Chapter 15: I Love You Pt. 2

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~Winter's Pov~ I walked to the kitchen and got ready to start cooking for dinner. I looked out the window then sighed. it had been three days since Jameson went missing. I've looked everywhere eavryone looked everywhere but we just couldn't find him. I would here eavry now and then but when I look around there's no one there. I took a deep breath and composed myself. I started humming softly and grabed out the recipe book. I smiled and flipped to a recipe for some home made chicken pot pies. I smiled and started Makin the dough. I looked over and smiled looking at Cream. she looked at me with sad eyes. we both missed him. I smiled as I rolled out a huge sheet of dough and Jefferson and Melody walked in. Jefferson: "hey sis how are you holding up" Me: "im ok" Melody: "Are you sure love?" Me: "yea why wouldn't I be" Jefferson: "because your cooking again and you cooked for the house three hours ago. also it's the twins turn to cook." I looked up as tears streamed down my face. I then fell to my knees and cried. Jefferson walked over and hugged me tight as Melody rubbed my back. Cream looked and layed her head in my lap. Me: "I miss him and I want him back" Jefferson: "come on sis he'll be back im sure" Me: "but why haven't we found him. why can't I find my mate. I miss him soo much" I continued crying as I held onto Jefferson. I broke as I heard snow whimper in my head. I sat up and whipped my eyes then got up slowly. Me: "im gonna go for a... run and I'll be ok" Melody: "Are you sure hun?" Me: "yea I'll be ok" Jefferson: "Sis please don't push yourself to much" Me: "I won't I'll be ok" I got up and walked to the door as I fixed my skinny jeans and crop top grabbing a jacket. I walked out of the house and started walking to the woods. ~Jameson's Pov~ I woke up and coughed up blood as I felt pain in my arms and stomach. I looked around seeing how dark it was. I looked at the dried blood around me. I don't know how long I've been here. all my days started to blend together. there are literally no windows here I only have this small light lighting the room. I looked as the door opened and Nathan walked in. he walked to me a knife in his hands. I growled and tried to charge at him and got pulled back by chains. he looked at me smiling with delight. Nathan: "she's slowly breaking without you" Me: "leave Winter alone!!!" Nathan: "no because she was mine to begin with and she will be mine in the end when you're dead and out of the picture." I looked at Nathen and growled then changed at him. I yelled as I felt something stab my side. I looked and saw the girl her eyes dull and void of any emotion. I looked as I tried to control my breath. Nathen looked at the girl his eyes with the intent to kill. "wound him mortal then ditch him in the woods where he can't be found ever a f*****g gain. then you are free of our contract and your soul will be returned automatically." the girl nodded as Nathan left. I looked as color slowly returned to her eyes and sadness over took her. she looked at me as she cried silently and mouthed. "I'm so sorry I'm so so sorry" I nodded at her then smiled softly. "it's ok. do me a favor though the necklace around my neck. take that to my girl when yiur done she lives in the Valentino Mafia." the girl nodded taking the necklace off me. I signed softly then gasped for air as I felt something stab me through my gut. I gasped for air held my breath as I felt my arms being cut open. after a while I looked down opening my eyes and seeing I was standing in a pool of my own blood. I looked at the girl and saw her crying as I blacked out. ~Winter's Pov~ I walked around the living room holding back tears. it had only been minutes since I felt a huge stab in my heart. I looked at the door as it opened revealing Javier with a cop behind him. the cop shook his head. I then looked at him. "Then look again!!!! please." I fell to the ground crying as I held myself. I Jefferson walked over then hugged me. I held onto him crying. I looked then cop sighed and left. "we will do a bigger search tomorrow Winter." all I could do was nod. I looked as Javier picked me up then set me on the couch and Jefferson sat beside me with Midnight at his side. Javier looked at me. "we will question all the mafias tomorrow." I looked then shook my head. "no we can't not with the gala and parties starting Tomorrow. it could cause out break of fights