chapter 24

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chase. I'd woken up before her and I just watched her as she slept. her body still naked from last night, with my big blanket all around her as she slept peacefully. I couldn't believe it, she was here and she was mine. no secrets, no hiding, no letting her go so she could live her life. no I was going to do this right I was going to hold on to her this time for as long as she'd let me. I got up going downstairs to start some coffee and figure out breakfast. I figured I'd just have some delivered since I hadn't been to the grocery store in a few days and breakfast in bed sounded nice. as soon as a set my phone down from placing the order my doorbell rang and I hung my head sighing out. it could be Ellie. it could be my mom or it could be Dalton. it wasn't that I didn't like when they just showed up but I really wanted the time with my girl. time to show her I wasn't going anywhere. I went to answer before they could ring the bell again and wake her up. I wasn't surprised to see Dalton, when opened the door he walked right in past me " damn it's cold out there man" I shook my head. we went into my kitchen and he poured himself some coffee and I turned grabbing my cup " well f**k me man do you have company? ain't no way Ashley is really here. you didn't sleep with someone while your trying to get her back did you?" I was confused turning to look at him he had wide eyes " no Ashley is here. how did you even know?" he chuckled nodding " your damn back it tore up" I chuckled I'd have to check it out later " what are you doing here dude?" he sipped his coffee. " oh I see don't want me here now that you've finally got her" I shook my head smiling I'd told him everything and he knew I was trying my hardest to work my way out of the friend zone. " I was just coming to see if you wanted a guys day. Xbox and beer" I sighed sipping my coffee " look let me talk to ash she isn't even up yet" he nodded " so how is everything?" I chuckled " really good. we made thing official last night " he smirked at me " you dirty dog" then his eyes fell behind me " where are you going Ashley?" he called after her small body " I don't have pants on you dumbass" he chuckled " that's okay come back" " perv!" I heard her giggling as she ran back up stairs " really man?" he shrugged " she's definitely got nice legs wanna tell me what happened to your back?" I shook my head sipping my coffee. last night was amazing and I may give him a few details but definitely not while she's in the house. be smirked at me as he drank some of his and I fixed ash a cup. " ah there she is morning sunshine" Dalton teased her she walked back into the kitchen and came right to me curling up into my chest as I leaned on the counter. I kissed her head I knew she wasn't completely awake yet " why would you show up at someone house so early" he chuckled " it's 10 sweet cheeks most people are up and moving at this time. but I came to see if he wanted to play some Xbox. but now that I see he has company I'll be leaving soon " she giggled kissing my chest " I don't care if you stay you dweeb someone just has to get me food before I get cranky " I chuckled now lifting her chin to me " I already placed an order should be here soon. I was gonna surprise you with breakfast in bed but someone ruined that " she kissed my lips smiling " there always tomorrow " " tomorrow " I whispered against her lips, a small promise she want leaving any time soon. Dalton cleared his throat " so are we cool or?" ash pulled from me going to him and pushing his shoulder " I haven't seen you in forever and all you wanna do is play Xbox with him" his eyes went wide " well ma'am that's because dumbass there broke up with you or whatever and you basically fell off the face of the earth" I watched as she flung her body into his hugging him " I'm sorry" he laughed hugging her back " don't sweat it sweet cheeks. he's my best friend and I wanted to hide from him too" she laughed pulling out of the hug and I shook my head at the two of them. pulling her body back into mine I wasn't quite ready to be sharing her with anyone else yet. Dalton sent me a wink as she laid her head on my chest " I'm gonna go get the Xbox ready" I nodded I needed a minute with her. " I can tell him to leave you know" she shook her head " it's okay really. I'm off for a few days and if you don't mind I'll hang around" I lifted her chin kissing her sweet lips " stay as long as you want doll" she grabbed the back of my head deepening the kiss and I squeezed her ass making her moan " later doll don't want to put on a show" she giggled nodding " I'm gonna at least go find my sweats I pulled yours on