Chapter XII: The Jealous One

1496 Words
Travis POV             Once we were done getting ready, we headed to the beach for our candlelight dinner with our girls. Ryan arranged a tent that had lights, and different type of flowers outlining the tent’s frame. The table, lights, and décor were outstanding. “Ryan, you out did yourself.” “Naw, it was the hotel manager who arrange this for us.” “I will have to thank her before we leave.” “Yea, she is very talented at event planning.”             He pours us a glass of champagne and says, “I plan to propose to Lazaye during our family dinner on Thursday.” “Congratulation Ryan… She is going to be so happy. I’m happy for the both of you.” “Thanks, Travis.” “Maybe we can have a double wedding.” “Now you know that Lazaye is not going for that.” “Yea I know… They always make a big deal about their special day.” “Have you talked with Bryna’?” “Naw, I haven’t been able to get time alone with her…” “I understand. Maybe you can talk with her tonight after dinner.” “That might be a good idea.”     As we were talking about work, Lazaye walked down the trail. She says, “Hi, fellas.” We both greet her, and Ryan gets up, and pulls out her seat. I say, “Where is Bryna’?” She says, “I thought she was here. She said that she would meet me here.” I say, “Did she tell you where she was going?” She says, “She wanted to clear her head. So, where is my glass of champagne?” Ryan pours her a glass of champagne. We started to talk about Bryna’s fashion show. Lazaye stated that she received an email that they have found an investor to finance the last fashion show. This took me by surprise because Bryna’ didn’t say anything about it. I say, “Lazaye, do Bryna’ know about this?” She says, “I don’t think so because she left her phone in my room. I received the email after she left for her walk.” I asked, “Did they say who the investor is?” She says, “No, but we are going to meet him on Monday after we return to the states.” Ryan and Lazaye stated talking about the resort in Mexico. After about thirty minutes, I got up from my seat and say, “I am going to look for her.” Ryan says, “Ok. Just call us if you need us.” I say, “Will do.” Two Hours Later…     I looked all over the resort for Bryna’. I started to think that something happened to her. I went back to the beach where I left Ryan and Lazaye. They were gone so I decided to go to their suite. I knocked the door and there was no answer. They might be sleeping so I decided to go to the lounge bar. I sat at the bar and order me a shot of whiskey.     As I seat at the bar, drinking my tenth shot of whiskey and worrying about Bryna’. This guy comes and seat next to me. He says, “Give me whatever he is having and him another shot.” I reply, “Thanks but I am good. I was about to leave.” He says, “Don’t leave yet… I think I know why you are down here drowning your sorrows.” I reply, “Now, how could you possibly know that?” He says, “Well, your fiancé didn’t show up for your candlelight dinner.” I reply, “And what business is that of yours?” He says, “I might can help you.” I reply, “Is that so? Who are you, anyway?” He says, “Oh, where are my manners… I am Justin, Ryan’s cousin.” I reply, “Oh, great!” He says, “I’ve notice that there is trouble in paradise.” I say, “Oh, you do!” He says, “Yes, your fiancé will leave you for another man.” I reply, “Whatever man… You don’t know what you are talking about.” I get out my seat to leave until he says, “She’s with Ajani now on the beach.” I begun to get so mad… I grab him by his collar and say, “How do you know this?” He says, “A little birdie told me… If you want to know more… seat and drink with me.” I released his collar and said, “Naw, I’ll pass…” As I walked away from him, he says, “Ok, I tried to warn you.” I left the lounge bar and stumbling back to my suite. I guess I’m drunker than I thought. I went to the bedroom and passed out on the bed. The Next Day…     I woke up with the most pounding headache and hang over. I looked around the room and Bryna’ wasn’t there. s**t, she didn’t come in last night. I ran out the suite and went to Ryan’s suite. I pounded on the door and screaming, “RYAN, LAZAYE, PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR!” The door open and Ryan says, “Travis, what’s wrong, bro?” I pushed through the door and say, “Bryna’… she didn’t come back to the suite last night… We have to look for her.” Ryan says, “Travis, you smell like a wino…” I yell, “LOOK RYAN, THIS IS SERIOUS… MY FIANCÉ’ IS MISSING… WE HAVE TO LOOK FOR HER, NOW!” He says, “Bro, calm down… I am going to get you some coffee. They went shopping.” I say, “THEY WHAT!” He says, “When she came in last night, you were pass out drunk, so she didn’t want to wake you. Bryna’, Lazaye, and my little sister went shopping at The Boardwalk Shopping Village.”     I take the cup of coffee and gulp it down. I calmed down a little and say, “She could have written me a note. Did she say why she didn’t show up at dinner.” He looked surprised by my questions and say, “No, I didn’t ask.” Something tells me he knows more than what he is saying.” I say, “I meet your cousin Justin last night.” He says, “Oh, you did…” I say, “Yup and he had a lot to say.” Ryan says, “What did he say?” I say, “Bryna’ was going to leave me.” He looked surprised and says, “Travis, look he is bad news and don’t listen to nothing he has to say…” I ask, “Why would you say that about your cousin? I thought your family were close.” He says, “We are but he’s jealous of us.” I ask, “Jealous of who?” He says, “He is jealous, that my brother Ajani is CEO of our resort business.” I say, “Is that so?” He says, “Yes, my uncle decided to be a doctor as my father decided to take over the family business. He feels that since my uncle is the oldest, it was his legacy.” I say, “Oh, I see.” Ryan says, “I was going to chill by the pool do you want to come.” I say, “Sure, I going to go change and meet you at the pool.” I left Ryan’s suite and went to my suite to change my clothes.     After I was done getting dress, I went to the pool. When I walked up to the swim bar, It seems that Ryan and his cousin, Justin was having a heated conversation. I say, “What’s going on here?” Ryan says, “Nothing… Justin was just leaving.” Justin says, “And miss all the fun…” Ryan says, “Justin… This is not a game…” I say, “What is going on?” Justin says, “Well, my cousin here brings humans…” Before he could finish, Shawn walks up and says, “Justin, I don’t think you want to finish that statement. Let’s go our Fadda wants to see you.” Justin says, “I was just about to have some fun. I guess I’ll see yall at the family dinner tomorrow.” Shawn says, “See yall tomorrow and enjoy your day.” Justin and Shawn left the pool area.     I turn to Ryan and say, “What was that all about?” Ryan says, “Nothing, he just wants to stir up trouble… That’s what he does… Let’s just relax, get a drink, enjoy ourselves until our ladies return from shopping.”  
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