Chapter 16: The Gala

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~Winter's Pov~ I smiled as I had set all the food out on the tables then fixed my dress some. I smiled then turned to Javier who noded from the door. he was breifing the body guards and workers so the know what to do. I smiled as I made my way across the floor and to the gambling area where I heard laughter. I oppend the doored and looked as I saw Jameson and Amelio playing poker. Jameson: "and I win again. pay up Amelio" Amelio: "oh whatever. you just got lucky." Amelia: "oh face it bro you know you never played against Jameson before. you can beat eavryone but the pros at this game is JJ and Javier. Jefferson and you tie for third." I smiled and walked over to them then sat on the table between Amelio and Jameson. Me: "yall seem to be having fun" Amelio: "sure" Jameson: "hey baby. I know I'm having fun. after all I am winning" Amelia: "its soo funny to watch my brother finally lose." I smiled and laughed. I jumped slightly as I felt Jameson wrap his arms around my waist and lay his head on my lap. I smiled laughing then kissed his head. Jameson: "gods I f*****g missed you my love" Me: "I missed you to" Amelia: "yall are so cute" Amelio: "if he dissappears again or hurts her. I'm killing him" Jameson: "look Amelio I don't feel like leaving her side now that I'm back." I looked and saw Amelios glare turn into a smile. i smiled then messed up Amelios hair. Amelio smiled then got up and kissed my cheek then walked to the door. Amelio was my oldest friend and he's always been realy protective over me. it's really interesting it makes me wonder how he'll be with his mate. I looked at eavryone then smiled. Me: "if eavryone is done with poker. let's go great our guests they should start coming any minute." Amelia: "I'm so excited I can't wait to see Sarah. me: "oooh does someone like sarah." I smiled as Amelia blushed then shoot her head. Jameson sat his head up and got up as he kept his arms around my waist. He stood between my legs and started kissing my neck. I held back a moan as I blushed and went quite. I turned away as I felt Jameson smiling against my neck. as he nuzzled into it. I looked at Amelia as i blushed and she smiled. Amelia: "thanks Jameson" Jameson: "mhm" me: "yall aren't fair" Jameson sat his head up and looked at me as he smirked blushing slightly. Jameson: "but it is I get to do this eavry time you teas her about Sarah so I thinks it's pretty fair." Amelia: "yup" I looked at them with slight shock. I then smiled and shook my head. Jameson backed up some and helper me off the table. I then smiled and fixed my dress and walked to the door and looked at them. ~40 Minutes later~ I smiled as I was greeting the guest with Javier and Jameson. I smiled as I saw Parker and his family. Me: "its nice to see you again Parker and under better circumstances" Parker: "that it is Winter. now I'll see ya around I heard yall had an amazing cook that catered today. I wanna see for myself if it's true." I smiled and laughed as Parker then made his way to the tables of food. I smiled and turned to the door as I saw Sarah and Jackson. I smiled and hugged Sarah. Sarah smiled hugging me. Sarah: "oh Winter I'm soo glad to see you again I haven't seen yiu at school for a while. are you ok" Me: "im fine I promise. I'm doing a lot better now that Jameson is back so" Sarah smiled and laughed then looked to where Amelia and Amelio were. smiled as I saw here eyes shine slightly as she stared at Amelia. I smiled then nodded to her. me: "go have fun." Sarah: "I promise I'll be back" me: "Nah I'll join yall I smiled as I looked at Sarah run off to Amelia. I looked as Amelias eyes light up seeing Sarah. I turned around just in time to see Alpha James and Luna Kiara walk in. I smiled happily as I bowed. I looked up and saw savanna and Chase behind them with Kia. I smiled slightly then hugged kia as she ran over. I smiled as Jameson appeared behind Kia and picked her up spinning her around. I smiled as she laughed then hugged her brother. ~One hour later~ I smiled as all the guest had finally showed up. I smiled and walked around listing in to all the different conversations going on. some were about business plans and others were about aliences and eavryone forgetting about the fuses between all the clans and gangs. I'll admit with us being the most powerful the shadow packs and rivals never scared us. in the words of Javier they needed us even if they ain't realize it. we own the streets of the west and east sides. we owned almost eavry dealership and had construction in all the ones we didn't. we had a hand In all vehicles and the others need them to transport goods. our aliences with the Celestial Pack made our connections extend to the harbors Makin it a lot easier to have over sea partners. all of this was good but i still had two concerns. the shadow pack and the dragon clan. they were both reluctant. the shadow pack wasn't as calm as they gave off they were ruthless weaker then us but they do anything tonget what they wanted. once their mind is made there was no changing it. the dragon clan owned all airlines they were strong and powerful but reckless. they whiped out the fire pack five years ago and are still wanting more