in a hurry" I smiled at that " take all the time you need. food will be here soon and I'll have it waiting. how are you feeling and please don't lie" she smiled looking at me through her lashes " sore, but wants more " I chuckled kissing her again before she turned to walk away. I fixed my hard on the best I could in my own sweats before going and find Dalton sitting on my couch. I sat by him and he threw her red lacy dress at me " damn man you said she f****d the last one. why'd you take her virginity on the floor" I glared at him " one don't touch her clothes. two it was in the moment things just happened and I'd like to think with the fire it was at least some what romantic. but no I didn't take her virginity last guy just had a small d**k I guess" he laughed hard as I went to throw her dress in the laundry. I looked for her panties but couldn't seem to find them. Ashley. I woke up and my body felt used. but in a good way, I felt alive and man was I craving him again. but Dalton was here. I'd missed him and his stupid jokes. if they wanted to have a guys day I didn't care I didn't plan on doing much today. maybe catch a nap and then after he leaves I'm definitely jumping chase again. I heard the two talking after I was coming back down in my sweats and a sweatshirt. so I sat on the stairs and listened even though I knew I shouldn't. " so I mean is it everything you thought it'd be?" Dalton asked " more man. more. for a woman who has basically no s*x experience she's f*****g mind blowing " chase replied and I blushed hiding my face " and the ex I mean is he gone?" Dalton asked " our of her mind. yes. out of the picture probably not. trust me you can't have that and just let it go look at me I've been hoping for a chance for a year now." chase said and my heart picked up. he'd been hoping for me to come back? " well you have her now so let's not f**k it up again" Dalton tells him and chase laughs " I'm not f*****g it up and if I do please just kill me" I swooned I had no idea he even wanted me back I figured for the longest time that he'd moved on. I finally came back and sat down on the floor in front of his small table so I could eat the food he had maid out for me. doing my Happy dance and digging in. he leaned over kissing my head and I smiled up at him. Dalton reached trying to grab some bacon and I smacked his hand glaring " you are so feisty in the morning" I giggled offering him some bacon " but don't push it I'm hungry" " I bet you are" I saw the wink he sent chase and I felt my cheeks blush. God I hoped he hadn't seen the blood before chase got it up, I smelt clearer so I knew he'd at least cleaned the floor. I think between the stretching and the force is what caused it, my body definitely wasn't used to it. Jake had one speed with a couple thrust. I shook the thoughts from my head. I didn't have to think about that or be embarrassed if Dalton had seen because clearly he wasn't going to bring it up. I finished eating and laid down behind chase as he sat forward playing his game. my eyes went to his back and I placed my hand on it kissing his back softly, he turned his head smiling at me and I whispered " sorry" he just sent me a wink. I hope I didn't hurt him. but from the looks of it I did. but I was to sleepy at the moment, I felt something cover me up and I knew he'd gone to get me a blanket. chase. it wasn't long after she ate that she was asleep again curled up behind me as we played video games. I looked back at her smiling moving some of the hair from her face. " I haven't ever seen this side of you" I shrugged shaking my head I guess I never really have felt this way about anyone " it's different with her. I don't know how to explain it but she makes me want to be better" he shook his head " that's because she is better. I mean damn I told you this last year when you were being hard headed." I nodded looking down at her sighing " I know I know but I really thought I was doing the right thing. but now that I have her again I'm not letting go until she's done with me" he raised a brow at me " you really think she'd leave you?" I shrugged " who knows man. just the other night a guy was hitting on her with me literally 5 foot away it isn't like she doesn't have other offers out there." he chuckled " man you for yourself a cheerleader a hot one at that who enjoys life. I hate to break it to you but you have a rare thing of course people will want her but youve gotta show her you are the only one " I breathed out. " trust me I'm trying man" " so details is she amazing flexible?" I glared and him and he put his hands up " like a said a hot cheerleader let me live through you" " or you could grow up and actually find someone you