Chapter 17: Unexpected

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~Jameson's Pov~ I smiled as I woke up and saw Winter in my arms as she slept soundly. I smiled then kissed her sleeping face. I smiled then slowly sat up as I held Winter in my arms. I could feel nothing but sparks from her as my wolf purred. I looked up and saw Javier walk over in a red shirt and blue skinny jeans and his black jacket with black shoes. I looked at him and smiled. Me: "those are your civilian clothes. so where you off to?" Javier: "im gonna go get some stuff for tonight's party. it's a chill event tonight and tomorrow. plus ei found a colorfull list of the stuff we needed from winter in the kitchen." Me: "oh. yeah that sounds right." i laughed as i thought of Winter making a list of eavrything needed for tonight. i looked at winter as i pulled her closer to me. javier smiled looking at her then kissed her forhead. he then looked at me as he pulled his phone out. Javier: "shes come such a long way ya know. from being scared of eavrything to how she is now. its amazing." Me: "yea your right if anyone asked if shed be as strong and social as she is now seven years ago we all would have said no." Javer nodded then went and grabbed his keyes from the hook. he then turned to me. Javier: "oh dont forget all the gangs, famialies and all that s**t are attending the same school tomarrow." Me: "i do not look foward to this. i dont want anyone taking my girl from me." i looked as i pouted softly. javier laughed and looked at me. i then looked as jefferson and midnight were coming down the stairs hand in hand. Midnight: "no one can take winter from you if you let them" Jefferson: "they for sure wont if you mark her. speaking f when are you going to." Me: "im not doing that till shes ready. shes been though to much already. i... i dont want to push anything on her not if it could set her back." Midnight: "ok but just know she could go into heat any time this week yall have known for months now. if it happens at school shes screwed with all those other creatures there." Javier: "theyd all be after her until it passes" Me: "can it realy be that bad?" i looked as they nodded. i sighed then pulled winter closer to me and kissed her softly carfull not to wake her. i wouldent want her to deal with all the other creatures if that happened to her. i would have to talk to her about it later. after all i wouldent want her dealing with all those men damn it. Me: "ill talk to her" Jefferson: "good" i looked as they all headed out to the store to get the stuff. i sighed softly. i was not looking foward to this conversation at all. i then heard my wolves in my head. Thoth: "so what are we gonna do" Horus: "the moon puppet has a good question. snow and winter are gonna go into heat anytime this week." Thoth: "stop calling me that you over grown burning rock. look jameson between school, and the events if she goes into heat at any moment and we arent around shes screwed." Me: "dont you think i f*****g know that for crying out loud. i know ok!" i sihed as they continued bickering back and forth. Horus: "Thoth i swear you are the most relaxed wolf I know. and it sickens me." Thoth: "and you should learn to chill you giant meandrithal" Hours: "me chill when will you learn to grow a damn spine and have some damn passion or emotions huh?!" Me: "Both of yiu shut the f**k UP. I'm so sick and tired of all the damn bickering." I sighed then jumped as I felt something on my cheek. I automatically blocked them off the moment I felt sparks. I smiled as I looked down and saw Winter with her hand on my cheek. I smiled and leaned into her palm as I placed my hand over hers. it was amazing how she had this hold over me even before we knew we were mates. I smiled as I let the sparks spread through me. I chuckled as I felt my two wolf's subside and calm down. I smiled happily then turned my head and kissed winter palm. Me: "good morning my sweet Snowflake" Winter: "mmm good morning my shining constellation" Me: "gods you look soo damn beautiful" Winter: "oh stop your supposed to say that" I smiled and looked as she got up and kissed my cheek. I felt lost without her touch lonely even. I grabed her wrist out thinking and looked at her. I could hear Horus and Thoth whimper slightly in my head. Me: "don't go please" Winter: "baby I have to go change and so do you" Me: "but can't we stay cuddled with you in my arms. please" I looked up as i heard a sweet giggle. I saw her smiling as she placed her hand under my chin making me look up at her. I started as her eyes suddenly flashed a slight moon light blue. Winter: go get dressed and we can be together all day after ok? I sighed then smiled Me: "yea ok" ~Winter's Pov~ I smiled and kissed Jamesons cheek before going to my room. once in my room I closed the door then slid down to the floor as a sharp pain coursed through me. I took a deep breath then slowly got up. Snow had been restless since I we woke up this morning. i don't know why either. ~2 hours later~ I smiled as I got out the shower. I had washed my hair and showed. I smiled in the mirror looking how long my hair was down to hips now. I sighed then dried my hair and let it curl up in to tight screws. I looked as my blue hair was now halfway down my back. I smiled and put my hair in a ponytail with two side strands hanging down. I went to my closet and grabed a blue almost white skirt and a black shirt that had a v-neck that showed some cleavage. I smiled then put on my black high top with blue roses on the sides. I