chapter 31

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Ashley. the wedding was beautiful and everyone was now dancing and chatting away. I'd caught up with my aunt and talked with Ellie. I even told the happy couple congratulations, so now I was snacking and planning my get away, I really just wanted to go home and get out of these heels. I was tired and my bed was definitely calling my name. " wanna dance with me?" I turn and see dalton smiling and holding his hands out, I take them as the DJ starts playing footloose. I let out a laugh. " do you know this one?" he raises a brow at me " oh don't doubt my dancing skills sweet cheeks" he pulls me to the floor and spins me big before we both start doing the dance. I'm laughing and having a good time and at the end be grabs me dipping me as the song turns to a slow song he smiles down at me " don't doubt me" I nodded out of breath from the dance and maybe being so close to him. he pulls me up and I to his arms as his hands rest on my hips and mine go around his neck and be begins to dance me around the floor " who knew you could dance" he laughs " I have many hidden talents" my face flushes a bit from dirty thoughts and he chuckles, his head by my ear as he whiskers the lyrics I sigh out enjoying just relaxing against his body. when the song end he spins me again winking at me making me giggle. " can I have a dance?" I hear from behind me and my body freezes. Dalton looks at me and I sigh nodded and turn to face him. he slowly pulls me in his arms but not to close thankfully and we begin to move to the slow song playing. at first neither of us says anything and I have so much I want to say but don't even know where to start and I don't think the song is long enough to cover it all. " I'm sorry. I know that doesn't change anything but I just needed you to know I'm truly sorry" I sigh out nodding " is she pregnant?" he takes a deep breath and looks at me then away " she says she is. we go to the doctor next week and hopefully I can find out if it's mine or not" I nod " well congratulations" his body goes stiff " this isn't how I wanted things to go. hell I wouldn't have planned this out even for a nightmare" I look at him and I see the sadness in his eyes " well it did so if it's yours I expect you to man up" he chuckles softly " I know and I will I just need to be sure before I get in to deep" " will you be with her?" he shakes his head " I made that clear when she told me. if it's mine I'll be a father. but no definitely not getting into all that" I sigh out I don't know why I was expecting him to say. " can you ever forgive me?" I shrug " in time." he nods " that's all I can ask of you. I may have messed this up but I know you mean the world to Ellie" I smile " she will always be my little sister I've told you that" he smiles a little " I know I've made a big mess. but I'm working them out I swear and I will come out of this a better man" the song ends and I pull my body from his " I hope so chase I really do" with that I walk away going to get some air. standing outside I take a deep breath, at one point not to long ago I thought he was the one for me but I'm one night he ruined all that. then he didn't even try to contact me to give his side of the story. but it also makes me wonder how serious he ever was about me, I mean yeah he looks like hes sorry but then again who wouldn't be with a surprise possible baby on the way with someone you just randomly hooked up with. I also wonder if we hadn't met them spring break how long it would've taken him to do something like this? I mean he watched me leave, even loaded my bags for me then he stayed there knowing it wouldn't end well instead of leaving and trying to fix things with me. I don't know if he just never cared enough or if it's just how he is but either way it isn't like I can fix these things for him. " I see you are both still standing and you aren't out here trying to catch the building on fire" I smile looking over my shoulder at Dalton, he's standing there with his hands in his pockets keeping his distance. I think he may think I might lash out at any moment. " all is well. he said what he wanted to say. nothing can change the fact he didn't even try and now possibly has a baby on the way" he nodded coming and standing next to me our arms brushing each other. " I'm proud of you ya know, if that was me I would've probably caused a scene" I giggle " not really into to all that. but I'll let you know if I need you to do it for me" he chuckled. " alright well I'm headed home, I've gotta get these damn shoes off my feet" he bumped my shoulder " still on for tomorrow" I smiled at him a real smile " of course. I'll meet you at your place, and after you can eat the food I cook and tell me if it's okay for class" he nodded taking a breath " I'll see you then sweet cheeks " he gave me a tight hug before I went in to tell everyone goodnight. I then headed out throwing my shoes off in the car. I absolutely hate heels. that night when I laid in bed I was excited to go out on the water tomorrow. chase. I hated watching everyone have a good time and being so carefree when I felt like I had the weight of the world on my shoulders. but even more so I hated watching the two of them together so happy. then they way he slow danced with her, he kept his hands where they belong but I couldn't deny they did make a good looking couple. when she agreed to dance with me I noticed she kept her distance. I told her I was sorry and I don't know I expected a little more emtions from her, I expected her to yell but she didn't. when she walked away I just stood there watching, I don't