chapter 28

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Ashley. it was finally spring break! chase was off work and I was out of school so I took the week off. I needed some down time from all the running around and they didn't make a big deal when I asked for the time off. chase rented is a cabin right on the lake and it had such a beautiful view. we got here today and we decided to make the most of it and we're out on the boat that came with the cabin. between our schedules things have been pretty crazy and throw in Dalton living with him we had only gotten time here and there actually alone. but we always made the best of it. so far our relationship has been wonderful, he's been understanding that my course load picked up a bit as I will have exams soon. and I've been understanding of Dalton basically being our extra when we're doing things. it doesn't bother me but sometimes yes I do enjoy time just to be with him. he's still determined not to crowd me to much even though I've told him he doesn't crowd me, I think it's him who is nervous about spending to much time with me. I'm not sure why but I want push him, we've stayed a few night back and forth when ever one of us can't take it anymore and for right now i am happy with it. I guess we will see how 5 days goes in a cabin together, this will be the most amount of days we've spent together in a row. I know I enjoy having him around but I think he may think of he stays to long I'll end up not liking the real him. Dalton found himself a place last week and they got him moved in and settled, be seems to be liking his new job and now he has a place so things were going his way finally. but I'm letting that all go for now and just enjoying our time, I'm laid out on the back relaxing in the sun while he's on the back fishing. I didn't miss the look he gave me in my bikini so at least he still likes my body. and I definitely didn't miss when he threw his shirt off when he started getting hot. his body is so brod so hard I just want to run my tongue over ever inch, and truth me told if I have one or two more of these drinks I just might be doing that. I sighed out and was about to turn over for a bit when I heard the sound of another boat pull up beside us and the squeal of a girl and the whistle from some guys. then before I could even look up the boat rocked a little like someone had jumped on. I watched as a very skinny blind threw her arms around chase " I haven't seen you in forever!" he just laughed as she squeezed his arms " yeah after college we all did our thing" she giggled " maybe you there line backer but we still at least keep in contact whose the beauty?" one of the guys from the boat asked and I sat up taking in my surroundings. chase smiled at me then looked back at the boat, the skinny blonde still standing by him " that's Ashley. Ashley this is Jackson, zeck, John and eva John's lady. and this is Angie " he pointed to them all as he introduced them. Jackson and zeck had both pulled their sun glasses down to look at me and John had his arm around the eva girl and our lovely Angie was smiling at me still standing next to chase. " nice to meet everyone " I said with a wave " I see eva hasn't gotten smart enough to leave you " chase says to John and they both laugh " maybe next year but you know she can't stay away to long " chase shook his head and I took a long drink I didn't like where this was headed at all. " so what are y'all out here doing just partying?' either Jackson on zeck asked " we're just enjoying some down time for spring break" chase said back. " oh that won't work. you don't believe in down time buddy we all know that. we're staying in a cabin y'all should come over and check it out" zeck says. I wanted to scream no but I knew it wasn't exactly nice. " yeah we have a cabin I'm sure we will bump into y'all sometime." chase replied. " well come on Angie we've gotta go refill the cooler" I watched as she pouted turning towards chase " hope to see you around so we can you know catch up" I rolled my eyes behind my sun glasses as he just nodded. she hoped back over to her boat with the hell of chase and they waved as they took off. I breathed out a breath, I didn't need to get upset he obviously had I life way before he met me. I guess I was just used to Dalton being the only one from his past. I took a sip as he sat back down throwing his line back out. " they seem.. fun" he laughed. " oh yeah I'm sure they are parting all week. I guess some of us didn't exactly grow up after college" I just nodded my head laying back down. I could just hope they weren't to close to us and we didn't bump into them to often, I wasn't a fan of the blonde and I was almost sure they had some kind of history. he didn't offer much more information and I didn't pry we just went back to relaxing until we both were hungry so we headed back to find some food. we he docked the boat be helped me off and kissed my lips. " may want a little lotion next time doll or you'll burn doing that all week" I looked down at my body and I was getting slightly red. I nodded " maybe you could help with that" he smirked at me " most definitely" " no f*****g way man. it's gotta be fate" I heard from the dock beside us along with a squeal. we turned to see the people from earlier on their dock now. chase shook his head laughing " yeah it must be" he replied " well come on chase let's start a fire and catch up!" Angie said excited. " yeah man come on " one of the guys said. I once again rolled my eyes didn't sound to me like we were getting much a lone time. we started walking towards the end of the dock as he held my hand. " let