she scoffs " oh what could she know she's a teenager. chase are you going to let him talk to me like that?!" she pouts at him " Macy please just stop both of you. let's just go to bed it's getting late and I'm done with all of this conversation " she stomps her way to his room before yelling " well since he's in your guest I guess you can have the damned couch" and she slams his door as he flinches I shake my head at him " you really didn't think this through " " shut up Dalton." " either an apartment or a hotel I'll be out Monday " and with that I turn and head to the guest room they have way to much drama for me and it's always like this even if I'm not around even if he didn't want to be with Ashley I don't see why he'd go back to her. I thought for sure after what she said to Ellie and then the move he was finally done but I guess not. after I showed I turned the TV on and laid down seeing a had a message Ashley - tomorrow to soon to hang out? this brings a smile to my face me - absolutely not what do you have in mind? Ashley - thinking of riding tomorrow. If your interested me-sounds like fun what time should I be there? is your aunt cool with this? Ashley - she won't be here but she knows I'm inviting you. she trust me. I can pick you up I've gotta grab things from the store me- oh really now? me- are you sure you wanna pick me up isn't that the guys job? Ashley - behave mister. Ashley - ( laughing face) I didn't realize guys had jobs but I don't want to hurt your ego there big fella I love that she has come backs for everything I throw at her instead of being a bitch me-I'll try and I guess you can pick me up. I gotta see how you drive since you wanna drive the truck Ashley - lol be ready by 10! me- yes ma'am. you are bossy you know that. I hear Macy and chase arguing again even with the door closed and sigh it's gonna be a long night. I wait for a reply and it takes a minute. Ashley - I really am not trying to cause problems with you and chase. me- you aren't what makes you say that. Ashley - he texted me.. Ashley- he upset we hung out today. I didn't tell him me - no he figured it out on his own. don't worry about it it'll blow over he's just not in a good mood because queen B is chewing his ass out Ashley - oh Lord for what? me-at the moment I'm not sure I'm like a child hiding in the guest room. we texted back and forth until she fell asleep on me and things finally calmed down outside so I'm hoping maybe he kicked her out but I know he didn't. I fall asleep looking forward to tomorrow. chase. I know I basically made my decision when I slept with Macy again but man is she not been making it easy. all she's been going on about is me going back to the city once this season is over and how her dad and easily get me a job. and let's not forget the fact that Dalton is here, I don't know if it's because of the 3 some we had or because they just hate each other but I swear it constantly a big deal any time he's around. when she finally laid down and Dalton came home I knew where he'd been the stupid smile on his face told me I was right. after yet another fight of all of us I laid down on the couch. I knew I shouldn't but I couldn't help but text her. me-so my best friend? Ashley - we just went out. getting to know each other sorry if it's awkward. me-isn't awkward just kind of f****d up you let me finger you the other day and now your seeing him after what a day of knowing each other? Ashley - one don't talk to me like that and two if I recall correctly you have a whole nother chick sleeping in your bed. me- I know your right I'm sorry. things are just complicated.. Ashley - I don't do complicated. I am not second to anyone. if this is to weird for me to talk to Dalton I will talk with him me- he won't listen Ashley - I won't come between the two of you. I didn't reply back because I already know he's not gonna stop fighting for her f**k I don't even know why I did. all for Macy " are you kidding me?" she screeches from behind me and I know she can see my messages or at least who it was from. " it isn't like that Macy" she stomps her foot " whatever I came out to tell you to come to bed but you stay out here and talk to your hoe maybe y'all can share her next." she turns to walk away but then comes back " oh wait that's only me who will do that so you better remember that and you better remember I'm the one that's been here for you" and with that she turns to leave. I sigh rubbing my face. in a way she's right. she was there for me through college and football at least she was always around. and I guess I needed that but can she really change? and would Ellie ever forgive her? I can't have my sister and my girlfriend hating each other along with my best friend and my girlfriend. ugh and then him and Ashley. " damn it!" I cursed aloud my life has turned into a mess! this is the s**t that had me drinking so heavy. between football pressure and the pressure to be the perfect boyfriend and then my dad on top of it. it wasn't until I saw how bad Ellie was doing after my injury did I back off of it. I knew she needed me to be better and not like him. Macy and I have to talk if this is going to work she's really for to change her attitude I can't do this all over again
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