chapter 29

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Dalton. damn it I knew when she told me they were there things were gonna get messy. but I hoped he'd stay strong and not fall back into it so easily but boy was I wrong letting them talk to her that way letting Angie flirt with him. I'm not stupid I'm sure she was all over him all night. she always has been, I could only hope he didn't take things to far while they were outside. as of the looks of it things wouldn't go any further tonight or this morning really it's was around 4 in the morning when I came in. Jackson was naked for some unknown reason passed out on the floor. zeck was out on the porch passed out and Angie was on the couch her swim top was off and I knew she was probably hoping chase would find her like that. she was out too. I finally found him and he was in his boxers passed out by the toilet. I shook my head and went up to check on ash. she looked so sad and I hated that. I hated him right now for doing this to her, he knew better than this! I held her while she cried softly I knew she was worried he'd cheated. I just held her until she fell asleep then I let myself fall asleep too. the next morning I woke up. her back was to me but she was holding my hand in her sleep. I sighed out rubbing my face, I try not to be jealous of their relationship I really do. I know she sees me as a friend and hell chase and I have none each other for forever, but watching the two of them it's hard not to be jealous. he has it all, good job, nice house his family close by and then add her to the top I don't understand why he'd do this. why would he mess things up once again with such a great girl, if she was mine I'd like to think I'd do every thing in my power to keep her happy and this week all she wanted was to hang out and catch a tan while he fished. I shake my head and slowly get up, it's time to wake this fucker up so he can face what he's done and hopefully I can get the naked people out of her neck she sees them. I wake back downstairs and find him sitting on the same bathroom floor with his head in his hands. " well I'm glad to see you look like s**t" he squinted up at me I could tell he had a bad hangover " when did you get here?" I shook my head " late night early morning after Ashley's called" he hung his head " I may have f****d up" I let out a sarcastic chuckle " you think?" he just say that there staring at the wall now. " oh my God why don't you have clothes on?!" I heard Ashley squeal. " and that's just lovely you don't either" she said again and I knew she'd seen both of them by now so much for getting them gone before she found them. chase lend over the toilet throwing up. " better get it together" I told him as I knocked my knuckles against the wall. I walked out to hopefully help Ashley she was standing in the kitchen covering her eyes " just put some damn pants on" she groaned " oh come on it could be fun" Jackson smirked at her I pulled her behind me glaring at him " hey man when did you show up?" " put some clothes on Jackson same goes for you Angie" they both rolled their eyes at me like children. I turned to Ashley " I was hoping you'd sleep a little longer" she pulled her hands from her face shrugging " couldn't" I nodded as she went to start some coffee. " where is he?" I chuckled leaning against the counter " currently hugging the toilet" she looked at me and I'd never seen this side of her " good" as she fixed her coffee everyone came strolling back in including chase. he tried to go to her but she held her hand up and he stopped hanging his head. " I think it's best if everyone went back to their own cabin" I voiced and Ashley let out a breath. chase. man my head was spinning and my stomach was sore I felt like total s**t. but more so once I saw Dalton here, I knew if he was here then I'd f****d up real bad with ash. after I got done puking my guys up again I walked into to find Jackson butt ass naked and Angie without a top. she smiled at me but I didn't return it wasn't anything to look at. I just walked passed them but I heard them following behind. when I tried to go to Ashley she held her hand up and I stopped. okay I did f**k up real bad. Dalton said everyone needed to leave and I heard Jackson groan behind me and Angie shook her head " we're chases guests it isn't like we've done anything wrong" I sighed this wasn't gonna end well. Dalton looked at me and we'll Ashley was looking anywhere but me. I nodded agreeing they needed to leave " but chase we can go out on the boat trust me you'll feel much better after a greasy breakfast then we can start the party again" Angie grabbed my arm but I pulled it away. " look everyone needs to leave and if chase wants to go he is more than welcome to also. I've got to gather my things and then y'all can do whatever in either cabin just give me an hour" Ashley spoke and my eyes shoot up to her. she was leaving? Angie huffed and Jackson patted my back " I'll catch ya later man come over once the ball and chain cools down" I didn't say anything I just watched her face as they left. " ash can we talk please" she laughed angry " trust me you've done enough of that for a while. I'm going out to find myself breakfast don't let anyone touch my things and when I get