me grab her some food then we will be right over " chase said as we were standing with them now. eva smiled at me sweetly and I gave her a wave. " oh so he's whipped now" Jackson says and chase punches his arm " shut up d**k" they laughed. " you know you stay I can fix my own sandwich " I some what whispered out but he heard me looking down he shook his head " I promised to fed you doll" I sighed " yeah well looks like plans have changed" he nodded " let me help them get the fire set up then I will be right in to grab myself something also" I just nodded walking off. I could already tell how this night was going to go and lets just say none of the dirty promises we'd made to each other was happening. I sighed as soon as I got into the cabin the cool air hitting me. I started myself a sandwich and made another drink. sitting down to eat when chase walked in talk with someone. " I'm thinking all we packed was vodka and beer but I'll double check" Angie giggled " I can't believe you don't have any tequila chase we used to have so much fun with tequila" I had dropped my sandwich as they walked in. he had a smile on his face and she was basically hanging on his arm. I cleared my throat " we don't have any tequila" chase shook his head " told ya Ang" she gave him a pout. " well I'm going to get us some it's spring break!" I saw chases face somewhat fall as he shook his head " I really don't think that's a good idea" she giggled smiling at me " oh tequila is always a good idea" and she was off like her butt was on fire. I licked my sandwich up going back to eating. waiting for him to say anything but he didn't he just grabbed a few beers kissing my head. " I won't be drinking anything but beer" I nodded sighing this meant we were definitely spending the evening with them. he left me sitting there and I tried not to pout. I knew it was just a night and I didn't have to be a b***h. finishing my sandwich I went to find some shorts to throw on and his phone was ringing on the nightstand. I perked up seeing it was Dalton. me-hello? Dalton - well hello sweet cheeks. I was calling to let chase know I'd locked his house back up after grabbing the rest of my things. but I can always talk to you. he was always so playful. I signed me - yeah he's sort of busy at the moment he chuckled Dalton - oh I bet he is. I bit my lip me - not like that perv. we ran into a few of y'all's old friends and they just happen to be staying next to us. he grunted. Dalton - who? me- someone named Jackson, zeck John, eva and Angie. if I remember the names right. Dalton - f**k. I'm sorry sweet cheeks. they haven't exactly grown up any at all. me- yeah I gathered we apparently didn't have the right alcohol so his bestie Angie is gone to get the tequila. Dalton - that isn't s great idea Ashley. he doesn't need to be drinking tequila I sighed me- well he's grown Dalton I can't exactly tell him what to do. Dalton - yeah well on this your gonna want to. trust me. call me if things get out of hand okay? and bring him his phone I'm gonna call him back in a few also to check on him. me-Dalton your kind of worrying me he sighed heavy Dalton - just trust me he isn't the same guy on tequila there's a reason he stick to beer and just a few shots of vodka every now and then. we said our goodbyes and I sat there trying to wrap my mind around this. I knew I had a bad gut feeling but I really don't like this. I dont want to fight with him. I grabbed my shorts and tee and made my way out to where everyone was Angie had made herself comfortable beside him so I set his phone in his lap taking an open seat next to eva. " Dalton said he's gonna call you in a few" I said aloud and he finally looked up from their conversation seeing I was here and looked down seeing his phone. " okay did he lock back up?" I nodded. " man I haven't seen him in a while either where the hell is he why didn't he come out also?" Jackson came over sitting beside me but talking with Chase I'm assuming because he replied " he just moved into his new house he's getting settled" was his reply but that isn't the reason Dalton didn't come. he didn't come so we could spend some time together. but right now I'm wishing he had come because I have no idea how this night is going to go. " so beautiful how'd you end up with our chase here?" Jackson asked and I tried not to roll my eyes. " Im actually friends with his sister and we sort of met that way" he smirked " well. I can guarantee he hasn't always been so boring. I guess teaching highschool has aged him" I just took a sip of my drink and hummed a reply. I didn't think chase was boring. everyone was chatting about and I got to know eva a little she seems really shy compared to the others. chase. I knew hanging out with them wouldn't be the best idea but I figured I'd just have a few beers and catch up. sitting around the fire talking with them it felt like a lifetime ago. and I knew id worked hard to leave the past in the past, once I start on tequila it's like my world spirals a bit and I can't stop. ash was standing sipping her drink and I could tell she wasn't having the best time, her and eva seem to some what get along. but I knew her and Angie definitely wouldn't. when I first saw Angie today I couldn't help but compare the two, Angie was so skinny and I'm sure that was mostly from not eating and only drinking the way we all used to do. I couldn't believe I'd actually slept with her more than once. i had definitely up graded that's for sure. " man how'd you bag that one?" Jackson asked beside me, I'd been keeping an eye on him. I didn't trust him at all with her. I knew how he was and he was