smiled and went to the door. I bent over as I grabed the doorknob and felt a pain spread through my gut. I whimpered as it spread through my body and I fell to the ground. I then heard snow in my head as she panted. Snow: "um winter we may have a problem" Me: "Winter what's going on. I don't like this feeling" Snow: "we can't go out there. I... I think our heat is starting. and it'll get worse until something is done about it." Me: "you mean this can get worse?!" I sighed then took a deep breath as I let the cold cloake my body. I steadied my breath as I let my body temp drop until the pain went away. after a good hour I sat leaning on the door as I caught my breath. Me: "snow that terrible pain was an hour. how long do these get?" Snow: "there are cases where it lastes days Because they didn't have a mate." Me: "DAYS!?!?!? Snow're... you're joking right what happens to them?" Snow: "some are forcibly marked. and welll...." I looked as I saw snow hang her head down in my head. Me: "what happens to them snow" Snow: "they get raped by those who are unmated. but only happens to those without mates or the very few who are unlucky. it won't happen to us I promise." Me: "so we hope Jason marks us before the school finds out I'm in heat. great. perfect." I sighed then groaned in my hands then slowly got up as I heard a knock at my door. I sighed then fixed my clothes and hair. I then grabbed my eyeliner and roasted marshmallow lip balm. I smiled and opened the door seeing Jameson. Me: "hey handsome" Jameson: "hey I thought I heard a cry and had to come check on you" I smiled looking at him. he was always so caring and sweet. even when we weren't mates he always came to check on me. he was just always there for me even if I never told him he knew if something was wrong. Jameson: "is eavrything ok my love?" me: "eavrything is fine ya know just fine" Snow: "no its not winter. it's not fine and he needs to know" Me: "no snow I will not worry him not again" Jameson: "well I made food so if ya hurry you can get some before Amelia and Amelio wake up and eat it all" Me: "ok I'll be down soon u promise" I smiled and kissed Jameson back then went back in my room and did some light make-up. once I was done I smiled and went down to the kitchen. I smiled as I sat at the table and Jameson put a plate in front of me. I smiled then started eating as Jameson sat by me then started eating. after some time I looked up and saw Amelio and Amelia walking down the stairs. Amelia: "why are you always so stupid" Amelio: "no im not im telling you I smelled something different this morning. how the f**k did you not smell it." Amelia: "maybe because your smelling s**t" Amelio: "but this smell turned me on like I couldn't control Axel and I'm sure ally would have been on the fritz to if you weren't mated to Sarah." Amelia: "what the f**k so your saying you got horny over an imaginary smell and you think it's because I only have a mate I ain't smell it. hoe about this come to me when more then one person here smells whatever smell you smelt" I looked as they took a seat still bickering. Amelia looked at Jameson then ate a peice pf bacon. Amelia: "did you smell something that made you horny at like 8am?" Jameson: "like one that wasnt my mate because like the smell of winter alone turns me on. but like i havent smelled anything diffrent." Amelia turned and looked at a muscular toned guy wearing nothing but sweatpnts showing his v-line with red hair tied back into a short curly ponytail as he went to the fridge. gods if i didnt have a mate. i froze at my thoughts then held my head down. the guy grabed out some milk and poured him a glass then sat on the other side of me. Amelia: "hey Angel how are you settling in" Angel: "pretty good thanks for letting me stay." Amelia: "of course. of you were'nt able to meet the others last nigt. that beautafull jewle by you is our amaasing mechanic and rare jewle also my best friend winter. on the other side of her is jameson. he also works cars no where as good as winter but he knows weponry so. and the dummy beside me is my i***t brother." Angel looked at me and took my free hand in his and brought it to his lips. i froze as i felt a suden surge of sparks as he spoke in a soft deep tone that made my heart skip like 10 beats. Angel: "so your the beautifll thing i smelled when i was on my way here. what a beautiful name for such a beautifull lady like yourself." i looked at him as he looked into my eyes and kissed the tip of my fingers then kissed the back of my hand. became speachless as i felt heat rise to my cheeks as i blushed. Me: "th-thank you" Angel: "of cours babygorl" i squeeked as he said that. i could feel snow practicaly melting for this man. i admit i kinda was to but i was to confused by the sparks i felt when he touched me. thay had travled up and down my whole body. i was sudenly snaped out of my thoughts as i felt someon pull me to them as they growled. i looked up and saw jameson as i leaned on him finaly snaping out of my daze as he stared dagers at Angel. Angel then looked at jameson. Jameson: "i would apreciate if you didnt touch her. ok pretty boy" Angel: "and if i dont what are you gonna do about it besides whatis she to you." Jameson: "shes my damn mate. so dont f*****g touch her." Angels eyes flashed red as he looked at Jameson he looked at me confused then tilted his head. I looked at him confused then looked down and shot up out of my seat as I felt a slight pain start to over take me. Amelia looked at me confused I then looked in the