Chapter 12-1: Her Followers

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Following the meeting with Alpha Magnus, he invites Kylie and whatever guests she would like to bring to stay with his pack. Phrasing it that way, she understands that he intends to allow her to bring Tian, but probably is not comfortable with inviting him outright. The idea of being treated as some sort of divine being still blows her mind, but she and Mirabella agree that if it can be used to their advantage, then they are not about to argue with what these people seem to take as clear signs that she is who they think she is. She’ll gladly play the part if it increases her odds of succeeding against her father’s army. And if, in so doing, she can influence these people to not be so close-minded, then that’s all the better. Back at their hotel, Kylie debates with Adam and Tian about whether to take Alpha Magnus up on his offer. Adam seems to be of the mind that it will be too taxing for Kylie, considering that she seems to tire easily in these last weeks of her pregnancy, but Tian believes it is a good opportunity for them to get an inside look at the pack, which is notoriously hard to do unless you intend to join them. “Richard even invited us to stay with them,” Kylie reminds her mate. “We can go there, I can rest up, eat a bunch, and then go out and meet my adoring fans.” She can’t help smirking at that last part. “Alright, I feel bad even saying it like that,” she adds. “It’s not like I don’t take them seriously. I can see they are very serious about what they believe. My devout followers, then.” She loses herself in a fit of giggles, no longer able to even try to be serious about it. Adam chuckles at her silliness and even Tian smiles, glad to see she is in good spirits considering what an intense meeting that seemed to be. He understands Adam’s concerns completely. In order to stay with Luna’s Grace, Kylie will have to be careful about how she conducts herself, and it could get stressful and wearisome for her. “I would advise that if you do intend to stay there, you get all the jokes and laughter out of your system now. Even Richard’s family would be risky to reveal your true feelings to. You don’t know how devout or committed they are,” Tian reminds her. He abandons his pacing at the foot of the bed and comes around the side of it to slide in beside her. “Yeah, honestly, I still can’t get over them being members of Luna’s Grace,” Kylie admits. “It’s not what I would have pictured for them.” “Me either,” Adam agrees. “They haven’t been there long, and I’ve never been to see them there. I used to visit them when they were still part of the Stillwater pack, but that was when I used to take Marc to visit his mom when he was a kid. I guess that pack split up, some members joining Redwood and the rest going wherever their feet took them. I don’t know all the details. All Melissa told me was that they decided to head to Luna’s Grace because Richard was sought after to replace their Beta, and his ex and son were there. They wanted to be closer to Robert is I guess what it boils down to.” “Makes sense, I guess. I do have a question, though, since I know Alex is at Redwood. They used to be best friends, right? Did one coming out here have anything to do with the other?” Kylie wonders. “They are, and it did. Alex’s mate used to be the Beta for Redwood, and he and his Alpha came to Solace Spirit Moon for whatever business they had going on there. That was how Alex met him, and of course, she left to join his pack. Melissa would go visit on occasion from then on. And once, when Marc was about four or five, Rich and his brother, then the Alpha of Stillwater, were there when Melissa went to visit and that was how they found each other.” “Stories like that really give credence to the idea of ‘fated’ mates. All the strings of fate at play there got all tangled up and pulled a bunch of people together,” Kylie remarks, tapping her cheek thoughtfully. “Melissa and Rich never would have met if not for Alex, who wouldn’t have met her mate if not for living in a supernatural hub, which wouldn’t exist if not for your grandfather, and neither would you or your sister, for that matter.” Adam laughs, leaning over to kiss her nose. “Yeah, that’s the basic idea right there. Melissa and Rich are both good examples of how patience is key. You don’t know when or how, but your true mate is chosen for you partly because you are destined to meet them at some point. Many get impatient, though. And honestly, that’s one thing I have to give Luna’s Grace credit for. They teach the old ways, and if you grow up there, you keep to them. They don’t allow chosen mates, not even for the Alpha. They believe that if your pack weakens because your Alpha has been in power for too long, then it was meant to be.” “What