Chapter 10: Birthdays

4061 Words
~Winter's Pov~ I woke up at 4am. and looked around realizing I was in Jamesons room. I sat up and turned to see Jamesons arm around my waist. I looked at out intertwine fingers and smiled. I slowly pulled away careful not to wake him. I wanted tonbake seperat cakes for my three best friends. I slowly got dressed in a pair of black lace up riped shorts and my favorite red crop hoodie that Jameson bought me. I wore a wite tank top underneath since the hoddie only covered My arms and the top part of my boobs. I smiled then brushed my hair with my brush. once I was done I got up ans slowly snuck out of Jamesons room. I made my way to midnight and Jeffersons room. I knocked softly and Jefferson answered the door fully dressed. I had got him and midnight involved because Melody was gonna be watch in the next hour. I smiled as midnight came out of the room fully dressed then smiled. she whispered and smiled. Midnight: "ok let's do this we have four hours before they wake up 5 if they feel like sleeping in but since your not in Jamesons room we have 4 at the most with him." Jefferson: "I'll do decorations and yall girls work on the cake." Me: "got it let's go" Midnight: "we tend to your wounds first then do the plane" me: "but" Jefferson: "no buts baby sister it'll make sure your not in pain ruining the surprise" me: "ok fine" we all three went downstairs and I sat on the couch and let Midnight tend to my wounds. once midnight was finished me and her cleaned up our mess of bandages and cotton balls then headed to the kitchen. Jefferson started the decorations. I smiled as me and midnight got the stuff out to make three three tiered cakes. Jameson was gobba get one that was my signiture gooey chocolate fudge and fluffy vanilla marble cake. Amelia was gonna get a pink savery strawberry and vanilla shortcake. she loves when I made it. and for Amelio I was gonna make him devil red smoth and creamy red velvet cake with bits of chocolate fudge in it. me and Midnight had spent two hours making the three cakes. I started decorating Jamesons while she started decorating Amelios. we would work on Amelias cake together. I had spent 40 minutes decorating Jamesons cake with the sun and moon on either side I had a carved chocolate wolf and demon at the top for at the center. I smiled looking at the white and red icing and decorations. me and midnight had spent a full hour decorating both Amelio and Jamesons cakes. we then had an hour to decorate Amelia's and then another hour or two to cook breakfast. it was 5:30 when we finished the cake for the guys. me and Midnight smiled and high-fived. Jefferson came over and put the cake up in the giant fridge we had. me and Midnight then started decorating Amelios cake with all sorts of different starts and contalatons. I put a melting rainbow frosting on the bottom layer and the other two layers we decorated with a frosting that was the color of the sky and we started adding the starts and contractions. I put white chocolate lining the bottom around the first tier of the cake. I jumped hearing a scream. I knew it was Jameson. I looked at midnight. Me: "keep working ok the cake I'll be black" Midnight: "ok be back so we can cook the breakfast. I ran upstairs as I heard Jameson yell my name worry and fear lacing his voices. ~Jameson's Pov~ I smiled as I looked at Winter. I knew I was sleep but these were the dreams I loved having. I smiled as I kissed Winter deeply. she smiled looking at me as I rubbed her cheek with my thumb she loved when I did that I could tell by when she leaned into my hands. I smiled as I held her and we looked at the sky counting the constalions and planets that we could see. she jumped as she heard chucking I held her tight in my arms and growled as Nathan came out of the shadows. Nathan: "you realy think she will be yours forever baby brother" Me: "I won't let you hurt her she's mine and mine alone" Nathan: "she's mine and you know it I won't let my punney mutt of a brother take wants mine" I stood up and hid Winter behind me as fear clouded her eyes. I looked at Nathan and growled. I was gonna kill him for eavrything he's done to her. blood or not he's the reason im here. I never knew my parents because he threw me to the woods. they don't know who I am and he made sure of it. They have no memory of me being born. I growled as I charged at Nathan. I then felt myself get thrown. I groaned as I felt myself get slammed into a tree. I was then trapped my shadows. I looked as Nathan advanced on Winter. Winter fell back and tried getting away. I struggled trying to get free. this was my dream but he was controlling it he trapped me in my own sleep. once where I'm useless in saving the girl I love most. Me: "LEAV HER ALONE YOU BASTERD" Nathan: "if I can't have her neither can you" I screamed as I saw Jameson hold a silver and wolfsbane dagger to Winter's neck. winter cried and yelped in pain. I tried breaking free again. I felt my world stop as I saw Nathan slice Winter's neck. he let go of her and winter fell limp to the ground. I growled and broke free charging at my brother again. Nathan: "Happy birthday baby brother and see you soon" Me: "NOOO" Nathan then vanished before me and I ran to Winter. I looked at she clung to