Chapter 13: Parties

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~Winter's Pov~ It was Friday the day before the party. we sent out all the invitations and eavrything. me and Jameson were sitting in the cafateria and I layed My head on his shoulder. Amelia and Amelio were bickering again and boy was it funny. Amelia: "we are having a poker table" Amelio: "no I say stripers" Amelia: "poker" Amelio: "stripers" I looked at Jameson as he was shaking his head. he seemed a bit uneasy. he was usually relaxed and all smiles. I took his hand in mine and looked as he jumped. he looked at me and smiled then kissed me sweetly. I kissed him back softly then smiled. Me: "whats bothering you jj" Jameson: "im nervous about tomorrow. if you aren't my mate then what are we going to do. I want to be yours and you mine. to think that that basterd could be your mate aggravates me. it aggravates Horus and Thoth." me: "jj calm my love. I doubt he is my mate and ever will be" Jameson: "how are you feeling by the way" me: "they hurt but not to much" Jameson: "ok then" my arms has stopped bleeding but they were scared and hurting so wasn't much I could do about it. I smiled laying my head back down on Jamesons shoulder and the twins kept arguing. I smiled as Jackson walked over. Jackson sat down and smiled looking at us. Jackson: "how about yall do both it'll work" Amelia: "true" Amelio: "I can do that" I smiled then looked at Jackson. Me: "so what brings ya here?" Jackson: "I wanted to say thank you for the invites. we can't wait to he there tomorrow" Jameson: "we can't wait to have ya" Amelia: "im sure yall will love it" Amelio: "yea and their will be stripers" I facepalmed as Amelio drooled over stripers. I can wait till he finds his mate gods it'll such good change. I smiled then waved as Jackson laughed then got up. we all turned and looked at Amelio who was still drooling over stripers. Amelia: "my brother is such a perv" Jameson: "that he is" Amelia: "im so glad you got Winter Jameson" Jameson: "what can I say I love her and would give my life for her" I smiled looking at Jameson as he took my hand then kissed the back of it. he then intertwined our fingers and planted a soft kiss on mine. I smiled as I heard snow purr in my head. she loved when she got to hang out with Horus and Thoth. they just made us feel so safe. I smiled blushing. after lunch we all headed to our last class of the day. I took my seat and smiled Jameson took the seat beside me. I looked as Britney walked by scowling at me. I shruged it off then looked as Tony sat on the other side of me. Tony: "Winter love can we talk later" Me: "why should we?" Jameson: "what do you want Santiago. you already scared her then reject her. what do you want." I grabed Jamesons hand and hummed softly. I could hear the malice in his voice. Me: "baby calm down please" Jameson: "im sorry I just. you know I highly dislike him I don't want you alone with this... this... I don't even know what to call his ass" Tony: "wow I'm right here ya know I can hear you" Jameson: "you were supposed to" Me: "I know baby I'll be ok. please calm down" Jameson nodded then sighed. I smiled holding his hand then mind linked him as I intertwined our fingers. Me: "you can fallow behind us but don't come in until I say so ok?" Jameson: "ok baby I'll fallow behind but if I sense even the slightest bit of danger I'm coming in." Me: "I can deal with that" Jameson smiled then kissed my hand as he looked at me. I looked at Tony. I nodded then sighed. Me: "I'll come talk with you" Tony: "thank you love" Me: "you don't have the rights to call me that Tony" I went back to focusing on class as Jameson had his hand on my thigh. he's been talking about marking me and us being official all of yesterday I told him we will see at the party. once close was finished Jameson grabed my books then kissed me sweetly. I smiled kissing him back. Jameson: "I'll take these to your locker. please be safe ok baby. after all we can't trust him even if his family is businesses partners with the Valentinos." Me: "I know baby but... I have to do this. I'll be alright. remind what I told you ok." Jameson: "ok my love." I smiled at Jameson then looked at Tony and left the classroom. Tony then got infront and lead the way. I hated being alone with him rn and I didn't want to be. ~Jameson's Pov~ I looked as my mate walked off Tony. I don't know what that peice of s**t wants or why it has anything to do with my winter. I put me and Winters stuff in our lockers that were side by side. I then went in the direction where I could smell Winter's scent. she always smelled so sweet. I smiled as I started daydreaming about seeing my mate naked then shook my head I had to focus I had came to the room where Winter's scent lead. I used the necklace she gave me to cloake my scent so I wasn't noticed. I tried listening in on their conversation but I