among them mafias and gangs. a war we can't aford without help of all our crew." Javier looked then sighed. I cried as I held one to cream. after a few minutes of silence we heard a knock at the door. I looked up at Jefferson then Javier. Javier got up and went to answer the door. shortly after a girl with black hair and blue eyes walked in behind him. she held her head down then looked up at me. "I am soo sorry. I know what happened to your mate and I am very sorry." I looked at her in shock. "you know where Jameson is?" I smiled then looked as she held out his necklace to me. I gasped and fell to the ground crying. he's been gone for so long now and all I have is his necklace. Jefferson looked and growled. Jefferson got up and stood infront of her. "where is he and who are you." then girl looked showing no fear. "my name is Cammy. I was under control of Nathan. he owned my soul and body through a contract and used me to hurt your mate. Nathan can't lay his own hands on Jameson. but yiur mate told me to give that to you it's what led me here. and I think it can lead you to him." I looked at her then pulled her down into a tight hug as I cried. "thank you sooo soo much" I smiled holding the necklace then looked at Javier and Jefferson. "we have to find him. now please" Jefferson got up and nodded. "then come on. midnight you and Melody take care of Cammy. come on javi." I smiled looking then ran out the door. I held the necklace then focused on finding Jameson. I looked around as the necklace glows abs points in the direction Jamesons is in. I ran fallowing the pendent as I flew out my hands. I ran through the woods fallowing the pendent. the further I ran the less light there was. day had turned to night and eavrything was dark. if I wasn't a wolf I wouldn't be able to see s**t. but thank Gods for super seeing. I stoped and caught my breath as I saw the pendent stop infront of me. I looked and walked closer to the pendent as the blue light turned gold and red. I walked closer untill as the light glowed brighter revealed a mortaly wounded Jameson. I screamed in shock then fell to the ground by him pulling him into my lap. I cried as I held onto him. I looked around as I heard my name being yelled. I yelled back and looked at Javier and Jefferson came into view. they ran over and kneeled down by me and Jameson. I looked at them as I held back tears. me: "come on we have to save him please" Javier: "how Winter" Me: "I DONT KNOW OK!!.... just please save my mate" I cried as I held onto James. I looked up at Javier and Jefferson. Jefferson looked sad as Javier had a sad but shocked expression. Javier walked over and picked up Jameson. Jameson groaned in pain as Javier picked him up. I looked at him in worry as Javier looked at Jefferson. Javier: "call your men jeffy we are going to need a lot of help. including if we're going to save him while we still have a chance." Jefferson: "your right. um I'll call up all my men and staff that can help." I smiled as Jefferson oppend a portal to the house ans we all walked through. ~Time Skip~ I paced around the room as Jeffersons demon friends helped try to heal Jameson. it had been an hour and he was still wounded getting better but wounded. the only thing that was keeping me calm was the monitor that let me know he was still alive. well that and the fact I could hear his heart beat. I walked over as I heard Jameson hiss and I took his hand in mine. I held back tears as I looked at him. Me: "it'll be ok baby just hang in there please. I can't lose you." Jefferson: "he'll make it sis I promise ok" Javier: "these people know what they're doing I promise" I looked and Jefferson nodded while smiling. I looked then kissed Jameson softly. I got up and let go of Jamesons hand and left going to sit outside in the hall. I looked up as I heard the door open and Javier and Jefferson walked out. Jefferson sat on my right while Javier sat on my right. Jefferson: "so when we're you gonna tell me JJ was your mate." Me: "I don't know we wanted to tell you but I was scared of what you'll do to him." Jefferson: "I wouldn't have done anything" Javier: "don't like Jeff we know how protective you are over Winter. plus we both know JJ past. you would have scared him off from his mate if ya knew." Jefferson: "I would no.." Javi: "don't even finish because you would and you know it" I looked at Jefferson and he sighed looking away. he knew it was true and that he would end up doing that. I