Chapter 12-2: Her Followers

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Melissa appears at the guest bedroom doorway to check on their guests and see if Adam is awake. He is, though he doesn’t notice her because his attention is fixed on Kylie. He snuggles into the backside of her, his head against hers, his hand draped over her belly to feel the baby moving around as her mother sleeps off the fatiguing day she has had. “Psst,” Melissa whispers quietly to gain his attention. He looks up, surprised to see her there. “What is it?” he asks, concerned. “I need to talk to you,” she informs him, still whispering in hopes of not disturbing Kylie. He frowns and looks down at Kylie, knowing how she would react to waking up and finding him gone from her side, off somewhere else with his ex-wife. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, Melissa.” “I know, but it’s been hours. I can’t wait any longer. I need to know why you guys are here.” He sighs, torn between staying with Kylie and answering Melissa’s request. She and Richard have been generous enough to host them, and perhaps he does owe her an explanation. He’s also wondering yet again if it would have been wiser to stay in the guest house Alpha Magnus offered them. It would mean more spotlight for Kylie, but also fewer opportunities for tension with Melissa. “Alright,” he agrees finally. “I’ll tell you what I can in five minutes, and then I am coming right back here.” He carefully rolls his body away from Kylie and leaves the bed, following Melissa back down the hallway to the living room. Kylie stays asleep for several more minutes, until she startles awake to the sound of Melissa shrieking in the other room. “You knew we lived here, why would you come and bring our pack into this?” she demands of Adam. Kylie quickly sits up and works on getting her swollen body out of the bed. Whatever is going on out there, she probably should be present for. She makes her way down the hall as Adam is explaining that her being a member here was irrelevant to their decision-making process. Melissa and Richard won’t have to follow the warriors to Black Moon, anyway. It’s the warriors they’ve come for, not her family. “But you knew my son was the Beta here,” she continues to insist his guilt. “He’s not my blood, but he’s the son I raised. How could you put him in danger like that, for what, so your mate can go claim a position that isn’t meant for her?” “Haven’t you been listening?” Kylie bursts into the room, startling them all. “It’s not about becoming Alpha. That’s the means, not the end. That’s how we’re going to shut down Black Moon’s reign of terror and de-throne a couple psychopathic Alphas. That’s how we’re going to rescue my family. That’s how we’re going to cripple a dark witch, the very same one who has destroyed the lives and homes of countless people, eradicating entire packs in the process. And that’s how we’re going to take care of what seems to be a pervasive West Coast vampire problem, all activity centering on Black Moon. It’s not about you, or your son, Melissa. It’s about things so far beyond any of us, any one of our packs. I wouldn’t have considered it a holy war a week ago, but now that I’ve said it out loud, I kind of see their point. It’s a good-versus-evil kind of thing, and we’re doing it with or without you.” She realizes once she finishes her rant that Melissa and Rich are cowering and have turned their gazes to the floor, and many of the smaller objects in the room are floating. Sighing, she takes a moment to focus her energy, clearing the air of her rage and attempting to gently return all the objects to their nesting places. Dorian worked with her on her telekinesis ability during their visit, but it still seems to get away from her when she is upset. Adam steps toward her and reaches out to draw her to him, planting a reassuring kiss on the top of her head. He guides her to the sofa nearest them as Melissa and Richard find their way to seats of their own, still a bit shaken. Melissa does seem to have tempered her attitude, however. Kylie is first to break the silence that ensues after her outburst, feeling the need to apologize. “Perhaps I didn’t need to be quite so forceful about making my point, but I do stand by everything I said.” “You did a much better job than I was doing,” Adam commends her. “And honestly, considering the circumstance, I feel the force was appropriate.” “Perhaps I did need to be put in my place,” Melissa agrees apologetically. “I’m sorry about how selfish I’m being, but in a way, I can’t help it. Our former pack was ripped apart by conflict and strife, the leadership butting heads about things I’ll never be able to understand, and somehow outside forces intervened to force us to disperse. We came here to get away from fighting, and now it feels almost like a betrayal from one of my oldest friends because here he is bringing it all to our doorstep again.” “I’m not betraying you,” Adam insists, feeling put off that she would even think or say that. “What Kylie said is true, and if you think that Luna’s Grace would remain safe as Black Moon increases in size, power, and resources, then you’re hopelessly naïve. Not only that, but what good is a militant pack of divine warriors if they never lift a finger against anything