like" he rolled his eyes leaning back " they all need to much. last one was cool for a little while until she basically was living with me then stopped working out of no where. it was crazy man I came home one day and she was just there. I didn't know what to do so I let her stay a few days before I said anything about her never doing anything. dating just sucks " I nodded I knew that was true. I'd been on a few and they were all a little odd. " you'll find someone. trust me they seem to hit you when you least expect it" he just shrugged and we got back to playing. wasn't long we were drinking beers and talking s**t quietly. when I noticed it was getting late I knew I needed to figure out dinner. " I'll be back let me go see what I have to cook" he nodded. I went to the kitchen and found some ground meat so I think I'll make some chili since it's cold out. and it's simple. as I was getting it started I heard the two of them " well morning sleeping beauty" Dalton told her " morning. ugh why'd y'all let me sleep so long" she asked and he laughed I knew he was red to say something inappropriate but didn't. " can I play?" she asked and he laughed again " do you know how?" he asked her " eh a little" oh boy I knew that tone. that was the same time she used when she kicked my ass at bowling. I watched from the door way the two of them playing he was clearly losing and she was trying not to laugh. she looked so beautiful. messy hair and sweats. " you've got to be kidding me" Dalton yelled as she killed him and she laughed patting his shoulder " you played me" she shrugged " I said I did a little" he pushed her shoulder and she did the same " don't be a sore loser" he raised a brow and I watched him pick her up slamming her on the couch tickling her " stop stop" she screamed. she hated being tickled. " alright alright enough torturing my woman" I walked in Saving her and he glared at me " she played me" I laughed " I know I watched" she say up catching her breath " I didn't play him he just isn't very good" I chuckled pulling her into my lap kissing her lips " where'd you learn to play?" she shrugged " Zack " I nodded I figured " I'm going to smoke then we're having a rematch". Dalton said getting up and she smirked at him " only if you aren't going to me a sore loser Everytime". he flipped her off as he walked outside. she cuddling into my chest " get enough rest?" she nodded " I've got some chili going " she perked up " Frito pie?" I chuckled " if you want it" she nodded kissing my lips. I turned her to straddle me Ashley. I felt much better after my nap and kicking Dalton's ass in the game was the cherry on top, Zack used to make me play when it was to cold to practice or the weather was to bad. " I'm sorry about your back" I looked down at his smiling face, he pulled the collar of my shirt down a little exposing the few marks I had around my collar bone his fingers Tracing then slowly " trust me I can handle a few scratches if it means your enjoying yourself" his voice was deep and I bit my lip nodding I'd lost my voice. his hand traveled up my throat squeezing slightly as my eyes closed over. I felt his thumb rub against my lips. " open up doll" I looked down at him and he was just watching me waiting for me to take his two fingers he has in front of my mouth into it. so I did, slowly sucking on them. he groaned out letting his other hand go to my breast and he found my hard n*****s. his eyes were wide when he realized I had no bra on. I just sucked his fingers harder. he pulled me down some so his face was by my ear " you gonna suck daddy's c**k later?" "mhmm" I moaned around him he pulled his fingers out letting his lips crash into mine. I held on to his shoulders Willing my hips not to move because as bad as I needed him we still had company. he finally pulled back biting my lip gently " I have no idea what you do to me" I smirked at him " I'm positive it's you who does things to me" he shrugged kissing my lips again " tonight?" I nodded breathing in. I really needed a moment to calm down but Dalton came back in " okay enough sucking face let me kick your ass" chase squeezed my hips groaning " I'll go check on dinner then" I pouted as he moved me to the side and got up but I saw his hard member and bit my lip smirking at him. at least he was as bad off as me in the moment. I won again and made Dalton fo get me a beer for winning. he definitely wasn't happy about it. after we sat down on the couch and are Frito pie while having a drink. then they went back to playing so I went into the kitchen looking for something to back. I found a few ingredients and decided on some explosion cookies. he has chocolate chips, peanut butter chips and m&Ms so