direction of my room. she nodded in understanding then looked at the guys as they continued staring daggers at each other. I walked to my room as I cooled my temp letting the pain subside. I got in my room then closed and locked the door until I heard a knock and let Amelia in. Amelia: "whats wrong?" Me: "im going into heat and it hurts a lot" She looked at me confused. then put a hand on my shoulder to reassure me. she jumped and stepped back as she looked at her hand. Amelia: "Winter you're extremely cold. colder then ice how?" Me: "staying this cold keeps the pain down and at bay. if I let my body heat it'll hurt soo f*****g bad." Amelia: "ok I'll sound proof the room and then you can let your body heat up. just let me link midnight" After some time midnight had came and sound proffed my room. once she was done she left and then Amelia closed the door. the moment I let my body Warm up I screamed as tears ran down my cheeks. I fell down in pain as I held my side and stomach. as I knelt over in pain. Amelia sat by my as she helped me warm up. once I was warm I looked at her then sighed. Me: "I need to tell you something as closest friend who's like a sister." Amelia: "of course anything what is it" Me: "so Jameson is my mate bug when Angel was flirting with me and touching my hand. I felt those sparks I feel with Jameson. and snow she... she was in love with him like his words and touch drove her wild but also calmed her. what does that mean like. he said he smelled me did I smell like anything diffrent last night?" Amelia looked at me then shook her head. Amelia: "no you smelled of vanilla perfume like always. he said that you had smelled of vanilla, honey, and roses on a warm beach day." I looked at her then sighed. that's exactly what I think Jameson said I smelled Like when he found out I was his mate. I sighed then shook my head. Me: "Jameson said the same thing" Amelia: "do you think that maybe the both of them" I shook my head it couldn't be it was impossible right. Me: "no way that's impossible it can't be. no one had even had more then one mate. there are stories of it but like it never happens... right?" I looked at her in confusion. she shook head then scratched her cheek slightly. i knew what that ment and whatever was gonna come out of her mouth was gonna sart with well. i sighed then looked down as i waited for her to explain while i was in pain. Amelia: "well there has been a few records of people having more then one mate. its just the last one was like 10 years ago but the ocurence of someone having more then one mate has become more um frequent but not to where you see them eavrywhere its like 1 out of eavry 10 creatures. it used to be eavry like 1 out eavry 40 to 50 creatures that go more then one mate." Me: "ugh why do i have to be the lucky one and at a time like this." Amelia: "hey it cant be that bad. look at it this way you get twice the love and d**k if you into that s**t. ya know im not so." i smiled and shook my head holding back a laugh as i heald my side. Amelia laughed then went serious as she looked at me as if realizing something. Amelia: "so wait does that mean that the scent all the unmated guys smelld was you going into heat that made them in my dumb brothers words horny?" Me: "yea i um had an episode erlier this morning. i droped my temp and it helped with the pain and the heat. longest hour of my life but it helped it not be so bad." Amelia: "so does jamason know your going into heat?" i looked at her then shook my head she jumped in shock then started to pace the room. she ran her fingers through her hair as she tried to think of something. she then looked at me and smiled. Amelia: "as soon as your better we'll go to Midnight. she can maybe make something to cloack the scent so that no woll or creature goes crazy trying to get to you. it keeps you safe so and then we can see if both of them are truly your mates and you can talk to them about the marking process and shit." Me: "that works. i still cant beleive i may have more then one damn mate." Amelia laughed then smiled. i laughed and sighed in releife as the pain subsided and went away. i slowly got up with the help of amelia and went to my door. i opened in then jumped as i saw angel and jameson fighting. me and amelia walked past them went to midnights room. Jameson: "baby can we talk please" Angel: "no let me talk to her you dumbass" Jameson: "no way shes my mate" Angel: "shes mine to" Jameson: "ive known her longer" Angel: "no you havent" i stoped at angels words then looked at them as they both went quite. Me: "both of you stop i'll talk to yall later but right now i need to go see midnight for something. so ill be back yall behave" they nodded then i started back making my way to midnights room with amelia by my side. Angels words still rung in my head. did he know me longer then jameson has. if so who the f**k is he and why did he sudenly appear out of nowhere being my mate. amelia looked at me slightly concerned. Me: "what do you think he ment by no you havent. do you think Angels known me better then Jameson has?" Amelia: "it sure seems like it is a time in life that you dont rember something about your life." Me: "aside fom the day i got here. the first seven years of my life." Amelia faked a Laugh and opened the door to midnights room as we talked. we stopped as we saw her sitting in Jeffersons lap as they kissed. Me: "awww how cute. hope we aren't interrupting big brother" Amelia: "I think we are. shame we had said we were coming before hand." Midnight looked away