back I'll figure a way home" I watched as Dalton hugged her and he whispered something in her ear she only nodded before turning and leaving I saw her grab his truck keys on the way out. I let my head hit the counter cursing myself. " was it really that bad?" I finally asked I knew he was still standing there he sighed out " I wasn't here. but from both of the naked people that should answer your question" "f**k" I yelled. I should've never drank the tequila I knew I shouldn't but I did it anyway thinking I could handle it. " how bad?" he scoffed and I glared at him it didn't faze him " from what I can tell you maybe single" he slide his phone my way and I just looked at it. " John sent these this morning told me you might need it to help yourself remember and also wanted me to understand why Ashley was so upset. I saw him last night when I pulled up. he was going to try to get everyone back to their cabin but I told him to just leave them so they didn't wake her" I swallowed the lump in my throat " have you watched?" he nodded and I swallowed again pressing play. me downing the tequila. me on the table letting Angie dance all over me. me making comments about Ashley's deep throat aloud while Jackson asked her to suck him off. the memories all came back to me. I couldn't deny any of it and she was there to witness the worst of it. I felt my side remembering Jackson and I tackling each other, yeah I may have a broken rib. I shook my head I didn't want to believe I'd do all this. " did you cheat" I looked at him and I could see the anger in his eyes I shook my head no, that much I knew I may have acted an ass last night but I didn't cheat. I remember Angie asking me to join her on the couch but I had to throw up. " does it really matter though?" he shrugged " that I really don't know." I punched the wall screaming just when things are going great I had to go and f**k them up. Ashley. definitely could've lived without seeing both of them naked this morning and I didn't even want to know why they were. when chase came in on his boxers he looked like he'd been through hell and back. he also had a nasty burse on his side. but I couldn't feel sorry for him, I tried to get him to stop but he wouldn't listen to me. when it was said he was a different person on tequila I had no idea what to expect. but this, this I couldn't handle. I couldn't deal with this. after I ate I went back to the cabin to gather my things, I just wanted out of here I didn't want to talk to him and I sure in hell wasn't ready to hear his stupid apology. when I walked in I could tell they'd cleaned up the mess whoever made in the kitchen and living room. " ash can we talk" chase asked and I looked at him he'd at least showered while I was gone. I shook my head " I'm going home. I'm not dealing with this" he hung he's head " how are you getting home?" I sighed " Dalton's letting me use his truck. your free to do whatever it is you need to do" he looked at me with wide eyes " no ash that isn't what I want. I know I messed this start of the vacation up but I can fix the rest of it." I shook my head " yeah well this is about what I want so it doesn't really matter what you want" I walked up the stairs to the bedroom and grabbed my things. sitting on the bed wiping my tears there was a small knock and then Dalton peaked his head in before coming all the way in " you okay to drive?" I nodded " yeah I'll figure away to get your truck to you" he smiled sitting beside me " don't worry about it okay. I've got my extra at my house" I nodded leaning my head on his shoulder " did he?" he sighed " he says he didn't" I nodded. " but that doesn't mean he wasn't in the wrong Ashley. he maybe mu best friend but let's just say I know most of what went down and I'm on your side here." I nodded wiping more tears. " so much for my spring break " he chuckled pulling me in for a hug " hey it isn't over. go home relax and if I can get dumbass home we will find some trouble of our own to get into okay" I smiled lightly nodded " I'll see you later. please drive my baby safe " I giggled " I'll drive her like I stole her " he smirked at me " I don't doubt it sweet cheeks" he grabbed my bags for me and we walked down the stairs chase was standing there with his arms crossed " you know she is still my girlfriend" he spit out pulling my bags from Dalton's hands and walking out. I looked at Dalton and he just shook his head " he will figure his s**t out. he's mad at himself not you or me" he said hugging me and I nodded sighing " good luck you stay out of trouble" he chuckled " oh I'm taking his truck if he doesn't want to come back with me" I breathed deep yeah there was a chance he stayed and partied the week away. " trucks running if your done conforming my girlfriend" I looked up at Dalton who just gave me a smile nodded. I let him go and walked out past chase and got into the truck pulling out. they both watched as I drove away. chase. I walked back into the cabin slamming the door and I knew Dalton had followed me in. " just because I f****d s**t up doesn't mean you can start making moves on her" he turned around fast and glared at me. " you need to shut the hell up I'm currently the only one helping you so I'd be nice" I threw a glass across the kitchen " oh big