Chapter 7: Apology

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~Winter's Pov~ I was smiling as I ate my pizza. Me, Jameson, Amelia and Amelio were Ll pigging out and discussing what we would do for the week of our birthdays. I looked as Sarah sat down across from me and the table went quite. I smiled looking at sarah. I may be scared of her brother but Sarah was my first friend in this hell hole. Sarah smiled at me. Amelio put his around me protectively as he looked at Sarah his eyes slowly growing darker. I heard him mind link me as he looked at Sarah Amelio: "I don't trust her she smells to similar to the people that hurt you" Me: "we can trust Sarah she hasn't hurt me when I was there." Amelio: "ok fine if you say so. I'm still staying on guard" I smiled at sarah as I turned to her. she smiled then looked at me with regret and sadness. I guess she knows what Tyson and Tony did. Me: "what is it Sarah" Sarah: "I am soooo sorry for what my brother and dad did to you. Tony regrets it he should have listened. please come back Winter please?" Me: "Sarah I'm his mate I wasn't there for a day and I thought for once I was gonna be alright. it was only a day and he turned on me." Sarah: "But Winter" Me: "No Sarah. I'm not going back that memory plagues my sleep. I'm scared of my own mate." Sarah: "but he's sorry and he will do anything to make it make bit please Winter" I unwrapped my arms then showed the long scars going down my bloody arms. she looked at my arms in shock and worry. she looked at me then looked away. Jameson wrapped my arms after cleaning them. Me: "You don't get it. I'm forever scared on both arms and my right leg. I rather be with Nathen then be with my own mate" I looked as Amelia and Amelios eyes widdened in horror and Jameson looked at me his eyes glowing slightly brighter. Jameson: "come on winter don't say that" Amelio: "He's right you shouldn't want to be with that abusive ass over your mate." Amelia: "be careful with his name saying it to many times summons him" I looked then noded. they knew Nathan broke me and he hurt me a lot but I've never been hurt like this. I can even heal at least I could have healed when Nate beat me. I sighed then looked at Amelio as he huged me and Jameson rubbed my shoulder while Amelia held my phone. Sarah: "who is Nathan?" Jameson: "He's an abusive demon who Winter used to date. she would come home bruised and crying sometimes. he broke her but she never had nightmares from him not like this." Amelio: "it's been 4 days and they look only slightly better from the day he inflicted thos wounds on her." Amelia: "she wakes up crying now because she sees what your brother and father did to her." Sarah: "i-i didn't know im sorry Winter I'm sorry for what my brother and father did I am I really really am. I had no clue he used his demon wolf powers on you. those wounds take forever to heal. including when used on other wolves. come over get your stuff and I will have mom wipe something up to help you heal more." I nodded to her letting her know ok. I no longer felt like talking I finished my food then leaned into Amelio as he was trying to sooth my nerves and pain. Sarah got up and left me with Amelio and them. after lunch the day went by as normal with the same name calling and bullying. I also tried to avoid Tony. I shuddered when he looked at me. I loved Tony but I was to scared of him rn. ~Tony's Pov~ I couldn't look at her without her being afraid. I want to tell her how sorry I was and am. how I wish to have her back. for her to no longer fear me like she does now. I heard Jax whimper in mind. Jax: "why wouldn't you just listen you came so far with your temper and now here we are because you let yiur father get to yuur head." Me: "I know and I regret it I just want our beautiful mate back so she can smile at us but what can I do she terrified of me." Jax: "then fix it before it's to f*****g late" class passed by and Winter disappeared with that guy. that had black Hair and black and gray eyes. I sighed as I walked out of class going to my locker. I looked up and saw that guy with his arm protectively around Winter's shoulder. I also saw Victor with his arm by her head as it leaned on the locker as he tried trapping her. I also saw Stacy. I sat and watched as things unfolded. ~Winter's Pov~ Stacy: "lookie here if it isn't the rejected wolf. I heard about you and the Santiagos." Me: "oh wow goodie for you you can hear anything that doesn't sound like sex." Stacy: "well his dad came over last night and asked me to come over to discuss things about being luna." I felt my heart sink at those words. I looked at her then shook off the dread feeling and composed my self. I then sniffed the air and smirked. Me: "your lying I can smell it but I don't care." Stacy: "ok then well tell me how did a thing like you get with such an elite and skilled family mafia clan. did you sleep your way up the ranks." Me: "no I didn't actually but you smell like you sure did. after all you slept with all the guys in this school. it's why your so well known and got an A in biology and English. it also explains why ya smell like rotten fish. it only hits my nose when you come around" Jameson: "so that's why the halls started stinking when she walked over. man I thought a merpeson was dying." Jameson and me laughed as Victor held back a chuckle. I looked at Stacy and smirked. she looked at me with pure anger which is something she does anyway so like I didn't care. Victor tried touching me and Jameson flipped him. I smiled looking at Jameson then took his hand in mine. he interviewed our fingers then bought my hands to his lips and kissed it softly. he smiled at me with his award winning smile that always made me melt for some reason even when we're kids. I smiled as he put my stuff in the car then set me on the hood of his 1965 grey and black faded mustang that had yellow and red flames on the side. I smiled as he tended to my wounds on my arms and legs. he took great care not to hurt me as he cleaned the blood off with alcohol. once he finished and wrapped my arms and leg he took my chin in between his thumb and index finger making me look up at him. he was alway considerably taller