Chapter 11-2: Luna's Grace

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The entire third level is dedicated to a media and marketing company run by Alpha Magnus, who in this environment is known as Magnus Ignacio. There is a front desk where they have to sign-in and collect their visitor passes that will allow them access to the public restrooms and make it so they can freely use the elevators for a day. This sort of environment is familiar to Kylie, who worked in the accounting department of a similar company mere months before. Walking through the lobby and making their way to Magnus’s office serves as another reminder of how much has changed for her in such a short amount of time. Coming to a place like this was her daily routine for years. She is overcome with a feeling that is a mix of longing for those days which were so much simpler and more predictable, as well as a sense of gratefulness that her life feels so much fuller now. The receptionist who sits at the desk right outside Magnus’s office informs them he will see them shortly and instructs them to wait in the chairs just beyond her desk. That was to be expected, considering that they are a little bit early. Kylie takes note of her professional attire, feeling pleased that the woman is dressed in a similar manner to herself. She takes that as a good sign. Before long, the door to his office swings open, and Magnus comes out to greet his visitors. “Adam Brentwood, I presume,” he says as he approaches Adam, his hand outstretched for a handshake. “Yes, and this here is my mate, Kylie Logan,” Adam responds, gently helping Kylie from her seat and winding his arm back around her protectively. Alpha Magnus gives her a polite smile and shakes her hand as well. “Good to meet you both. I am Alpha Magnus of the pack I’m sure you’ve come to know as Luna’s Grace.” “More formally known as Divine Grace -,” Tian begins to explain but is cut off by Alpha Magnus. “Do not allow the sacred words of my people to pass your lips, cretin,” Alpha Magnus spits at Tian, silencing him. Then he turns to Adam and much more cordially explains to him, “I am willing to overlook your choice in companions, so long as it remains here and does not attempt to interfere in our meeting.” Do not argue with him about this, Tian instructs Kylie via mind-link. I will be fine waiting here. “He’ll wait here,” Adam assures Alpha Magnus, confident that Tian will not take offense to him agreeing to this condition. “But I would prefer if Kylie could come in with us.” “Very well,” Alpha Magnus agrees with a slight nod of his head. “This way, please.” Inside his office, there are three other men waiting. Alpha Magnus introduces them – Beta Robert Morgan, his second-in-command, Commander Darius De Salle, the lead commander of their warriors, and someone both Kylie and Adam recognize, Beta Robert’s father and Melissa’s husband and mate, Richard Morgan. “Since you informed me that you’re interested in our forces, I thought it pertinent to have these men present,” Alpha Magnus explains as he gestures to his Beta and Commander, “and since you know Richard, I thought it would be good to pick his brain before you arrived. And he wanted to stay to see you.” “I hope you don’t mind,” Richard chuckles awkwardly. “Of course not,” Adam assures him as he approaches him for a brief hug. “Always good to see you, Rich.” “He had some interesting things to tell me,” Alpha Magnus continues. “Something along the lines of your mate here claiming to have been blessed with the Divine’s touch. Is that so?” “Well, neither Kylie nor I have ever used those words to describe it,” Adam begins, unable to detect whether Magnus is offended or simply curious. He is always so testy. Curious, Kylie chimes in over mind-link. And a touch amused. I don’t think he believes what Richard says is true. “I would prefer that whatever you have to say be shared with us all,” Magnus cuts in, his eyes fixed on Kylie. The shift in her eyes was subtle, but he was paying careful enough attention to notice the indicators of a silent conversation. “I didn’t know if you would take offense to my speaking out of turn,” Kylie explains sheepishly. “And yet you did it anyway,” Magnus chastises her. “For the record, I take greater offense to you conducting private conversations in my presence. In the future, if you have something to say, say it. I am requesting that you explain yourself. So, get on with it then. Explain what words you would use to describe your ‘abilities’.” “Well, for starters, I was attempting to alleviate my mate’s uncertainty about you with some reassurance that I did not sense you being offended by claims that I have some divine abilities. I told him I sense curiosity and amusement from you. And now, after your little show of ego, during which you very much enjoyed putting me in my place, or rather the place you perceive me to belong in, that touch of amusement I sensed originally has expanded. You think this is fun. You find me to be entertaining, and not someone to take seriously.” Kylie keeps her tone neutral as she addresses Magnus, holding back the anger and irritation she feels in favor of maintaining matter-of-factness, which she feels will make a greater impact on him. Magnus raises a brow in her direction, bringing his hands together and steepling his fingers. “I see,” he responds in a tone that matches Kylie’s. “You have me all figured out then.” “About as well as you have figured me out, I’d imagine,” she retorts. “Would you like to see a show?” she asks him, shifting her tone to reflect how silly she finds him. “A demonstration for your entertainment?” “Careful,” he warns her, a slight edge to his tone. “I would like to see what you can do, yes, but I would also like to see you address me in the manner my status demands." Kylie does not acknowledge him directly, turning instead to her mate beside her. “Adam, step over there,” she directs him to a spot beyond the Alpha’s desk, near a cabinet. He has no idea what she has in mind, and this encounter is already far beyond what he expected or is comfortable with, but