Chapter 14: I love you

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~Winter's Pov~ I sat up slowly and whimpered falling back to the bed as a pain shot through my arms. I sat up then sat with my legs tucked letting the blankets fall off me. I looked at my arms and saw the blood on my right arm. I finally looked around the room and saw I was alone in the bed. I looked at my arm once more as the scares bleed more. I sudenly jumped when I saw Jameson busting into the room panting with a worried look on his face. Jameson looked at me before walking over as he spoke. "Winter baby are yiu ok. I heard a whimper while on my run." I looked at him then shook my head. "my arm hurts and it started bleeding as I was waking up." I looked as he took my arm in his hands and looked at the scars reopening. he grabed some bandages from the side of his bed and started wrapping my arm after he cleaned it. he smiled then kissed my head then pulled me into a gentle hug. I smiled as I huged him back with my good arm. he then let me go and smiled looking at me with his eyes. I smiled as I looked at them glow they were amazing and I loved them. I smiled then poked his nose as I made a boop noise. he then broke out laughing and I looked as the red and yellow in his eyes started glowing. I smiled and looked at him. he smiled then cupped my face in his and leaned in. I smiled leaning in some as I blushed. ~Jameson's Pov ~ I smiled looking at her as her eyes started glowing a soft blue while I cupped her face. I pulled her close and kissed her deeply as Thoth took control. I kissed her deep and passionately. I purred softly as she returned the kiss with just as much passon as there was hunger. what can I say she was my mate and I was hers and I needed her bad. her touch just drives me wild in eavry way. ⚠️Warning Some NSFW content ahead. skip ahead if need it's not smut... yet⚠️ I ran my hands slowly up her thighs as I slowly layed her down. I smiled as I heard a pur escape her lips. I smiled then slowly kissed down her neck. I smiled hearing a soft moan escape her lips. I kissed her neck more going up and down working my way around till I found her sweet spot. I smirked as I felt her jump slightly and her moans became more vocal as I kissed right above her collar bone. I looked up as her eye's glowed brighter and she blushed. I smiled then ran my right hand up her shirt and sqeezed her right boob and ran my left hand up into her bed shorts. I let out a soft possessive growl as I felt no panties as I reached her heat. I heard a pur and moan escape her lips once more. I continued kissing her neck and I let my hands stay where they are. I slowly dragged my fangs along her neck as I inserted a finger into her heat. I smiled hearing her moans and gasp. ⚠️Over it is now safe to come out⚠️ I then heard horus in my head "dude slow down now I know you want to mark and mate with her but now isn't the time she's hurt remember." I sighed then nuzzled into Winter's neck leaving my scent on her then slowly pulled my hands away. she looked up at me her eyes glowing. she looked at me and pouted like a sad child before saying. "baby why did you stop. I was actually liking that." I smiled looking at her then kissed her deeply. "I knew baby but I don't want to rush so be my girlfriend. we'll then mark each other and go through that whole process but right now I don't want to pressure you. not after all yiu been through. plus your arm is hurt so. ~Winter's Pov~ I smiled as I heard his reasoning for stopping. I smiled then sat up slowly and kissed him deeply. he smiled then cupped my cheek in his hand. I smiled as I leaned into his hand enjoying the warmth of it. Jameson: "I want this to be special when it happens love. when you aren't hurt." Me: "ok I understand baby" Jameson: "are we at nicknames now my lil Snowflake" Me: "mmmm maybe cariño" Jameson: "mmm gods I love we you call me sweetie in Spanish" I smiled blushing softly as Jamesons cheeks turned a soft shade of pink and his eyes glowed softly. Jameson: "come on you have to get dressed and we have to go downstairs" Me: "do we have to" Jameson: "yes we do. we need to help Jefferson and Javier with planning the Mafias Galas or banquet" Me: "wait are we hosting that this year?!" Jameson: "yup. this is gonna be fun. hopefully no gun fights break our this year. and maybe no deaths." I smiled laughing. the mafia galas and banquets are a week worth of events where all the gangs and Mafias all rivals and alies come together. we discuss new aliences and planes for the future of the groups. it's also a time for everyone to relax and calm down the kids and teens can relax and calm down as well as make friends. it happens eavry year and a different family host it eavry f*****g year. don't get me wrong I love the week of calm but it never last a full we and in the end we just all forget how close friends we are and tensions can get better or worse. I smiled getting up with the help of Jameson. I smiled and kissed his cheek. he jumped as he heard a knock at the door and Amelia and Amelios voice. Amelia: "is eavrything ok in there" Jameson: "yea we're fine" Amelio: "are you f*****g her now?!" I laughed as u looked at Jamesons face turn bright. I smiled then went to the closet to get changed. ~Jameson's Pov~ I was blushing hard as my mate left me alone with our two best friends. it was bad enough they tease me about being together and when I drool over how beautiful she looks eavryday. now I have to deal with this. Jameson: "that's non of your business" Amelio: "so you are f*****g her" Amelia: "Wait are you!?!" Me: "NO you nitwits she got hurt and came to check in.. I mean on her" Amelia: "if ya say say so" I sighed hearing the smirk in Amelias voice. I loved those two but gods do they get annoying as hell. I smiled then sat on the bed grabbing out a notebook then started jotting down some ideas for the banquets and galas. I looked up as I saw the closet door open. I smiled as my mate walked out wearing a plaid dark purple pleated skirt and a white crop top with the off the shoulder sleeves. I smiled reading the shirt as it said daddy's little monster. I laughed knowing it's the shirt I bought her as a joke. it went well with her Suicide Squad Harley Quinn costume she wore last year for the Halloween party though. I smiled and got up as she stood in the mirror. I smiled snaking my arms around her bare waist. I smiled as I heard a pur escape her lips. I smiled then kissed her shoulder. I smiled as I she leaned into me causing horus to pur in delight. we jumped as the door busted open and she looked at Amelia and Amelio. I growled softly then let her go. I smiled then kissed her hear then walked to the door glaring daggers at the twins. I made my way to the living room where Javier and them were as I heald my note book in my hand. Javier looked at me and smiled. Jeff just stared at me. me and Winter haven't told him that we were mates. hopefully he'll be ok with me dating his sister maybe mating her so. ~Authors Pov~ Winter smiled as she came downstairs with the twins fallowing behind her. they held their heads down in slight sham. Jameson held back a Laugh as he saw the twins. Jameson and Javier looked at them then looked at each other Melody and Midnight laughed knowing the twins just got chewed out. Javier: "whats wrong with those two?" Winter: "they got scolded" Midnight: "do we even want to know why?" Melody: "probably not" Amelio: "we were just scolded so leav it at that." Winter smiled then walked to Jameson and sat by him. she looked over his shoulder as the planes he had drawn up for one of the banquets and galas. she smiled looking at the decorations and table setting he had drew up. Jameson was always good at drawing out settings and decorations for events. as the Valentino clan started planning out for the mafia galas and banquets a trouble was brewing at the Celestial Pack. Nathan looked through a crystal ball growling seeing how close Winter was to Jameson. Nathan signed as he spoke. "I want him out of the picture. Why can't he stay away from what's mine." he banged his hand on his desk as he growled. Nathan looked at the shodow figure that stood at seven feet tall while hunched over. he pointed to his lil brother in the orb as he looked at the creature as its eyes glowed a dark menacing red as it smiled with sharp ponty yellow teeth. the creature reached its Claw out looking at Jameson through the orb. the creature growled loud then looked at Nathen. Nathan looked as he growled. "do whatever you have to do to get that rat out of the picture and away from my property." the creature smiled and growled as it disappeared into the shadows. a knock had sounded on the door startling Nathan. he got up and hurriedly hid the orb. Nathen called for them to come in. Kia walked In smiling and looked at her older brother. Kia: "nathen can you bake for me please. Savanna is out shopping for food and Chase is training the new recruits" Nathan: "yes baby sister I will bake for you" Nathan gave his sister a sweet smile as she ran out and went to the kitchen. he laughed then shook his head then fallowed his sister to the kitchen and started baking for her. ~Winter's Pov~ I smiled as we had finished planning for the first two events for the week. we finally just had to get the stuff and eavrything set up. midnight had made all the invitations using some of her magic. so that all the families would know two weeks ahead of time. I smiled as I was setting out a bunch of recipes I would make for the banquet and gala. we were going to have a lot of baked goods and appetizer. lots of different things from different cultures for different species. I smiled as Jameson had wrapped his arms around my waist then kissed my neck softly. I smiled purring. Jefferson had been out with the twins trying to find the decorations. Melody was looking for some good caterers and cooks to help prepare. Javier walked into the kitchen and cleared his throat looking at me and Jameson. Javier: "so Snowball when are you gonna tell yiur siblings and them that yall two are mates." Me: "in all honesty javi I really don't know" Jameson: "we both know her siblings aren't ok with me and Jefferson may want me dead." Me: "we just want to set the right time without the twins potentially slipping up and telling Jefferson." Midnight: "you do know he will find out sooner or later love" Me: "I know. I just don't know how he'll take it. and I don't think now is the best time with eavrything that we have to plan." Javier: "ok well you can tell him after the event if ya have to." Me: "thank you" I smiled and huged Javier then smiled looking at Jameson. I wouldn't tell him but Jameson ment the world to me and he knew it. i smiled as I finished chosing all the recipes for backed goods that would be prepared for the banquet. I yawned then looked at my watch it was 3:30 pm. I smiled then started cooking some Alfredo ad Jame kept holding me as he ran his hands along my bare skin. I smiled as he continued while I purred in pleasure. I smiled and turned in his arms looking at him as he kept his hands on my waist. I smiled looking at him as his