Chapter 11: The Accident

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~Winter's Pov~ It had been two days since Jameson had the accident and he had yet to wake up. I cried all or Monday and half of Tuesday. I hardly ate and I haven't slept since Sunday. I remember trying to sleep and I woke up. the whole accident played in my head as if I was in the car with him. I tried stopping it but I just couldn't I wasn't able to. I then woke up crying. I haven't left his side or fell asleep since. have you ever never realy known you love someone untill they are hanging on for dear life or something. well that's me right now. I held Jamesons hand as I held back tears. I kissed Nathan sweetly then sat back down. I looked at the door as Javier came in with a plate of steak. steak was one of my favorites but I didn't want it right now. Me: "thanks javi but I'm not hungry" Javier: "you have to eat Snowball" Me: "I'm not hungry I'm to worried to be hungry" Javier: "Winter your hardly eating your like my sister and me and Jefferson are worried about you. your only eating less the two meals since Monday and its Wednesday. please" Me: "I can't" Javier: "Winter you've grown so numb and dull lately. you know Jameson wouldn't want you like this" Me: "Javi I've never realized how much I loved Jameson and now i feel so lost and numb without him. why do.i feel this way. I didn't feel like this when Tony rejected me. so why do I feel this way with Jameson." Javier: "you may get better answers from Jefferson. I can't really help you much. sorry kid but please eat at least half the steak and I'll get Jeff ok." I sighed taking the plate then nodded in agreement. I started eating as he left. I ate half the food then looked at the cocker spaniel puppy as it layed on the floor by my feet. it had somehow grown a second curly tail. I smiled at the pup then set the rest of the food down and let her eat it. I've been giving her my leftovers of what I wouldn't eat. I smiled and pet her softly as I ate. I was yet to name her though. I looked at Jameson and smiled. Jefferson had came in the room and closed the door as midnight entered behind him. I layed my head on the bed as a tear fell down my cheek without me knowing. Jefferson: "Javier said you needed me is eavrything ok sis" Me: "why do I feel so empty without Jameson here." Midnight: "what do you mean" Me: "I didn't care when Tony rejected me. not like people would expect a rejected mate to act anyway. but yet I feel as though I'm lost with Jameson like this like I lost myself." Jefferson: "Sis how do you feel about Jameson?" I looked over at Jefferson and midnight I saw Winter looking at her mate curiously. Me: "he means a lot to me. he's kind sweet caring amazing even. he's also had my back and I feel so safe and comfortable around him as if I need him and never knew it. I can always feel when he's upset he's the only one that can calm snow down like he does. I don't care if people say he's cold and heartless he's so sweet and kind. if only they knew that the scary demon smelling hybrid was the sweetest thing around. they only fear him because he's hades avatar is a descendent of him. I feel all his pain and emotions It breaks me when he cries and is sad. I hate it." Midnight: "Jefferson do you think?" Jefferson: "I do baby I realy do" Midnights: "are you gonna tell her" Jefferson: "Winter I think Jameson is your true mate." Me: "your funny my mate rejected me" Jameson: "not exactly Tony was like an allusion until yall fell out and he attacked you." Me: "So he realy wasn't my mate? how do I know this is real?" Jefferson: "listen to your heart" Midnight: "I think the fact yall have know each other so long that it's already blossomed and you both don't feel it instantly because yall have already felt like that just wait till Saturday I'm sure yall will know for sure." Me: "thanks you two" I smiled looking at james waiting for him to wake up. I heard the door closed as midnight and Jefferson left. I got up and walked to the bathroom then looked at the bags under my eyes. I didn't need sleep but the small bags were soo not ok. I spashed water on my face then got put on a dark blue plaid skirt and white off the shoulder crop top. my side finally healed but it left a scar where Tyson had sunk his claws in my side. all you could see was four hols that cuved slightly. they still hurt if you touch them though. I looked over to where Jameson laid them sighed. I wanted him to wake up so bad. I went back and sat up on the bed. I looked at the monitors then at Jameson and layed my head on his chest listening to his hear beat slowly falling asleep. ~Jameson's Pov~ I walked around looking at my surroundings it looked like it was night time. I walked to a castle looking area and stoped when I saw a tall man. The man walked closer and sighed sadly. Hades: "you shouldn't be here" Me: "tell me something I don't know and who are you" Hades: "I am Hades" Me: "I'm.." Hades: "yes i know who you are. you Jameson Sanchez. the unfortunate soul who had the misfortune of Nathan being your brother. you are also the son the sun and moon pack aka the Celestia pack luna and alpha. as well as my avatar and descendent. Me: "that's funny. look I'm not a replica God and I don't have a mate I can't have one" Hades: "I speak the truth and you do indeed actually and she's a lot closer then you think just wait till Saturday my deer boy. you have my powers as well as your parents that why you are considered my son" Me: "wow who knew the God of the underworld had a sense of humor." Hades: "you may not believe me but you will son. you should imprint and bond with her before Nathan does though. if not then she'll be forever stuck with him." Me: "no she won't she us mine and I am hers" Hades: "then wake up you know what you have to do