Chapter 3: Nightmares

1966 Words
~Tony's Pov~ I woke up once Winter fell asleep. I looked and noticed her whimper slightly. she was frowning and her skin was freezing. I looked as tears stained her cheeks. I slowly got up and went to get Sarah and my parents. ~Winter's Pov~ I looked around as I heard a piano take over my dreams. the darkness then faded to a place that felt so foreign yet so familiar. I saw a happy couple playing the piano there was a lil girl with blue hair in their lap. I couldn't see the couples face but looking at the lil girl I knew it was me but I look like I was 5. I walked closer and smiled as I heard the woman sing she had a beautiful voice it was perfect for lullabies. I looked as I relaxed the in the girls arms. I saw a a boy with black and red faded hair who looked to be 11 he walked over and smiled. I couldn't see his face though. he walked over humming to the piano then smiled. I heard the man keep playing then a girl with blue and red hair who looked 10 came in and smiled looking at eavryone. I couldn't see her face either it was like I couldn't remember what they looked like. I smiled as I watched my dream play. I sang softly I was smiling and happy. I looked as the scenery faded then along with the music and it was nite the house was quiet. I looked at 7 year old me ran past and up the stairs to a room. my surroundings then changed into the room younger me ran into. I looked as younger me grabed hold of the girl who.was packing a bag. the girl looked 12 now. I heard talking and watched as the scene played out. Girl: "I cant stay here any more winter" 7yro Winter: "why not?" Girl: "Dad and mom Leav us hear with our uncle and that's when s**t happens" 7yro Me: "please Savanna don't leave me here alone please" I looked as the girl I called Savanna stoped packing her bag then closed it. she looked straight at me or at least what was behind me. I turned around and saw a 13 year old boy. Boy: "you can't do this Savanna" Girl: "no Chase I do. you see the way uncle touches me and how uncomfortable I get. I say something and nothing happens. our own parents think me a slut. Nothing has been the same since grandma and grandfather died." 7yro Me: "please don't leave me" I looked as lil me cried and held on to savanna. I looked as the name became familiar. I looked at her and saw her mixed matched red and blue eyes and mixed skin like mine. she started singing the song i heard earlier to me as she held me tight. I looked as the guy walked over and sat by her and held us both as he hung with her. I had fallen asleep. I looked as Chase as his face was no longer blurry. he had eyes like mine and he reminded me of the picture I had of my parents. I looked as the scenery faded and the sky was red. lil me woke up as Chase ran in and picked her. I heard a bang then looked around as the house shook. I fallowed Chase as he ran to the couple from earlier and my parents Flashed through my mind. I looked and saw them take me from chase. Dad: we have to go Margaret my love Mom: Daniel what if Savanna comes back. Chase: "she won't have anything to come back to if we don't clear put mom" I looked as mom heald 7yo me I was holding a bunny plus the one had always had with me. I looked as they ran out the house. in the process I saw Chase fight off some people. I looking at the people and saw they had weapons. I watched as my parents ran. my mind foged then I came to the images of my dead parents. I was out cold and covered in blood I looked at my parents and cried. I then looked for my siblings and found no one. I then looked as 7yo me passed out. once she woke again I looked as she walked the woods. I was memorizing all the turns she took untill she got out the woods. I looked as it played out to when I was found. I was crying from all the emotions. from the lost of my family and all the memories I had. I watched as my dreams faded to darkness and the murderer of a whole clan plagued my mind all I heard were cries and screams. I couldn't help but cry as I felt a sudden stab in my back that then slowly went down my back. I cried then woke up suddenly feeling myself cry. I sat up slowly then fell back down as I felt pain in my back and side. I faintly heard my name and foot steps. I bit my lip as I sat up and propped me up on my arms. I looked as I saw ice on the walls. I took. deep breath Making the ice melt away. I looked at Tony and he ran over to me and cupped my face and whiped the tears away. Sarah: "mom her back its bleeding" Shannon: "what ever do you mean" I whimpered as sarah touched my back ans Shannon walked over slowly lifting my shirt. I heard a gasp as she looked. Tyson: "what the f**k happened" Sarah: "Winter how did you get this its fresh" Shannon: "Winter sweeties" I looked at Tony as tears streamed down my cheeks. he had sat infront of me and I colapsed in his