chapter 10

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Ashley. I was excited for the day, my ain't left early and I love just riding, figured Dalton and I could ride and have lunch by the creek past my house. I got dressed in shorts and a tank throwing my hair in a hat. if he doesn't like me without make up and just on a regular day then he isn't worth my time. at least that's what I've told myself. I drove to chase house and rang the doorbell and waited a minute until Dalton opens the door, he had shorts and a tee and also a hat I smiled at him. " ready for some fun?" he laughed shaking his head " oh I'm ready I'm just not sure I can keep up. let me grab my things" he let me in turning to shut the door he smiled at me " you look good. I like the no make up version" I blushed " well that's good because this is me most of the time" he chuckles " alright I won't be long you can wait where ever I've just gotta grab my wallet and phone. we walked into the living room where chase looked like he was just waking up " who is at the door man?" Dalton looked at him shaking his head " Ashley were gonna ride four wheelers" he say up the small blanket falling and I could tell he was only in sweats he finally looked around seeing me " hey ash" I did a small wave " hey. sleeping on the couch isn't good for your back" he shook his head " well I'm gonna grab my things won't be long". Dalton kissed my cheek before running off chase rubbed his eyes " you okay?" he sighed " uh yeah just a long night nothing I can't handle". I nodded rocking on my feet and silence took us he looked me over the way he always has " so Riding?" I nod " uh yeah just some fun before I school tomorrow" he nods " yeah yeah. I wish I could come" " well your more than welcome" his face falls as he shakes his head rubbing his neck " yeah that can't happen" Dalton chuckles behind me " well maybe next time" I offer feeling really awkward " come let's go Ashley" Dalton says and I nod at him giving chase a small wave he just nods in response once we get in the car we head out to the store and grab a few things for a picnic he was shocked we were doing sandwiches and snacks. I know I haven't dated much but he really hasn't either or he's just bought expensive dinners from what I'm understanding. when we got back to my place he rode behind on the fourwheeler a little and we went through a little mud. but his hands around my waist holding on definitely feels different from when I've let Zack ride. then when I left him drive he drove with one hand and let the other fall on my thigh after we got done playing in what little mud we had out here and we're headed to the creek. the four wheeler was loud so I just pointed him in the right direction every now and then until we got there " wow! it's beautiful out here" he says standing looking and I stand beside him " this is my hiding spot. I come to think of just relax. if honestly my favorite. " he looks at me smiling " alright I'm starving " I say and he grabs the small ice chest from the back and we set everything up and start eating " so find any Apartments?" he shrugs " I'm going to view a few tomorrow hopefully they work out I can't keep staying with Chase and Macy and I really don't want to waste the money on a hotel when I could just rent " I nod understanding " I don't even know what I want to do after highschool. maybe teaching maybe open a cafe/bakery" I shrug " y'all seem to have went to college and figured it all out" he laughs " definitely not I work with sports therapy and it's pretty simple and pays good but really until my last year I had no clue " " well maybe working in the small cafe while I go to college for teaching that way I have something to fall back on. I don't know my grandparents died a few years ago and apparently left me alot of money now that I'm 18 but I just don't want to fall into something that I'm not happy with" he nods " that's understandable but I think the college and working is a good idea I mean it's alot to juggle but you seem to have a balance to you" I smile at him " so you and chase ever going to get along?" he sighs " honestly if he stays with Macy no. I believe in living life and she seems to suck or out of him and I just don't trust her" I nod " you still into him?" my eyes shoot to him and he's half smiling at me and I shrug " honestly the attraction is there but I can't be with someone who is hung up on someone else" he nods " and me? think I have a chance" I giggle blushing " I've never had this happy before and I'm so scared of coming between the two of you on top of not even understanding how y'all make me feel. I've never been one for be ready for the next step but y'all bring out another side of me" I tell him honestly " what have you done? with another person" I blush looking down " uh well he fingered me that's about it" he looks shocked as he shakes his head slightly " that's it?" I nod. " damn. I'm not saying it's bad I'm just wow. I guess surprised that's it" I blush even more and he takes my hand " hey it isn't bad. we will figure things out even if he tries to get you back neither of us would make you do anything you aren't comfortable with". I shrug " obviously he needs that since he ran back to bed so fast" he shakes his head "they are complicated " we drop that conversation and I go to feel the water then I'm being splashed, it being creek it's kind of cold and I squeal " jerk" I say splashing him back and he laughs getting me even more wet. we both end up soaked and freezing as we head back