Chapter 4: The Deal

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(this chapter is mostly a Tony pov so enjoy) ~Tony's Pov~ I had woke up at 6 am. I had to be with dad for the deals that were going down. this ment I was gonna miss school. I sat on the edge of the bed then looked back at Winter she just looked so peaceful and beautiful. I got up after petting the puppy and put on some jeans and a black shirt. I then slipped on my leather jacket. once I was dressed I went to my dad's office. I couldn't get the thought of the information I found out yesterday dealing with the missing clan, Winter's past and her nightmares. I sat in the chair across from my dad's desk as I was deep in thought. Dad: "TONY JOSE SANTIAGO ARE YOU EVEN LISTING TO ME" Me: "sorry dad it's just between what I learned yesterday about the missing clan and Winter's nightmares im worried. about her" Dad: "I know but son u need you focused for this mission. we are meeting a rival family and it we slip up we can't come back to our family." Me: "I know dad I'll keep focused." Dad: "good. now listen we have to make this deal perfect if the car and weapons are to their liking we can get them as business partners and expand where our shipments and products go." Me: "So us being good with the Valentinos will help us distribute more of our supplies. Dad don't they deal with drugs and s*x?" Dad: "they do but they also deal with cars and smuggling. we will be meeting them at one of their shops." Me: "Dad!! they could kill us their on the spot!!!!!" Dad: "that is why we bring our body guards we will be armed and make sure eavryone goes well. Besides word is that they have a few special wolves working there so we also have to check that out" I nodded understanding what he was getting at. he wanted us to go make a new partner while trying to scope the place and their workers. this was a family of demons and eavrything. so you could never be to careful around them. they saw themselves as a whole big family though so like they were very tight knit. I stayed in the room and started talking with my dad on the deal we had to make sure the cars and stuff were good for the deal. ~Winter's Pov~ I woke up to an empty bed and looked around. I got up and sighed going to my bag. I pulled out some cloths as my phone rang. I looked at the title and saw my boss Javier Valentino. I answer the phone as I went to the bathroom and changed. Me: "hello" Javier: "hey Snowflake. I need you to come into work today we have a project for you to work ok and we're short on staff with today's event." Me: "Event?" Javier: "yes. we have some people coming to make some deals so I need someone to work on this car. then check the one they are bringing in. and who better to do it then my favorite and best mechanic." Me: "I'll be there in an hour" Javier: "good see you there" I dusted off my black skirt and fire blue crop top then put on my black high tops that had roses on the side. I walked downstairs and saw Sarah and Shane with Jeremiah and Maria. Sarah: "Hey winter how are feelings" Me: "im fine. I have to head to work though so I won't be at school." Shannon: "do you need a ride?" Me: "no I'll be fine" I smiled leaving the house after saying later. I walked to the store that wasn't far and had Jefferson to pick me up. I smiled as a red and blue Ferrari pulled up. Jefferson was a demon that had red and gold hair with fire red eyes. he rolled down the passenger window and smiled at me. he then leaned over and opened the door for me to get in. I got in and closed the door behind me. Jefferson: "where where you. you weren't at your place when I got there to get you." Me: "sorry some s**t happened at school so I no longer live there." Jefferson: "so you finally got out of that reck. I'm happy for you." Me: "thanks. so what's the deal with his even" Jefferson: "Javier is meeting with the leader of a mafia that lives on the Northside where you live. no one knows who they are though so he's pulling all the stops for this." Me: "interesting. ok then" we talked untill we pulled into the garage. I smiled looking at the beat up 1955 Ford Thunderbird. Me: "damn what happened" Jefferson: "Javier found it. ya think ya can fix it up" Me: "I know I can" I smiled then started getting to work of the car. ~Tony's Pov~ I smiled as I made my way downstairs dad and I had just finalized the plans for this deal and check over eavrything making sure it worked. it was 9am I smiled and went over to my mom and kissed her cheek and then hugged Sarah. I looked around in search of Winter. Me: "where's Winter?" Sarah: "her boss called her in to work" Me: "oh... wait she works?!" Uncle Jeremiah: "yea?" Me: "ok then" Mom: "im sure she is safe now yall should get going if ya gonna make it to that deal you hear me." Dad: "yes Shannon my love we do." I smiled at my parents then looked as Jackson came in and tossed me the keys. Me: "you loaded the car and weapons up?" Jackson: "yup all loaded" I smiled then noded at dad for us to go. he nodded then kissed my mom before saying bye to eavryone and leaving. I said later to eavryone then left the house. I checked eavrything making sure the car and stuff was loaded up into the trailer. I then got in the car with dad. as we drove we made sure the plane for the deal and stuff was covered. we reviewed eavrything as the driver drove us. after a good two hours we had made it to a garage and heard someone doing work. we walked to the door and knocked. the door opened to a demon with red and gold hair and fire blue eyes answered. he smirked showing his sharp teeth. I was on edge until I heard a few laughs and giggles. it was then that a guy with orange fox eyes and silver hair that had gold tips appeared behind him and introduced himself as Javier and the guy infront of him as Jefferson. Javier: "please come in. do forgive the noise but my best us working on restoring a 1955 Ford Thunderbird that my friend here found." Jefferson: "I think it'll be amazing when moon is done with it" I looked and saw a pair of legs sticking out from under the car. who ever it was didn't have a scent but they were wearing a pair of black high-tops with roses on the side. I sighed and mind linked my dad. Me: "Dad is this actually them the mafia we want to work with" Dad: "yes don't let their demeanor fool you these guys can be dangerous" Me: "got it" I looked up as