Chapter VIII: The New Me!

1850 Words
Bryna’ POV             I woke up feeling energized like a kid at a candy store. I looked at the clock which read 3am. When I sat up in the bed, Travis was sleeping in a chair next to Ryan’s bed. There were no signs of Ryan’s brother. I looked at my right wrist which had a bandage wrapped around it. Before I could take off the bandage, my stomach started to growl… I guess I should find something to eat. I slowly got out of bed, left out the room, and walked into the kitchen. I opened the refrigerator. There was so much food to choose from… Damn, do they really eat all this food. Then I heard his voice… “What are you doing out of bed?” Ajani’s voice startled me, and I dropped the container of milk on the floor. s**t! I say, “You shouldn’t scare people like that! You almost gave me a heart attack!” He looked at me with one eyebrow raised which I might add was sexy as hell! I say, “I’m hungry.” He says, “Why didn’t you call someone? You shouldn’t be walking around here.” I say, “Why is that?” He slowly walks up to me… Now any other man that would have done this, I would have kneed him in his privates. But I was so hypnotized by his scent that I couldn’t move… I didn’t want to move… This man was so handsome and sexy… He bent down and whisper in my ear, “We don’t need you getting into no more trouble… Do we?” I closed my eyes to inhale his earthy, woodsy, and slightly sweet scent of cedarwood scent… He repeated his last statement, “Do we?” I shook my head… He says, “Bree, use your words.” I say, “Sorry No… I’ll go back to my room and wait until everyone wakes up.” I gathered the strength to turn and walk away from him. He grabs my arm and says, “I’ll fix you something, have a seat.” I turn around and looks at him surprisingly… Why do I feel tingles through my body when he touches me? I snatched my arm away and say, “Ok.” I went to the island and sat on the tool. “What do you have a taste for?” “I was just going to make a bowl of cereal.” “We don’t have cereal.” “What? So, the children here, don’t eat cereal?” “Well, children don’t live here in the house. They live with their parents.” “Well, steak and eggs will do.” “That will do.”             I watched his every move while he was cooking. Ajani was shirtless but wearing a pair of basketball shorts. Ladies, I will try my best to describe him. He is about 6’2 or 6’3 tall with muscles all over his body. He has a short black hair, thin black mustache, thick full long beard that makes you want to run your fingers through. He has the most alluring hazel eyes in which can swallow you whole. He has dark chocolate smooth skin with a tattoo of a wolf and forest on his chest. I wonder if there is a story behind his tattoo. He had a thick sexy Jamaican accent which was deeper than Ryan. He was all man, and I was so attracted to him… I mean really, really, really, attracted to him. There is so many things I want to do to him and with him… My honeypot started to tingle as I daydream about us making out on the kitchen’s island until I heard a soft voice in my head… “Bree…” I looked at him and he was holding two plates of food, but his eyes were pitch-black. He startled me when he dropped my plate in front of me. “I’m sorry… I was lost in my thoughts.” He closed his eyes and say, “I can imagine.” “My name is Bryna’ not Bree?” “You don’t like Bree?” “No, I do… Anyway, the food smells great!” “Thanks.”             He can call me whatever he like. I prayed over my food, picked up the fork, scooped up some eggs and steak, and put it in my mouth. This steak and eggs were the best food I ever had… It was even better than mines. I let out a soft moan which made him drop his fork. I looked up at him and his eyes were pitch-black again. He growled, “Bree, don’t do that!” I say, “Do what?” Before I could finish my question, he ran out of the kitchen. He didn’t even touch his food.     When I was done eating, I decided to take a shower. I went back to Ryan’s room and Travis was still sleeping. Once I was in the bathroom, I locked the door and went straight to the mirror. WOW! I look amazing and different. I was a 5-foot chubby woman but now… My body is toner and fit. I turned to the side… Damn, I have an ass now too… Round… I started to jingle my behind in the mirror. Ok… I like this… My breast is larger and perkier. My caramel skin looks smooth and radiant. My hair is thicker, longer, and it reaches down to my behind. I admired my new looks for about hour. What happen to me? I can’t remember nothing from the other night.     