eyes. I smiled looking at the soft glow of the flakes in his eyes. I smiled as he looked at me. I smiled as I heard Horus and Thoth in my head. Me: "guys I need to cook yall are distracting me" Thoth: "but my love your just so beautiful we can't help but touch you" Horus: "Winter my dear you and snow are our world. the three of us would do anything for you" I smiled blushing at their words as I let snow speak. Snow: "oh my boys how I adore you all you two are amazing beyond comparison." Thoth: "so do we have to move?" Horus: "please don't leave us. you're our mate we can't live without you" Snow: "you don't have to leave but yall can't keep touching me like that my loves it'll make me go crazy" Me: "yall can still be beside us but no touching we have to cook." I smiled as I heard a whimper then then looked at Jameson as he sighed then noded his eyes dulling slightly. Jameson: "ok baby I'll keep my hands to myself" Me: "baby you can touch me later when I'm done cooking, ok my love." Jameson: "you promise my flower" me: "I promise sugar" I smiled as Jameson smiles then kissed my cheek and sat on the kitchen counter. I went back to cooking the Alfredo and smiled. after prepping eavrything and setting it up I smiled and put the food in the oven. Jameson smiled and kissed me as he got off the counter. I smiled giggling as he picked me up and set me on the counter. I smiled as I wrapped my arms around his neck then kissed him deeply as he put his hands on my waist and ran them down to my thighs. I smiled blushing as I ran his hands back up slowly pulling away from the kiss. I swear I feel butterflies eavry time I'm with him. he smiled looking at me as he smirked softly taking my arms in his hand then pinned them above my head. I blushed more as he leaned in and kissed my neck. I smiled blushing as I moans softly feeling his fangs on my neck. I jumped as I felt the atmosphere of the room change. it went from happy and content to dark. Jameson looked at me slightly worried then looked around as his expression turned serious. he let me go and I got down off the counter fixing my clothes. I started walking along the house looking around. the house was a lot quieter then normal. I looked at Jameson who started growling softly. I looked down as I saw the puppy I found and named creamer ran to me whimpering. I picked her up and held her. Jameson got infront of me as we heard a growl from the west wing. we looked down the hall at how dark it was. I started stepping back as I saw red eyes and Yellow pointy teeth. I screamed as the house was suddenly envolped in shadows. Jameson grabed a hold of me and held onto me as the shadows wrapped around us. I closed my eyes as I held on to cream and Jameson. after a few minutes later I opened my eyes as I felt Jameson disappear. I looked around at my new surroundings then sighed. I walked out the door and walked into the halls of the house. I was still in the house. I looked at the room finally realizing it was a guest room on the east side of the house on the 4th floor. I looked around then ran downstairs to where I was with Jameson. I looked seeing the shadows were gone and the house was active again. I started looking for Jameson around the house. I ran to his room and opened the door. I felt my heart sink as u saw his room was empty. Jameson was nowhere in sight anymore. he wasn't here. I walked to midnights room and knocked on the door. she opened the door and looked at me. I looked at her my eyes watering. Midnight: "sweetie what's wrong" Me: "He's gone. he's not in the house or anything Midnight" Midnight: "Jameson?" I nodded my head looking at her. she looked sadly then pulled me into a hug. I cried as I hugged her tight. it was so odd Jameson would never upband leave. not without his phone or car. never. ~Jameson's Pov~ I woke up as I felt my heart become heavy with sadness. I tried getting up but couldn't. I looked down seeing I was tied to a chair. I sniffed the air then growled. I saw the figure from earlier that had enveloped me and Winters in darkness. I went quite as I heard a door open and looked as a light turned on revealing Nathan. Nathan: "my shadow did very well in finding you baby brother" Jameson: "WHERES WINTER" Nathen: "oh she's safe and sound. but you are far from it. I'm tired of you trying to take whats mine. she doesn't belong to yiu and she never will. I'll make sure you dear brother are forever out of the picture for good this time." Jameson: "she's not yours one and two she's my mate you can't get mad because you can't have her. you raped and brutalized her and you think she will love you. do what you want to me but you will never have her and I'll make sure of it you sorry peice of s**t I will make sure you DIE." I looked as Nathen shook his head then laughed. he then nodded at the shadow and left the room I looked as the creature grabed a gun and shot my leg. I yelped trying to get away as it grabed a knife and started slicing me here and there with it. I growled as the figure punched me in the gut. I coughed up some blood and looked as my wounds weren't healing. I hate I could probly never tell Winter how much I love her anymore. I looked up as the shadows faded from the creature revealing a girl with coal black hair and red eyes. I looked as a tear feel down her cheek before I blacked out thinking of Winter. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Author Here~ this is not the end I promise there will be a continuem for this chapter so until then I love yall sincerely Nya Rose
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