Chapter 12: Reunions

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~Winter's Pov~ I woke up and looked at the time it was 10am. I layed my head back down then shot up. 10 am I'm gonna be so late. I looked over and saw Jameson still sleep. I got out of his arms then went to bath and shower. I washed my hair letting the curls turn to waves. my corkscrew curls were now beach waves because of how wet they were. I got out the shows and wrapped a towel around me. I then started doing my normal hair routine. my curls bounced back like springs when I finished. I smiled looking at my long hair. I was thinking of cutting it. I looked and saw clothes on the sink beside me with a note. I smiled and looked at the note that said : "I figured you'd be in Jameson room so I took the liberty of picking your outfit with Amelia. I want you to wear something that was you. so here is your outfit I also included a few hair accessories so you could style your hair you can also come to me if you want me to do it. love Midnight and Amelio. " I smiled and shook my head at the note. I smiled and put on the lace panties and matching strapless bra on. I then slid on the mini pleated denim skirt with a chain on the side that had a crystal Cresent moon charm on it. I was cute and simple but still couldn say otherwise. I smiled then grabed the white wrap around tie up crop top that had a blue dragon design on the back surrounded by snowflakes and a starry night circle background. I smiled looking at my outfit then looked at my hair. I bushed my hair then put it half up half down. I made sure to comb and brush the top half so that it was flat and tight showing few waves. I smiled looking at the curls that hung down and the curly ponytail I smiled and and crabed my hair clip with the start pattern and put it on the ponytail. I smiled then went out to the room after putting my stuff in the hamper. I smiled and looked at Jameson as he was shirt less. I smiled and walked to him looking at the shooting star flying by a full moon. I smiled and ran my fingers over the mark and sat by him. I kissed it slightly then head him chuckle. he smiled and looked at me. Jameson: "Hello my love. how are you feeling" Me: "im fine how are you" Jameson: "im good. I see you still admire my birthmark" Me: "who wouldn't. it's amazing. now get ready we have to be at the meeting with the Celestia pack." Jameson: "wait what?" Me: "javi set up a meeting with them saying they may be able to help with business and stuff. he also thinks my sister or brother is there. he told me how they also had some people the rescued. the alpha and luna are coming over with their kids and the beta as well as the Gemma. and a delta. so we all have to be there." Jameson: "got it. um baby I have to tell you something I found out well already knew." Me: "what is it" Jameson: "the alpha and luna are my parents and they are also Nathan's half parents. hes my brother which you probably knew but i disowned him after I learned he tossed me to the woods and erased me from my parents memories." Me: "Jameson I'm so sorry look I'll be here for you ok? I'll be right beside you." after eavryone was dressed and had breakfast we all had eavrything set up. Jefferson kept trying to put me in a frilly dress that was all baby pink. when Jefferson tossed me over his shoulder I looking at midnight who kept laughing. Jamesons kept quiet then slowly took me from Jefferson and held me bridal style. Jameson: "let's not let her panties show." Me: "I will not wear that girly trash" Jefferson: "we have to look our best though" Me: "im not wearing it" Midnight: "baby let it go you know she hates that stuff" Javier: "I cant beleive your actually tried to make her wear that." Amelio: "you have an easier time putting her in a black mini dress" Amelia: "she rather wear what Stacy wears then that dress and that says a lot" Jameson: "we will leav her be for now ok? we have company coming." I stuck my tongue out at Jefferson as he sighed. Jameson put me down. I started running as Jefferson started chasing me. I kept running nit realizing the guest were here. I kept running then ran into a hard wall or at least I thought it was a wall. I fell to the ground and felt pain shoot up my leg. I hissed and whimpers then heard running. Jameson: "Snowflake!?!?! are you ok what happened?" Me: "im fine I just wasn't paying attention. I'm soo sorry I didn't mean to bump into you" I looked up and saw a guy with black hair his eyes were orange. I looked and smiled happily. the man