Chapter 18: from 1 to 2

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~Winter's Pov~ I fell back as I watched both Angel and Jamesons eyes flash ocean and moonlight blue. I stumbled and fell back. as I was about to brace myself for impact I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist as sparks started spreading up my body. I looked up and saw Angel staring down at me. he looked at me as he was trying to catch my breath. he then helped me up then sat me on the counter by where Amelia was standing. I looked at Jameson ran over and checked me for wounds. they were both my mates. I was stuck in state of shock as I tried to process what happened and understand my situation. ~Angels Pov~ I had got up and zoomed over to Winter to catch her as she fell. when she opened her eyes. I got lost in her deep ocean blue eyes I had literally forgotten how to breath. after a few minutes I had picked her up and sat her on the counter by where Amelia was standing. I turned to Amelia as Jameson checked winter for any wounds. Amelia looked in shock. she then shook her head and looked at her best friend. Amelia: "come on beastie wake up. now is not the time to be in shock" Me: "is eavrything ok?" Amelia: "its better if she explains." I looked at winter took a deep breath and shook her head slightly. she then looked back and forth between me and Jameson. Jameson: "Winter what's going on?" Me: "I wanna know the same." Winter: "Both of you are my mates. and..." Jameson: "Both of us?!" Me: "and what love?" Winter: "im going into...." Jameson: "into what?" Winter: "im going into heat" I looked as she whispered the last word. I jumped back then started at her. she had looked down and was messing with her fingers. Jameson then looked at her his eyes wide open. he leaned on the counter then shook his head. Jameson: "I should have marked you already. but I didn't want to push you to far. I know your still skittish when it comes to that stuff because of what happened with my brother." Me: "one of us has to. we can't let her go to school Tomarrow while in heat." Jameson: "we can't just force it on her" Me: "the others will tomorrow if we don't." Amelia: "yall can't just forcibly mark her. it's wrong. what if it brings back bad memories then what do we do." Jameson: "we talk to her first. then we will discuss marking her but I don't want to make her relive any bad memories." Me: "fine we'll do that, but she can't go to school unclaimed tomorrow" Winter: "I cant miss school tomarrow. there has to be a way around this right?" Me: "there isn't love. you have to be marked and mated in order for the hear to stop" Winter: "oh my f*****g gods" I looked as panic filled her eyes. what the f**k had happened to her. last I saw her she was 9. and before that we lived together for 7 years we were always inseparable. so why can't she remember me. I hummed softly and took winter in my arms as I started humming lips of an angel by hinder. she used to love thos song when we were younger. she looked up at me as I saw her slowly calm down and her eyes filled with tears and I started singing Me: "Honey, why you calling me so late? It's kinda hard to talk right now Honey, why you crying, is everything okay? I gotta whisper 'cause I can't be too loud" I looked as she whiped her eyes. and looked back up at me. Me: "Well, my girl's in the next room Sometimes I wish she was you I guess we never really moved on It's really good to hear your voice saying my name It sounds so sweet Coming from the lips of an angel Hearing those words, it makes me weak And I never wanna say goodbye But, girl, you make it hard to be faithful With the lips of an angel" ~Winter's Pov~ I smiled looking up at Angel as he sang to me. his voice was so sweet and soft. but it still had a slight baritone to it. something about this felt so familiar yet so distant all at the same time. Angel felt familiar yet different. I just couldn't figure out why. Angel: "It's funny that you're calling me tonight And, yes, I've dreamt of you too And does he know you're talking to me? Will it start a fight? No, I don't think she has a clue" I smiled and looked as some faint memories of when I was younger played in my head. it was a boy with the same hair as Angel singing to me. I had been crying though. Angel: "Well, my girl's in the next room Sometimes I wish she was you I guess we never really moved on It's really good to hear your voice saying my name It sounds so sweet Coming from the lips of an angel Hearing those words, it makes me weak And I never wanna say goodbye But, girl, you make it hard to be faithful With the lips of an angel" I smiled and huddled into Angel as I started singing without knowing it. as if my body wasn't mine. Me: "It's really good to hear your voice saying my name It sounds so sweet Coming from the lips of an angel Hearing those words, it makes me weak And I never wanna say goodbye But, boy, you make it hard to be faithful With the lips of an angel" Angel smiled at me as he looked down at me and held me close. I smiled and placed my hand on his cheek. he placed his hand over mine as we looked in each other's eyes. Angel: "And I never wanna say goodbye But, girl, you make it hard to be faithful With the lips of an angel" Both: "Honey, why you calling me so late?" I smiled as a memory played in my head. ~Flashback 12 years ago~ I smiled as I ran around the garden being chased by a boy with red hair. I laughed and kept running. I hid behind a tree as I caught my breath. I looked around then got up as the boy disappeared. I laughed and squealed as I was suddenly picked