understand how I could let her go. I don't know if I'd ever actually get over her. later on I'd been here long enough I said my goodbyes and I walked outside breathing in the night air. " you okay?" Dalton asks from beside me I expected he would've left with Ashley. " uh yeah just heading out." he nodded " me too. I'm happy for your mom she seems really happy." " yeah I guess she is. I guess everyone is" he sighed " well at least try to let me know if you find out for certain your gonna be a dad" I shook my head that I still couldn't believe " yeah man I will. might take me some time to actually wrap my head around it but I'll let you know when I hear something" he patted my back and walked off I wanted to ask him if he was going to ask Ashley out, I wanted to know what happened with them over spring break but I knew he didn't have to answer any of my questions and honestly here with all these people might not be the best place to do it because I don't know how his answers would make me feel. I just pray I get some solid answers next week so maybe I can start moving forward with my life instead of stuck in this nightmare I made for myself. Dalton. I'd been Ashley's friend when she needed it and I also didn't crowd her with my space, I didn't want either of us doing something we'd regret even though it'd be alot of fun. seeing her around campus I'd watches her slowly find her smile again and I even knew she was going out and having fun. but seeing her tonight, she looked so beautiful and I couldn't stop myself from asking her to hang out even if she only sees it as friends I had to take the chance. I knew chase may hate me for it but it isn't like we're Exactly ok good terms anyways. but I'd see where tomorrow went and hopefully she'd give me some kind of clues, I've always some what flirted with her so I know it won't make her uncomfortable. I just don't want to mess up the friendship if that's the only way she sees me is as a friend. .. the next day I had on my shorts and cut off loading a cooler from my fridge, I'd made some sandwiches and grabbed a few things so we didn't get hungry I had no idea how long we'd be out and normally it's just me out there fishing. I heard her soft knock on the door the. she let herself in like I told her since I knew I'd be in and out. " so I'm taking over your kitchen later" she said from behind me and I turned to see her setting a bunch of bags on my counter. I raised a brow at her and she shrugged " I didn't know what all you'd have so I brought everything" I let out a laugh " well let me get this out of your way and I'll help you find a place for it all" she nodded and I saw her eyes looking over me but I tried not to smirk at her I wanted her to look I wanted her to figure out if she wanted to try something with me. as we were putting things away I took her in, she always smelled so sweet. her hair was pulled up and she didn't have a trace of make up on" but some how she still looked at beautiful as she did last night. she was wearing shorts and a tank over her swim suit and I was a man I couldn't wait till she took all that off so I could get a good view of the tattoo running down her thigh, I went with her yeah but I had no idea how far up it actually went. in the truck I didn't smoke because I had no idea how she felt about it, she played with the radio chatting about the Cody Johnson concert that was coming into town this winter. we were finally on the boat and I watched her as I drove us around a little she looked over everything smiling just letting the sun hit her face. once we stopped she stood up " you know what they say about a guy with a big truck right?" I rolled my eyes " don't even say it" she giggled " I wasn't I was just wondering what they say about a guy with a big jacked up truck and a nice boat" I laughed " you know they probably say he's a hard worker and a good guy" she laughed shaking her head " yeah no I don't think that's it" I threw my line out " look here sweet cheeks I will show you but I'd hate to scare you away when you have no where to run" she flushed lightly " perv" I winked at her " I haven't changed since you meet me" this made her smile I sat down fixing her a drink setting it to the side so she could have it once she got comfortable. and I grabbed myself a beer. boy was I happy for sunglasses right now. I watched her as she pulled the shirt and shorts off straight her bikini, the tattoo runs all the way up her thick thigh runs some under her swim suit and a little up her waist. I bit my lip fighting back a groan " you gonna teach me to fish?" her voice broke my thoughts and I cleared my throat. I grabbed her a pole and I got her set up. then I went behind her placing the pole in her hands, her backside brushing across my front as I brought my arms around her helping her cast. she was a perfect fit for me and when I looked down she looked so small in my arms. I felt her breathing pick up and I have a feeling I wasn't the only one enjoying being this close. I helped her cast it out and she got excited. " okay I've got this. go find yours because when I catch one bigger than you you aren't taking the credit" I laughed " your drink is beside you and don't fall off the boat." she giggled " I won't" I went back to the back and sat down breathing out. damn her body was gonna drive me insane today. we fished a little while but my eyes kept going to her, at one point she'd propped her pole up and she laid out catching some sun. I'd caught a few small ones and she poured Everytime. I was drinking my beer looking at her she was laying on her front watching the water her damn perky ass there for my viewing. I sucked in