couldn't. I thank the supper thick walls. but it does make good places for some mid-day fun when ya wanna be alone and skip class with someone. if ya know what I mean. ~Winter's Pov~ I looked as Tony leaned on the desk. I stood s bit away from him. I looked around staying on alert. Me: "you wanted to talk now talk" Tony: "look baby I'm sorry. your my mate you don't have to parade around with a fake to make me jealous" Me: "a fake. he is more of a mate then you will ever be. he is my mate. and he has been since Thursday. besides why would I wanna be your mate anyway." Tony: "because I love you. and your mine" I looked taking a step back as Tony wolf came to the surface. I stopped and stared standing my ground as he growled introducing himself in a deep voice. Tidus: "im Tidus Tony's wolf. and you Winter my dear. are my mate." Me: "no im not. and I never will be not after what you and him did to me. my arms are still yet to completely heal and it's been two weeks. I will never be your mate." I stepped back as he came closer I bumped into a desk. I looked as he came closer then growled in my ear. Tidus: "you will be mine" Me: "never will I ever be your mate. go find some other girl to be your mate. after all what happened to that slut of yours you called mate huh." Tidus: "she wasn't my mate. but you are. now you have a choice be my mate willingly or by force" Me: "I said never you no good pompous peice of s**t" I yelped and gasped he growled louder then placed his hands on the desk trapping me. I looked at him as my eyes turned ice blue and spoke calmly my voice sounding sweeter as I looked at him coldly. Tidus: "what did you say you little b***h" Me: "I said. I won't be your mate. not now not ever. you sorry pompous peice of s**t!" I gasped as he gripped my neck then kissed me. I clawed at his hands with my nails. I whimpered slightly trying to push him away and gasped for air. Tidus: "I will not take no for a f*****g answer" Me: "JJ HELP ME" Tidus: "I'll make sure you never say his name ever a f*****g gain. do you hear me" i gasped as I clawed at his hands drawing blood and linked Jameson. I tried using an blast of ice to push Tony away. I froze as my powers didn't work. I cringed as I felt his lips on my neck. it felt so gross I swear I'd rather let Nathan touch me then feel this. I jumped as I suddenness felt his fangs brushing up against my neck. I whimpered as tears feel down my cheek. if I could yell I would but his grip is tight and I'm hating it. ~Jameson's Pov~ I had been trying to listen to the conversation they were having. all I got was a bunch of mate stuff and then I heard nothing. I jumped as I heard a faint voice over the mind link. I looked and knocked on the door to the room Winter was in. I growled as tried opening the door only for it to be locked. Horus and Thoth were getting restlessness and aggravated now. I looked as I herd a yelp fallowed by a whimper. I then felt horus take over and I broke the door down growling. I looked and ran over to Tony grabbing him and threw him across the room as he opened his mouth about to mark her. I looked as Winter fell to the ground and started crying. I looked at Tony as I let Horus take full control. Horus was always the hot head of the two of my wolf's. Horus growled then punched Tony in the face knocking him out. I regained control then looked at Tony with discus then ran over to winter. I looked as she cried then took her into my arms. Me: "baby are you ok?" Winter: "im scared" Me: "shh it's ok I got you. let's get you home and away from here" I picking up Winter and she held on tight to me. I hummed as I carried her to my car then gently sat her in the hood of my car. I smiled as she looked at me while whiping her eyes. I took her hands in mine and kissed her head. she smiled holding my hands. I looked at her then examines her checking for wounds. I looked at her neck and saw the bruise that was forming from when Tony was gripping her neck. I sighed then cupped her cheek and smiled slightly. I hated that he hurt her. I most definitely hate that she smells like him. I smiled as Winter cuddled up to me. I want to kiss her so bad but I don't know if what Tony did set her back when she was with my brother. It took me two years for her to even let me hug her again without flinching after she was with my brother. Winter: "can we go home please. my arms and neck hurt." me: "come on baby. I'll get ya in the car." Winter: "thank you" Me: "of course my love." I smiled picking up Winter then set her in the passenger seat. it was easy since I had the hood down. I went to get in and looked as Amelia and Amelio ran over. Amelio: "yall heading home?" Me: "um yea. I have to tend to winter but well see yall at the party or at home which ever come first. Amelia: "what happened?" Me: "Tony happy again the f*****g ass. I need to make sure she's ok I'll see yall at home." Amelio: "well come with." Amelia: "yea we have to get ready anyway right. so come on" I smiled as the twins got in the car. I then got in and looked beside me at Winter. she had passes out curled up in the seat. I smiled then started the car and drove home. as we arrived to the house I smiled and got out then picked her up and held her in my arms as I walked into the house. I set Winter on the couch as she slept. I looked as Jefferson walked in. his eyes were a but red so it could mean two things. that he smells Tony on her and he's nad or he found out something that pissed him off. Jefferson: "what happened at school" Me: "Tony happened" Jefferson: "what do you mean JJ" Me: "he asked her to talk she agreed and I fallowed when I got where they were talking I heard some things about mates. I didn't like then I suddenly heard nothing and next thing I know I get a faint link from Winter and I heard a yelp and whimper. that's when I busted the door down because it was locked and I found him about to forcefully mark her as his mate." Jefferson: "what the f**k" Jefferson looked at Winter and sighed before he sat by her. I looked and walked to her and gently took her hand in mine. I wanted all the people to stop bullying her. I wanted her to be ok. I wanted this to never happen again and all I could do is hope that what happened today dosent set her back. I kissed her head then walked to my room. I had to wrap the presents I got her. I had already wrapped Amelio and Amelios but I wanted to take extra care with Winter's gifts. ~Winter's Pov 3 Hour Later~ I sat up and looked around at my surroundings. I was in the living room. I got up slowly and went to my room to change. the party was gonna start in the next couple hours. I walked in my room and let my blue hair down it had gotten a lot longer. it was to my knee now. I grabed some scissors and cut it to be back at my waist. I smiled then put my hair into a high up ponytail. I smiled and tied a silver and red ribbon around it. I smiled walking to my closet looking for an outfit. I smiled as I heard a Amelias signiture knock. "come in Amelia" I said happily as I continued looking through my closet. "did you find something to wear." she said happily as she walked over. I smiled and laughed then turned to my best friend. "no not yet think ya can help me" I said as I looked at her. "I have the perfect outfit for you. Jefferson and Javier had bought it for you to wear to the party today." she said as she ran ran to my door. I smiled still looking for something to wear when Amelia walked back in carrying a box I smiled as she set the box on my bed. I looked at her as I tilted my head. I walked over and unwrapped the box and opened it. I smiled as I looked in the box it was a beautiful black Aliah Chiffon Wrap Dress. I smiled looking at the blue streaks going from the waist to the bottom. the chest had Dimonds and beads scattering to the bottom like stars. I smiled then got dressed and put on my crystal blue lace up heals. I smiled and looked at Amelia. "let's get downstairs shall we." I said as I smiled at her. Amelia smiled then ran over to me and took my hand. I smiled as I admired her fire red off the shoulder silk mini dress that she was wearing. "yup we gotta make an entrance after all. besides I bet money that you'll leave the guys speechless." she said as she smiled slyly. I smiled laughing as we made our way downstairs to the living room. I smiled as I saw Jameson. he looked at me and his jaw dropped. Amelio looked at me as his eyes widdened. and he tried to find words to say. I smiled as Amelio walked over to me as he set a box down. he smiled looking at me. Amelio smiled at me and said "you look amazing and absolutely beautiful as ever Winter" I laughed smiling as I replied "thank you Amelio but I think we both know I want to here what Jameson thinks to." Jameson jumped looking at me as he heard me and Jefferson elbowed him in the side. I looked at him and giggled slightly. he was wearing his leather jacket with his hair slacked back with black pants and a red shirt. ~Jameson's Pov~ I was speechless as I saw Winter she looked so beautiful in her blue and black dress Javier and Jefferson got her. I smiled and walked over to her. I had felt this Sudden pull when she got down here. it was stronger then our usual connection. I tried speaking and couldn't I jumped as I felt Jefferson elbow me. I smiled as I heard Winter giggle and I smiled. I had finally managed to relax but I still was on edge. I wanted to do so many things to her rn. what the f**k get ahold of yourself Jameson. what has gotten into you. I smiled and finally spoke as I felt the hear rush to my face as I spoke to winter like a love struck pup. "you look beyond amazing Winter. your so beautiful I... gods you." I smiled as I looked at her suddenly becoming speechless again. Winter smiled at me as she blushed speaking. "I