Chapter 5: False Traitors and Asumptions

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~Winter's Pov~ I smiled as Jefferson dropped me off at the store he picked me up from. he got out and went to the trunk and pulled out a midnight blue guitar case that had gold stars on it. he opened the case revealing a guitar with a northern light and wight mountain design. I smiled and looked at it. "all yours Moon." He said with a smile on his face. I looked at him in disbelief then smiled and huged him. I smiled looking at the guitar then took it in my hands. I set it in the case telling myself wait till I get home. "tanks Jefferson." I said smiling happily. he smiled and shruged like it was nothing. Jefferson: "so what was up with you and that Santiago boy?" Me: "I know not of what you mean" Jefferson: "Winter he looked hurt when he saw you with us and you were in disbelief when you saw him. I've known you 10 years I know when you're not ok after all your my sister by choice and hopefully you take my offer about making a deal to be my sister? but for real what was that About?" I sighed then looked down at the grown then turned my head to Jefferson. I could trust this mafia but Jefferson is the one I trusted most then Javier. Me: "please don't tell Javi but Tony Santiago is my mate" Jefferson: "and you're part of our mafia" Me: "I didn't know he was part of the small mafia yall kept an eye on" Jefferson: "so what are you gonna do" Me: "I dont know but I'm kinda scared to go back. Alpha Tyson is the scariest and most ruthless Alpha in the land." Jefferson: "look go home I'll stay close by and if you need me just call me and I'll appear right there to get you I promise ok Moon?" I smiled and noded. I knew he would be there and keep an eye on me even when he wasn't around. he was the the day my ex tried to hurt me. Jefferson saved me that day and I am always grateful to him. he was like the best big brother ever so like he was my only family when I had no one then the mafia came into the picture. I huged Jefferson then smiled grabbing my stuff. I told him I'll text him when I was there and that if anything happened I'll call him. I started walking home feeling a little scared I couldn't help but think of what may happen when I step foot in the house. ~Itty-Bitty Time Skip~ I had arrived to the drive way to the house and texted Jefferson saying I was at home. I walked to the door then walked in and softly closed the door behind me so it made no noise. I looked at the time and it 5pm. I shook with fear a little then cloaked my scent and walked to Tony's room not making any noise then set my stuff by my bag. I made my way downstairs and froze as I felt a huge amount of alpha power. my power to cloake my scent fell as I started shaking then composed myself and turned to alpha Tyson. "YOU f*****g WORK WITH THEM. WHAT HAVE YOU TOLD THEM?" Tyson shouted. I gasped as I felt his hand grip my throat. I composed my self then looked at him not flinching. I was scared but I knew how to hide my emotions including my pain. "So.What." I growled out "you betrayed us you were part of some rival family." Tony hissed. "What about you. HUH. How was I supposed to know I was the mate of a future Mafia leader" I cried. I steadied my breathing as I felt myself drop to the ground. I looked up and saw Tony standing over me. I held back tears as they stung my eyes. Tony: "your a traitor" Me: "I'm no traitor" Tony: "but you are and I'm gonna show your what happens to traitors." Me: "I'm no..." I gasped and whined as I felt a sudden sharp pain in my side. I looked and saw a claw digging in my side. I took slow breaths as I tried to heal. my own mate wasn't listening to me and he just let his father stab my side. I gasped as Tony lifted me of the ground by my neck. his grip was tight and his eyes were blood shot red. I let my tears fall as I held back sobs. I looked as my eyes turn a ocean blue. I looked then mouthed in sorry before I pushed him back as I shot snow from my hand. I didn't want to hurt him. I froze his feet to the ground with a wave of my hand. I then looked at alpha Tony and did the same. I cried then ran up the stairs and grabbed my stuff. I ran back down as they had got free and ran outside I started running into the woods as I tried calling Jefferson. I ran as I cried. I looked then put up an ice wall to slow them down. I went back to running then rolled falling over a fallen root. I tried to get up but got tackled by Tony. I yelped and whined as I felt his claws dig in my shoulders then drag down my arms. I yelled in pain then looked as he stoped. He looked at me with pain and sadness then jumped off me. it was Jax on the surface. I sat up then felt Tyson claw at my legs. I