Chapter VII: The Dream

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Bryna’ POV             When I open my eyes there was complete darkness. I stood up and look around and call out for Lazaye. I didn’t get a respond. I tried walking but stop because I couldn’t see nothing. Where the hell am I? I started to panic… I ran around to find some light but there wasn’t none. What’s happening to me? Then I heard a voice say, “It’s okay my child. I’m here with you.” Then there was a glowing light coming towards me which looked like a shining star. I ask, “Where am I? Is this Hell?” She says, “No, my child… I’m here to help you. What happen to you wasn’t supposed to happen like this, so I am here to guide you through this. But you must follow your heart and never change who you are.” I ask, “What do you mean by that?” She says, “There will be trouble ahead, so I am here to help you along the way. You have to always be honest and true to yourself. Everything you wish and hope for… You will have.” I say, “I don’t know about that.” She says, “Your life will be different once you wake up. Just try to embrace your new life. I have blessed you a gift.” I didn’t know what to say. I ask, “Who are you?” She says, “I am the Moon Goddess.” I still didn’t know who she was or what she was talking about.  She says, “I know that you are very confused about what’s going on. You will see me again… Sleep my child.”             When I woke up, my mouth was dry. There was an earthy, woodsy, and slightly sweet scent of cedarwood lingering in the room. As I looked around the dark room to see where the scent was coming form, that’s when I notice him seating in the corner. My vision was different. I could see in the dark. I whisper, “I need water.” He walked to the table, pour me a glass of water, and helped me drink the water. I touched his hands when I grabbed the glass of water. I felt electric sparks when I touched him which made him take his hand off the glass. The cold water soothed my dry throat. Once I was done with the water, I placed the glass on the nightstand. “What are you doing here? Where is Lazaye?” “I came to check on you and she is with Ryan.” “Oh… Where am I?” “You’re in Ryan’s bedroom. I will let them know you are awake.”             He went to leave out of the room, but I wasn’t ready to be alone; let alone seeing anyone. I stopped him. “No, not yet.” “Why?” “For some reason, I can feel your sadness and worry. What’s wrong?” “Bryna’, I will tell you another time.” “No, you will tell me now.” “I can’t.” “Whatever! How long have I been sleep?” “Two days” “Two days, what happen to me?” “I will tell you later. Get some rest.” “I wish you stop telling me to get some rest… I have been sleeping for two days already.”             He didn’t respond and seat in the bedroom chair like a statue. I don’t know why I feel close to him. I feel a pull towards him like he is mines and I belong to him. I know it sounds silly but that’s how I feel. Just the feeling that he was going to leave me made me sad. Was he my missing piece of the puzzle? I still felt drowsy, so I pulled the covers to my neck and then turn my back on him. I drifted back to sleep. Ajani POV             I came into her room after my midnight run. I was happy that no one was in Ryan’s room with her. When she woke up, I thought for sure she was going to panic and scream but she didn’t. She wanted me to stay with her which I did. I left her room when the sunrise because I didn’t want no one to know that I was there. I didn’t need the drama when it came to Travis. Blaze says, “You don’t have to worry about him any longer.” I say, “I SEE THAT!” Blaze says, “We have a connection to her that is stronger than their relationship.” I say, “I bet… Coming from the one who created this mess!” Blaze says, “I know I was wrong, but it had to be done.” Then he blocks me. I enter my office and lay on my office couch think about how I am going to tell her that she will become a werewolf. My thoughts were interrupted when someone knocked on my office door. My uncle enters my office. “Hey, nephew.” “Hey Dr. Sims.” “How’s our patient doing?” “I don’t know… That’s why you are here, right… to check on her.” “I did that… but I know you were with her.” “How do you know that?” “Nephew, your scent is all over Ryan’s room.” “I had to make sure she was okay.” “Was she?” “Yes, she woke up.” “Why didn’t you call me?” “I knew you would be here to check on her this morning.” “What did she say? Do she remember what happen to her?” “She didn’t say much. I don’t think she remember. She is starting to change.” “How do you know that?” “She was able to see me in the dark, she felt the electric sparks, and she could sense my feelings.” “Well, that’s different usually it takes a couple of days for the change to begin.” “I know.” “Did you tell anyone else that she awakened?” “No, I’ll mind-link Ryan in another hour.”             Ryan walks in my office. Ryan says, “Mind-link me about what? Hey Dad.” Dr. Sims say, “Hi, son. Bryna’ has awaken.” Ryan says, “That’s good news. Who was there with her?” I say, “I was there when she woke up.” Ryan says, “Ok. I will let Lazaye, and Travis know.” Dr. Sims say, “No need, Travis is seating with her now. I came to tell Ajani that her wound is healed, and she is stronger. She almost broke my hand.” Ryan says, “What do you mean that she almost broke your hand?” Dr. Sims says, “Her change seems to start early. I wanted to see for myself, so I ask her to squeeze my hand. She was stronger than a regular she-wolf.” Ajani ask, “What does this mean?” Dr. Sims say, “I don’t know. I will have to talk with the other elders to see if they know about why it’s happening early. I want you to stay close to her, Ajani, and Ryan.” Ryan says, “We will, Dad.” I pray to the Moon Goddess that she will forgive me. Dr. Sims left his office. “Ajani, What happen when she woke up?” “Nothing, she asks for a glass of water, and she wanted to know what happened to her.” “Did you tell her?” “No, it’s not the right time. I’ll do it when she gets better.” “Well, the rate she is healing, it will be sooner than later. Did you send out the invites for my surprise engagement dinner?” “Yes, Mon… Everything Ire!” We both burst out laughing. Ryan says, “Please stop talking like that!” “Ok, there have been another vampire sighting in town.” “Ajani, did another get hurt.” “I’m not sure. I haven’t heard of any killings from the mayor.” “Do you think Dmitri will revenge his father’s death?” “I’m not sure. Justin claims that he is nothing like his father.” “Now you know we can’t trust nothing my brother says.” “I know!” “I’ll increase the warriors around the territory and send some into town.” “Ok. Thanks, Bro.”
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