what?" I smiled and froze as I heard the word mate ring in my head and saw Winter's eyes shine a bright blue. I smiled then pulled her close and kissed her deeply. I heard Horus and Thoth pur as she moaned softly then wrapped her arms around my neck and run her fingers through my hair. i smiled as I felt her smile and she slowly pulled away. I held back a whine as she pulled away and let go. she had then looked down and Amelia looked at her with her mouth wide open. Amelia then looked at me. I couldn't tell if she was mad or what. Winter then looked up as she smiled while blushing a bright red. "um we should get going we want to be at the party on time even though some of the guys may be letting the guest in." she said. "oh yea we should shouldn't keep our guests waiting to long" I said as I scratched the back of my head. I got in my car and drove with Amelio to the destination. he looked at me as I drove. "um dude what the f**k happened back at the house. your never f*****g speechless like that. you couldn't even speak and then you suddenly spoke and stuttered and then you kissed her like out of nowhere." Amelio said as he looked at me wide eyed. I looked and spoke. "I don't know its just when she came downstairs she. I got this pull twords her unlike ever before. like it was strong and then I smelled the most intoxicating scent of vanilla and roses on a winter day by an open fire. I... I never felt like this but it was like she was the only one there and I wanted to do so many things to her but all I could do was kiss her at that moment. I just wanted her more then I ever did yesterday. and the wildest thing Horus and Thoth called her mate. and her eyes. gods her eyes were beautiful including when they glowed. " I smiled as I finished explaining and my mind went back to winter. ~Winter's Pov~ I was in the car kinda panicking as Amelia was driving. I had linked her saying Snow called Jameson mate. "Are you sure Jameson is your mate winter" Amelia said as we drove. I looked at her "yes Amelia yes I'm sure. when I came downstairs I wanted to run to him it took all of me not to. and gods the way he smelled. the smell of smores on an open bonfire on a summer night it was sooo amazing. oh gods I loved it. it was soo good and intoxicating. I loved the kiss but that's when Snow said the word mate. then I freaked out." I explained. she smiled looking at me as she parked. "I'm happy for you. please I knew this would happen. sooo I told you so." I laughed smiling then got out the car we walked in and stood on the balcony on the top floor. I smiled looking at all the neon lights and streamers. there was a dance floor in the center and a few gambling tables in the right corner and a food and snack bar on the left side of the room. we then had a few stripers in the left corner. I smiled as I looked around the top where all the gifts and snacks there was also a karaoke station on the top floor to. I smiled and turned to Jefferson, Javier, Midnight and Melody. "yall did amazing with this. honestly like yall really out did yourselves" I said as I smiled. I smiled as Amelia heard a song came on and grabbed my arm. she smiled and dragged me down to the dance floor. I smiled as I started dancing with Amelia. she smiled as she enjoyed the song while dancing. I smiled dancing then looked as she stoped and looked around. I smiled looking at her. she looked and then smiled when Sarah came into view. she ran over and kissed her. I smiled looking as Amelio ran over. "I take it her and sarah are mates." He asked. I smiled and noded as I said. "yup she is" I smiled as I looked and Amelio looking at Jackson and jumped. I looked at Jackson and his eyes lit up. that's when I remembered that Jackson was a year older then all of us. I smiled and bumped Amelio into Jackson. he smiled then looked at me with that what the f**k are you doing b***h. Jackson smiled then kissed Amelio. I smiled then left them alone as I went up to the second Flore and sat in a booth that was in the corner. I smiled as I started talking to some of the guest. Jefferson and Javier were trying to make partnerships in the other rooms with some of the adults as Melody and Midnight made sure eavrything was running smoothly. I smiled then looked as Tony walked over. I stiffened as the guest I was talking to left. Tony looked at me then spoke "can we talk. please" I looked at him and pretended to think "um no actually. lats we tried to 'talk' I was pinned and you tried to forcibly mark me and your wolf tidus was literally about to mark me. I can't stress this enough. I am not your mate and I will never be including not after yesterday. I am still bruised from yesterday." I hissed he sighed then looked at me slightly annoyed. "come on please Winter" I looked at him. "I said no Tony Santiago and now is nit the time to be doing this." I replied. he growled and his eyes turned red and