we were bought upstairs to what seemed like a big living area they had a couch and eavrything even a 64 inch tv. I looked as Javier said sit and motioned to the couch. me and dad sat down cautiously then looked up. at the two demons. Javier: "so I heard yall wanted to do business correct" Dad: "yes actually we were hoping to do a partnership what do you say" Jefferson: "whats in it for us" Me: "yall seem like a good mafia and we can promise access to the ports we also bought by the car and weapons yall wanted from us" Dad: "we can help improve your profits and allow you access to any junkyard and care show or anywhere to get cars while partnered with us." Jefferson: "we do need the extra resources. including with the three kids we found in the woods not to long ago and they'll be under moons supervision as she trains them this weekend." Javier: "you are right. let's see the goods first I'll have my specialist look them over. Jefferson go with then to get the stuff. make sure they don't pull any shit." I looked as Jefferson nodded and went with my dad to get the stuff. I looked as I heard Javier yell the word Snowflake in a sweet tone. I then heared a familiar voice yell coming. I looked up as I heard foot steps and a girl that looked like winter appeared. I froze looking at her. I know it was winter when her eyes widdened and glowing a midnight blue with gold flakes then turned ocean blue with gold. ~Winter's Pov~ I had almost finally the car and was smiling as it was coming along. the seats were a magnificent shade midnight purple. with a midnight blue interior. I was about start painting when I heard Javier say Snowflake in a sweet tone. I sighed internally then said I'm coming in a sweet tone. I smiled walking upstairs then froze as I saw Tony sitting across from him. I just hoped he knew it wasn't me. I had hid my sint like Javier asked me to so that the new people didn't know who I was. I composed my self then looked at Javier. Javier: "Snowflake I'm gonna need ya to check the weapons that are coming up and then I need you to check that car they're also bringing in." Me: "got it. am I checking for the normal" Javier: "you know it" I nodded then looked at Jefferson as he came up with Tyson behind him. Tyson looked at me in shock the growled slightly. he set the weapons down then opened the case. I looked at Javier then picked up one of the guns. it was a 44 caliber pistol. I smiled checking the chamber and stuff. I then turned off the safety and pointed the gun at Javier. he only let me test the guns because the way he tested them was by having me to shot him. he always healed and we had no targets right now so. I pulled the trigger and shot his arm I felt my hand jerk slightly as I fired the gun. Javier smiled and laughed as the bullet fell out of his arm. he took the gun then smiled. Javier: "good work Snowflake. I made sure no finger prints were on them since I was wearing my gloves from earlier." Jefferson: "Javier you crazy b***h" Javier: "damn that was strong what did yall do to it because that hurt" Tony: "we just suped them up a little not much." Javier: "I think we'll have a deal" I checked the guns and examined them making sure they were ok. I then got up and closed the case. Javier: "what ya think Doll" Me: "They seem good not faulty at all. I'll just check the car and yall can do the talking on pricing and what not" I went downstairs and looked at the all black Jaguar f-type. I started checking the car making sure it was ok and had the right compartments for smuggling. I nodded to myself in satisfaction then made my way back to the guys. I froze as I caught the smell of fresh blood and looks at the door to find a tall figure with red eyes standing in the shadows of a tree. I closed the door and guarge and locked them. I went up the stairs and looked at the guys then noded to Javier. he then made the deal Tyson and Tony. ~Tony's Pov~ I smiled as me and my dad made the deal now all we had to do was set our terms. I looked as Winter looked out the window nervously. she was on alert and I wonder if it had anything to do with that sudden power that was felt out of nowhere. it still lingers in the air but we had shruged it off. Javier seemed to notice how off she was and laid a hand on her shoulder. she jumped then looked at him and relaxed some but she was still on guard. Winter: "I think we're being watched" Javier: "what do you mean Snowflake?" Winter: "I feel this power and its giving me a dangerous feeling. like we aren't safe." Jefferson: "I could feel it to its just I kinda shruged it off like it was nothing" Dad: "same" Javier: "how do we know" Winter: "when have my instincts and senses ever been wrong Javi?" Javier: "I know im sorry. your usual always right. your premonitions are always accurate to." I heard my wolf growl as Javier pulled Winter into a hug. I clenched my fist then felt dad rub my shoulder. I didn't know what Winter's business was here of what her relationship was with these misfits. I looked as Winter walked to the window slowly careful not to get to close. I got up after shaking hands with Javier. Dad had also got up. I looked at Winter but she was stuck staring at the window ad if she was scanning something or for someone. Me: "we will take our leave" Winter: "be safe please. make it home in one piece" Javier: "the girl is right" Jefferson: "her senses have never let us down in all the 10 years she's been here. so yall be careful out there" I nodded then looked as Winter turned back to us after growling then holding her head. she then shook her head and looked. Winter: "whatever was there is gone now so yall should be safe now but please be careful" she looks at me with concern. I was happy she was worried about me but all I could do is nod. I wasn't sure how to feel right now. I knew I had a lot of questions when she got home. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Announcement. ok so I posted the other book I had been working on called "The Hybrid Luna Queen" up yesterday there are 17 chapters in it so far and it will be on hiatus until I get like 20 chapters into this book. but I really hope yall like this story and ya know tell me what yall wanna see in future chapters I will gladly take suggestions or ad characters if yall would like me to. so untill next time my loves ??
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