Chapter 6: Broken and Mending

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~Winters pov~ I had woke up crying yet again. I remember when I woke up crying after Jefferson had found me. It was Thursday. It had been four days since it happened. I remember how Midnight and Melody looked at me with worry in their eyes. They told me how they had seen the memories of when Tony and Tyson attacked me and the fear and sadness in my eyes. Midnight felt worse for me because I was attacked by my mate, the one person that was supposed to protect me. I had the memories of how mad Tony plagued my sleep more than my nightmares did. I got up out of bed and looked at the time. It was 2 am on a Tuesday. I had been staying at the main mansion with the Valentino Mafia. Jefferson was going to take me to school and have Jameson watch me. Jameson had enrolled at magic falls Friday and got the same schedule as me. I was in slight pain as I got dressed in a pair of lace up shorts and a purple off the shoulder top that had a Golden moon in the center of my chest. I looked at the bandages on my hands and arms. I looked like a half done Mummy. I went to the bathroom and did my hair. I looked at my curly hair and brushed it softly. I whimpered and dropped my brush as my arm jerked feeling a sudden pain. I looked behind me as someone cleared their throat from behind me. I looked and saw Jameson he had long soft black hair that reached just past his shoulder blades. I looked as his hair fell over one of his eyes. Jameson had mismatch eyes. his right one was gray with gold flakes reminding me of fireflies on a fogy morning. while his left eye was black with red flakes. it reminded me of embers from a fire floating up into the pitch-black night sky. I smiled looking at him as he picked up my brush. Jameson: "you need help brushing your hair." Me: "yes please" Jameson: "why are you up so early" Me: "I had saw that that memory aging and couldn't sleep aftet." Jameson: "you still see that s**t. how are your arms feeling?" Me: "yea I do. and my arms are ok they still hurt though. why are you up?" Jameson: "I couldn't sleep and I then heard you drop your brush." Me: "thanks Jameson" I smiled as Jameson helped me brush my hair. I smiled and hummed the lullaby I remember and started singing. Me: "Fly me to the moon Let me play among the stars Let me see what spring is like on" Jameson: "A-Jupiter and Mars" Me: "In other words, hold my hand In other words, baby, kiss me" Jameson: "Fill my heart with song and let me" I smiled as I heard him sing and kept Singing and thought of my parents and siblings. Me: "sing forevermore You are all I long for All I worship and adore In other words, please be true In other words, I love you" Jameson: "Fly me to the moon Let me play among the stars Let me see what spring is like on A-Jupiter and Mars Me: "In other words, hold my hand In other words, baby, kiss me" I smiled as I finished and looked at my neatly brushed hair. Jameson was humming still. I smiled I didn't know I sang the song so much that he learned it. i knew it was actual song I just never remembered the name of it. Jameson: "its called fly me to the moon. the original singer is frank Sinatra but I think you sound better singing it then he did. me: "thanks" I smiled giggling then looked as we made our way down to the kitchen to cook it was 8 am and we had an hour till school started. we entered the kitchen to midnight and Melody cooking. I smiled taking a chocolate fudge muffin that midnight made. I smiled eating it then sat down. I let Midnight remove the pain from my arms and leg so I could do all the stuff I had to do for school and stuff. we then sat and ate breakfast as we just talked. ~Tony's Pov~ it had been 4 days since I seen or heard from Winter. all the calls I tried Leaving her went straight to voice-mail or she never picked up the phone. I was getting ready for school. I searched eavry where I thought she could be. she wasn't at her old house or the school. she wasn't even at the work shop. the worst part is eavry time I went there I got the death glare from Jefferson. I still don't know what their relationship is. I sighed as I got dressed and made my way to school with sarah and Jackson they did nothing but talk on and on about the damn battle of the bands abs talent show that was being held tonight. so many people were gonna participate in it. I thought it was gonna be cool but I can't enjoy it if my mate isn't here with me. i sighed and got out the car and headed to my first class I had made it through my classes yet again without seeing Winter. I grabed my stuff from my locker and was greeted by Stacy who was still trying to get with me. I growled and heard Jax growl in annoyance. he hasn't spoken to me since I hurt Winter and I don't blame him. I was sitting in music class when I heard giggling in the halls the the familiar voice of Winter. I then heard Stacy shortly after. ~Winter's Pov ~ I smiled as Jefferson dropped me and Jameson off at school. Jefferson kept constantly apologizing and I sighed then huged him. he was my brother now since I accepted his deal on that sibling thing. I looked as he drove away and walked to my locker while laughing and talking with Jameson. I smiled grabbing my music book. my smile then fell when I heard the school b***h, Stacy. Stacy: "well if it isn't the ghost ya on I thought you were dead its a shame your not." Me: "I see your still an annoying hoe." I looked at her short shorts and bralett that she was wearing. her shorts weren't even an inch long at the leg. she growled at me then looked at Jameson. he rolled his eyes then shook his head. Stacy: "who's this hunk of meat. I can't believe he's hanging with trash like you." Jameson: "yea I'm with the trash. and I don't feel like catching whatever you have." Stacy: "but I can show you such a good time come on" Me: "look Stacy head said no. now don't you have some teams d***s to suck off or someone waiting for