he can sense that she feels she knows what she’s doing. He doesn’t argue, opting instead to just do as she asks. Magnus watches in amusement as she turns her attention to his men. She makes sure to keep herself turned sideways in a way that she can focus her energy where she needs to, but that still gives him full view of her expression and gestures. She locks eyes with Commander Darius, and a few moments later Alpha Magnus watches as the man tenses and his features contort with rage. He starts snarling and growling, bringing his hands up to beat himself on the head as he strains to keep control and not lash out. Richard and Robert stand from their seats and take a few steps away from him, not wanting to become a target for his anger. Just as he appears to be losing the battle for control, Magnus commands, “Alright, you’ve made your point. Stop now.” She redirects her thoughts to a scene from her memories that never fails to make her laugh, and then focuses that energy on the commander once again. Magnus watches as Commander Darius relaxes his body and shifts his posture to something more casual, his expression changing to one of amusement and joy, now struggling to suppress his laughter. “Consider me impressed,” Magnus tells her, though his tone suggests impatience. “Now may I have my commander back, please?” “Sure,” she says casually with a shrug, releasing her connection to the commander. He immediately shakes out his limbs and resumes his more formal, professional stance and neutral expression. He clears his throat anxiously and bows his head slightly in submission to Magnus. “I apologize, Alpha,” he says, feeling ashamed of how he so easily lost control. By contrast, Kylie is impressed that he did not fully lose himself and start hurting someone or destroying things. It is why she chose him. She sensed the strength of his willpower. “You are excused in this instance,” Alpha Magnus assures him. “It was beyond your control.” “I would argue that you maintained an impressive amount of control, actually,” Kylie commends him. Commander Darius nods slightly, seeming pleased by her compliment. “Alright, explain to me what it is you do,” Alpha Magnus demands, looking her in the eyes for the first time. “How do I know this isn’t some sort of witchcraft?” Kylie summons Adam with a gesture inviting him to sit beside her once again. She needed him out of the way in case she lost control. Focusing her energy on only one person is still something she has not mastered and having someone with whom she is so closely bonded too near her can interfere in the process. “My abilities are not powered by magic and are quite unlike witchcraft,” she begins to explain. “A while ago, my doctor studied my DNA and identified a few rare recessive genetic traits that only manifest in children from two Alpha werewolf parents. Some Alpha females will have one, maybe two in rare cases, but I have six genetic markers for these traits, and the ways in which they are expressed are still developing. I seem to discover some new ability randomly popping up at least a couple times a month, these days,” she shrugs. “Most prominently,” she continues explaining, “I have exceptional strength, speed, and agility. My intelligence and memory skills are off the charts. And my personal favorite, I have a vastly expanded capacity for forming empathic bonds. I can use this ability to sense the moods, emotions, and sometimes even the thoughts of other people, even those I have just met, and I can spin it around and project my own state of mind onto others. Which, for the record, is what your commander fell victim to. I have a few other choice talents that can be fun, as well, but they’re rather secondary and not important right now.” Alpha Magnus quietly regards her for a few moments. The tension in the room is palpable and uncomfortable for most of the Alpha’s guests, who shift and fidget in their seats. Richard clears his throat twice, wondering how much of a mistake it was to give the Alpha any information about the girl at all. All he knows is what his mate has told him, which she heard secondhand from Adam. It is not lost on him that the Alpha seems to have gotten lost in figuring out the girl and has yet to listen to Adam about whatever reason he has come in the first place. His son Robert beside him is even more on edge. He knows the Alpha better than anyone else in the room and knows that though there are a lot of things about him that make him an impressive, respectable man and a good friend, one worrisome thing in this moment is the Alpha’s disdain for women like Kylie. He knows she is probably correct that the Alpha finds her entertaining, but he worries that it is not the best position for her to be in. He knows Magnus has a limited attention span and finite patience for things that he finds entertaining. At a certain point, he will grow weary of the girl and lash out at her for her insolence. In his mind, it is not a question of if, but when, and he knows his father values his relationship with Adam and will be upset if any rift is driven between them because of the outcome of this meeting. Adam is tense, mostly because he worries that Kylie might not have the handle on this situation that their bond is still telling him she thinks she does. He clings to his faith in her mind, her confidence, and most of all, her abilities that should speak for themselves. Only Kylie is not uncomfortable. She knows better than to speak more than she needs to, so she sits quietly, comfortably, waiting for the Alpha to make his next move. She studies him, reaching out to his mind, intrigued by what she finds there. On the one hand, he likes to present himself as an ultimate authority, someone who is both insulated and isolated by his position. Untouchable, unreachable. And yet, he has left his mind wide open to her, almost begging her to connect with him. He finally shifts in his seat, still watching Kylie carefully, this fearless woman who came in trying to be subservient and respectful and quickly gave it up and stole the show. He is aware that she