f*****g hell you are letting her have your truck to leave me!" he shook his head " I wasn't going to make her stay here. she wanted to leave you need to get your s**t together and let's go home" I slammed my hands again he counter " I'm not a f*****g child Dalton and I'll leave when I'm damn good and ready I've already f****d this to hell and back so please just give me a god damn minute" he nodded sighing and I leaned against the wall banging my head. " I'll get my s**t together. please go find me something to eat" he nodded and headed out. I opened a beer and headed up the stairs. I couldn't believe I'd let things happen like this. I couldn't believe I'd f****d it up so bad all in one night. and seeing him with her ugh it just pissed me off more, I should be the one holding her comforting her but no I had to make an ass of myself. I threw my bag down on the floor downing my beer. f**k this. I headed down the stairs and next door walking right in they were already partying the day away. " there he is did you finally get out of trouble?" Jackson asked and I just grabbed their tequila downing some " damn man she may have a good deep throat but it can't be worth all that" he chuckled and I glared at him. " chase!" Angie said when she came down wearing the same bikini as yesterday. she probably hadn't even showered from the looks of it " your here. wanna go for a boat ride?" she asks grabbing on to my arm I shook my head going and finding a seat on the deck I really just wanted to sit here and drink my problems away. she came and sat in my lap taking the bottle and drinking some Dalton. when I got back to the cabin I couldn't find his dumbass anywhere and I cursed out loud. going next door I found him with Angie on his lap " chase I thought we were leaving" " damn when did you become a stick in the mud?" Jackson asked bumping my shoulder I just ignored him " chase" I said a little deeper and I watched him get pissed as he stood up quickly knocking Angie from his lap " go home Dalton if you don't want to be here but Ive already f****d my life up might as well stay and drink don't ya think" I shook my head " no I really don't think. I think you need to go and try to make this right" he shook his head laughing " it was only a matter of time until she realized she was to good for me. hell one night of me acting an ass and she runs away." " she didn't run away she left because she knew staying here with them wasn't going to fix anything and you know that to your just upset" he walked closer to me looking me up and down shrugging his shoulder " I'll be fine. always am" " I'll be waiting if you aren't at the cabin in 20 minutes I'm calling an Uber and your on your own. I'm done with this bullshit chase. you can't act like a child anymore. if you really wanted her you'd go to her you'd stop acting like this" Angie came and grabbed his arm " he said he's staying he can talk to the snobby girl later it isn't like she's dying damn chill out" I glared at the both of them as he down more alcohol. " 20 minutes" I said walking away I couldn't force him to leave but I knew if he didn't then he was definitely going to hate himself. I sat on the porch waiting and hoping he'd show. I got a text from Ashley letting me know my keys were in here apartment and where to find the spare to her door. she said she was heading to the beach she just wanted to clear her head. and to let her know he was. I sighed out frustrated ordering an Uber. I'd waited an hour and I just watched them stumble their way to the docks. once I was back at my truck I called her to check on her. Ashley - hello? me- how's the beach sweet cheeks? she giggled. Ashley - beautiful. me- share your location with me I'll come keep you company Ashley - done. it's 3 hours here though I laughed me - yeah I know but you know the beach isn't sounding so bad right about now she sighed Ashley - drive safe I see you when you get here. I hung up sighing I knew she needed company and I was just going as her friend he hadn't just f****d her over but me as well at this point. I knew he'd blame me once this was all over with because he will realize he should've left but what was i supposed to do carrying him to the truck? I drove down to the beach and I found her location pretty easy. she was sitting at the water letting it wash over her as she had a drink. I left my keys and wallet in the truck going and sitting by her. she gave me a sad smile " he didn't leave did he?" I sighed shank my head she nodded leaning her head on my shoulder as she cried quietly " he's made his choice. I can't be in a relationship with him if he's there with her" I breathed out deep " I know ash. I get it and I don't blame you one bit." she nodded. we sat in silence just watching the sunset on the ocean. that evening we had a late dinner of take our pizzas and found a room with two beds, I told her I'd get my own room but she said I was here to help her out that she wouldn't let me pay for a room and if I wanted my own shed pay for it. I wasn't gonna let her waist the money. we'd shared a bed last night so it wasn't any different, I wasn't going to make a move on her while she was heart broken. I maybe an ass but I'm not that big of an ass.
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