to my house I'm holding on to him tight trying to get him warmth Dalton. she's so much fun but I think she may still be hung up on chase and I can't blame her I mean she did have feelings for him before I even came into the picture. once we got back to her house she invited me in to warm up but I told her no as she looked at me confused " I like you Ashley I do. but I think he maybe the one for you still and until you are completely over him or done with him whatever it is I don't want to end up being the one hurt". she looks at me a little hurt " your a good guy Dalton but you are right, and it's so f*****g stupid of me I can't ask you to stick around just because I may get over him" I take her hand kissing it. " hey we can be friends but I definitely don't need to be in a house alone with you. I don't want to confuse you anymore than you already are. I can't tell you he will leave her or get over whatever it is but I don't want to be second either" she nods " maybe a 3 way soon?" I say playful and her eyes shoot up as she blushes deep. I could be wrong but it might actually be something she has thought about. but I'm trying to grow up I don't think my heart should go there. " you. you are so dirty " she stutters out and I laugh kissing her cheek. " we can still hang out and I'm here if you need me okay?" she nods and I send her a wink before I go. when I get back to chases he's in the backyard alone so I go sit with him " you okay bud?" he grunts " how's your day go?" I look at him and he looks like hell " we had fun but I'm positive she may still be into you or she maybe thinking of a 3 way" his eyes shoot to me " the f**k?" I laugh at his reaction " I told her about us and Macy she is very curious " he shakes his head taking a drink " she would never hell I don't even know if I could watch that between you two" I shrug " I didn't say it had to happen I just said she isn't really as innocent as you think. and I do think you made the wrong decision either way where is she by the way?" he rolls his eyes " sleeping" " seriously?" he nods " you've gotta do better man. even if it isn't Ashley" with that I get up to go shower chase. I'm jealous so f*****g jealous and I can't so this with Macy any more all she does is complain and sleep her life away if she isn't in some club in the city. she's napping now because she's going one tonight with her friends in the city and I don't have a problem with that but I asked if she wanted to go on a date and she laughed in my face when I told her some where around here. Dalton left me here thinking. would Ashley even give me another chance? and would she really want a 3 some I mean yeah it was fun but I don't actually need that but she obviously likes us both. I just don't know what to do anymore. I have to look at her for a while period tomorrow and it's going to be hell. I down my whiskey and call her Ashley - hello? me - hey I breath out I guess I wasn't sure she'd answer Ashley - chase? Ashley - chase are you okay? she breaks my thoughts and I clear my throat me- yeah yeah I'm fine f**k I don't even know anymore Ashley. she sighs. Ashley- I'm not asking you to choose chase If that's what you want. me - I made the wrong choice once again and now I think I maybe the one having to ask you. I pause sighing deeply me-unless you really want us both? unless your really into the 3 some idea. she groans into the phone Ashley - look in going to be honest yes I'm confused at the moment but that obviously doesn't matter considering the both of you are there with her and I'm alone. so no at the moment nothing has changed for me. you figure out your stuff before calling me again and I'll figure out what I actually want also. I rub my face me-things aren't that simple Ashley- yeah well I'm not fighting for you if that's what you thought. me - I. I don't know. I didn't expect her to pop back up Ashley - yeah well she did and you forgot all about me in one night so obviously you are still hung up on her. me - you don't understand. Ashley - I guess not. goodbye chase. and with that she hangs up. I hold my head in my hands. even if I wanted to try with her what about her being a student? would i be able to take her on dates like she deserves? would i be able to stop dropping everything everyone Macy calls? I think I could do that if I knew for sure she was mine. but now with Dalton she likes him too and I don't know if I could share her. would she even want that? fuck. I'm even more confused and I don't feel like dealing with Macy tonight. I quieting grab a change of clothes and walk to my mom's to crash for the night I need time to think and Macy getting ready to hit the city with her girls bitching because I won't go with her because I work in the morning definitely isn't going to help. when mama opens the door she shakes her head " come in the guest room is set up" I kiss her cheek and she pats my back before I head up " ya know son I really thought the way you looked at Ashley the past week we were past this crap" I look at her confused and she shakes her head " I maybe out of the dating game but I'm not stupid chase" I sigh turning to her " even if I thought that'd work I think things would be to complicated and I think I already messed it up" she looks at me serious " if you really like her nothing is to complicated. now get some rest you've got to get up early" I just nod and head up because I know tomorrow will be a fight with Macy along with seeing Ashley at the school.
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