has held the power through most of this exchange, but he is allowing it because he can’t help but sate his curiosity. He is also vaguely aware that he admires her, something he generally does not feel toward outspoken, power-hungry women. He suspects that what she says is true, and she has in fact been touched by the Divine. “Shift,” he commands suddenly. “If you are what you say you are, we will be able to sense the power of the Divine’s blessings through your wolf. If you are what you say you are, we will all feel her pull, her call to follow you.” Kylie gives him a genuine smile. That is not at all what she expected him to demand of her, and she is pleased that he already knows what will happen once she shifts. In fact, he even has an explanation for it, one that fits the beliefs of their religion in a way that will only strengthen her cause with them. She stands, pausing for only a moment as a thought occurs to her. “You understand that in order to shift I have to remove my clothes, I’m sure,” she says, her way of asking permission in case they have certain beliefs about nudity and would prefer she undress elsewhere. “Of course. It is only because of the influence of humanity on our kind that we are even required to wear clothing. I don’t see any humans here,” he retorts, smirking. Interesting. She and Adam had both assumed they would prefer she dress conservatively, and now he is telling them that he doesn’t even care if she wears anything at all. “In that case, I am happy to oblige,” she readily agrees and begins removing her clothes, handing each item to Adam as she goes. The men in the room back away and move their chairs to the perimeter of the room, giving her space to shift. Fortunately, the room is spacious enough to accommodate Mirabella’s hulking form. Kylie kneels down and calls Mirabella forward, giving her body over to her wolf. Mirabella raises up on her paws to meet the gaze of Alpha Magnus, watching his reaction as her aura washes over him and his men. He loses his careful composure, allowing his jaw to drop as his eyes widen in surprise and recognition. Stepping around his desk, he comes forward to meet her, bowing in respect before her. Kylie and Adam are both well aware that Alphas are powerful enough to resist the urge to submit to her, should they choose to do so, so it is profound that this Alpha has chosen to submit. “Your Grace,” he addresses her. “I apologize for my resistant skepticism. I hope you understand that it is my duty to ensure that my people do not follow false claims of divinity or fall for any sort of trickery or witchcraft meant to imitate the signs of the Divine’s blessings.” I understand, and you are excused, Mirabella assures him through a mind-link. The pleased smile that crosses his features indicates that her message was received. He stands and makes his way back to his seat, signaling for his men to return to their seats as well. His posture has shifted, all traces of the commanding cockiness now dissolved. He continues speaking to Mirabella, unconcerned with the fact that he is carrying on a conversation with a wolf. “Your coming has been foretold, and it is for you that we have gathered and prepared our warriors. I know that is why you have come, and I sit before you to tell you that it does not matter what you would ask of us. The army is yours, as it was always meant to be.” I believe we should still discuss the specifics, Mirabella urges. I appreciate your devotion, but I need your men to be aware of the threat we all face. “Of course,” Alpha Magnus agrees. “I just needed you to know that you are no longer in the position of having to convince me to allow you access to your people. I am now a believer, and the people trust me not to lead them astray.” As they should. You have done an excellent job from what I have seen so far, except for one thing. The vampire in the hallway. He is an ally, and a valued and respected one. I expect you to treat him as such. “Yes, your Grace,” Alpha Magnus concedes, allowing a sigh of frustration and shame to escape before turning his attention to his Beta. “There is a man waiting outside, a vampire. Invite him in.” Adam smirks at Mirabella, knowing she must be responsible for that development. It never ceases to amaze him how fiercely Kylie and her wolf will defend and protect Tian and his dignity. He is also glad that their friend will be joining for the rest of the meeting. He tends to be invaluable when it comes to relaying information and explaining things. Did you know about this whole Divine’s blessings thing? He attempts to ask Mirabella through mind-link. He has always been uncertain about whether he can even do that, but he is too curious to wait, considering that she already seems to have fully embraced the idea of divinity. He knows he succeeded when he hears her respond, I have no idea what he is talking about, but he seems all too eager to give us what we want, and the stuff he believes does support what I can do, so why not. I’m a queen or something, I guess. Whatever gets him on our side. Adam moves his hand in front of his mouth to suppress his smile and hold back the laughter. His mate is too much, sometimes, but in the best way. Tian strides in behind Beta Robert, seeming completely unsurprised by his suddenly being invited to the meeting. Though he insisted Kylie not fight the Alpha, he knew she would likely find some way to include him, eventually. He is best prepared to inform the Alpha of the status of their allies, so his input will be rather important. Mirabella senses that she needs to return control to Kylie because their shifting is putting too much strain on her pregnant body and if she remains much longer, she will need to eat before she can even shift back. Shifting burns a lot of calories, and the pregnant wolf form places a hefty strain on their metabolic resources. Kylie will be exhausted once this meeting finally ends, but in the meantime, she needs what energy she has left to keep Alpha Magnus securely wrapped around her finger.
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