black. I sat back in the booth moving furniture away from him. he looked at me "I said let's talk b***h now I don't care what you want." I sighed as I got up growling. "I will not and I am not yours. you don't control me." ~Jameson's Pov~ I was smiling and talking to a guy with green hair named Parker. he was talking about how he used to be apart of an elemental pack when he was a kid. it's been 11 years since the pack was proclaimed missing and whiped out. I would know since it's how long we had winter living with us. he was 8 when the pack got whiped out. so he's 19 right now. I wonder if he knows winter then. I smiled as we kept talking about cars and what not. I was laughing when a girl with pink and black hair ran over to me. "Winter is in trouble she need you now" she said as worry laced her voice. Parker looked as spoke. as he saw the girl. "Sophie what's going on" she looked as she caught her breath. "it's some guy he won't leav her alone she had called him Tony before I left to get someone." she explained. I looked as I heard the name I then started walking away and upstairs to where I smelled winter. I jumped as I heard a deep yell. I growled knowing it was Tony. I ran up the rest of the stairs and ran to Tony then punched him hard in his jaw. I looked as he fell back. Parker then ran over and grabed him by his arms and and slamed him to the ground. I looked as Parkers eyes turned bright green and vines suddenly wrapped around Tony. "Don't f*****g hurt her you peice of s**t" Parker growled. I ran over to winter and checked on her. she sighed in relief then huged me tight. I looked as two guards came over and took Tony from Parker. I looked and held Winter calming her down. I could feel her heart racing like crazy. I smiled looking at her. "it's ok baby I promise" I reassured her as she calmed down more. I looked as I heard her mumble mate under her breath. it was hard to hear even with my wolf hearing. I smiled and blushed softly. Parker walked over then looked at Winter. "are yiu ok winter?" he asked. she looked at Parker then noded as she spoke. "im fine" I smiled and looked at Parker. "do you by any chance know winter?" I asked him. Parker looked and smiled. "yea I do we used to be friends before the whole clan fell and yea." He said. I could tell he was holding something back as If he knows what happened to her the clan. she looked at him and tilted her head she then looked at Sophie and smiled. she nodded to Sophie thanking her. after a few minutes we all went back to the party. I never let winter out of my sight during the time. we smiled enjoying the rest of the party and opening presents. I loved the hoddie that winter had got me. she bought Amelia a personalized bracelet. and she got Amelio a bts and red velvet record. she knew about all of out secret addiction and thinks we liked for Amelio it was kpop. I smiled as I gave winter a small box she looked at me weird then smiled as she opened it. inside was a rose gold ring with the words my forever and always on the inside and a diamond heart on the top. she smiled as she put it on. she then smiled looking at the blue and gold chocker that had a blue crystal Snowflake pendent. she smiled putting it on then huged me. I smiled looking at her. it was amazing how u would do anything for this girl. ~Winter's Pov~ once the party was finished we had started cleaning Sophie, Parker, Jackson, and Sarah decided to stay and help clean. I smiled as I hummed to the music as we cleaned. it was a really good party I got to see Sam and Jaz so I was happy. I've always loved those two even if I can't stand to be around their future alpha. I jumped as I felt two strong arms snake around me. I smiled looking back at Jameson. I smiled and kissed his cheek. I knew we were gonna have to talk about this whole mateing and marking thing when we got home now that we officially know we're mates. I smiled looking as we enjoyed our time together and finished Cleaning it was about one in the morning when it was all done. we all went back home and layed down Going to bed. I of course cuddled up to Jameson in his room like always. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~☆Author announcements☆~ I would like to apologize for the long wait guys like honestly I am soo sorry. I've had some very interesting weeks maybe a month since I last updated. between still figuring out college s**t and my mom being interesting and vacations ad well as being sick here and there I am very sorry. I will do my best to update more and I will release my other book when I am done with part one of that Hybrid luna queen and after I finish one of my other ones I will and I mean I will try Making book two as of now please enjoy this chapter. I love yall and I am soooooo sorry ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ °•☆♡Love Nya~Rose♡☆•°
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