about Melissa and Richard?” “They’re true mates.” “Yes, but obviously they were both mated to others first and had children from those relationships.” “From what I understand, they don’t exclude new members based on their past choices, but if they are mated to a chosen and not true mate, it’s not recognized there. They must not have a problem with Robert being born from a union of chosen mates, either, because he is the Beta now.” “So much I don’t know or understand about ‘my’ people.” “I would assume if you go to Alpha Magnus with genuine questions like that which are not asked from a place of judgement, he would be happy to explain,” Tian suggests. “I’m just shocked that there’s some segment of werewolf culture that you don’t know about,” Kylie teases him. “One thing that has remained true of Luna’s Grace for as long as they have existed is their lack of receptiveness to those who are not werewolves. Witches, warlocks, and other sorts of shifters are also looked down upon. Thus, I have never succeeded in making any friends there,” he explains. “Much of their lifestyle remains a mystery, though I am familiar with the rumors, same as anyone else.” “On the topic of other supernaturals, did you ever sort out other potential caster allies?” Adam asks him. “Potential, yes. I am torn about how to proceed, however,” Tian confesses. “I believe Kylie should not teleport anymore, just to be safe. Yet I need to make contact with these people somehow. I was thinking of parting ways for a few days so that I can visit them and bring any interested parties back to meet you.” “Two things,” Kylie begins her response. “One, I hate that idea, but I know it’s important, so I’ll have to suck it up. And two, should I not shift anymore? I am guessing it will be expected of me to perform a little for the people at Luna’s Grace.” “You’ll have to follow your gut instinct on that,” Tian advises her. “Mirabella should tell you when you’re too far along. She can feel it. If I had to guess, you’re getting close. So, if you’re going to do that, do it soon.” “What I wonder is how you know so much about werewolf pregnancies when your mate was never pregnant,” Adam muses, to which Tian only smirks. “He’s right, though. There’s no set time, but you’re reaching the upper limit of what Dr. Kosh would call the ‘safe’ zone. If I get a say in it, I’d say one more for Luna’s Grace if Mirabella agrees, and then not again until after you deliver.” “Deal,” Kylie agrees, reaching up to stroke Adam’s beard and cheek absentmindedly. “I think just a couple days with them, and then we need to get back on track. There are still a lot of packs for us to visit.” “Or we could prioritize which ones we think we need to see in person and skip the rest,” Adam suggests. “It was you and Tian who came up with the idea, and no one expects it of you, Kylie.” “I feel like I need to do it if Redwood is any example. Even I didn’t see that coming. We must make sure everyone is ready, and I want to see them in person to be sure,” Kylie insists. Adam sighs, realizing that if Kylie intends to stick to her plan, they need to get moving. “If you’re insisting that we head to Luna’s Grace before you rest, then I think we should head there now. You can deny it all you want, but I know you’re tired. You forget I can feel it, sweetheart.” Tian stands from the bed and holds out his hand to help Kylie up. “As can I,” he agrees, and then pulls her in for a tight embrace. “I take it you intend to leave on your trip now too?” she asks, her voice and brimming tears both muffled by his shoulder. He hears her perfectly, however, and senses her unease. With some gentle strokes to her back, he tells her reassuringly, “I do. I’ll contact you once I’m ready to rejoin you to find out where you are, hopefully with some good news.”   *************************   The tall, imposing front gates that lead to the residential area of Luna’s Grace lie a few miles beyond where they met Alpha Magnus at his business office. Though it has the appearance of an upscale gated community, it soon becomes apparent that it has the feel of a military compound. Kylie and Adam are met at the gate by two vehicles of guards. They have been expecting them, so the exchange is a friendly one. Judging by their appearance and the fact that there are four of them, Kylie can’t help but wonder what the experience is like when a visitor is unexpected. They escort them into the compound and through the streets to the condo where Richard and Melissa live. Their arrival is a bit like a parade, with the guard escort vehicles in front and back of them and the bystanders watching in awe as they drive by. Apparently, everyone here has been expecting them. What stands out the most to Kylie, beyond the heavy guard presence everywhere, is how sleek and modern most of the buildings are