Chapter XIII: A Day Out With The Ladies

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Lazaye POV As Kalani was driving to the mall, I decided to get the scoop on why Bryna’ went MIA on us last night. I ask, “So where did you sneak off to last night, Boo?” She says, “I didn’t sneak off… I went for a walk.” I say, “You were walking around in Jamaica… a place you never been to… all night long.” She says, “No I wasn’t walking all night… I ran into the werewolf who bite me.” Kalani says, “You were bitten by a werewolf?” I say, “Kalani, we know your family are werewolves and that we are in Moonshine Pack territory.” Kalani says, “I always miss the fun stuff.” Bryna’ says, “It was Ajani.” Kalani says, “You were bitten by our Alpha… Do you know what that means?” We both say in unison, “ALPHA!” Bryna’ asks, “What does that mean?” Kalani says, “He is the leader of our pack which will make you, our Luna. I hate missing all the juicy drama.” Lazaye says, “What is Ryan title?” Kalani says, “So my big head brothers only told yall that they werewolves!” Lazaye says, “Pretty much!” Kalani says, “Well, Ajani is our Alpha, and Ryan is our Beta which is second in command. Shawn is our Delta which is third in command. Evan is our lead warrior because Justin didn’t want the position.” I say, “Who is Justin?” Kalani says, “He is Dr. Sims older son and Shawn’s older brother. But he is no good… He doesn’t like our family even though he is our first cousin. He always making trouble for us, so stay away from him.” Bryna’ says, “You don’t have to tell me twice.” I say, “Me either.” Kalani says, “Wait, where did he bite you at?” Bryna’ says, “He bit me on my wrist.” Kalani says, “So you know you will change on the next full moon.” Bryna’ says, “Yes, before I was interrupted, I was going to say that I sat with Ajani all night talking about my change and getting to know him.” Kalani says, “And what happened?” Bryna’ says, “Nothing happened, we just sat and talk. It was kind of romantic because we were behind the resort at an excluded beach. We watched the sunrise together.” Kalani says, “He took you to his favorite spot, that’s why he built the Rockhouse Hotel & Spa.” Bryna’ says, “Yea is wolf pretty much escorted me to the place.” Kalani says, “You meet Blaze… He is the largest werewolf in Jamaica.” I say, “Wow, I don’t know if I want to meet Ryan’s wolf. They seem very territorial.” Kalani says, “Werewolves are territorial over their loves ones and packs. Alphas are territorial and possessive to the highest level. I am pretty sure that’s why Blaze bite you.” I ask, “Bryna’, did yall talk about that?” She says, “Yes, we did, and Blaze apologized.” We arrived at Time Square Shopping Mall. Kalani says, “You ladies can buy your gifts & souvenirs from this mall. We will go to The Boardwalk Shopping Village to get our dresses for tomorrow’s dinner.” I say, “Great, let’s start shopping.” As we were looking around in Casa Rasta, I ask, “What are you going to tell Travis when you get back to the resort?” Bryna’ says, “I don’t know… I don’t want to lie to him. He doesn’t like Ajani at all.” I say, “Well can you blame him. You are mated to the most powerful family in Jamaica. No telling what other ties he has around the world. If he is as possessive as Kalani says, maybe you should end the relationship with Travis.” She says, “I was going to do that when we got home. I don’t want to do that here.” I say, “He was looking for you all night… So, you better come up with something good.” Bryna’ says, “I’ll just tell him that I fell asleep in your suite and that we were trying to find out who was the new investor.” I say, “Girl, you are good… I did tell him last night about the email.” I say, “I bet you did… I wonder who it could be.” I say, “Well at least we get to come back here for the summer. It’s going to be beautiful. I have loads of ideas.” Bryna’ says, “Well, when we get back you can start the layouts for the show.” We gathered our items and purchased them. We spent two hours at Time Square Shopping Mall. Once we were in the car, Kalani says, “I don’t want to tell you this part, but I think it’s only right that you know. I love my brother and I want the best for Ajani. I know that you came here with your