that matters?” Sensing the heat rising in the room and especially between the two former mates, Kylie takes a moment to calm everyone down and attempt to make the conversation more productive. She agrees with Adam that what Melissa said and seems to believe is unreasonable but wonders where it comes from in the first place, why she seems to be clinging to Luna’s Grace. “Melissa, your son runs a pack that is completely conflict-free and far away from here. Why not go there when there was trouble with your old pack?” Kylie points out. “Because sometime after Robert’s mother and I went our separate ways, she became a believer, I guess. She brought him here, and once you’re in, it’s nearly impossible to be granted a legal transfer elsewhere. He could come visit me when I was at Stillwater, but after it dissolved, I didn’t want to leave my son in a place like this without me,” Richard confesses. “And it seemed like killing two birds with one stone.” “Well, I don’t know if it helps, but we’re trying to minimize losses by showing up to Black Moon in force,” Kylie explains to them. “There’s a chance that all I will need to do is challenge my father, and maybe he’ll heed the traditions and it can be a peaceful passing of power. We may only need the army to intimidate theirs into staying their posts, minimizing risk to warriors such as your son.” “Not according to the prophecies,” Richard argues. “I’ve never been fully on board with all this religious stuff, but ever since you showed up, I have to admit that it is turning out as predicted. Your abilities are spot-on to what is prophesized, your war fits the bill, and you know, even that vampire makes sense. Let me show you something.” He hurries out of his chair and strides down the hall to one of the rooms in the back, disappearing for a few moments. “If Tian makes sense to their holy prophecies, then why was Magnus so rude to him?” Kylie wonders out loud. “Tian? Why do I feel like I know that name?” Melissa answers her with a question. Kylie and Adam look at each other questioningly, wondering the same. “Could be because he was one of the Council contacts for Spirit Moon,” Adam suggests. “I’m sure you remember seeing him around there. I personally worked with him quite a bit while you were still there, and he was around when my dad was there, too.” “That’s probably it,” Melissa agrees, still wondering what her husband thinks is the connection to this pack. He doesn’t keep them wondering long as only a few minutes later he appears again down the hall, striding back toward them carrying several leather-bound books. He returns to his seat next to Melissa and places the books on the coffee table between them all. “These are the ‘holy texts’ that followers of the Divine are supposed to memorize and practice from,” he explains, picking one of them up and holding it out to Kylie, who begins to flip through it. “Most of them are handwritten copies of the originals, drawn from various sources,” he continues. “From what I can tell, the framework of the religion is drawn from recorded histories of traditional lifestyles, including behavior and etiquette within the pack, traditions, rituals, and so on. Essentially, somebody got their hands on journals, notes, and the like written by people who lived during times when werewolves still stuck to the old ways, and that somebody decided to mesh them all together into these texts.” “It makes sense and fits what I’ve heard about this pack,” Adam comments. “I’m not seeing the connection to Tian, though,” Kylie points out. Richard leans forward and reaches for another of the texts, handing it to her as well. “This one is almost entirely written by the same person. It seems to be a scholarly study of the Moon Goddess and how she is at work in the everyday lives of werewolves. It covers topics such as Alpha powers and auras, mates, the mate bond, reproduction, and even new werewolf creation, among others. The person who wrote this has always been assumed to be a werewolf, considering how much inside knowledge he seems to have about us.” “And Tian?” Kylie questions again. “I think what you’re looking for is on page 17, for instance,” Richard explains. “I’ve read all of these several times, but I don’t necessarily have them memorized. Page 17 stands out to me, however.” Kylie flips to the page he suggested and looks it over. At first, she doesn’t notice much of interest, but then her eyes fall on the information that follows one of the entries. “It says it was written by Bastian Ambrogio,” she says breathlessly, looking up at Adam to see his reaction. “Although he told us he was largely uninformed about the beliefs of this pack.” “That is him, then? Your friend Tian?” Richard asks for clarification. “That is his name,” Adam confirms, “though, I suspect that if he wrote this, he has no idea what it eventually came to be used for.” “What is this book?” Kylie asks, noticing that while most of the books are bound with plain leather, one is more decorated and even has golden gilding along the edges. “Those are the prophecies,” Melissa responds. “I haven’t read as much of these books as Richard, but I have read that one. We as a pack are required to attend certain gatherings where they talk about those prophecies, so not only have I been forced to read them, but I