definitely trying to hit on her. " wasn't easy man" he chuckled " so what's she do? she teach or something at the school?" I shook my head " naw man she's going to college right now. cheering and working at the little bar there" his eyes went wide. " no f*****g way you ended up with a hot cheerleader." I chuckled nodding my head. yeah sometime I didn't believe it either. " zeck she's a cheerleader" he hollered at zeck who was now talking with ash. she blushes shaking her head. " I know I've been chatting with her dumbass" he hollered back " so this calm chill person that who you are now? what happened to the life of the party?" I shrugged " man we have to grow up sometimes. and you and I both know me and tequila don't mix" he chuckled " yeah well that won't stop Ang from trying to get you to have some. she's supposed to be here with me but as soon as we saw you she had her chase vision on" I shook my head " you haven't gotten tired of this man? just sleeping with whoever you fall into bed with?" he laughed hard hitting my back " you are hilarious " I raised a break at him and he looked at me confused " your serious?" I took a sip nodding " damn man. the cheerleader broke your ass didn't she" I chuckled nodding " I guess she did. I'm gonna save her from zeck before I have to kick his ass" he chuckled but I was serious. neither of the two were going to get to much alone time with him. they get a little touchy when drunk. I wrapped an arm around her waist and I felt her relax into my body. I knew she wasn't happy with me or comfortable with all this rowdy stuff. " zeck man she's spoken for and this isn't like back in college I'll have to kick your ass" he raised his hands smiling " I was just getting to know her." I glared at him I knew exactly what he was doing. " oh come on lighten up chase were all just having fun here take this you'll feel much better " Angie was holding a shot out to me. I shook my head " no Angie not tonight " I watched as tried to poke her tiny breast out while she pouted and ash scoffed taking the shot from her hand and downing it. zeck whistled and Angie glared at her " not tonight Angie" I pulled ash closer to me and Angie rolled her eyes walking away. " I'm sorry about all this". I whispered " yeah you sure seem like it" she spit back and I sighed " I'm trying ash I really am. just a few beers then we can go inside and relax" she pulled from me " a few more beers and a little more flirting from I'm assuming the ex?" I shook my head " it isn't like that doll. come on" she rolled her eyes " don't let me drag you down. Dalton said absolute no tequila for you" I raised a brow " oh yeah and else did he have to say and when did you talk to him?" she scoffed " while you were here with here. and he just said not to let you drink tequila that there was a reason" I was pissed now. hell I'm grown and I could handle a couple shots if I really wanted it isn't like I had to turn into the ugly side of myself. but her and Dalton talking about me behind my back pisses me off or maybe I've already had to many beers. I took a deep breath. " I'm not interested in her. but give me a little more time with the guys then I'll go in with you." I saw some emtion go across her face but I didn't know what it was. " I'm not your mom chase I'm not telling you you can't hang out I'd just appreciate it if she wasn't all over you in the process." I nodded " I'm going to get some dinner. please just don't do anything stupid while I'm gone and answer when Dalton calls" I sighed trying to kiss her lips but she turned and I got a cheek. I knew now maybe I had hung out with Angie a little to long for her liking. i watched as her and eva walked into the cabin and I sat down in a chair breathing out. " she seems like she's not your type" Angie ran her hand down my arm and I pulled it back away from her " Angie that's enough of that" she pouted " come take a shot with me chase then we can see if you still got it " Jackson hollered and I shook my head " I can't man" he rolled his eyes holding the shot out " it's just a few then we will see if I can still tackle you" I laughed he could never tackle me I got up walking to the table he was at " just a couple man I've got s**t to do" he smirked at me " there's my boy " I took the shot and I felt the burn. just a few couldn't hurt anything. " and he's back ladies and gentlemen. let the party begin " he handed me another and I took it. Ashley. I couldn't believe he didn't see how inappropriate she was being towards him and his so called friends had each asked if I'd show them my boobs. other than John. zeck had even asked if I wanted to go see his room in the cabin. like I was that stupid. when I finally made it inside I realized eva was behind me " you scared me" she giggled " sorry I figured you could use some company" I smiled at her. " hungry?" I asked " starved actually" I nodded and went inside warming up a pizza " sorry we've sort of crashed your party. they are always like this and let's just say they had bad news before coming out" I raised a brow at her " John and I are pregnant so we're gonna find somewhere to settle down. you know stop all this partying all the time" I nodded " congratulations". she sighed " I hope so. just nervous I guess wasn't planned even though we'd already talked about settling down I'm worried be maybe settling with me. we've always been on and off" I grabbed her hand " well he seems to be very protective over you so I think he really loves you. and a baby is always a blessing even if not planned " she smiled at me " I'm glad chase found someone. he was in a dark place there for a while even when Macy