smiled softly then shook my head as I held my knees facing the door. I flinched slightly as infelt the two hig me. I looked trying to get away and laughed. Me: "ewww cooties" Javier: "I don't have cooties I'm offended" Jefferson: "not cooties we just love you." I laughed smiling as I looked at them. I jumped as I heard something crash into the wall. I got up and rushed into the room. I oppend the door ducking as a vase was flung. Jameson was sitting up in the bed fighting with the staff. I looked as his voice was deeper and on alert. I looked and say his eyes glowing. that's when I knew his wolves were in control. Jameson: "where is my mate. i need to see her noww." Me: "baby. please stop I'm here I promise. let him go please." Jefferson: "you heard her now let him go and back away from him." I smiled at Jefferson. he smiled then motioned for me to go to Jameson. I smiled and ran to Jefferson then pulled him into a hug as I fell onto the bed. I smiled as I felt him hug me back. I smiled then kissed him sweetly. he smiled returning the kiss with a sweet yet hungry kiss. I smiled pulling away and say his eyes still glowing. I smiled looking into his eyes. as I cupped his cheek in my hand. Me: "its ok they won't hurt yall. they only wanna help." Jameson: "I was so scared I heard you but when I woke yiu weren't here. I got so worried." I looked at him slightly concerned as I heard his voice Crack. i could feel even as an alpha he was scared. and that was never like him. Me: "why I've been here the whole time." Jameson: "nathen wanted me gone so that he could steal you." Me: "baby I'm not leaving and I refuse to lose you" Jameson looked at me then smiled and pulled me into his lap holding me tight as he layed his head on my chest. ~Jameson's Pov~ I sighed as I felt Winter's fingers running though my hair. Horus and Thoth were finally relaxing. we were all worried something would happen if I actually died. what if Nathan had finally won. then that ment my beautiful Snowflake would be his. he'd do so many terrible things like last time. I looked at Winter as I held her I then looked up and saw Jefferson and Javier. I knew Jefferson didn't know but right now I don't care. I just don't want to let go of my mate. I looked at Winter as I held her. she looked at me as tears fell down her cheeks slowly. I smiled whiping her eyes. i then kissed her head and took one of her hands in mine. I took a deep breath then looked her in the eyes. Me: "Winter. your my mate and my one and only and I love you more than anything in this world. I want us to go further and I know you may not want to after the Nathan situation." Winter: "but I do want to I want to with you JJ. I want you because I do love you soo much." Javier: "yall ain't doing s**t untill he's fully and properly healed" Jefferson: "Javi is right we don't want him getting in worse shape. so when he is fully recovered yall can do what ya want." Javier: "but we are glad your back and still alive." Jefferson: "now we can stop having so many f*****g leftover." Me: "what ya mean" Javier: "she's been over cooking man she literally taken over all of the cooking since you were gone." Me: "how long was I gone?" I looked as Winter looked away. Javier and Jefferson looked at each other then me. Jefferson: "a week." Winter: "we have one of the galas tomorrow night" Me: "I was gone a whole week?!" Winter and Javier nodded. I looked as Winter looked down holding back tears. I had missed out a whole week. that's how long I was tortured and what not. I looked and held onto Winter tighter. I looked as the men from earlier came to tend to my wounds. they had healed some of them and wraped the others. once they were done they all left leaving me, Javier, Jefferson and Winter alone in the room. I looked at my mate as she held her head down. she wouldn't look at me. I looked at Javier and Jefferson. Me: "let's get this s**t going I know if we don't do this there will be a war" Winter: "you're in no condition to attend JJ" Javier: "are you sure?" Jefferson: "it's not like they check if eavryone is coming to these things." Me: "we're doing this and I will attend I'll make sure they know how strong we are today, tomorrow, and for this whole event. we are gonna show nothing can break this gang. word would have already got out that I was missing let's show then I'm back." I looked as Javier smirked and smiled as he shook his head holding back a Laugh. Jefferson smiled as he chuckled. I looked