looked at me weird then his eyes light up with realization. Jameson picked me up bridal style and I hissed slightly. I smiled looking at the man it was my big brother Chase. I knew that hair and eyes anywhere. he looks just like dad did." Jameson: "let's have midnight tend to your wounds." Chase: "you're alive. but how" Me: "its good go see you to big brother" Jameson: "baby who is this?" Me: "Jameson this is my big brother Chase. I can't believe your alive wait what about Savanna" Chase: "she's alive baby sister Me: "that's awesome. I'll be back." Chase: "what happened anyway" Jameson: "well explain later" I smiled and held onto Jameson as he took me to Midnight. I smiled and let her tend to my wounds as Javier showed the guest around. we sat in the living room as Midnight tended to my wounds and Melody was petting the puppy and reading. just as midnight unwrapped my arms the Celestia pack walked in. I smiled and waved with my other arm and Chase ran over to me. Jameson got up and stood between me and him. a girl with red and blue hair appeared behind Chase then gasped looking at my arm. I smiled looking at Savanna she looked the same as I last saw her. Chase growled at Jameson and Jameson growled back a ball of light energy forming in his hand. Chase: "What the f**k happened to my sister" Jameson: "back the f**k up" Savanna: "Chase stop this isn't our territory" Chase: "Savanna that's our sister and she has a mangled arm what the f**k" Me: "all of you stop. this is no way to act. now calm down and I will explain" Jameson: "tell them to back down" Midnight hurried and wrapped my arm. I got up and stood between the three and turned to Jameson. I huged him tight and felt him calm down. he hugged me and ran his fingers though my hair. Jameson: "I'm sorry baby. I just don't want anyone hurting you" Chase: "so what did happen to my sister" Javier: "how do you know she's your sister?" Savanna: "she has the same pendent as me it'll have a picture of all of us together when we were younger before the incident" Chase: "check her shoulder she has a birth mark of a Snowflake in the center of a full moon. she's also got a personalized watch that's rose gold that she's wearing now." Jameson: "they're right" Jefferson: "so we all can calm down now." Jameson wiped the makeup off my shoulder then sat down with me in his lap. eavryone else also settled down. they all introduced themselves. alpha James and luna Kiara were a happy couple Jameson looked like alpha James. he had luna Kiaras eyes though. they had a daughter that was 16 named Kia. Kia kept staring at Jameson then back at her parents every now and then. Jameson: "I have so much to tell you" Alpha James: "what ever do you mean?" Kia: "I think I know" Luna Kiara: "what do you mean?" Jameson: "I'm your son" Alpha James: "we online have one son and his name is Nathen." Luna kiara: "let's hear him out I just have the feeling he's ours call it tuition" Kia: "tuition he looks exactly like yall literally half and half mom's smile both of yalls eyes. dad's hair moms nose and Dad's ears. what more is there to prove." Alpha James: "out family has the same birthmark if he dosent have it he is not ours" me: "The birthmark of a shooting star flying over the full moon" Luna Kiara: "how... How did you know" I slowly got up off of Jamesons lap as he softly pet my thigh. he got up and turned his back then lifted his shirt showing the birth mark on the back of his right shoulder. I looked as Luna Kiara covered her mouth and alpha James had his wide open. I smiled looking at james he then set his shirt down then pulled me into his lap. I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder. I looked up as I heard a low growl from Chase. Chase: "so what did happen to my sister" Jameson: "she was attacked" Savanna: "By who?!" Amelio: "an old mate" Amelia: "false mate" Javier: "who did attack Winter" Me: "no one important. let's drop it." Jefferson: "im with the Snowball on this one" after we spent time catching up and talking we got on to business with the deal and Making a alliance with the pack so that our group could do combat training and we teach weapons to their pack members. Javier also wanted to get some access to the ports and some funding for the cars and races. Javier and Jefferson got up then told everyone 18 and under to leave. I sighed as I got up and left the room. me, Jameson, Amelia, Amelio and Kia all went to the pool we had out back. I yawned as I stretched and sat in one of the pool chairs and played on my phone. I