also know a little bit about the history. Supposedly, they were written by some Alpha who stood by the side of the last ‘Divine-Touched’ and was said to be himself blessed by her with the gift of foresight. That’s how all these prophecies came about, I guess.” “His name was Dorian Mercier,” Richard adds. “The Alpha she speaks of, I mean.” He gestures to the book Kylie holds and explains, “Not all of those are about your war, but the ones toward the end are. I’ve read through it quite a few times trying to make sense of it. Personally, I’ve always felt that the ‘prophecies’ are a lot like the other ‘holy’ texts, just writings taken from a journal where somebody tried to make sense of the dreams he was having. Was he blessed with foresight or cursed with an imaginative mind? I never could be sure, though much of what he wrote seems to be coming true right before my eyes, so who could say.” Adam and Kylie share a knowing look between themselves. It’s starting to make some sense now. The people of Luna’s Grace have somehow attained copies of things Tian and Dorian wrote long ago and applied their own interpretations. The reason why it fits Kylie so perfectly is because it was written about Ramona, or so it seems to them. Tian has often remarked about how this conflict with Black Moon draws certain parallels with the war Ramona faced in her time. And they figure that if Dorian had some ability to predict the future, then he certainly would have told them about it by now. “Would it be possible for us to borrow this?” Kylie asks Richard about the gilded book. She wants time to look it over in detail and discuss it with Tian. “You can’t take mine. It’s against the rules. I suspect the Alpha would be pleased if you asked the same of him, though, and he is the only one who can distribute the texts to new people.” “We plan to meet with him and the pack tomorrow, so I’ll be sure to ask him then,” she says. “Thanks for showing us, though. We needed to know what it is Alpha Magnus is always referring to.” “I can’t believe so much of this was written by a vampire,” Melissa comments, seeming to be in a state of amused disbelief. “Yes, and Dorian was a warlock,” Adam adds. “It’s not inaccurate, though, to call him Alpha. He and Tian both actually. They were mated to the Alpha of the pack in that time, raising them to Alpha status as well. At least, that’s how Tian explained it to us.” “You don’t find it strange that he has gotten himself involved in this after all these centuries?” Richard asks them. “No. I find it odd that someone stumbled across their journals and turned them into holy texts,” Kylie deadpans. Even Richard and Melissa laugh at that, both appreciating that they aren’t the only ones who are skeptical about the texts. Then Kylie stands from her spot and turns to Adam, reaching out her hand. “Come back to bed with me, mate. It seems we have an important day tomorrow.”   *************************   Tian approaches the crumbling, abandoned mansion where he was directed to meet the siblings. He knows he has gotten to the point of scratching the bottom of the barrel if his quest has brought him here. He has history with these two, dating back a couple centuries to when they were the most troublesome pair of casters out there and he chased them to the ends of the earth to bring them before The Council to face justice. Before Anya, the healer, there was Zarinia, the seer. When the brother and sister pair were dragged before her, she decided not to serve them the death penalty they had earned. She promised they would reform their ways and one day serve a greater purpose, and Tian hopes that she was correct and that their purpose might be to end a dark witch to make amends for the dark deeds of their past. His vampiric resistance to magical effects and his knowledge that there is in fact a functional house here helps him to keep his wits about him as he navigates the illusion of nothing but rubble to find his way to the front door. He knocks the pattern he was instructed to use to signal to the duo that their visitor is a friend, and waits. And waits some more. He is trying to keep his senses alert to be able to notice if anything changes in his surroundings, but nothing seems to. Finally, after an amount of time that no sane person would wait in a place that seems abandoned, he hears a familiar male voice answer him. “If it isn’t the errand boy for The Council here at our doorstep, begging entrance. I thought you preferred to force your way into places you don’t belong?” he mocks Tian. “That was when we stood on opposite sides of the law, Eramund. Today, I’m just a man who would like to meet with you peacefully to discuss an important matter,” Tian explains, trying to direct his voice to where he believes the warlock is calling to him from. “I never thought I’d live to see the day that you came to us for help,” Eramund comments, finally opening the door and showing himself to the vampire. “I take it you know why I’m here,” Tian presumes, stepping inside where Eramund has directed him. The inside of the place is what you would expect of the well-kept and tastefully decorated home of two people who have lived long enough that most of their belongings have become priceless antiques. It would also feel positively unsettling if he weren’t