arms feeling weak. my back didn't hurt but I could feel the blood slowly stop. I know there had to be at least two going down along the sides of my spine. I linked Tony as I held onto him. Me: "I dont want to talk about it right now I can hardly speak my throat hurts so bad" Tony: "its ok love I'll tell them to stop ok" I nodded hearing his words. Tony: "mom, dad, Sarah. stop please she doesn't want to talk about it right now." Sarah: "well I'll take her to get cleaned up ok?" Shannon: "I'll help" Tony: "ok. Winter baby can you get up" I nodded and slowly got. I no longer felt the pain anymore. I let Sarah help me the rest of the way up and take me to the bathroom with Shannon behind us. once we were in the bathroom Sarah sat me down with my back to the mirror. I took my shirt off and looked in the mirror at the long slashes running halfway down my back on either side. they were scabed over and coated in blood. I looked as Shannon cleaned my back getting the blood off. she looked at back in surprise I then looked in the mirror and saw small blue shards. I guess in my panic when I felt the pain I cooled my temp to low and froze the first layer. I relaxed and the ice went away. Shannon then started patching up my back and sarah went to go get clothes. Shannon: "your an elemental wolf aren't you." Me: "yes" Shannon: "why didn't you say so" Me: "because an untrue rumor follows me." Shannon: "what rumor?" Me: "people in school and other packs say I murdered my parents. I didn't though. I was found on the edge of the woods covered in blood. they found my parents in the woods dead." Shannon: "so they assume you killed them" I nodded then looked at her. she looked at me with a sadness and heartbreak in her eyes. Me: "I have so little to remind me of them. this happens eavry night. I sleep see happy memories of my family and then I see when it all fell apart. my parents dead and I don't know what happened to my siblings I haven't seen them in 10 years. they would be 23 and 24 now. I hardly remember where I lived. I get the same happy dream of me and my family.... then it all fades away to the same paint nightmare." Shannon: "you will find them im sure of it" Me: "the council said it themselves.... they all disappeared without a trace in one night." Shannon looked at me sadly. she knew my hope was low for this. I had no hope my family was alive. all I had of them was a watch and locket that I hardly ever take off. I went stiff as I felt Shannon hug me her head on mine. I looked up at her and she was crying. I huged her back then felt her stiffen slightly before hugging me tighter. she then started humming softly it wasn't the one I heard in my dreams but It still sounded familiar. I relaxed then noded telling her I was ok. Shannon: "we will find your family and yall can be in our pack. tomorrow you will be part of our family and under our protection. ok?" Me: "ok" I smiled then whiped my eyes as sarah came in and handed me the clothes she bought for me from her room it was a pair or bed shorts and a top. I smiled and noded thanking her. I looked as they left. I then got dressed putting on the shorts and top. I looked at my hair then braided it so that it would reach half way pasty shoulders instead of down past my waist. I looked in the mirror and saw a guy with blood red eyes behind me. I sudenly turned around and saw no one I looked at the mirror and saw the figure was gone. I walked out the bathroom and bumped into a firm chest. I smiled smelling a scent I had recently fell in love with. I looked up and smiled seeing Tony. he looked at me and smiled. he then pulled me close holding me tight. I huged him back and smiled. I looked as he picked me up bridal styl and took me to the room. he laid me down then laid by me. Tony: "so what was that about. ya know your nightmare?" Me: "it happens eavry night. I get the nightmare of the night I forget eavrything and some memories here and there but I forget it sooner or later." Tony: "im sorry to hear that love. i.. I had no clue that this happens all the time." Me: "its fine" Tony: "no its not" Me: "we can talk about this Tom but for now get some sleep." I smiled then kissed Tony and cuddled up to him as I heard his heartbeat slow telling me her was sleep. I smiled then kissed his chin then let the sound of his hear lul me to sleep once more. ~Announcement~ ok so this is shorter then my normal butI have some others books I plan to move to dream that I have been working on. it's just some random things but I do hope yall will like them. but I do hope this chapter dosent disappoint is so please tell me guys and I promise to make up for it in the next. also I do hope yall end up liking my other works and I'll let yall know when they hit. I will also try to update more in the up coming weeks. love yall
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