Chapter V: Bad Wolf

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Ajani POV     I decided to go for a run due to my insomnia. Once I reached the backyard, I shifted into my wolf Blaze. He immediately ran to the forest until we reach our favorite spot on the west side of the mansion. I shifted into my human form and went to a tree to grab a pair of shorts. Once I put the shorts on, I sat on the ledge of the cliff. Blaze say, “Mate belongs to someone else.” I knew he was sad after he destroyed my office. I say, “Not true and we don’t know that.” Blaze says, “His scent is mixed with her!” I say, “No, I get it. We just have to figure out how to get close to her.” Blaze say, “Do you smell that?” I say, “I know… Maybe it’s not what it seems.” Blaze didn’t respond. The wind blow which alerted my senses. The cherry blossom scent that started all this. What is she doing walking in the woods this time of night?     I shifted to my wolf form and to see my mate. We walked up behind her. I thought she was going to scream when she turned around, but she didn’t. She just looked in our eyes and say, “Hi.” Blaze blinked his eyes. I say, “Now Blaze, don’t do something that we will regret.” Blaze say, “Hush human… I know what I’m doing.” She tried to touch us, but he steps away from her. I scream, “Blaze!” She reached her hand out, but he didn’t move. I don’t know why he is acting this way. She tried to walk around us, but Blaze stopped her. She says, “I think I should get back.” She tried to walk around us again and he push her with our nose. She reached out to grab our fur then he bit her wrist. I yelled, “BLAZE! I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO ANYTHING!” I could tell that she was going to faint, so I say, “Catch her, Blaze!” She fell on our back. I say, “Blaze we have to take her back.”     He ran back to the pack house with our mate laying on our back. I mind-linked my Madda and Ryan to meet me at the backyard door. Once we reached the pack house, my mom says, “Blaze what did you do.” He gentle bend down so Ryan could pick her up. Ryan says, “I am going to take her to our room and have Uncle Sims look at her bite.” Blaze went behind the tree, shifted, and I put on a pair of shorts. My mom says, “TO YOUR OFFICE NOW!” I knew I was in trouble. Once we were in my office, Ryan walked in behind us. Ryan says, “Uncle Sims is wrapping her wrist. He says that she needs rest. Bro, what did you do?” I say, “It wasn’t me… Blaze bit her.”     My Madda slapped me in the back of my head and say, “Son, that’s not an excuse… You could have stopped him…” I looked down with shame and say, “I know, Madda… but he was blocking me from taking control.” She says, “I already had a plan for you to get close to her… Now, that is all out of the window. You have turned her into a she-wolf without her consent.” I say, “I know, Mom. How long do we have?” My Madda says, “The next full moon is not until the 14th.” Ryan says, “s**t, Brotha! That’s the night of her fashion show.” My Madda says, “Well, you are going to have to go back to the states with Ryan. Only you can help her through the change.” I say, “I know... I’m sorry… I don’t know why he bit her.” My Madda says, “We all know why… No need to apologize to me… Save it for your mate. She will not be happy when she learns that you didn’t give her a choice.” Ryan says, “Nothing we can do about it now.” My Madda says, “Well, her company is looking for an investor. I will make the donation which will allow you to work closely with her.” I say, “Investor for?” My Madda says, “It seems like she is overbudget for her fashion tours and need money for her last show.” Ryan says, “Maybe we can get her to do a show in Jamaica. This may give you the time you need with her.” I say, “Ok, let’s do it. How did your talk go with Lazaye?” Ryan says, “Better than I thought, I should have told her in the beginning. She was already aware of supernaturals. She has a cousin that is an enchanter.” My Madda says, “I don’t know why yall don’t give these young ladies any credit. They are smart and beautiful. Ajani you better hope our future Luna forgives you!”       Ryan and my Madda left my office to go to bed. I decided to talk with Blaze. I say, “Blaze, explain yourself!” He says, “She belongs to us… MINES!” I say, “We know this… but why did you bite her.” He says, “His scent made me angry!” I say, “I know… but you took her choice away.” He says, “She will forgive us!” I say, “What if she doesn’t?” He didn’t say anything else. There was a knock on my door. I say, “Come in Uncle Sims.” My uncle and pack’s doctor entered my office. “Nephew… Long night.” “Yes, you can say that. How is she?” “She will be fine.” “Will she survive the change?” “I don’t see why she wouldn’t. What happen, nephew?” “Blaze stated he was mad that she mated with her fiancé.” “So, she was a human.” “Yes, Uncle Sims.” “You know that goes against our laws.” “I know… But she is my destined mate… She belongs with me!” “I understand but you can’t take away her right to choose what life she wants to live.” “I know but I can’t live without her. She is MINES!” I banged my fist on my desk which cracked in half. s**t, I just got this desk! “Ajani, I know that she is your destined mate. You should have had better control over your wolf.” “I know, Uncle Sims… I am sorry about that… I can’t change the past.” “Well, you know the elders is going to want you to make her our Luna before the summer festival.” “I know. It gives me five months to make her fall in love with me.” “I hope so, nephew. For all our sakes.”             He left my office. Damn this wolf! He just made my life even harder. I guess I better find out everything about my mate, Travis, and her business. Let alone that she was the most beautiful woman ever, but she was intelligent and talented too. She worked with a fashion company during college until she was able to branch off and open her own company. I received an email form one of her broads members, Serenity Michaels. She arranges for me to attend a meeting with the CEO and other broad members for next week. As I arranged my flight for the states, I received a mind-linked from grandfather who is Elder John. He said he was on his way to my office. Now here is where the fun begins.             The elders consist of my Madda, grandmadda, Cynthia, grandfadda, John, Uncle Sims, and my Dad’s mother, Eleanor. They make sure werewolves follow our laws. As you know, I broke one of our laws by biting a human without their consent.  Just hope that they understand that I’m a 30yrs old Alpha without his mate. I know that don’t justify my actions. One good thing did come from this, I don’t have to choose a mate/Luna for my pack anymore. My grandfather knocked on my door. I say, “Come in, Elder John.” “Good morning, Grandson.” I don’t like how this conversation is starting already, “Hi Grandfadda.” “We heard about last night events. It was very shocking to hear.” “I know, grandfadda.” “What are your plans now?” “I am going to get to know her and help her through the change.” “What about the mating and Luna ceremony?” “I don’t know…” “Well, you know that you have to tell her everything. If she rejects, you…” I didn’t let him finish that sentence, I say, “I know, grandfadda.”  “If she decides to reject you… The plan to marry Alpha Evan’s daughter will go as plan. You have to be mated and marked by the summer festivals by your destined or chosen mate.” “I don’t want a chosen mate… I want my destined mate. If she is not ready by then so be it. We will have to wait until she is ready.” “You must have a Luna to rule by your side, son. We have given you more than enough time to obtain a mate. I don’t want to see your title taken away from you.” “I don’t care about that. My title hasn’t been challenged yet… No one is going to take my title, or my mate form me.” “Grandson, you know what you have to do… Just get it done.” “I know. Tell the elders that I am leaving for the states on Friday. My mother will be in charge until Ryan, and I return.” “Will do… I will let the Alphas in Philadelphia know that you are coming. We don’t need any trouble with them.” “Thanks, grandfadda.”      
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