dear life. I felt my heart break as her eyes went dull and closed. I shot up out of bed screaming and yelling. I looked around frantically in my big bed to find winter. she was nowhere to be seen. I yelled Winter's name in an attempt to find her. I started crying then yelled her name again. I looked as my door suddenly opened to a panicked Winter. she looked at me and saw me crying. she then ran over and held me tight. ~Winter's Pov~ I looked and saw Jameson crying I ran over and huged him tight. I felt him grip onto me like an orphan kid afraid to let their parents go in fear they're not real. I cried as I felt Jamesons pain. Jameson: "I thought I lost you" Me: "what are you talking about" Jameson: "I was having that dream of us again it was so perfect us counting the starts and then Nathan came out of nowhere. he made me feel useless and then...he..." I looked as Nathen struggled to speak and hold back his tears he looked at me then spoke. Jameson: "he killed you infront of me. I was so scared and heart broken. he then said Happy Birthday and that he'll see me later." Me: "Jameson baby. I'm right here I'm not going anywhere ever. I made a promise not to leave you and I'm keeping it" Jameson: "but Snowflake" Me: "im not Nathans girl. I'm never going to be. he couldn't even claim me. besides your stronger then him. than any alpha. then any hi ranked creature." Jameson: "what if I can't defeat him" Me: "but you can" Jameson: "how do I know this isn't a dream and when I wake your not gonna be here" Me: "JJ" Jameson: "Snowflake" I felt James hands run up my bandaged arms and to cheeks. Jameson leaned in then kissed me deeply. I put my arms around his torso and kissed him back. I felt his tongue run across my lips asking permission. I parted my lips letting his tongue dominate mine as he layed us back on the bed with him pinning me to the bed. it felt like hours but it's only been 5 minutes. he pulled away so we could catch our breath. I looked up at him as I saw his eyes glow softly as he looked into my eyes. I gasped as he suddenly started kissing my sweet spot on my neck. he ran his sharp demon fangs against it and shivered slightly. I moaned softly and whispered his name pulling him out of his trance before I fell into my own. he kissed my neck softly then sat up pulling me up with him and setting me in his lap. Jameson: "yea your real." Me: "I told you" Jameson: "im sorry I let Horus. take control me and Thoth tried to hold him back but you know how he feels about you." Me: "its fine I know how you all feel about me. and me and snow feel the same." I smiled looking at Jameson as he blushed softly. I then heard Midnight over the mind link. Midnight: "don't forget we have to do the breakfast" Me: "I know but he's wake. he had a nightmare involving Nathan again" Midnight: "Is he ok?" Me: "im making sure he is" Midnight: "good I'll start making waffles and bacon for Amelio and then you can cook Jamesons favorite or we switch for the breakfast since we did the cakes" Me: "switch. do Jamesons breakfast and then we can do Amelias breakfast together" Midnight: "got it" I smiled cutting off the mind link. then smiled as I felt Jameson kiss the crook of my neck then nuzzle in it taking a deep breath to calm his racing heart. Jameson: "so what smells so good. because it's not the strawberry vanilla and roses in the night air that im getting from you." Me: "I cant tell you yet." Jameson: "why not?" Me: "because it's a surprise that I have to go finish. I came up as soon as I herd you scream" Jameson: "so you gotta leave" Me: "yea I do but I'll see you in onr to two hours. ok?" Jameson: "ok please be safe" Me: "im in the house what could go wrong" Jameson: "you burning yourself" Me: "im with Midnight and Jefferson. Melody will keep watch so yall don't try Going downstairs early" I kissed Jamesons cheek then got up. I smiled as I looked at him then left the room. I smiled and waved to Melody as I passed her. once downstairs I made my way to the kitchen and put my appron on and started making funnel cake and waffles with hash browns and smoked sausage for Amelio. Midnight was making Jamesons favorite bacon and smoke sausage with chocolate chips and some eggs. I smiled as we cooked the food. it was 7:30 when we finished breakfast for the guys. we then made chocolate and blueberry muffins with ham, chicken and waffles and home made tater tots for Amelia. it was 8:30 when we finished making eavrything and some extra that eavryone liked just incase. we spent the last 30 minutes cleaning the kitchen with Jefferson helping. once we finished the kitchen we saw it was 9 am and Melody cake running downstairs yelling their coming. midnight panicked and waved her hand making the food appear on the table and eavrything get set up. we smiled and yelled happy birthday to the three as they came running downtown. Amelia and Amelio smiled looking at the food. Jamesons lickeed his lips looking at the food. I smiled looking at them. they ran over and hugged me and midnight. Jefferson cleared his throat and they all tackled him to the ground. Javier then came downstairs and smiled as he held the boxes. he had made sure to wrap the presents we got for the three and they all got five. one from each of us. me, Jefferson, midnight, Javier, and