protect her and defeat Nathan. take your place as alpha. they may have no memory of you but that connection will bring then back when they see or touch you" Me: "got it. I'm coming Winter" I looked as everything grew dark and beeping started ringing in my ear. things sudenly got bright as I open my eyes then closed them. I slowly opened my eyes once more and froze as I felt a weight on my chest. I looked down and saw streaks of my favorite moonlight blue hair. the black was still there from Midnights spell. I smiled and softly ram my finger through Winter's hair and held her close. I felt her tense slightly as I squeezed her slightly. I heard a groan as she slowly woke up and sat up slightly. she looked up and her eyes widdened seeing me. I sat up and saw tears stream down her cheek. I smiled sweetly at her then said sweetly my mouth was a bit dry so my voice sounded a bit rougher then normal. Me: "hey moonbeam" Winter: "J- JJ". Me: "yea it's me" Winter suddenly hugged me tight and cried. I held her tight and tried soothing her. I looked around and saw I was connected to a monitor. I also wasn't in my room or at the track. I thought I was gone only a few hours. Me: "baby how long was I out" Winter: "two days" Me: "that long?!" Winter: "yea. I was so worried I thought I lost you I was never gonna get to the chance to tell you..." Me: "tell me what" ~Winter's Pov~ I had became tongue tied when asked what. I was suddenly so nervous. I wanted to tell him I loved him.the thing is how will I tell him. Me: "that I.." just as I was about to say it the door opened and Jameson let out a low growl to whoever interrupted. I looked and saw Amelia she was holding another plate of food for me yet again. she dropped the food once she saw Jameson then huged him tight. I smiled as I looked. next thing I know eavryone came busting in the room and huged Jameson happy that he was ok. I smiled and got up then walked to the balcony to be alone. don't get me wrong I'm happy he's back but I've felt so numb after he left and didn't wake up on Sunday. I leaned on the balcony then looked up at the night sky. I pray the moon can help me figure out my life and to find my siblings. ~Writer's Pov~ Jameson looked as Winter went out to the balcony. she seemed different distant almost. he stared as she looked up at the sky. he felt how confused and numb she was and he hated it. Jefferson poked his side. Jameson looked at Jefferson and Javier. then back to winter. Jefferson: "she been numb ever since the accident. she's hardly ate or slept. it's as if she couldn't" Jameson: "realy?" Javier: "she wouldn't even eat steak which is her favorite she just wouldn't eat" Midnight: "she woke up from a nightmare of the accident Sunday night and she saw it all as if she was there but she couldn't save you she would then wake up screaming and crying." Melody: "she also stole one of your hoodies." Amelio: "she loves you I don't care for the bet. I love teasing Winter but she loves you Jameson and you love her." Amelia: "yall are lost puppies without each other" Jameson: "I won't lose her. I'll cheer her up just let me and her be alone for a bit please." Javier: "of course" Jameson smiled as eavryone got up and walked out the room. Jameson then unhooked him self from the monitors and stuff. he then put on some jeans and a t-shirt with a pair of vans and the hoodie Winter got him last yea. he smiled and walked to Winter as she looked at the moon. she was hoping the goddess would answer her questions. Winter smiled as Jameson wrapped his arms around her waist hugging her from behind. winter leaned into him and smiled. he nuzzled into her neck and kissed it softly as he breath in her scent. winter shivered slightly in pleasure as the most pleasant smell of vanilla and roses on the beach with a hint of chocolate hit her nose. she heard snow pur in her head. Horus ans Thoth purred in Jamesons head as he held Winter. h made her turn to look at him and he smiled looking into Winter's eyes then kissed her deeply because he spoke in a deep but soft voice. Jameson: "I love you Winter Cortez. more than anything. you are the moon to my sun the stars in my night sky. and more importantly your the light in my darkness. I would hate being away from you. Winter: "Jameson I love you to more than anything. I never realized how attached and how much I cared until Sunday when I thought I was never gonna be able to hear you sing or speak to me again. I want no one else but you. I feel connected to you in ways I didn't know I could be connected to someone." Jameson smiled and kissed Winter deep and passionately then ran his tongue over her lips asking permission. winter kissed Jameson back then let his tongue wonder her hers. winter moaned softly and held onto Jameson. just outside the door Amelio and them were listening in. Amelio smiled then looked at the rest. Amelio: "I hear kissing" Jefferson: "if they're mates she's gonna be claimed by her birthday. Javier: "ok come on now that we know they may become a thing. we have to set up for tomorrow's meeting with the Celestia pack. the Sanchez family is someone we need on our side now." after Jameson and winter separated to get some air hebgrabed her hand and they met the others outside outside. Jameson was holding onto Winter and kissed her head. after eavrything for tomorrow was set up they had all went to bed. Jameson just couldn't get what Nathen did out of his head. he knew winter worked hard on her cars and the fact that Nathan cut the breaks sent chills down his spine. he shortly fell asleep in his room as he held on to winter who was wearing bed shorts and a sport's bra with a tank top. he was wearing just sweatpants. he fell into a deep sleep ad he held onto the love of his life.
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