yelled as I kept sliding back. my wounds weren't healing anymore I cried and yelled for Jefferson then huged Myself as I saw a gray wolf charging at me flash through my brain. I yelled Jefferson name then looked as a wall of fire appeared around me. I looked as Tony and Tyson stepped back. Tony looked at me concerned as Tyson growled at me. I looked as someone picked me up. I looked seeing Jefferson. I looked as Jeffersons eyes turned a crimson red as he looked at Tony and alpha Tyson. I grabed his hand and looked at him as I shook my head crying. Me: "no Jefferson please no" Jefferson: "why not they just tried to kill you." Me: "but he's still my mate and his father they have a family to." Jefferson: "let's get out of here then" ~Tony's Pov~ I froze as I heard the word mate come out of Winter's mouth. I had realized what I did. I didn't listen to my mate I used my powers on her and now she's hurt. I was hurting her and she called me her mate. I no longer deserved that title. dad was growling at the fire and Winter. I looked as Jefferson and Winter disappeared. I turned around and started walking home home with dad behind me. once we got home I shifted into my human form and put on a pair of sweatpants. dad then looked at me he was completely dressed. Dad: "you did well son." Me: "I sure don't feel like I did" Dad: "she was a traitor you'll find a new mate" Me: "Dad I think we messed up" Dad: "she's a traitor she had it coming" Me: "I didn't get to ask my questions before you attacked her" Dad: "you also attacked her." I sighed lookin then got up and went to my room I couldn't be armed my dad right now. I had to find away to make it up to Winter to make her forgive me. ~Writes pov~ Jefferson looked at Winter as they appeared at the house he had laid her on a bed. and looked at her wounds. he saw she wasn't healing. Winter had passed out as they telaported away from the scene. Jefferson had called up up Javier and the others because he didn't know what to do. he already tended and bandaged her wounds but he couldn't heal. all he could do was destroy things with his flames. Jefferson ran to the mansion door and opened it. Javier pushed my him and ran to Winter. "Snowflake!?!" Javier said in worry as he looked at her. "who did this?" he demanded as he looked at Jefferson. Jefferson couldn't tell him though so he just shruged. Jefferson looked as a girl with golden hair and bright blue eyes walked into the house then ran over to winter. the girl looked at Winter with sadness. Javier look at the girl and said in a pleading tone. "is there anything you can do for her Melody" Melody shook her head sadly. she had been taking care of Winter since she got here and looked at her as her little sister. "I can only spead the healing and wake her up. but I can't do much. her wounds have Power from a shadow wolf or demon wolf radiating off them. it slowed her healing so its gonna be a bit before she's completely healed." Melody said with sadness in her voice. Jefferson had punched the table Makin it break. he held back tears as he thought. 'if only I got there sooner then maybe she'll be fine.' Javier has placed his hand on Jefferson should. a girl with midnight blue and gold hair had grey eyes appeared by winter. "I came as soon as I could. what happened to her he?" the girl said as she looked at Winter. Jefferson: "she was attracted my love" Javier: "is there anyway you could help her midnight?" Jefferson: "is there anything you can do" Midnight: "I know I can ease her pain but I need to know what I'm dealing with" Melody: "he wounds on her arms and leg. I could only spend the healing process slightly but not enough. it'll take weeks before she's fully healed. Midnight: "I can take the toxins out but since it's already its job it'll take weeks before the effects wear off until then she can't get hurt anymore" Jefferson: "thank you my love" Midnight: "are you ok I know how much she means to you. she is basically your baby sister?" Jefferson: "just please take care of her first pleasure." Javier and Melody looked at the two as midnight huged Jefferson. Midnight and Melody knew that Jefferson would beat himself up for this. he would never forgive himself. he had promised to keep Winter safe and he felt he failed her. Melody: "you boys leave we will tend to Winter and get yall when she wakes up ok?" Javier noded then lead Jefferson out of the room to the rest of the family. Melody unwrapped Winter then tended to the claw marks on her side while Midnight casted a spell removing the toxins of the powers that were used. Midnight wrapped Winter wounds on her arms as Melody numbeed the pain. once they were done Melody was waking winter up then gasped as tears ran down her cheeks. Midnight: "Melody what is wrong" Melody: "her mate... she...I..." Midnight: "ugh well then let me see if you can't tell me." Melody had played the memories of Tony and Alpha Tyson hurting Winter then Jefferson rescuing her before she passed out. the thing that caught her by surprise was when winter called her attacker thata had red eyes her mate. Midnight cried then whiped her eyes. Midnight looked at Winter with a sad expression. 