they cause more gun and territory fights then any gang or clan combined. I looked around and put a hand on the scars on my arm as I saw Tony and his father. I wasn't there to greet them I let Javier do it. he still doesn't know what happened. I'm afraid what will happen if he did. we need the guns and I know the shadows have the control over that for the most part. I started feeling uneasy as I thought through all the circumstances that they could use to beat us. ~Jameson's Pov~ I smiled as I just got done talking to Parker about how the elemental pack used to be. from eavrything I hear they were amazing. they were in control over more then what we controlled. they had a hand in eavrything and knew eavryone. I smiled as I thought about it. I then looked as i came to a realization. I Haden seen Winter in an hour. I got up and excused myself from then rest then started looking for Winter. that's when I heard Javier over a mind link. Javier: "have you seen winter" Me: "no have you" Javier: "no one has spoken to her in the past hour almost two. find her JJ" ME: "got it" I looked around and sniffed the air picking up on Winter scent. I walked in the direction and saw her standing still as she held her arm with the scars. she looked lost in thought. I walked over and wraped my arms around her. I felt her jump then relax in my arms. I spoke softly in a whisper so only she could hear me. Me: "babe, are you ok" Winter: "um yea I just got lost in thought" Me: "wanna talk about it?" I looked as she looked around then mind linked me. Winter: "not verbally. but I feel like something is off" I looked at her then made the link private our eyes glowing slightly. Me: "what do you mean" Winter: "I have concerns about the dragon clan and the shadow pack" I looked at her confused and then it dawned on me. she ment the Santiagos and the Flames. she had rights to be. these families had the worst reputations that only got worse with eavry move they made to get stronger. Me: "what about them?" Winter: "I fell like they're planning something but I don't know what that or they'll be blamed for something very bad soon" I looked at her slightly concerned. she's usually right when it comes to her senses. she's never been wrong. when there's a threat she's the first to know. I nodded at her then smiled and winked. I looked around and saw people staring she also saw them and nodded. I was glad we were on the same page. we knew they were listening to what happens next so we have to make this as if it's just a lovers thing. Me: "baby whats wrong" Winter: "it hurts" Me: "what does" Winter: "my arm. it's startingto burn again" Me: "do you want me to take a look at it. or do you want midnight to do it" I smirked as I wrapped my arms around her waist. and taking her arm into my hand softly. we were on the same page about a distortion but this was actually her in pain. i could feel it slightly. Winter blushed and looked away as she held back tears. Winter: "JJ it really really hurts." Me: "ok lets go and grab the other so we can see what's wrong" Winter nodded as a single tear ran down her cheek. I took her hand and lead her away from the ball room and midnight appeared where she was standing. Midnight: "ok each one. while I check on my friend the gambling room is open please feel free to gave fun. I looked as I walked into the restrooms with Winter and looked atvher arm. she was bleeding slightly and her arm was now bright red with black lines extending from her cut. Me: "baby what happened" Winter: "I saw Tony and then my arm just started hurting." Me: "how long?" Winter: "40 minutes almost" I sighed and grabed a paper towel and wet it so that I could clean the blood off. I saw her jump as the doors to the bathroom busted open and Sarah, Amelia, Amelio and Javier walked in with Jameson and midnight behind them. I looked at them. holding back a growl trying to to move so that my fingers didn't dig into her cuts. midnight rushed over and pushed me out the way. I looked holding back a growl as Javier held me back. Midnight: "they're bigger then when it happened." Winter: "what?!" Amelia: "what happened?" Winter: "I don't know I just stood there thinking and then my arm starting burning." Javier: "is there anything you can do midnight" midnight: "I can only wrap it and stitch it. but..." Jameson: "but?" midnight: "it'll hurt alot more if I try stitching it." I looked as Winter's eyes turned bright blue and white then back to normal. I ran over and held her free hand. ~Winter's Pov~ I held back a whimper as my arm started burning again. I still felt like something was wrong and it wasn't with my arm. I looked as I sensed something to the right. I trew my hand in that direction as I tore it from Jameson. I looked as I shot ice in the direction then heard a thud. Javier: "what was that" Me: "no one we invited" Midnight: "you boys check it out I'm gonna stitch up Winter's arm" Javier: "Amelio Jameson come on" I looked as the guys walked over to where the pile of snow was and the pulled a person with red hair and black eyes out. I looked as they shook their head then looked up at me. the guys held him back as he tried to break free. Jameson looked at the person looking them up and down. Javier looked as Amelio walked away. Amelio: "not you again. how the f**k did you get in" Jameson: "god damn it jack. stop being a pervert " Jack: "me the pervert yall are the guys in the wemons bathroom" Amelia: "you were in here before us you dumb ass it's how she senceed you." me: "so if anything your the pervert now get out." I looked as Jack walked over to me and looked at my arm with amazement shining in his eyes. Jack: "wow what the hell happened to your arm?" Jameson: "non of your business now get out." Jack: "well what happened" I looked as Jameson stood in between me and Jack as he let out a low growl. Jameson: "you have ten seconds to turn your ass around and leave before I hurt you" Jack: "ok ok I see I pussed my boundaries. I'll leave." I watched as Amelio walked Jack out of the bathroom. I looked to midnight who had the needle and thread ready to stitch up my arm. I nodded to her and looked away as she started stitching up my arm. I gasped in pain holding back tears from the pain. Jameson wrapped his arms around my waist trying to calm me. I let my free hand wrap around him and dig into his shoulder as I whimpered from the pain. after what felt like hours I felt midnight wrapping my arm with bandages. I looked up at Jameson and saw that he was wincing in pain as my nails dug into his back. I took a deep breath and let myself relax and I released Jamesons back. I looked up at Jameson as my eyes watered. he looked at me and smiled then kissed me deeply. I smiled as I kissed him back. he pulled away and slowly took my arm in his hand and killed it softly. Jameson: "I'll take care of her wounds tonight but let's get back to the party before the clans and gangs fight." Me: "are you sure?" Jameson: "of course I'm sure" I smiled then nodded and got down. once we cleaned the bathroom off the blood and put my jacket in we made our way to the gambling room more of our mini personal casino. I oppend the doors smiling and started Making rounds to the tables with Jameson. I looked as Amelio ran over and looked at me and Jameson. Amelio: "we need yall twos help" me: "whats wrong" Amelio: "some ass hat is causing trouble at the poker table with the dealer thinking that the cards are rigged because he lost 4 game" I sighed and walked over to the poker table. I walked over and saw a dragons clan member named Terry and a shadow pack member about to fight. I sighed and banged my hand on the table the two went quite as did the rest of the guest. Me: "there will be no fights here thank you very much. no one can cheat and to be sure I will deal the cards and it'll be a new deck" Terry: "ok then princess" Shadow member: "ok I can deal with that" me: "good" I smiled then went behind the table and looked at Amelia. she nodded then moved aside I smiled then pulled a new wrapped deck of cards. I held the deck out to the men. I waited and they both nodded. I unwrapped the cards then pulled them out. I looked at the guys as I started shuffling the cards. I made sure that they knew I wasn't tampering with the deck. as soon as I was done shuffling the cards I delt out the cards to the guy's. we then proceeded to the game. once we finished the game the guys both accepted that today was just not their lucky days. for poker anyway. I then gave the cards to Amelia and let her go back to dealing. Me: "now boys I think it's time you played a different game. none of them are rigged" I looked as they nodded then got up and went to go play some other games. I smiled and watched them walk away. I left Amelia to do her thing I smiled as I walked off and went to the ball room area and grabed some brownies. I don't know how but I made my way to the balcony. I smoked as I looked out at the sky. it was a beautiful purple and orange with pink as the sun was setting. I smiled as I began to hum if you could see me now. I looked at the sky as I felt tears fall down my face. I had missed my family I missed knowing who I was. I was seven and lost it all. I jumped as I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind. I looked over as Jameson laid his head on my shoulder. Jameson: "I saw you were gone from the gala I then noticed a s**t tone of sweets gone. is eavrything ok." Me: "no. I know a lot of people here had no family or no where to go but jj. I had all of that until I was seven. I... I miss my mom and my dad I had grandparents. no one knows what happened to the rest of my clan. we only come across a few who used to be in it. the only people found is my mom and dad and they were the leaders and... and they died. Jameson: "oh baby I know it's hard trust me. hell I've never known my family and suddenly I have one. midnight was in the same situation you are but she never found anyone from her coven. she found out they had an incident and then abandoned her he parents had died during it." me: "im being selfish." Jameson: "no you just want answers" I smiled softly as Jameson hugged me tighter then nuzzled his face into my neck. I smiled blushing then ran my fingers through his hair. I smiled then kissed him once he looked up at me. I smiled and turned in his arms so I can face him putting my arms around his neck. I smiled and kissed his chin and heard him pur in delight. I smiled and giggled. we looked as we heard the balcony door open and Javier and