smiled as I sensed Jameson staring. I smiled and looked over to the door and smiled at him. Jameson ran over then kissed me as he cupped my cheek. Jameson: "gods I love you" Me: "aww Jameson" Snow: "gods he's so caring" Me: "be quite snow. not now please" Me: "I adore you" Kia: "so are yall two like mates or something" Jameson: "I've been told we are and I do love her and I feel we are" Me: "who told you that?" Jameson: "it is a long story baby. I'll tell ya later" Me: "fine" ~Jameson's Pov~ I smiled as I looked at how beautiful Winter was. she was my snow Flower and if hades was right it means when she's 18. I'm gonna get hit hard af f**k. I still wanna know why her eyes turned black that day. I smiled looking at Winter purple eyes and blue hair. I kissed her cheek then went to sit by the pool. I looked back and saw her blushing. Kia then sat by me and smiled. it's hard knowing I had a baby sister. including one that looks similar to me but her eyes are black with red and blue flakes. I smiled at her then looked at Amelia and Amelio trying to drown each other. Kia: "so what have you been up to" Me: "not much just living here selling and working on cars and stuff like that. I also got my mate so." I smiled as me and Kia talked we had a lot in common with each other. we both liked music, drawing and cars. so it was good. I smiled looking as Amelio swam over. Amelio: "so take care of Winter ok. considering yall are mates I don't have much of a chance." Me: "you'll find your mate and they'll be amazing who knows maybe Jackson can be your mate." Amelio: "Jackson is hot. your cute lil sister here could be my mate after all there is only a two year difference between us. I growled as I looked at Amelio. I know he's my best friend but like what the f**k. Kia just giggled like a school girl talking to her crush. I smiled calming down as I felt someone lean on me. I smiled as I saw my favorite moonlight blue hair. I smiled and looked up at Winter. I kissed her sweetly and she kissed back. I smiled and pulled her into my lap. I was about to kiss her when I heard a growl. I sighed and looked at Winter. she was looking behind me her eyes slightly black. I tilted my head then huged her tight. but in all honesty what the hell is up with people growling when I'm trying to kiss the love of my life. ~Winter's Pov~ I growled as I looked at Chase. Savanna walked outside to us. I was starting Chase down not happy at all. I then heard Savanna and Chase over the family mind link. Savanna: "can yall calm down please" Chase: "What the f**k are you doing" Me: "I was about to kiss my mate" Chase: "he f*****g hurt you Winter" Me: "no he never has. who the hell told you that" Savanna: "Nathen said a guy named Jameson hurt you and that he stole you from him" Me: "NOOOOOO no that's all a lie. Nathan is the one who hurt me. he's the one I'm scared of Nathen. he. he." I froze as I felt someone hug me. I then got up suddenly and went inside making my way to the front door. I stoped as I herd steps and Jamesons voice. I looked and saw midnight, Amelia, Jameson, and Jeff that must mean that Melody and Amelio are with my siblings. Jameson: "baby please realx calm down please your eyes are black again." Jefferson: "what happened" Midnight: "what happened Snowflake" Me: "Nathan said that Jameson is the one that hurt me and stuff and that he stole me." Amelia: "HE DID WHAT" Jameson: "look we'll explain to them I promise ok baby?" Me: "ok" I nodded then let Jameson take me ino his arms. I held on to him tight as he picked me up and set me on one of his arms. he was mine and I was his. no one can separate us. I smiled and held onto Jameson tighter. we went back to the pool and Jameson sat me down. I looked at my siblings who had looks of disbelief on there face and Melody and Amelio with hurt looks. Me: "I guess now yall know" Chase: "then why trust Jameson. he could hurt you to." Me: "in the 10 years I've known him he's done all but hurt me in any way. why can't you see that. also he's mate." Jameson: "I would never hurt Winter. I love her way to much to do so. she is my love and my life. hurting her will only hurt me in the end. I'm also not Nathan." Jefferson: "jj has done really well in protecting baby sis so like" Midnight: "she's in good hands" after a lot of talking and convincing we said bye as the Sanchez family left the alpha and luna were very nice so was Kia. my siblings weren't bad either although this will take some getting used to.
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