then me. he rubbed his nose against mine then sat on the hood of his car by me. I know he wanted to leave but we had to get my stuff from the Santiagos. ~Jameson's Pov~ I smiled as Winter layed her head on my shoulder as we waited on the satiago kids. after a few minutes I layed my head on hers and smiled taking her hand in mine. I smiled then softly took her chin in my thumb and index finger making her look up at me. I looked as tears stained her cheeks. she whiped them away. I then kissed away her tears. I looked at her and smiled as she blushed. I leaned in slight looking into her eyes. I smiled gently pulling her closer to me so I didn't eritate her wounds. in all the ten years I've known her she only ever blushed around me. I was about to kiss her when I heard a possessive growl. I didn't care though I knew exactly who it was. I smiled then rubbed my nose against Winter and got her to smile and giggle as she wiggled it like a cut lil bunny again. I looked up ans saw the Santiago kids walking out Sarah and Jackson nodded at me before smiling slightly at Winter. I then looked at Tony who growled at me. I released a low menacing low growl that made him step back some. the other two jumped slightly. I relaxed as I felt Winter take my hand and play with it tracing the lines in my palm. I relaxed then smiled at her. ~Winter's Pov~ I smiled looking at sarah and Jackson as I kept Playing with Jamesons hand. Sarah: "im so glad you decided to come Winter" Me: "I'm only going to get my stuff and stay for a bit but I'm going home after." Jackson: "we understand. we are so terribly sorry about what Tony and Alpha Tyson have done." Me: "stop apologizing" Tony: "that thing can't come with" I looked at Tony in disbelief as Sarah and Jackson looked at him. I heard Jameson growl in anger and annoyance. I put my hand on Jamesons cheek and linked him. Me: "Jameson calm down please don't lose your temper" Jameson: "why Winter he just called me a thing he's nothing but disrespect and what's worse he hurt you so bad" I smiled as I felt Jamesons fingers run down my arms softly. I rubbed my fingers along his cheek keeping the link up. Me: "Jameson my friend. my protector. you are a demon with moon and sun wolf blood. you are more powerful than any alpha" Jameson: "thank you love." I smiled as Jameson relaxed then huged me then nuzzles his face into my shoulder taking in deep breaths. I smiled as he let go then noded saying he was ok then booped my nose. I smiled and wriggled my nose. I looked at Tony and them. I took a deep breath then looked directly at Tony. me: "I will not go back there without him. or someone from my clan but I prefer Jameson to come with." Jackson: "of course we completely understand" Sarah: "he can come with yall just follow behind us." I smiled and noded looked at Sarah and Jackson before mouthing a thank you. Jameson got off the hood then took me in his arms and set me in the passenger seat. he smiled then hoped into the driver's seat and started the car. ~Jameson's Pov~ I smiled as i started fallowing Sarah and them to their house. I could feel the uneasiness coming from Winter. I smiled and took her hand in mine making her relax some. I loved this girl and eavrything about her. I Don't have a mate considering I'm part demon and my dad is hades himself. but I know if I did it would be Winter. I fell for her over the years all I ever want is for her to kiss me. it's why I lost it the day Javier and Jefferson told me what happened. I lost it and went on a rampage. I wanted to kill the person who had hurt her so bad. I remember my shock when I found out her own mate had did this to her. I looked as Sarah and them pulled into a gas station I then got out to fill my car I went to Winter's window and knocked softly. she rolled the window down for me and fame me that sweet smile I loved seeing on her. I know demons can have mates because hell Jefferson and midnight were mates. I looked at Winter and smiled before pecking her lips softly this was something I've wanted to do since we were 13. she smiled and blushed. I told her I'll be back and told her stay in the car. I smiled and went inside buying a bag or Winter's favorite candies. I smiled and walked out of the store with a bag for of sour skittles, M&Ms, Hershey kisses and bars as well as recess pieces and sour patch kids as well as some of her favorite duo gum and some cheeto puffs for her. I know she hardly ate lunch so I thought this would help. I made a mental note to buy her some dove chocolate for her on the way home. I smiled as I took the gas pup out of the tank then closed it up. I looked at Sarah who smiled at me. I nodded saying I was ready then got in the car. ~Winter's Pov~ I smiled happily as I saw Jameson. he smiled and handed me a bag of food with all my favorites in it. I smiled then kissed Jamesons cheek as he started back fallowing Sarah and them. after ten minutes of driving and me and Jameson singing in the car we pulled into the mansion drive way. I looked at it and was hesitant on getting out of the car. Jameson noticed and took my hand In his kissing my finger tips I smiled relaxing softly. he always knew how to calm me down. I sometimes wonder if the goddess put me with the wrong man. if I didn't have a mate I wouldn't have chosen to be with Jameson. I smiled as he got out then came to my side and opened the door. I got out of the car and smiled. the moment I stood on my right leg I almost fell. I felt strong arms wrap around me keeping me from falling. I smiled looking up at Jameson. he looked at me worried then set me back down on the hood of his car then turned his back to me. Jameson: "come on get on" Me: "are you sure JJ" Jameson: "im positive Snowflake. your in no condition to walk of your. me: "ok" Jameson put me on his back and we went inside. after an hour of chatting and feeling a bit uncomfortable as well as the tension between Tony and Jameson when they were around each other we left. we got home and set all my stuff in my room and midnight tended to my wounds. I then went to Jamesons room and fell asleep in his arms. I didn't want to be alone tonight I was too scared.
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