you in the janitors closet." I heard Jameson laugh as I smirked at Stacy. she looked at me dumbfounded. me and Jameson walked to Mrs. Drew class and I sat in my normal seat and Jameson took a seat beside me. Mrs. Drew: "its good to see you Winter I hope your injuries will not interfere with your work" Me: "They won't for now" I smiled at Mrs. Drew then looked at Jamaica drawing. he then shooed me away before i could see anything. I smiled giggling then went back to drawing. I smiled as I drew the image of a yin and yang sign with the sun and moon. I smiled as I finished then did the same thing with fire and ice. I smiled looking at my drawings then started putting the stuff up. when I was done and returned to Jameson the bell rang. I smiled as James got up ans we walked to Mr. Sangs class. on the way I was tripped twice. that was when the pain would hit me. I eventually made it to class and shook it off. I set my stuff down on the table then walked to get some music sheets. Jameson was looking for his instrument. which he could make materialize out of nowhere. I smiled then frowned as I felt arms wrap around my waist I knew they weren't Tony's. I turned and looked at Victor. he was smiling sweetly at me. Victor: "mmm my lil wolf how I missed you" Me: "you mean you missed harassing me on a daily." Victor: "harassing makes it sound so wrong. I see it as tryingto take what I feel is mine. I won't take no for answer" I cringed as I felt his hand go down to my ass. I couldn't use my powers though they were to weak. Victor was stronger then me when I was like this. I moved as far as I could while keeping my hands on Victor chest to keep him from kissing me. I heard a growl from the door way. I froze slightly hearing the growl. that gave Victor the chance of to get closer. I helped as he pulled my bandaged arm pulling me closer. the next thing I know is that Victor is thrown back and Tony is infront of me with his arms on either side of me. I looked at Victor as he hissed in pain then cussed. I looked up at Tony and saw hurt in his eyes with sadness and anger. I stepped back against the wall as tears threatened to fall as the memories of Thursday flooded my mind. I wanted to scream I wanted to run and cry. it was then that Tony was pushed back from me by Jameson. Jameson picked me up and looked at Tony with a fire in his eyes. Jameson: "Stay the f**k away from her Santiago" Tony: "dont tell me what to f*****g do if I want to be with my mate I will be around my mate" Jameson: "NOO YOU DON'T. not anyone" Tony: "how are you and the Valentinos to keep her from me" Jameson: "the friends and family that have always had her back and listened unlike you and yiur father who attacked first and never listened to her." Tony looked speechless then looked down. Jameson held on to me then took me out to the hall. he set me down by my locker then opened his and grabed put some bandages and a first aid kit. during the commotion I hadn't noticed that my bandages were bloody. I tried to stank but almost fell. Jameson then picked me up and walked to the bathroom and set me down on the table so he could tend to my wounds. I hissed in pain as the alcohol touched my open wounds so he could clean them. he then started talking so he could distract me. "are you ok Winter?" Jameson asked in a worry tone. I looked at him then shook my head as tears slowly fell. "I'm in so much pain" I strained as I hissed slightly letting my tears fall. "don't worry I'll get ya fixed up ok pup." Jameson said as he tended to my wounds. once we were done he had let me get on his back and head to lunch. I smiled as we talked and stuff he then set me at a table that no one was sitting at. Jameson set his stuff down by me then went to get food as I played on my phone. I smiled when I looked up and saw the Valentino twins, Amelia and Amelio sit with me. I smiled Amelia had long black hair with golden streaks. she had the same skin complication as Javier. she also had red and blue eyes that remind me of water and fire. Amelio on the other hand had the same hair colors but the blond on him was tips. his hair was about the same length as the Kpop idle I liked named Namjoon. Amelios hair was also so soft. Amelia and Amelio were both demon shifter hybrids. Amelio, his sister and Jameson were all a week older then me. I smiled at Amelio we all grew up together so we knew each other like that back of our hands Amelio: "hey beautiful. how are you feeling" Me: "im ok" Amelia: "good we heard what Victor tried to pull. that no good arrogant vampire" Amelio: "he gives vampires such a bad name ya know" Me: "yea I know" Amelio: "I'll protect ya though. after all I'm stronger the that Santiago boy and Victor combined." Amelia: "you are so protective over her as if you like her." Amelio: "I dont but I gotta make sure she's ok" I smiled looking at Amelio as he blushed and bickered with his sister. Jameson had finally came back with food and he had a lot of food. I smiled taking a muffin and a pizza. I started eating and stoped when I saw Tony, Jackson and Sarah walk into the cafateria. I looked away after Making eye contact with Tony. ~Tony's Pov~ I smiled looking at Winter as she looked at me. my heart fell when she looked away. Sarah looked at me then looked up at Winter. we then went to get food and sat at our table. I looked at Sarah as she got up then walked to Winter's table. I wanted to get up and fallow my sister buy was stoped by Jackson who shook his head. Jackson: "you know she fears you let her talk to Sarah" me: "look only I can comfort my mate." Jackson: "the mate bond can't work if she's terrific of the idea of you. you saw what did to her. you saved her in music class and she feared you the moment she saw you." Me: "but... I have i." Jackson: "no let Sarah do her thing." I sighed and gave in reluctantly. I could feel Jax whimper in my mind before curling up in the back of my mind.
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