'How could someone do this to their own mate no matter how mad they are how could he.' Midnight thought in anger. Midnight heard gasping and coughing as winter woke up with tears streaming down her cheeks. Mean while at the mansion Tony was looking for a way to win his mate back. he had sent Jackson to get her stuff out the woods. ~Tony's Pov~ I was sitting in my room when Jackson came back holding Winter's duffle bag and a midnight blue guitar case. opened the guitar case to see a guitar with the northern lights illuminating snowy mountains. I closed the case then looked through Winter's bag. she had her clothes a stuffed bunny and a small album with a metal box and jewlry box. I opened the boox and saw all the money I closed it up then looked at the jewlry box it had two prancing wolves dancing when yiu opened it and a lullaby I've never heard before. I then opened the album and say a picture of two adults with three kids two girls and one boy. one girl had hair like Winter's while the other had red and blue hair. I looked at the boy and he had red and orange faded hair. they looked soo happy. I go to the next page and se a 7 year old girl with all these different people and creatures. the lil girl looked exactly like Winter and she looked happy. I realized that it was Winter and some people from the mafia I assume. one person was Jefferson and the other was Javier. Jefferson had his arms around the girl that had midnight blue hair while a blond with blue eyes was hugged Winter and the guy Javier was making bunny eats behind the two. They all looked so happy and carefree like a real family. I then looked at Jackson. Me: "Jackson go get my mom and sister as well as my aunt and uncle." Jackson: "what about uncle Tyson" Me: "no I can't look at him rn" he noded then left to grab my mom and them. after 10 minutes my mom walked in with my sister, aunt and uncle behind her. Jackson came back as soon as he made sure everything was clear. me: "mom I messed up bad." Mom: "what did you do" Me: "I hurt Winter realy bad without hearing her out" Aunt Maria: "why would you do thay?!" Me: "me... me and dad saw her at that place working with the other mafia" Uncle Jeremiah: "did she know that were a mafia or what we are?" Me: "no I didn't dad had said she was a traitor. so when she came home he greeted her and then attacked her I then attacked after because I was clouded with rage. I only atoped when we were in the woods and she called me mate. Jax then took over and stoped me. the second in command named Jefferson then came and got her then disappeared." Sarah: "why didn't you listen to her" Me: "because she was working with the Valentinos" Sarah: "she was your f*****g mate. she wouldn't have hurt us" Mom: "your job is to protect your mate. she has been through hell so she needs your she needs someone there for her not against her." Me: "I know and im..." I looked at my mom as she cut me off. she was pissed she's never looked this mad before or ever. I sighed then looked down. Mom: "you apologize to her not me" Sarah: "you really f****d up ya know big brother" I looked as my mom and sister left with my aunt. I looked at my uncle and he rubbed his head. he didn't know what to say to me as of now and ya know I could tell he was disappointed in me. Jackson looked at me. then my uncle. my uncle looked up at me and sighed before speaking. uncle Jeremiah: "find her but do not interact. your sister or Jackson will do that me and your mom will talk to your dad until then try fixing this because she may just fear you after this." I looked as my uncle left leaving me with Jackson. I still had so many questions. I looked as Jackson set Winter's stuff by the nightstand that had her brush laying on it. I later went to bed as I got lost in thought. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ will Winter forgive Tony or will she forever hate him after this find out that and more next time. I love yall and I do hope yall enjoy I will try doing an update soon hopefully before Friday with my exams and finals coming up and school almost done. I promise when summer hits yall will get a lot more updates almost daily if im not wasting time with the few friends I have. until next time I love yall?
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