Melody. I smiled and Javier set the gifts in the living room. I smiled at the three and told them to go eat at their seats where their plates wore. me and the others joined them shortly after. we all smiled and ate breakfast as we talked about what to do today. Jameson: "I think we should go racing" Amelio: "no way I say arcade and movies so I can get close to winter." Amelia: "as if you have a chance. James may just keep her beside him the whole time if that's the case." Midnight: "I say the mall or something" Melody: "im down with that" Javier: "do we have to go to the mall" Amelio: "shoping is so boring" Amelia: "shopping sounds fun we can maybe get winter some new outfits and something good for the party" Jefferson: "im with the guys on this one sorry baby" Jameson: "I refuse to go shopping" I shook my head then heard Amelia mind link me. asking for me to try and convince her brother and Jefferson. I looked at her with a brow raised. I did need new clothes ans if they go then the other two have to go and beside it won't be that crowded its Sunday after all. I smiled then layed my head on Jameson shoulder and felt him tense up. Jameson: "yes baby doll" Me: "can we please go shopping you can help me pick out some nice outfits if ya want." Jefferson: "don't you dare give into her Jameson" I ran my fingers up Jamesons arm and smiled softly bitting my lip. and leaned in closer to him. Jameson tensed up and blushed. Me: "please Jefferson let's go shopping please. for me" Jameson: "fine we can go shopping but I am still picking out outfits for you." I smiled then huged him and turned to Amelio I got up and walked around the table to Amelio like a wolf stalking it's prey. Amelio froze as he looked at me. Me: "Amelio" Amelio: "Winter" Me: "please come to the mall. it'll be fun and we'll make sure to get Dippin Dots while there. please come with us." Amelio: "no im not weak like JJ" Me: "oh but Amelio please think about all the nice dresses and skirts I'll get to try on" Amelio: "nope" I sighed then layed my hand on Amelio cheek and bent over showing some cleavege. I pouted slightly giving the puppy eyes. Amelio blushed and gulped as he looked me up and down then looked eyes with me. Me: "please Amelio?" Amelio: "no.... fine I'll go. I can't say no when you do that" Jameson: "and you said I was weak" Amelio: "you are" Jameson: "she barley touched you" Amelio: "I.. fair point" Amelia: "yay the mall" Midnight: "we win" Jefferson: "you used my sister against them?!" I smiled and sat down back in my seat by Jameson and finished my food. I smiled as Jameson put his arm around my shoulder as he finished his food. Once eavryone finished their food we all got up and headed to the cars Amelio and Jameson kept fighting on who I would ride in the car with. Amelia broke it up and said I'll ride with Jameson. mainly because she had mony riding on us getting together. I smiled and got in Jamesons car he smiled and jumped in the driver's seat. Jefferson and midnight took his car while Amelia and Amelio road with Javier in his car. we all drove to the mall. I smiled singing in the car with Jameson. after 30 minutes of singing and talking we arrived to the mall Jameson got out and came around to my side of the car and let me out. I smiled as I got out and Jameson put his arm around my waist leading me to the entrance where eavryone was waiting. I smiled and linked arms with Amelia and walked around the mall. after five hours of walking around, trying on clothes and shopping it was about twice o'clock. Jameson and Amelio were satisfied with all the outfits they got to chose and see me try on. weade our way to the food counter and got something to eat for lunch. we all smiled and talked enjoying our time. after we finished eating we then got Dippin Dots. after finishing all our food we headed back to the cars and laded the bags then went home. Once we made it home we all got out and unloaded the cars and put all the stuff up. I smiled as I felt arms wrap around my waist. I knew who it was considering how warm they felt. Me: "hi Amelio" Amelio: "how did your know" Me: "because of your body heat. yiur warmer then Jameson is." Amelio: "you ready for tonight's race" Me: "you bet. it would be better If I could race but the movement may cause my arms or leg to start hurting and crash." Amelio: "true. but you'll be able to race soon I know it." Me: "thanks honest I appreciate it" Amelio: "you go ahead and get ready after all you have to start the race. I can't wait till we get another car from the Gomez family" Me: "They always loose to us huh?" Amelio: "including when yiur behind the wheel but now it's me and Jameson so hopefully we don't mess up our house reputation." Me: "I have faith in yall. just don't slip up" Amelio: "got it baby cakes" I smiled as I looked at Amelio leave and Amelia walked in and went to my closet as I sat down. Amelia: "ok let's find you a drop dead outfit." Me: "what are you trying to have show" Amelia: "well you have an awesome as and double D boobs so let's focuse and make those poor what ya say" Me: "no" Amelia: "why not" Me: "because they guys are racing and we need them to win" Amelia: "then be their good luck charm." I sighed as I gave in and let her choose my out fit. she then pulled our