I took off the bandage on my right wrist. My wrist was healed completely without any scars. I enter the steamy hot shower. As my mind wondered to Ajani, I heard a knock at the door, and Travis’ voice. He yells, “Bryna’, are you in the shower?” I yell, “Yes!” He yells, “The door is locked.” I yell, “I know… I’ll be right out.” I finish washing up, exited the shower, brushed my teeth, and put on my clothes that were on the sink. When I exited the bathroom, Travis was standing at the door. “Bryna’, I am glad you are okay. How are you feeling?” “I’m okay and I feel great! What happen to me? I can’t seem to remember?” “You were bitten by a wolf.” “No, I wasn’t… There are no wolves out here.” “Yes, it is. Two nights ago, you went for a walk in the forest. You encounter a wolf and he bite you. Look at your wrist.” I looked down at both of my wrist and say, “See Travis, there are no marks. I took off the bandages before I took a shower.” “Trust me, Bryna’. They were there, I am going to call Dr. Sims.”             He picks of the phone to call the doctor as Lazaye walked into Ryan’s room. Lazaye say, “Finally girl, you are up. I thought I was going to have to throw cold water on you.” I say, “No, you wouldn’t.” She says, “Are you hungry?” I say, “No, Ajani cooked me breakfast this morning.” Travis slams the phone down and says, “Who cooked you breakfast?” I say, “Ajani… Why?” He says, “When did this happen?” I started to get upset because I don’t know why he is questioning me like this. I say, “This morning when I woke up at 3am and went down to the kitchen to fix something to eat… Is there a problem?” Before Travis could speak, Lazaye says, “Bryna’ come to the pool with me… I need to talk with you.” I say, “Ok.” Travis says, “Where not done talking about this breakfast with Ryan’s brother!” I growled, “I didn’t say that I had breakfast with Ajani… I said that he made me breakfast. Anyway, I am done with this topic! Lazaye, let’s go!” When we walked out the room, I slammed the door shut. I can’t believe that he is acting like this… He never became jealous of anyone before. I don’t know what got into him, but I don’t like it.     As we were walking to the pool, Lazaye says, “You look amazing.” I say, “I feel amazing!” Lazaye says, “Glad to hear that… You scared me…” I say, “I didn’t mean too. Travis says I was bitten by a wolf. Is that true?” She says, “Yes, that’s true. That’s what I want to talk with you about.” When we reached the pool, Ryan was lounging on a lounge chair. I took the seat on the left side of him. The sun was shining bright, and it was already 80 degrees at 9 o’clock in the morning.  Jamaica’s heat is very different from the states. Ryan says, “Good Morning Ladies.”  I say, “Good Morning, Ryan.” Lazaye walks over to him, gives him a kiss, and says, “Hey, Handsome.” She takes a seat on the edge of my lounge chair. Ryan says, “What’s up?” Lazaye says, “I need to take with Bryna’.” He asks, “Do you want me to stay for the conversation?” She says, “Please, it will help if she has any questions.” I say, “Lazaye, just tell me!” She says, “I know you don’t believe in supernatural beings, but they are real.” I say, “You were reading another one of your fantasy books again.” She says, “No, they are… Ryan and his family are werewolves.” I say, “Stop playing, Lazaye. There are no such things as werewolves.” Ryan says, “Bryna’ she is telling you the truth. The other night when you were in the forest you were bitten by one of us.” I started to think hard about the night I was walking in the forest. I started to remember the grey wolf… The wolf was big and beautiful. It didn’t look dangerous… I remember that I felt a connection to the wolf, so I tried to touch him… He bit me! I say, “Lazaye, why did he bite me?” Lazaye says, “He will have to explain that, but you are very special to him.” I say, “I can’t be that special… He bit me! Who is he and where is he!” Ryan says, “I am not sure where he is at the moment, but you don’t care that we are werewolves.” I say, “Ryan, I don’t believe in supernaturals! I just want to know why he bit me.” I was not in the mood to entertain any of this nonsense. I got up and left them by the pool.    
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