up. I fell onto the someone as we fell into the leaves as someone landed one me. I laughed as I looked up at the boy with red hair. Me: "yay can we play again angel please?" Angel: "I wish winter but we have to get back it's getting late. and we promised your parents and my aunt well be back for the celebration rember." Me: "I cant beleive your seven today. so when you turn 18 before me will you still treat me like your friend." Angel smiled and ran a hand through his red hair and smiled shaking his head he then got up and helped me up. Angel: "of course I'll still treat you as my friend silly. I'll will always have your back" Me: "you promise?" Angel: "I promise" I smiled as I let angel helped me up. we then raced home to the pack. I smile and ran up the stairs. I yelped as I miss the last stair and fell back down them. I cried as I felt pain in my leg. I looked as angel ram over and checked my leg. Angel: "your ankle is twisted winter" Me: "it hurts angel" I kept crying then stoped as angel pulled me to him and started singing to me. it was the song he always sang to me when I got hurt. I calmed down and looked at him. he slowly lifted me up and put me on his back. I held on as he kept singing and humming. I always forget what the song was but i loved when he sang it to me. once we were in the house my parents took me and treated my ankle. ~Present day~ I smiled at Angel. it was him. he was the boy. all these years. he was still alive. and he was my mate. Me: "your alive. it's you. angel your alive" Angel: "im alive love. I could say the same for you. I thought you were captured or dead when I couldn't find you" Me: "Javier took me in when I was seven. I don't remember much before the day they found me in the woods. I just remember finding my parent's dead." Angel: "I am soo sorry I wasn't there for you winter" Me: "just shut up. you're back now. I'm so glad you weren't there that day. I don't want to know what would have happened to you Angel" Amelia looked at me and Angel in confusion. I smiled as I huged my old friend who was now one of my mates. I looked up when I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up and saw a highly pissed off Jameson. Jameson: "anyone want to tell us what's going on" Me: oh um. well angel and me grew up together the first seven years of my life. he left the week before the attack with his aunt to visit some family. he would sing to me when I was upset or sad. and it was always that song. it was my favorite as a child." Amelia: "Wait so was he apart of the elemental clan?!" Angel: "yea I was. I delt with fire. my wolf ra is a like fire red and orange color" Amelia: "that's soo cool. old friends reunited after 11 years. wait so angel how old are you" Angel: "im only a year older then lil winter here" Jameson: "so yall grew up together ok. so why the hell are you here?" Angel: "my aunt died 6 years ago when I was 13. I've been on my own ever since." I looked at Angel as I felt my heart break. I placed my hand over my heart as u looked at him. Me: "Julia died. how... she... she was so strong and healthy what happened?" Angel: "after we found out about the clan getting whiped out and how there were no survivors from the fire were found we looked for you but my aunt she got shot by a hunter. we ran off but the bullet was poisoned. she then died the next week" Me: "im so sorry. I... I. so so sorry" Angel: "It's not your fault love. it's nothing we could have done. whatever poison they used had no antidote or not a known one by doctors at least." I whiped my eyes and calmed my self then hugged angel. he hugged me back then took a deep breath and pulled away smiling. he then dissapeared upstairs. I sighed then turned to Amelia and Jameson. Jameson stared daggers at the direction Angel went. Jameson: "its no way he's your mate. he's... he's a scoundrel. he doesn't deserve you. he's... he can't just walk in and suddenly be your mate. I'm suposed to be your mate. what happens to use if he comes into the picture." Amelia: "come on Jj she's still gonna love you. you're just gonna have to share. but you can't deprive someone of their mate." Me: "Jameson baby I will always love you. I just have someone else I will love as well. nothing will change between us. nothing can cause us to change. you just have to share me now." Jameson: "I don't like sharing though. but we do have to address this heat thing and figure out who marks you." Amelia: "how about you both Mark her. that way no one can touch her. but yall won't mate her unless she is ok with it. so just Mark her then wait. yall will eventually mate her naturally." Me: "i..I... I can work with that" Jameson: "are you sure?" I nodded and smiled looking at Jameson. he smiled then pulled me to him and hugged me. I smiled hugging him back. Jameson: "just let us know when your ready ok my Snowflake" Me: "ok got it" ~later that night~ I smiled as I sat in my room drawing in my sketch book. I looked up as a knock sounded on my door. I looked back at my sketch book. I got up closing it then went to the door. I opened my door and jumped slightly looking at Angel. Me: "oh hey Angel. what brings you here?" Angel: "I wanted to come see you." Angel looked at me slightly frazzled as he ran his fingers through his hair. I looked at him tilting my head. next thing I knew I his lips were crashing into mine. he kissed me deeply as if it was the Last time. I held onto him as my legs felt weak and gave way under me. I gasped softly as his arms wrapped around my waist and he licked my lips. Angel picked me up then took my to the bed as he closed the door