my cigarette telling my body to behave. " I think I have one!" I hopped up " reel it in slow" I went to her and watched her closely she was smiling big giggling " it feels big. I bet it's bigger than yours " I scoffed " we will see lady bring it in" when it finally came above water she was bouncing excited and I pulled it up showing it to her " wanna hold it?" she nodded I got him off the hook and in her hands as I snapped her picture. " told ya it'd be bigger than yours " she cheered as I threw it in the fish cooler " and if I throw your little ass overboard no one will ever know you were here" she stuck her tongue out at me and I fixed her back up. as I was standing back up right she pushed me I grabbed her in the process making us both go overboard. we both came back up laughing " you weren't supposed to grab me!" she squealed " you weren't supposed to push me " I pointed at her. both of us couldn't reach so we were paddling water staying above it. I reached up and grabbed the side of the boat holding on and she swam closer to me right in front of me. " don't be jealous mine was bigger next time" I splashed some water at her and she did it back " I can't reach" I laughed as she wrapped her body around mine so I was supporting us " you did catch a good one" I breathed out her body wrapped around mine making it hard to think. she nodded breathing deep her eyes went from mine to my lips and mine did the same to hers. fuck it I told myself she will obviously tell me if it's something she doesn't want. I leaned in slowly and she didn't pull away I chest felt her breathing hitch as I placed my lips on hers. just as sweet and plump as I remember. I pulled back but she landed hers back on mine and our tongues slipped into the other mouths tasting each other and I cursed myself for probably tasting like cigarettes. I enjoyed the moment pulling back resting my head on hers my eyes still closed. " that shouldn't feel so good" she nodded " but it does" and her lips were back on mine. Ashley. I'd been watching him all day and the way he moved around the boat, I knew he had checked me out the same as I had him but it was when his arms were around me helping me cast I felt something. my heart fluttered a bit and I didn't know what to do with that feeling. he was nice though he didn't make a move and I thought maybe I was just being crazy. a few times I watched as he smoked and I don't smoke never have but something about the way he does it watching him bring it to his lips and sometimes he holds the smoke it letting his head fall back before letting the smoke out he just looked sexy. when my body was wrapped around his he was solid but not in a nasty way not in an only eats salad and works out way. I knew he'd put in the work but he also does labour somewhere because some of these muscles you don't get in a gym. like he said kissing him shouldn't have felt as good as it did and I really thought I'd have some mixed feelings about him being chases best friend but there were none so I kissed him again, tasting the cigarette on his tongue and wanting more. after we made our we found our way back on the boat and dried off some getting the sandwiches out and snacking a little as we talked. we didn't bring the kiss up and we didn't change around each other so that was a good sign he didn't regret it. I caught one more fish and he caught two. but my first one was still the biggest out of the bunch. as we loaded the boat I grabbed his shirt throwing it on before we hopped in his truck he didn't say anything he just smiled at me winking. " so what are you cooking tonight?" he asked " chicken parmesan. I've made it before but this is a new recipe and I need it perfect." he nodded " well I'm starved. how are they grading you?" " presentation and taste." so I have to practice making a pretty plate before you eat it" I said pointing at him and he raised a hand " yes ma'am I'll try my best" I giggled. I started scanning through the radio when I landed on an one and went to change it but he grabbed my hand shaking his head. I just watched him as he softly sang. "the rumor you heard about me loving you well I've never told a soul so, tell me how the whole world knows it must have been the roses and the wine or maybe this unexplainable smile they say where there's smoke there's fire well, I hope it's true cause rumor has it, you love me too" his voice was so low so deep I just watched in awe as he sang the rest of it. when it was over he looked at me and smiled I cleared my throat " I don't like roses and wine" he squeezed the hand he was still holding " noted" he sent me a wink. when we pulled into his drive he opens my door and I helped him bring the things in. once I'd washed my hands I got started on prepping the food and he said he was gonna clean the fish to put in the freezer. he also mentioned we'd have to go again if we were gonna fry them to have more to eat. I hadn't ever really eaten fish but I did want to go back out on the water with him and I enjoyed the fishing also. I put on some music with my phone ignoring the comments on the post I had made on f*******:. one picture of me holding my fish. one of the water. and one of Dalton's back as he fished, he looked so good with the sun shining on him I couldn't help it. the caption just said - day on the water - I got everything going and went out to see if he needed any help, I found him smoking and talking in the back yard with Chase. I wanted to hide but they had both already seen me and even though it wasn't like we had actually done anything wrong I was still in my swim suit and his tee.
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