embarrassed as she hid her head buried in Jeffersons chest and Jefferson looked away blushing. me and amelia smiled at each other. it was funny seeing their reactions when they got caught but seeing Melody and Javier when thay got caught now that was hilarious. midnight got up after composing herself then fixed her clothes. Jefferson then got up and looked at me. Jefferson: "you ok baby sister?" I looked down contemplating how to answer. I looked up and smiled. hell he'd flip if I said the truth but I hate lying to him. Me: "I'll be fine just some girl stuff I want to talk to midnight about. he looked at me skeptical then shruged. he kissed midnight once more then left the room. once he left midnights dreamy eye looked turned to the scary im gonna kill you if this isn't important. Midnight: "what is it you brats" Amelia: "wow hi to you to b***h not like we told you 10 minutes ago we were coming" Midnight: "ha ha ha what the f**k do yall want." Amelia: "someone's craving d**k bad. but enough of this winter needs to talk to you it's urgent." Midnight looked at me. her eyes then instantly softened. she pulled me into a hug then held back tears and pulled away looking at me. Midnight: "whats wrong winter." Me: "two things. well it's hard to explain. one I'm going into heat and it's very very painful. two I may have more then one mate..." midnight looked at me her mouth hanging open. she shook her head then looked at Amelia then turned back to me. Midnight: "ok one situation at a time let's figure out this mate thing. who's the second one?" Me and amelia looked at each other. I took a deep breath then looked at midnight. Me: "well um my second mate is Angel the new guy" Midnight: "the one that we took in last night with the he'd hair? your kidding right?" I looked at her with a straight face as I shook my head. Me: "I wish I was joking but I'm not" Midnight: "how do you know" Me: "the mate sparks oh also snow was literally putty in his hands when he spoke she melted like actual snow. I felt something when he touched my hand. it was shocking and he felt it to because his suprise and confusion when Jameson said I was his mate. I felt the hurt and betrayal from Angel. but I also felt the aggression and possessiveness from Jameson." Midnight: "oh wow. we can see for sure if they are but as for your heat you have to talk to them about it." Me: "I know but I can't stand the pain" Midnight: "then let's get this over with" midnight went over to her shelf and pulled a book causing the book shelf to rotate revealing a cauldron. I watched as she started mixing things together. me and Amelia turned to each other confused as to what was going on or what was being made. after some waiting and watching midnight had finished and handed me two small vials. Me: "umm.." Midnight: "bake it in something or mix it with something but both Angel and jameson need to consume it. all of it. if there eyes turn ocean and moonlight blue like yours and snows they're your mates." Me: "if there eyes don't then they aren't my mate." Midnight: "yup. but just know it may take a couple minutes for it to work. the potion is tasteless so they shouldn't know if what they eat or drink has been mixed with anything." Amelia: "well then looks like we better back two small cakes" Me: "yea" midnight: "good luck now get out you brats. I love yall but I need my mate right now." me and amelia facked a gag then laughed and left. we used to do the same thing years ago when we were younger and found out they were mates. I thought it was cute though how they cared for each other. I smiled as me and Amelia made our way downstairs and we saw Jefferson come up running to Midnights room. me and Amelia laughed then went to the kitchen. I pulled out a recipe book and looked through it. I smiled as I found a new recipe. this was apparently my mom's cook book I received it when I meet Chase and Savanna. I smiled as I looked at a recipe called mood cakes. I smiled as me and Amelia started baking. once we were done we set two aside for Jameson and Angel and I poured a vile over each. I smiled then looked as Jameson and Angel made their ways downstairs still mad. Angel: "ive known winter way longer then you you" Jameson: "no you havent I've known her since she was seven and had nothing" Angel: "ive known here way longer then you have" Jameson: "well I'm her mate and your no one" Angel: "im her mate not you" I sighed then held out a cake to each of them. they looked at me confused and I gave them the best sad pulpy eyes I could as I spoke shyly. Me: "can yall try these for me. it's a new recipe" Angel and jameson smiled at me then each took a cake. Angel: "of course we'll try it my beautiful flower" Jameson: "anything for you my beautiful Snowflake" I smiled and looked as they took a bite and smiled then ate the cakes. Angel: "these are amazing what are they?" Me: "they're called mood cakes. that change flavors based on your favorite flavors of desserts." Jameson: "that's amazing I had tasted vanilla then chocolate and marble" Angel: "your cooking is amazing love. it realy tasted like my mom's home made apple pie and the red velvet shevused to make." Me: "im so glad" I smiled and looked at them and waited for the potions to kick in as they finished the cakes. onec done I waited on their eyes to change. I fell back as I sawa their eyes change colors. I steadied myself as I keg the new information sink in. I couldn't believe it their eyes had changes both colors. ~To Be Continued~
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