over as I saw Winter looking away from me holding back tears. I smiled as I wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her close to me. I smiled as she didn't resist me. I the smiled cupping her chin with my index finger and thumb tilting her head to make her look at me. I looked as I saw a slight blush coverings her face as she held back some tears. I smiled as I kissed them away then looked into her eyes. she looked like she had been through hell. I couldn't she the spark she once had that shined so bright in her eyes. there was a determination but most of all there was hurt. Me: "how long" Winter: "huh?" Me: "how long have you and snow been crying and howling to the moon praying?" Winter: "I don't cry and I don't pray" I looked as she pulled her face away and looked away from me. me: "I know you cry Winter. and I know you've been crying." Javier: "she cried eavryday and eavry night" Jefferson: "eavry meal" Javier: "eavry time she walks the halls" Winter: "SHUT UP." Jefferson: "she's never prayed to the goddess who she felt took her whole family away. to the goddess who old have saved them." Javier: "and yet she stood by the window or sat on the window ledge eavry night." Amelia: "and prayed" I looked up to see Amelia, Midnight and Melody. I was so focused looked at Winter as the guys talked. I didn't notice they walked in. I turned my attention back to winter. she wasn't looking at me but I could feel her breaking so much. Midnight: "she yelled to the moon eavry few nights when she couldn't find anything" Melody: "she never stopped looking. or hoping" Amelia: "even if hee hope grew smaller by the day" Jefferson: "and her soul grew weaker." Javier: "so many nights i... we had to wake her from crying" Melody: "screaming" Midnight: "last we actually saw snow was the week before you left on our last hunt." I pulled my mate closer as I felt my heart break for her. I held her from behind as she tried to resist. I hummed softly in her ear and she stoped. she looked ate with tears in her eyes. I hadn't noticed but her hair had grew longer but it wasn't as shiny as before I left. I smiled slightly at my mate and put my head on her shoulder. Me: "mi amor, I am so, so, so, so sorry. Snowflake can you ever forgive me. please?" Winter: "I was never mad at you. I was mad at who took you. I was mad because I couldn't do anything I saw a big black shadow and couldn't do s**t. I couldn't find you." Me: "but you did and I'm back now. we will deal with Nathan. but first yall must know you all have to know. he is my older brother even though I have my parents Hades is my father bu soul or some s**t and he trained me and Nathan. he chose me over Nathan and he want you Winter." Winter: "I know" me: "you knew?" Winter: "I saw it in a dream once from the goddess persephone." me: "im sorry I didn't tell you." Winter: "its ok but yiu have to get dressed then gala starts soon and we have to be downstairs for it." I looked as Winter got up and whipped her eyes then left. I sighed and looked as the girls fallowed her. Jefferson: "Nathan thinks you're dead mostly so we have to hide that girl from him." Javier: "I get a witch to cloak her I'll be back. get him dressed please Jefferson. oh and kid. me: "Yea? Javi" Javier: "my old man would be proud of you. don't disappear like that again though. I think it'll actually kill her if you do." me: "I think so to." ~Winter's Pov~ I went to my room holding back tears and closed the door. walked to my window and fell to floor in a pile of pillows. I cried as I held myself. I looked as I heard my door open and looked up seeing the girls walk in. Amelia: "let's get you ready ok girl?" Midnight: "how are you feeling" Melody: "He's back. aren't you happy?" Me: "of course I am all I wanted for him to be back. but I loved him and I still do. but i... I've never been so lost. I prayed and cried to a goddess who knew our fates and could have saved my family my clan from destruction. I'm... I'm just kinda lost. what do I do. I looked at Melody and the girls as I held back tears. Amelia walked over and hugged me and midnight started doing my hair. Midnight: "be happy" Melody: "and if not fake it till you are." Amelia: "you got this so for tonight. smile and enjoy your mate and the party. it'll be ok" I smiled and nodded. I smiled as Amelia went to my closet and searched through my clothes for an outfit. I smiled as I looked at my hair. it was shiny again. I smiled as as pu ran my fingers