a red mini pleated skirt and a black rib cut out crop top with black mid thigh stocking and my new pair of red open toe heels with the strap around the ankle. I smiled looking at her. then. she smiled and sat on the bed. I went to my changing corner and got dressed in the outfit she chose. I steped out wearing the outfit she chose. I walked to my full body mirror and looked as the top huged my boobs showing some cleavege in the cut out area on the top of my chest. I then looked as my skirt flared coming just a lil bit below the rim of my stockings but also enoughto cover my red lace panties. I smiled then put my hair into a ponytail with some side bangs framing my face some. I made sure to tie my hair with a ribion. I didn't bother wearing a bra since my top held my boos as if it was a bra. I smiled and grabed my black crop jacket with white sleeves and red rose on the back and red petals on the sleeves. Amelia: "omg you look perfect" Me: "thanks A" Amelia: "ya know if you were like my sister and so into Jameson and he wasn't so into you. I would totally date you" Me: "if only you weren't like my sister but in all honesty I like you as my sister beside I saw the way you were looking at sarah earlier. you think she's you mate" Amelia: "I'll find out next week. she's just so hot and beautiful and perfect I swear I'm in love Winter she's just perfect. Me: "I think you my dear friend have found your mate." Amelia: "yea I hope come on lwts go they're waiting on is so midnight can change your hair for the night for the race." Me: "I know and remember black hair with my natural moon light blue as streaks." Amelia: "yes I told her." Me and Amelia smiled as we headed downstairs Amelio and Jameson froze when they saw me. Jameson walked over and smiled. Jameson: "you look absolutely amazing" Amelio: "gorgeous even" Amelia: "I said it'll be fine" Midnight: "ok come on so I can do yiur hair." Melody: "the same black with Moon light blue strekes" Me: "yup" I smiled and let Midnight work her magic on my hair. the spell last for a few days and the black will slowly fade to my tips while my streaks stay their same color. I smiled and got up as my hair was now black with Moon light blue streaks. I smiled and looked at eavryone. Javier and Jefferson nodded. we smiled and headed off to the race. it was being held on a long stretch of road that people hardly used. it was 10pm and eavrything was going perfect. eavryone got to enjoy some cacke before leaving so. once we made it to the area we were gonna race eavryone got out. we were gonna race the car that I had been working when the Santiagos had become alies with Javier. I smiled looking at the car as Jameson leaned on the hood of it as the Reynaldo Gomez the oldest son of the Gomez family got ready. I walked to Jameson and smiled at him. Jameson: "im kinda nervous" Me: "dont be just relax and become one with the car. you have always been a good racer and this is nothing different." Jameson: "I don't want let you down" Me: "Jameson baby you can never let me down you and Amelio got this in the bag ok. now go out there and leave them in the dust." Jameson: "got it" I smiled looking at Jameson. he smiled then pulled me into a kiss. he pullled away as he heard Reynaldo clear his throat. I smiled and tood in the middle of the two lanes then pulled the ribbon out of my hair causing my curls to fall. I heard whistles then smiled holding a handkerchief that a guy had handed me. I smiled then tossed the handkerchief down to the grown. then cars went zooming by as I held down my skirt and hair. I went to the side where eavryone else was and watched the race. then heard Amelia cheering. Amelia: "He's in the lead" Midnight: "He's doing amazing" Jefferson: "the Gomez family never wins" Melody: "the moment he comes back here and passes that line he wins" Javier: "Jamesons got this." Amelio: "dude look he's winning" I smiled as I watched and looked at Jamesons car was fast approaching. I smiled as Jameson drove by ahead of Reynaldo. I laughed and cheered as I held my skirt down. Reynaldo had stoped then got up tossing his hat to the ground. Javier went and got the keys from Reynaldo. I froze and jumped as I heard a crash. I looked behind me and saw Jamesons car flipped over. Me: "JAMESON!?!?!" Amelio: "Javier. Jameson flipped" Amelia: "Jefferson hold winter we'll get Jameson" I tried running to Jameson but got held back by Jefferson. I knew something was wrong the minute he didn't stop. I kept struggling in Jeffersons arms then groan and colapsed as pain sudenly shot through my arms and leg. I looked as Reynaldo ran over to the car and helped the others. I kept trying to get free so that I could make it to Jameson. I was worried and could've see anything. I froze as I saw Nathan appear by the car then disappear. I looked finally realizing what happened. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~☆Author here☆~ so I would let this chapter be linger but then it would be close to 5,000 words and I wouldn't be able to tell yall how much I love you all so much and I appreciate the fact yall actually read my books. I love yall so much and I'm sooo appreciative of yall reading this story like honestly it means the world to me.
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