I'd just throw them all in. I was mixing the batter when Dalton walked in " I think I'm heading out I've hogged your boyfriend long enough" I giggled handing him a spoon of the batter and he tried it " damn that's good save me some" I was placing them on the cookie sheet " it's late you might as well just stay" he shook his head " no can do sweet cheeks don't want to upset you or chase. I know y'all need alone time" I rolled my eyes " chase!" I hollered and he came running in and I giggled at his face " what's wrong doll?" I shook my head " nothing but he's trying to leave and it's late tell him he might as well stay" he looked at me for a moment and I could tell he was trying to figure out what to do. he looked at Dalton who put his hands up " if she says stay. stay. I'll make up the guest room man" they both looked at me and I shrugged throwing the cookies in the oven hoping on the counter drinking my beer. " cookies should be about 10 minutes then they will need to cool" they both melt looking at me " I'll go make up the guest bed" chase said " I'll help" Dalton said going right after him and I laughed at the two of them. chase. I'm so confused right now. I don't know if it's a test or if she doesn't care. I mean I know we can still do what we want in my room it isn't like we haven't fooled around with him around before but I can't seem to figure out what I should do. if I tell him to leave I'm an ass. if I don't is she going to get mad? normally he'd just crash on my couch but I think the guest room would be best just in case she comes out naked or something hell I don't know I e never done this before. we were in the guest room and I was standing there looking at the bed and so was Dalton " what do we do?" I looked at him and he looked at me " what exactly did she say to you?" " it's late you might as well stay. then when I told her no she hollered for you" I nodded okay so I can make up this bed then go talk with her. I shook my head sighing out " I don't know. let's get this settled then I'll go talk to her. you make yourself comfortable anywhere else while I do so she doesn't seem ganged up on" he nodded " good idea." I found the sheets and s**t and got it on. when we walked back down stairs she was on the couch now with a big blanket searching the movies on my tv. when she saw me she smiled " I'm thinking scary. I hate scary but I know y'all would rather that than a love story" I sat beside her " ash baby girl can we talk please me and you" she sat up some giving me her attention and I could see her worry. " why'd you say he could stay? is this a test but I don't know what the right thing to do here is. I'm trying so hard right now and I don't really want to fight with you" she smiled at me resting her hand on my face " I said he could stay because it's late. and I'm sure the roads are slick. no sense in him driving and I know y'all have been drinking all afternoon. it isn't a test. we're okay" she leaned in kissing me " and later we can be alone. and tomorrow after he leaves we can be alone. we have all the time in the world one night isn't going to break us" I sighed against her lips shaking my head trying to wrap my mind around this. " okay" I breathed kissing her again " you aren't mad. we will still have our time later even if it's just holding you. right?" she giggled " I'm expecting alot more than holding but I'm not mad" okay. I could handle this I mean she isn't upset and my friend gets to hang out. I knew she was cool with him hanging out during the day but I don't know when something like this came up with Macy I always had to choose between the two. " the cookies are done and if Dalton hasn't been hiding in the kitchen there maybe some left" I squeezed her thigh " he wasn't hiding we just agreed you and I should talk" she rolled her eyes " I'm a big girl. I know I'm just getting back to being myself but doesn't mean I'll fall apart just because he's here. truth me told I've missed him too and well Jake didn't actually have many friends and the ones he did were ass holes who I'm positive were cheating on their wives and girlfriends" I shook my head " that would never be me you know that right" she grinned at me " I know. I trust you" she got up and I smacked her bottom making her gasp. when we walked into the kitchen it was like catching a child. Dalton was standing over the cookie sheet eating and when we walked in he looked up with wide eyes " they are good" he said with a mouth full I shook my head at him and ash pulled the pan away. " you gotta share" he pouted and I laughed as she handed me one. " damn these are good" she smiled big. our night went on like that as I held her to me and we watched a movie with