through it. it was also soft again. I smiled and looked as Amelia pulled a two tone high low off the shoulder dress with with red satin and lace. I smiled as the dress was made of red satin and the off the sleeves were black lace and the under part was black lace. I smiled as I looked at the dress it was beautiful. once I was dressed the front had came mid thigh while the back fell to the back of my knee. I looked at the sweet heart neckline as it led to the sleves. I smiled as I twirled in the dres and it flaired out. I looked as it fell down to normal then looked to midnight. me: "can we make it slightly shorter in the back?" midnight: "of course." I smiled as she snapped her fingers making the back of the skirt 3 inches above the knee. I smiled then looked as I sat down. I looked as the dress turned a beautiful ocean blue and gold. I smiled at the black that was now blue and the red that is now gold. I smiled then looked at midnight. Midnight: "I thought it would be cute plus is dosent clash with your gorgeous hair." Melody: "she has a point. plus we can put gold accents I'm your hair and blue for your jewelry." I smiled giggling. I looked at my moon light blue hair that looked almost white. I smiled as I let the girls work their magic. I smiled as I looked at the gold Snowflake shaped hair clip with ocean blue Dimonds. I'm smiled as it shined on my dresser in a velvet box. I looked as I saw Jameson and Jefferson walk into the room. Jefferson: "you look amazing baby sister" Jameson: "gorgeous..." I smiled as Jameson kept staring and I blushed softly. Jameson walked over as Melody and Amelia were curling my hair and pinning it up into a ponytail tail with a clear clamp. I smiled as Amelia flaired my hair so that it could cover the clamp perfectly. I smiled as she grabed the clamp then put it in the back right above the ponytail and let two strands hanging down on the side of my face. I smiled looking in the mirror even clamped up my hair came down to my back. I smiled and laughed at how long it was. Jameson walked over and gave me a small box. Jameson: "um this was for your birthday. but I didn't get to give it to you" Jefferson: "what is that!?!" me: "what is it?" I smiled taking the box from him and opened it. I smiled as I saw a crystal Snowflake pendent with blue rose shaped moonstone in the center. I smiled as I softly lifted the 1 inch pendent seeing a gold chain. I smiled as I held back tears then got up and hugged Jameson as I held the necklace in my hand. I smiled as hugged me back. I smiled as he took the necklace then put it in me. I smiled looking at Jameson as he looked at me. Jameson: "I love you Winter. more than anything in this world. and my biggest fear was losing you and never getting to tell you how much I love you and how I feel. I'm so sorry I was gonna for so long." Me: "oh Jameson. I love you soo f*****g much. I've missed you so much. you're all I could ask for and all I want. I love you JJ." I smiled as I huged him tight as eavryone said aww. I smiled looking at him as Javier came in with Cammy. I ran to Cammy and huged her. she froze then hugged me back. I smiled getting down to the little girl's level. Me: "thank you for helping me find my mate. I promise you'll be safe here" Javier: "that she will. because her new name now is Christy and she'll be apart of the family for now on." Midnight: "that's awsome." Melody: "im so excited" Amelia: "yay another girl" Jameson: "I'm glad your out of my brothers control" Christy: "thank you, I am to... I am sorry for almost killing you" Jameson: "it's fine Christy. you did what you had to do to live." I smiled as Jameson messed up her hair some. Christy fixed her hair and clothes. she was wearing a cute rose red dress. I smiled she may be only 10 but damn it she looked soo cute in that dress. I smiled then looked as she ran to Jefferson. Javier: "let's go open the doors and greet the guests shall we." me: "we shall" Amelia: "LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED" I smiled as Amelia ran out the room and to the other house we had in the back that lead to the ballroom, auditorium and gym as well as the studio. I smiled looking at the tables and eavrything set in the ball room and banquet hall. I smiled as I looked at all the decorations and set up. it was a nice red carpet and neon lights them. I smiled as I looked and adored all the decorations. everything was so beautiful.
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