here. Most residents seem to live in one of the many buildings of condominiums, but there are also some neighborhoods comprised of rows of older-looking townhouses. The town has a very neat, orderly appearance with carefully manicured lawns and well-maintained streets and sidewalks and gives the impression that there is no shortage of funding here. The guards lead them to a parking lot behind their destination and direct them where to park. Richard comes out to meet them as they are in the process of unloading what luggage they will need for their stay. “There she is,” he says with a smile as he approaches. “You’ve got this whole place astir, Kylie. It’s such an honor that you guys agreed to come stay with us.” Adam pauses what he is doing to pull Richard in for a quick hug, patting him on the back as he pulls away. “We appreciate it, Rich. And it will be nice to visit.” “Crazy how fast word travels,” Kylie comments. “It’s only been a couple hours.” Richard chuckles and nods his head. “Well, everyone here has been waiting many generations for someone like you to show herself, so it’s understandably a big deal. I’m sure Alpha Magnus wasted no time putting out the word.” He makes himself useful helping them carry things and assures the guards that he can take it from here. Two leave to return to their posts, but the others insist on staying with Kylie. Richard leads the way through the building to the elevator and up to the sixth floor, then down the hallway to his front door. The guards remain outside the door, instructing Kylie to alert them should she need anything, big or small. Once the front door opens, Kylie is smacked in the face with the divine scent of roast beef. She inhales deeply and feels her belly grumble its irritation that she hasn’t fed it recently. Melissa appears from beyond the living room to greet them. “Melissa!” Kylie exclaims. “Are you cooking a roast for lunch? And can I have some?” Melissa comes forward to give her a hug, chuckling at her eagerness. “Yes, of course. Rich updated me about how your meeting went, and all I kept thinking was, ‘she’s heavily pregnant, had to deal with Alpha Magnus, and shifted?’ I knew you’d need something hearty for lunch.” “You sweet, perfect woman,” Kylie compliments her gratefully, making Adam laugh. He has never heard her talk about Melissa that way, ever. He’s amazed at the effect the promise of food can have on a hungry, pregnant she-wolf. The truth of it is she’s making an extra effort to get along with Melissa for his sake. The Alpha wolf in her still loathes the idea that her mate was ever intimate with another she-wolf, despite her gratefulness for the product of that relationship – her best friend. She remembers vividly the last time she saw the woman in person, during Marc’s high school graduation festivities. Though only a young, inexperienced teenager at that time and with no idea that she had any claim on Adam, the imagery of his affectionate exchanges with his ex-wife have haunted her memories ever since. But over time, she has made an effort to accept his assurances that all he ever felt toward Melissa was friendship, even when they were mated, and she has resolved to not let this visit be awkward because of her jealous insecurities. “The only thing more perfect would be if it is ready for me to eat now,” Kylie continues to gush. “It’s ready and waiting for you, sweetie,” Melissa tells her, taking her arm to lead her to the dining room. “Leave your suitcases there. Rich will get them. Come and join us,” she adds for Adam, who lingers by the door with Richard. Adam suspects that Melissa’s intentions go deeper than she suggests. Though he knows her to be a kind, compassionate person who would think of such a thing, he also knows she is aware of Kylie’s territorial resentment of her. He silently applauds her for having the foresight to greet Kylie with one of her favorite foods. That’s a clever way to put her in a friendlier mindset for this visit. As Kylie and Adam are settling in at the dining table, Melissa busies herself serving them their food. She notices Adam’s mark as she leans his way, smirking when she sees it. After finishing plating his food, she takes a moment to get a closer look. “You’re the only marked man I’ve ever seen,” she says teasingly, unconsciously reaching out to touch it before she has given it any thought. It is truly a rare sight to see, and for whatever reason she has the urge to see whether it feels different than when a male marks his mate. Adam shoots her a warning look, appalled that she would even dare. Touching him with such intimacy and familiarity may have been acceptable when they were married and perhaps even before he was mated, but he had thought Melissa to be wise enough to know better now, especially considering how carefully she seems to have