behind him as we kissed. I pulled away and blushed as I tried catching my breath. I looked away as angel layed me down on the bed and hovered over me. I blushed as I felt his hand on my thigh. I blushed as his hand went up my thigh and under my skirt. I blushed hard and gasped as I felt his lips on my neck. I smiled leaning my head back as I heard winter pur. I shivered as he nibbled one of the sweet spots on my neck. i moaned soft and sweetly as i leaned my head back exposing my neck more. I jumped as I felt his K9s on my skin. I purred running my fingers through his hair. I gripped his hair and whimpered slightly as I felt his teeth sink in to my skin. after a second the pain turned to pleasure. I purred then relaxed as he licked the wound. I panted catching my breath then looked up at Angel. he smiled at me the brushed a strand of hair out of my face. I smiled looking up at him. i dont know why but i felt like i was in total bliss even though i couldent think straight at all. angel got up and helped me. i smiled taking his hand. angel then kissed me sweet and softly. i smiled as i kissed him back sweetly. he then kissed my forhead then lft my room closing the door behind him. i stared at my door as i slowly came out of my haze. i shoke my head then went back to my drawing. i smiled as i finished my drawing i looked at the finishing product of a delicet rainbow rose with rain drops on the petals and leaves under the moon light. i got up and went to hang my drawing on the wall above my bed then looked to my door as i heard a knock. I walked over and open the door. i smiled happily as i saw jameson. he looked at me slightly frozen. i tilted my head looking at him. i saw as his eyes we starting to glow gray with yellow and red sparks. Jameson: "winter who did that to you" Me: "did what. jameson whats wrong JJ" i looked as his eyes grew darker. next thing i knew i was lifted into the air then thrown on the bed. i looked as jameson towered over me. he then leaned over me and kissed me deeply. i moaned softly as i groaned. i held onto him as his lips went to the otheside of my neck. i moaned as he kissed my neck and my sences got clouded once more. i whimpered and griped the sheets as i felt his K9s sink into my other sweet spot. i moaned as the pain turned to pleasure. i moaned as he kissed and sucked the bite mark. Jameson: "your mine ok and i am yours." Me: "mmhmm" i nodded as i was at a lost for words once more. jameson kissed my neck and i shivered sligtly. he looked at the wall above my bed then smiled as he kissed my head. Jameson: "your drawings get better and better love. i love them" i smiled and blushed softly as i looked at jameson. he smiled then placed a hand on my check and left my room. i smiled then went back to my desk and put my sketchbook and drawing utensiles away. i smiled then got undressed and went to shower. once i was donshowering and washing my hair i got out and went to the mirror and got dressed. i smiled then cleared the mirror so i could do my face routine. i smiled then looked at the markings on my shoulders. i looked as there was a flaming rose tatoo on one shoulder. the other shoulder then had a sun and moon tatoo. i smiled then put a jacket on looked then heard snow in my head. Snow: "they marked us" Me: "WHAT. but they said well talk about it how" Snow: "well with you in heat your mated will react to it and lets just say. girl our sences were nonexistent when they did it all we felt was pleasure and we enjoyed it." Me: "i can beleive that. its just idk i love them honestly but i would think they would talk to me first." Snow: "winter are you complaining no one can touch us one and two now that were marked they know if we get hurt or are in throuble. plus our heat is gonna be so much better well just be horny and not in pain ya know." Me: "that is better so ok" i smiled as snow curled up into my mind going quite. i smiled then fixed my bed shorts and my tank top and jacket then went downstaires to the kitchen. i smiled as i made my way downstairs then looked at the guys as they were staring daggers at each other. amelia then walked over to me and whispered in my ear so only i could hear. Amelia: "what the f**k is wrong with these two now." Me: "the both marked me. Angel did it first and then jameson came to my room and marked me" Amelia looked at me in shock then looked at the guys. she then turned back to me and i showed her the marks on my shoulders. she smiled then wiggled her eybrows at me. i laughed then smiled and punched her shoulder. amelia then laughed as she looked at me. the guys then turned to us. i smiled at them then looked as they instantly smiled and calmed down. me and amelia smiled then started cooking as eavryone came downstairs. once dinnere was ready we all sat down to eat. and i sat down in between angel and jameson. weall talked and smiled as we ate dinner. once we all finished we i smiled and kissed angels cheek. Me: "ill sleep in your room tomarrow ok" Angel: "ok love" i smiled then went to bed in jamesons room. i smiled then curled up in jamesons bed and fell asleep cuddling a pillow. jameson pulled me closed to him. i looked up at him. them smiled sofly and fell asleep cuddling up to him. things were gonna get a bit harder. i didnt know what i was gonna do with two mates. and in all honesty i still kinda missed tony. he scared me physicaly and mentaly but before then he took care me. the moment he thought i was his he took me in and loved me. i smiled and let my mind rest as sleep took over my mind.
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