Dalton. when it was about over she leaned up kissing me " I'm gonna head up you two stay out of trouble" I nodded as she picked up the few beer bottles to throw away " night Dalton. please don't wake me unless you have food." he winked " I'll behave I promise" she just went up and I watched her go. looking at my watch seeing it was well past midnight I probably wasn't getting lucky tonight. " can I try again if you f**k this up?" Dalton said and I threw a pillow at him " f**k off" he laughed " I'm so serious man. those cookies are bomb and she's so chill about things. I need her. " I rolled my eyes " we'll find your own k bad her first" he laughed we finished the movie finishing our beers " okay man I'm going up and seeing if I'm in the dog house I'm sure she's out by now" I said sighing shaking my head is waited long enough if she was gonna freak out maybe she'd do it after he's gone. it was always so embarrassing to argue with Macy in front of him. " think your in trouble?" I shrugged " only one way to find out I guess" I told him goodnight and to lock up after he smoked again. I made my way to the bathroom brushing my teeth and when I got to the bed her back was to me she was completely covered up. man this might be bad. I crawled in and reached out to pull her to me finding her naked body. "hell" I cursed out she turned wrapping her leg around mine " I was promised some fun" I groaned. how could I really be this lucky? I moved so she was on her back and I was hovering over her letting my hand move along the curves of her body and she arches into me " I don't need the extra tonight. I just really need you" she moaned out and my eyes went wide I kissed her jaw line her t**s roughly " I've gotta get you ready doll" she pulled my hand and lead it to her around wet pussy "I'm already there daddy" I groaned bitting her neck rough as I thrust my fingers into her " what have you been doing up here" her hips arches of the bed trying to get more of me but I kept teasing her going nice and slow until she answered " waiting. waiting for you" she sounded like she wants to cry and I slammed my fingers into her making her head fall back. " thank you" she moaned out that broke me I get it she's telling me exactly what she needs and I was teasing her. I sat up pulling my boxers off and spread her p***y lips looking at them. " f**k I love this view" she was literally quivering waiting for me. " no condoms remember" she nodded wrapping her legs around me " I know the birth control is fine" I let myself sink in moaning as she sucked me into her " s**t you are so tight" I pounded into her " I'm sorry" I was caught off guard I stopped and I grabbed her face making her look at me " that's a compliment trust me. this p***y is the best I've ever had and the only one I've had raw. never apologize to me again for something like that. you own that s**t just like you have been. you want me and I'm gonna give you what you want do you understand daddy?" she had tears in her eyes " yes sir " I slap her hard n****e " what do you need?" I started moving slow " hard. and fast" she breathed out and I started pounding into her roughly holding her thick thighs keeping her in place as she withered underneath me. I watched the whole time. she began to tighten even more and I knew she was close I didnt let up " play with your clit" her eyes flew open and I gritted my teeth " don't make daddy repeat himself " her bad flew down and she called out as she found it. she looked so hot as my d**k went in and out of her her hand touching herself " s**t doll I need you to let go because watching you like this I'm gonna blow" as if her body knew she came squeaking my name. and I followed pulling out and nutting on her stomach and p***y lips. catching my breath I stayed between her legs letting my fingers run through it rubbing it along her body as she laid there watching me breathing heavy " you look sexy as hell covered in me" she pulled my hand to her mouth sucking my fingers and I moaned my hips jerking at her action. I think the little minx is going to kill me. I'm positive I've woken something up in her and it may kill me but I die a happy man. I cleaned us both up and put her back in bed holding her to me. " we need to talk about that apology you said. Because I'm so f*****g serious ash" she sighed playing with my chest hair " tomorrow?" I nodded kissing her head. id wait but she was going to understand she was special and she needed to stop letting s**t get to her head. especially if that f*****g i***t put it there it was long her breathing evened out and I knew she was asleep. I watched her for a bit before I let myself fall asleep.
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