Jefferson walked out. I smiled looking at them. Javier: "I hope eavrything is okay." Jefferson: "yea we saw a clutter of sweets and yall two gone. so" I smiled up at Jameson then looked at Javier and Jefferson. Me: "im fine I promise." Jefferson: "good now let's go close the night out. Javi just got a whole bunch of partnerships and deals. our connections are gonna be bigger then ever." I looked as Javier Laughed and smiled then pet Jefferson on his back. Javier: "jeffy boy here is right. the Valentinos are gonna be bigger then ever" I smiled looking at them. Jameson looked at them in shock then smiled. Me: "what are we waiting for let's get inside. I smiled as I ran inside and the guys fallowed behind me as they laughed. I smiled and made my way to the ballroom. we all started to walk the guest put. all but the Celestial Pack at least. I smiled as Kia ran over to me while I said goodbye to the fire clan. I smiled then turned to Kia she was smiling happily at me then hugged me tight. I smiled hugging her back as I tilted my head in confusion. Me: "hey Kia what it love" Kia: "Jameson just announced that you were his mate. that means we're gonna be sister in laws soon right" I smiled and ruffled her hair some. Me: "of course it does. you're family now." Kia: "does that mean the Celestial and Valentinos will become one thing. I looked at Jameson who was smiling nervously as Chase was talking to him. I smiled at kia. Me: "no not exactly that yet. but it dose make both close business partners." Kia smiled then hugged me again then ran off to her mom and dad. I smiled then walked over to Jameson and Chase. Chase: "so help me moon goddess if you hurt my lil sister ever I will have your head mounted on my damn bedroom wall." Savanna: "oh Chase you big softie. stop scaring him. we want our sister to have a mate not for him to reject him." I smiled softly then straightened my face and crossed my arms over my chest. Me: "please leav my boyfriend alone will you. I want him to stay not be ran off." Chase: "fine fine I'll leav him alone for now but that doesn't mean he's off the hook" me: "come on Chase Jameson will never hurt me." Chase: "oh realy then who did that to your arm and side. look were your siblings we can tell when you get hurt even when we're miles apart or anything." I looked as i sucked in a breath. only me, Jameson, Amelia and Amelio knew who did it I also think that midnight may know to. I couldn't risk a partnership Falling apart not now. if they knew it would cause a whole war. I looked at Jameson as I felt him get nervous. Amelia: "you can't obviously think that Jameson did that just listen to that." Amelio: "its nonsense. ridiculous. f****d up even to think he would ever hurt her. from day one all Jameson would do was die and right for Winter and you want to say he did that to her." Chase: "ok smart guy then who did do it to her if not pretty boy here and don't you dare lie because we will know if you do." Amelio opened his mouth to speak then. looked at me and closed it Going quite. Javier looked at me then tilted his head. Javier wasn't dumb he knew I didn't answer his question when he asked the first time. but he was gonna wait until I willingly told him or he figured it out himself. Me: "it wasn't Jameson. it was no one here. ok it was a rough wolf I don't know who did it but it just happened out if nowhere." Savanna looked at me as her eyes narrowed. I made sure to keep my heart rate even as I stayed calm but I could feel that someone knew I was lying. that when I heard a soft voice in my head. Savanna: "I know your lying but I won't pry and I'll get chase off your case. but your hiding it for a reason. why?" Me: "I don't want to ruin a major alience that happened before hand." Savanna: "ok got it you have to tell me later though" Me: "fine but please get him off of Jamesons case. jj didn't do this to me." Savanna nodded then rolled her eyes as she looked at Chase. Savanna: "big brother I think that's enough for now. she'll tell us when she's ready besides I believe her." Chase: "fine but I still fell like something is off" Jameson: "I swear on my life I will never hurt Winter. I rather die before I hurt her." I smiled then hugged Jameson tight he smiled then hugged me back as he buried his face In my neck. Javier: "trust us when we say he would never ever hurt Snowflake. he loves her to much to do so." Chase sighed then noded I looked at him and he smiled slightly. Savanna then smiled as Jefferson walked to them. Jefferson: "we do look for to doing business with yall and well let yall know when there will be a wedding it'll be the biggest one. one to remember." Melody: "it'll be one for the ages." Kia smiled and Clapped then looked at Jameson. Kia: "can I be the flower girl please big brother please" I smiled as I saw Kia give the puppy eyes. I looked at Jameson as he sighed then smiled. he nodded at Kia and she smiled and ran back off. after a while of talking the moon had fully risen by the time we were saying goodbye to the Celestial Pack. once they left me and Jameson plopped on the couch. I smiled as I layed my head on his chest and he wraped his arms around me protectively. I smiled I fell asleep in his arms.
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