Chapter VI: About Last Night

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Travis POV             I woke up to an empty bed. I immediately went to Ryan’s bedroom. Before I knocked on the doctor, he opens the door. He says, “Travis, something happened to Bryna’ last night. She was bitten by a wolf. She is sleeping.” I say, “What! Where is she? I need to see her.” Ryan says, “Ok but I need you to be calm.” I pushed by him and said, “Be calm… Whatever.” When I walked towards the bed, his older brother was seating next to my fiancé’. I didn’t forget the way he was looking at her last night. I tried to be calm, but I wasn’t… I yelled, “Ryan, what the hell happen to my fiancé?” Before he could answer, his brother growls, “You better watch your tone!” I looked at him and say, “And if I don’t! What are you going to do about it?” Ryan stood between us and said, “Ajani, can you please leave us alone so I can tell him what happen?” My brother says, “No, I’m not leaving.” I say, “Ryan, just tell me what happen!” Ryan says, “She went for a walk in the forest. She seen a wolf and the wolf bit her.” I say, “Did that thing have rabies? Where is the wolf now! Where is the doctor?” Ajani growls, “RABIES!” Ryan says, “Ok, Travis that is out of line. First, she was examined this morning by my father who is a doctor. Lastly, we didn’t see the wolf that bit her, nor did he have rabies.” I say, “Ryan, what did the doctor say?” Ryan says, “He wrapped her wound, and she needs some rest.”  I say, “Ok, well can you bring her to the resort or our guest room?” Ryan says, “We shouldn’t move her.” I say, “Ok, well can yall leave so she can rest. I will stay with her and have the doctor come back, please Ryan.” Ryan says, “Ok.” Ajani says, “I’m not leaving.” I say, “Ryan, what is your brother problem!” Ryan says, “I’ll handle him. Come on Ajani… Let him stay with her. Travis, if she wakes up, please call me.” I say, “Will do…” They left Ryan’s room.             I sat in the chair next to the bed and placed her small hand into mines. I say, “Bryna’, why did you go into the woods by yourself. I would have gone with you. I knew this trip was a bad idea. Please wake up, my sweetness.” As I was prayed to GOD that Bryna’ would be okay, Lazaye walked into the room. “Hey, Travis. How’s she doing?” “Okay, I guess. Do you know why she went out to the forest?” “Sorry, Travis, no I don’t.” “I just hope she wakes up.” “Travis, she will… the bite was not mad. Ryan’s father is the family doctor, Dr. Sims. He stated that it should heal in a couple of days.” “Well, if the wound wasn’t bad, why is she still sleeping?” “She might have fainted when she seen the wolf. I really don’t know.” “Did she hit her head?” “No, Ajani found her and bring her to our room.” “Ajani, huh…” “Yes, why did you say his name like that?” “Lazaye, I just don’t like how he is possessive over her. He acts like she belongs to him.” “I don’t think that’s what he is doing. You just don’t like other men around her!” “No, it’s not that… I think I am going to look around tonight for this wolf.” “I don’t think that’s a good idea… Let Ajani and Ryan deal with it. We don’t know nothing about this country.” “Well, at least they could have called the police or animal control.” “I know… Bryna’ will be fine. Just let her rest she will wake up. I am going to have Ms. Shelia bring you some food to the room. I’ll check on you later. Bye Travis.” “Thanks, Lazaye.”   Lazaye POV             I left out of Ryan’s guest bedroom to go talk to him about the incident last night. As I walked down the stairs, I could hear Ryan yelling at someone on the first floor. “Ajani, you bite her… Now, you want to act all possessive over her, and you know she has a fiancé.” “He is not her mate… I am… Don’t tell me what I can act like. SHE IS MINES!”             I went to the room and open the door. I say, “Yall could at least shut the door. I could hear you as I was coming down the stairs. Now, what do you mean Ajani bite her.” Ryan says, “You tell her, Ajani. She knows all about us.” Ajani says, “So you didn’t tell her she was my destined mate.” Ryan says, “No because I thought you would try to get to know Bryna’ since she was human.” Lazaye says, “Ryan, what do you mean she was human. What did you do, Ajani?” Ajani says, “Lazaye, she was walking around the forest while I was out on a run. My wolf wanted to meet her. He walked to her but refused to let her touch him.” I say, “Was she scare, or did she try to run?” Ajani says, “No, but my wolf got angry because he could smell Travis scent mixed with her scent. He knew that they have mated which means having s*x. He bites her. Now she will become a werewolf like us.”     I say, “So your wolf bite her against her will?” Ajani says, “Yes, he did.” I say, “She is not going to be happy about that. When will the change happened?” Ryan says, “It’s has already started. The change will be completed on the next full moon.” I say, “I know I shouldn’t ask but when is the next full moon?” Ryan says, “The night of the Desirable fashion show.” I yell, “NO! She worked so hard on this fashion show.” Ajani says, “I’m coming to the states. I can get her out of the show before it happens and take her to place where she can shift.” I say, “Why are you coming back to the states for the show?” He says, “I’m the new investor in her company.” I say, “Well, that really not going to go well. She doesn’t mix business with pleasure.” He says, “I have to be there to help her through her change.” I say, “Will she get hurt during the shift?” He says, “No, as long as nothing tries to interfere with her changing.” I say, “Great but I think I should tell her about you guys… Ajani, you will have to tell her what you did!” Ajani says, “Lazaye, I plan too.” Ryan says, “What about Travis?” I say, “Let her deal with him… Ajani, don’t interfere with their relationship. Try to act like you don’t care about their relationship.” Ajani says, “I don’t because she will want to be with me on her own.” I say, “Oh I forgot the mate bond…” Ryan says, “When two wolves are destined mates, that can’t be away from them too long. It makes us angry and aggressive. The bond is stronger when you’re an Alpha.” I say, “That’s why you were acting crazy when I wasn’t home for the holidays?” Ryan says, “Yes, because you didn’t tell me where you were… I got scared and worried that something happened to you.” Ajani says, “Well, yall too can leave my office now. Ryan, just let me know when she wakes again.” Lazaye says, “We are going back to the resort.” Ajani says, “No, she is staying here with me.” Ryan says, “Bro, listen she will come back… you know this. The mate bond will make her want to be around you. Just let us tell her about our kind first.” I could tell that Ajani was fighting with himself or his wolf because he looked sad and angry. wants to be close to her. Ajani says, “Ok.” Ryan says, “Lazaye, can you please go to the kitchen and help my mother with breakfast while I finish talking with my brotha.” I say “Ok.” I gave him a kiss and left out of Ajani’s office.   
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