thought out their reception. Melissa freezes when she hears Kylie snarl at her and turns to see that though her eyes remain her normal color, their pupils give away the presence of her wolf and her incisors and claws are extending. She realizes her mistake, allowing herself to so easily fall back into the casual, comfortable familiarity with the man she grew up with and spent more than a third of her life mated to. She knows it was careless and stupid, considering that she is trying so hard to put Kylie at ease around her. Not only that, but if Richard had seen, they would be arguing about her demeanor toward Adam yet again. “Mine!” Kylie insists, leaping from her chair and positioning herself between Melissa and Adam, pushing her back and growling another warning. Adam pulls his agitated mate down into his lap, gently pulling her head toward him to encourage her to bury her face in his neck and calm down by inhaling his scent. “All yours,” he reassures her in a low, soothing tone. “Melissa didn’t mean anything by it.” “Yes, and I’m sorry, Kylie,” Melissa apologizes. “That was my fault. I know better than to try to touch an Alpha’s mate.” “A hungry, tired, pregnant Alpha,” Adam adds, feeling a need to try to make light of the situation with a casual explanation that might serve to resolve some of the tension. This trip has already been stressful enough for his mate, and he doesn’t wish to rekindle her jealous resentment of his former mate. And he wishes to convey to Melissa that though Kylie is generally a territorial Alpha, it’s not usually to this degree. In fact, she impresses him with how well-controlled her emotions and urges tend to be. “We’re old friends, and I forget that a lot has changed over the years,” Melissa continues to explain, a wistfulness creeping into her voice. Kylie, taking a breath to calm herself, returns to her chair and smiles at Melissa to show there are no lingering hard feelings. There are, and she won’t soon forget how quickly and brazenly the other woman overstepped the unspoken boundaries, but she can also sense Adam’s uneasiness. It was her decision for them to come here, and she promised him she could manage her feelings. It does also weigh on her that despite Melissa’s misstep, her own well-practiced control over her emotions seems to be slipping. “I’m sorry for lashing out,” she apologizes. “I rarely lose control, but today has been a day. I’m kind of at the end of my rope, if I’m being honest. I intend to demolish this roast and then go pass out in a bed.” I don’t think that would have happened if Tian were here, Kylie adds for Adam over mind-link. It may even be true. Tian has a way of soothing her more extreme emotions with his calm collectedness. He does seem to have a calming influence on you these days, Adam agrees. And I always feel a little on edge whenever he is away, Kylie confesses. Shaking it off and making good on her promise, Kylie does in fact polish off the rest of the roast as she and Adam update Melissa about their meeting with Alpha Magnus. Melissa has already heard one perspective from Richard but hearing it from Kylie herself is enlightening. She is also amused to learn that none of that meeting was planned, and Adam pretty much never knew what Kylie was going to do at any point. Melissa finds that the two of them together make good company because of how they play off each other and like to tease back and forth. It’s not only entertaining, but it makes her happy to see that her old friend has finally found that person who both challenges and completes him. Part of her will always be disappointed in herself because despite their being together for over a quarter of a century, she was never able to provide him with even a fraction of the comfort and happiness he seems to have found in Kylie, but she is glad that at least he has found that peace in someone. Nevertheless, she can’t help worrying about what possible reason has brought them to her pack in the first place. Rich was careful not to mention it, and they haven’t touched on it, either. She knows that she should probably leave it alone for now and bring it up once her guests have rested some, judging by how irritable Kylie already is. She does fear that she won’t like the answer they give once she finally asks the question, though. There’s a good chance that they might have brought to her front door the very problem she and her husband came to Luna’s Grace to get away from. What better place to stay away from the threats that destroyed their last pack than the one pack no other will touch, and which is notoriously non-aggressive. She has read the prophecies this pack clings to, though. If Alpha Magnus has deemed Kylie to be the Divine-Touched, then she knows that most likely means a war is coming.
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