was around, she hated me" I laughed " yeah she isn't my biggest fan either." she smiled as I pulled the pizza out " I'd watch him with Angie. they do have history I don't know if he's told you or not. but she sort of falls into bed with anyone but chase has always been the one she's obsessed with." I faught back the tears. I knew they had history but hearing it didn't make it any better. I nodded " well he's a grown man. hopefully he can at least think for himself for a night " she smiled at me as we chatted over pizza. this was apparently their last partying time with the gang for a while as they wanted to settle into their own life. she filled me in a little more on Angie, they weren't exactly friends but she was supposed to be here with Jackson or zeck she want actually sure which one since she'd seen her name out with the both of them today. my gut was turning and I no longer wanted my food. I waited while she ate and the. we made our way back outside. John walked over to us and he wrapped her in his arms " I'm sorry, after the forth one I told him he needed to stop but .. well he never actually controlled it well" John said to me and I watched as Angie handed chase another glass. he took it smiling down at her as she took hers. next thing j know she's standing on the table pulling him right along with her. her hands running over his bare chest and she was still in her tiny thing bikini. she turned bending over in front of him trying to shake her ass. I looked away I'd seen enough. Jackson and zeck whistling for the show. I gulped this definitely wasn't how my night was supposed to end. " I'd take him inside if you can." John said and I nodded I walked to the table as he hopped down grabbing the bottle of tequila " chase I'm gonna call it a night" he looked at me and be stumbled a bit " okay. we're just gonna hang out. I'm about to tackle Jackson. his dumbass thinks he can take me" I shook my head " no chase I want you to come with me" he looked me over for a minute as he swayed " I'll come with you but only if you suck me off" Jackson hollered over and I flushed from embarrassment and anger. I couldn't believe he'd talk to me like that. chase threw the football at his head " watch it she's a classy lady. but oh man she'd definitely blow your mind with her deep throat " he slurred out. I felt the tears in my eyes and I faught them off. " chase did you ever talk to Dalton?" he shook his head " nope but you did didn't you. you guys are so close. I'm positive if he had the chance he'd take you from me" I shook my head he couldn't be serious right now. now I understood why he didn't need tequila. Jackson came and put his arm over chases shoulders " so am I testing this blow job out before or after I kick his ass?" he tried to wink but failed and I looked at chase waiting for him to say something but he had the bottle turned up " I'm not dealing with this chase you can either come in or don't but I'm done with this bullshit" he looked at me smiling " I told ya I'll be in in a minute" I shook my head and turned to walk away. " chase were swimming after you get done with Jackson" I heard Angie called and I let the tears fall. I sat on our bed and dialed Dalton Dalton - sweet cheeks it's late this can't be good I sniffed. me - your friends are assholes. I can't make him come inside. he sighed heavy Dalton - are you okay? me - no not really. but he's still out there. with her Dalton - he maybe stupid but he isn't stupid enough to cheat on you. I laughed bitterly me - yeah well he sat there telling them about my deep throat as Jackson asked if I was going to suck him off. I heard Dalton groan Dalton - he didn't say anything? me-nope. oh he did somewhat accuse the two of us though. he sighed heavy Dalton - it's late now but let me gather my stuff and I'll come out. hopefully he's passed out by the time I make it. I sniffed me-you don't have to do that. I'm a big girl he chuckled Dalton - I know sweet cheeks but I need to check on you and also save him from himself. he is really a different person on tequila which is probably why they are feeding it to him tonight. this is the reason we tried to distance ourselves from our old life. we said our goodbyes and I laid in bed trying to just fall asleep. I didn't want to face this anymore. I didn't like this chase at all. I heard the cabin door open and giggling as they stumbled in I went to the bedroom door and watched " f**k Ang just sleep it off on the couch" chases stuttered out " join me" she purred " no. I've gotta go throw up" he didn't sound good at all. " well when you get back" she purred but there wasn't a reply I heard him throwing up and I could only hope it was in the toilet. I went back to bed and waited for him to come. I heard the other guys in the kitchen and I knew there would be a mess. they definitely weren't quiet. things settled down and when the door finally opened I looked up hoping it was chase but it was Dalton he gave me a sad smile. " they all seemed to be passed out around the living room" I nodded wiping my face " chase?" he shook his head " he's down to his boxers face down by the toilet" I nodded at least he wasn't with her. I patted the bed and he crawled in " thank you" he kissed my head " don't worry I'll fix this in the morning" I shook my head " if this is who he wants to be then I can't change that" he pulled me in for a hug " trust me he hates the version of himself as much as you do. just a small set back. yeah?" I scoffed " oh yeah unless he slept with the blonde." he sighed holding me close " we will figure it all out. get some rest"
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