fiancé. If you don’t want to pursue this relationship, you can reject him. I am not sure if it will hurt him as bad if you were a she-wolf since you are still human. You must do it before you change.” Bryna’ says, “Blaze said something about rejection, but I don’t want to reject them. I’m going to take things slow and get to know. Before I even mat Ajani, I was going to end my relationship with Travis. I love him but I am not in love with him. I feel a strong bond and attraction to Ajani. His scent is so calming, and he has the sexiest body ever!” Kalani squealed, “ILL! TMI… I don’t need to know how sexy my brother is, Bryna’!” Bryna’ says, “Well, you asked!” During the car ride, we enjoyed the Reggae and R&B music from Kalani’s iPhone. We went inside of a store called Valrie’s Creative Center. The owner greeted us and said, “Kalani, it’s been a while… what can I help you with?” Kalani says, “Valrie, this is our future Luna and Beta Female. We are looking for dresses for our family dinner tomorrow.” Valrie says, “Our Luna and Beta Female, it’s nice to meet you. I have the prefect dresses.” I say, “I am Lazaye, and this is Bryna’.” She says, “I am sorry if I offended you.” I say, “No, we just prefer our names.” She nodded her head in understanding. She takes us to the back of the store after she tells her co-worker to watch the front of the store. Valrie says, “I just received some new arrivals, you ladies can have the first pick.” As we looked through the rack of clothing, I say, “Bryna’, this dress is prefect for you and it’s your favorite color.” I held up a black tub-top mini dress that crisscross at the bottom-front of the dress. All the dresses Valrie shown us were stunning. Kalani says, “Yes, that’s perfect Bryna’ and Lazaye, I have a dress for you too.” She shows me a white dress with spaghetti straps with a diamond cluster and a peekaboo opening under the breast. The dress was fabulous. Valrie picked a fitted green one shoulder dress for Kalani. We brought our dresses, and we left the store. Kalani dropped us off at the resort and we said our goodbyes. When we entered the resort, Bryna’ says, “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at dinner.” I say, “If you need me, just come to our suite.” Bryan’ says, “Ok, Thanks.” I hugged my best friend and went to my suite. I entered my suite and seen rose petals all over the floor. Now, what is going on here… I followed the rose petals to the bedroom and to my surprise… Ryan was laying naked on the bed with a rose in his mouth. “Is this for me?” “Yes, it is my love.” “As much as I want to jump in bed with you, I need to talk to you.” “Ok, let me put on some shorts.” “Ok, I will be in the living room.” I left out the bedroom and went to seat on the couch. About ten minutes later, Ryan comes in and asks, “What happened, My Love?” I say, “Nothing happened, I just want to talk to you about a few things.” He takes a next to me and says, “Ok, let’s talk.” I say, “First, Bryna’ is going to end her relationship with Travis when she gets back to the states. I wanted you to know because she is going to date your brother. She was with him last night.” Ryan says, “Yes, I know… He told me through our mind-link.” I say, “Mind-link?” Ryan says, “Yes, we are connected through our minds with everyone in our family and pack. It allows us to communicate with the members in our pack.” I say, “Wow, that’s neat… Lastly, I want you to make me a werewolf.” Ryan says, “Wait Lazaye, what!” I say, “You hear me… I have thought about it all day especially after talking with Kalani. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I don’t want my best friend to go through this alone.” Ryan says, “She won’t be alone, Ajani will help her though the change.” I say, “I know but I still want you to change me. Can I have your children as a human?” Ryan says, “I don’t know… I would have to ask our elders, but it would be safer if you were a she-wolf.” I say, “See my point exactly, I want to have your children.” Ryan says, “I understand… I will talk it over with my uncle. Now can I get back to my romantic night with my girlfriend!” He scoops me up in his arms and says, “You have too many clothes on.”
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