Chapter XI: The Truth

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Bryna’ POV             Lazaye was still getting dress for our date with our guys. I told her that I was going to take a walk and meet her at the beach. I wanted to process all the information I received today. A werewolf… A werewolf… I figure if I said it enough that it would sink in that my life was changing. I’m very scared. What if this makes my life worse or ruin what I have built. I had so many unanswered questions roaming inside my head. What if I die in the process? What if I hurt myself or other people? What if I don’t like being a werewolf? As I was walking along the beach shore, I stop at the entrance of the forest. Bryna’, you’re not going in there… When I turned around to walk back towards the resort, I heard a voice calling me from the forest. BRYNA'… What is up with the forests around here! I decided to go inside the forest to see who was calling my name. The sun started to go down as I entered the forest. I walked deep inside the forest.  I came to a stop when I didn’t see anyone around, and the voice stopped. I must be hearing things… I turned around to walk back to the resort, and then I heard crackling of branches. I quickly turned around and there he was… The grey werewolf! Now usually I would have run away but I had a bone to pick with him. I looked up at him… AND HE IS HUGE! Then again maybe I should run so I turn to run… But he was quicker than me, because in a flash he was standing in front of me… I say, “So you gonna keep me in the forest after you bite me?” He didn’t speak but when I looked into his eyes… They reminded me of someone…             He walked closer to me and bent down to push me in my stomach with his muzzle. I say, “No… No… You bite me… How could you do this to me?” I know that I may look and sound crazy talking to a werewolf in the middle of the forest. I wanted…  No, I demand answers… I don’t know what came over me… I growled, “SHIFT!” He looked up at me like he was confused about my statement. I growled, “No, don’t look at me like that… SHIFT NOW! I want to know who bite me. I know you can shift into your human form. SHIFT NOW!” He just stood there staring at me with his golden eyes. I say, “Ok, if you won’t shift. I am leaving and you will never see me again.” He started to push me with his muzzle deeper in the forest. I say, “No, I don’t want to go that way…” He backed me up until I was at another clearing of the beach. He walked back to the forest behind a tree. I say, “I hope you are shifting because I have a bone to pick with you. Why did you bite me? I never did anything to you… When I think about it… I never hurt anyone in my life.” As I was babbling about how he bite me, he came out from behind the tree… “Wait… Ajani! You were the werewolf that bite me!” “Yes! But Bree let me explain.”             I crossed my arms over my chest and say, “This better be good!” He says, “You are my destined mate. I have been searching for you since I was eighteen. I know that is not a good excuse but it’s the truth. My brother came home last winter with a gift you gave him for his birthday. The gift had your scent on it. My wolf knew that you were our mate. We have been trying to get you here so we can meet you.” I ask, “Is that why Ryan wanted me to come with Lazaye on this vacation?” He says, “Well, that’s part of the reason… Ryan has planned a secret engagement party on Thursday.” I say, “Well, she already had a feeling that he was going to propose… But that still don’t answer my question… Why did your wolf bite me?” Ajani says, “He was jealous that you mated with Travis. He thought that it would make our bond stronger.” I say, “What does “mated with Travis” means?” He says, “you had s*x with him.” I say, “So you couldn’t stop him!” He says, “He is a very strong werewolf… He wouldn’t give me control. He says that he is very, very, very, sorry that he bit you.” I say, “I bet… He knew what he was doing… Now I am going to turn into a werewolf.”             I walk away from him, seats down in the sand, fold my legs up to my chest, and look out at the ocean. Ajani comes and seat next to me. “Bree, I know… I am very sorry about that.” “Is there any way we can stop the change?” “No, we can’t.” “Will I die?” He places his head down and says, “I don’t know, Bree. We will not know what happens until you shift.” I didn’t even look at him while he was talking. Tears started to flow down my face. “I didn’t want this… My life will change forever.” “Bree, Blaze is very sorry that he bit you.” “He should be!” “I know it’s nothing I can change to make this better. I turn to look in his eyes, and say, “I am trying to understand what my life will be now.” “Bree, nothing will change except you will have an extend part of you daily. It’s kind of neat to have a wolf. If you ask me.” “Ajani, I didn’t ask! When will the change happen?” “Sorry, the next full moon.” “When is the next full moon, Ajani?” “The 14th.” “That’s the night of my fashion show… GREAT!” “Yes, I know… I will be there to help you through it.” “Who said I wanted you there?” “Bree, I can help you through it. I am your destined mate. When destined mates are together, we can ease each other’s pain.” “So, you really believe in this destined mate stuff?” “Yes, the Moon Goddess blessed me with the most beautiful woman in the world. She blesses every werewolf with a destined mate.” I turned red as tomato and says, “Thanks... So, I only know a little bit about destined mates. What is the rest?” “Like a said before, the Moon Goddess blesses every werewolf with a mate at birth. In some cases, we find our mate when we turn sixteen. A werewolf identifies there mates by their scents, electric sparks when they skin touch, and their instant connection. Some werewolves mate and mark the first time they meet, and others may take the time to get to know each other. Every mating bond is different.” “Like when we saw each other at dinner on Saturday? I swore I heard you growl and say “MINES”.” “Yes, that was Blaze. He was confirming that you are our destined mate. My packs future Luna.” “Luna?” “A Luna is an Alpha’s spouse. She helps run the pack with her spouse. In the human world, it’s just another name for wife.” “Oh, I get it. But I am still mad that he bit me.” “I truly understand. We took away your choice. He wants to know if he could talk with you.” I turned to face him and say, “He can talk? I tried talking to him earlier.” “Yes, he can talk when I am in my human form… In our wolf form, he can only talk with you through our minds.” “Oh, yes, I’ll talk with him.” When I looked in his eyes, they turned to a lighter golden color.   “Hi Mate!” His voice was deeper and raspy than Ajani’s voice. “Hi Blaze… It’s nice to meet you.” “It’s nice to meet you. I am very, very, very sorry that I bite you. It was wrong of me.”  “You should be… But you won’t bite me again, will you?” “Well, I can’t answer that because I will have to bite you when I mark you as my mate. But I won’t do it until you tell me too.” “Who says I will?” “Oh, eventually you will…”  “I’ll accept your apology, Blaze.” “Thank you… You won’t reject us, will you? We would like you to give us a chance to get to know us and to get to know you.” “Reject you?”  “I will let Ajani explain. I hope to talk with you again.” “We will talk again… Also, Blaze, I love your fur… You are a handsome werewolf.” He smiled and said, “Thank you, Mate!” Blaze’s eyes turned back to their golden color. “Ajani!” “Yes, it’s me.”             I felt a little cold, so he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into him. He is body was hot and comfy like a heated blanket. As soon as he touched my stomach, I felt electric sparks all around my body. I pushed his hands off and say, “What is that?” He says, “That’s the other way, we know that we are destined mates… When we touch each other, we feel sparks form our contact.” I placed his hand back on my stomach. The electric sparks gave me butterflies in my stomach. No man every gave me butterflies. I don’t know what this is or about… It just felt so natural. My anxiety vanished once I cuddle underneath him. Part of me hope that I don’t lose my human side after I change. We sat on the beach and talked until the sunrise. 
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