a vampire. “Of course, but it doesn’t mean I don’t take pleasure in making your task as difficult as possible.” Eramund leads him through the foyer to a grand sitting room and directs him to have a seat. Tian looks around and laments that it is a shame that the best houses for entertaining guests seem to be hidden away. His own included. “The simple fact of it, though,” Tian continues their conversation, “is that last I checked, you still have not fulfilled that redeeming purpose Zarinia predicted, which means you will draw The Council’s attention the moment you step foot out of your protected residence. Wouldn’t you like to absolve yourself of that burden and have that debt be paid?” “Indeed, but I heard that you no longer work for The Council,” Eramund retorts. “You see, I may not be able to leave here freely, but I still know people. I know some of the same people you know, in fact.” “I assumed you did, considering that I was able to secure this meeting. And I may, in fact, no longer work for The Council, but I still have contacts there as well. I just need your word that you and your sister would be willing to come assist my allies, and I will speak to some of those people on your behalf. You don’t leave the premises until you have your deal in hand, sealed by both parties.” Eramund’s sister, Lizaine, reveals herself at the far end of the room and strides forward to address Tian. “We would need assurances that our debt is paid regardless of the outcome,” she insists. Tian purses his lips together and shakes his head slightly. “I cannot make that deal and have you turn on me in the heat of the moment,” he declines. She shakes her head in disgust, growing impatient at the tension that has always existed between them. “That’s not what I meant. Phrase it how you must, but what I must insist upon as a term of our agreement is that if we try to do what you need us to, but fail, and somehow manage to live through it, then our debt is paid regardless just for the attempt. We’re not ignorant. We know you wouldn’t be here if you weren’t desperate, which means only one thing: The caster you want to pit us against is powerful, and our odds of success are not good. But if it means freedom either way, then I’ll take those odds.” Tian turns his attention to Eramund, awaiting his response to his sister’s agreement. Eramund regards Lizaine for a few moments, seeming to mull it over, before turning to Tian. “Deal first, which we both get to review, sealed once we agree to it, and then and only then will we follow you. And we’re absolved either way. And once our service to you has concluded, as per our agreement, we part ways and never have to see your face again.” “I would prefer that as well,” Tian agrees. “And I will not take up any further of your time. I will see myself out. Someone will return once I have secured the deal we have discussed.”   *************************   Tian returns to the area where he left his friends days before and texts Adam to find out where to meet them. Still at Luna’s Grace, but guards should let you through if you want to join, he responds after only a few moments. Tian can’t help but be a little excited at the prospect of an inside look at one of the most mysterious packs he has ever come across. Be sure to give them your full name and see how they react, Adam sends in another text. Apparently, you wrote one of the history books they practice from, he adds, along with one of the laughing face emojis. Tian isn’t sure how to take that news. He has written a lot of things over his long life, many of them about werewolves, but none of them were meant for public release. The idea that any group could have taken something he wrote and used it to create such a society as that of Luna’s Grace doesn’t sit well with him. Nevertheless, he makes his way to their front gates and identifies himself. He worries what the guard’s reactions might be, but not only do they not seem to react when he gives his name, they appear to be expecting him and allow him through. He is provided with an escort through the compound which delivers him to an outdoor gathering place where currently the whole pack is gathered. He notes the presence of countless warriors positioned in formations all around the perimeter of the gathering. Then his attention turns to what they all seem to be gathered for: Kylie, up front on a stage along with Alpha Magnus, Beta Robert, and a few others. He smiles as he realizes she is who this crowd is cheering for. He makes his way up front to where he spots Adam and greets the man with a hug. “They seem to love her,” Adam informs him, grinning proudly. “And the only person so far who seems to have a problem with what we’re doing is my ex.” “Has she shifted?” Tian wonders, hoping he might be in time to see the reaction of such a big group of people to the magnificence of Mirabella. “Yeah, a little bit ago. It was incredible to see how they reacted to her, but part of me is wondering if this is dangerous to be getting involved in a pack we know so little about. There have been little hints here and there that there’s more to all of this than we realize.” “Perhaps we need to stay a bit longer and study all we can.” “Kylie asked Alpha Magnus for copies of their texts, which he gladly gave to her, so I think the plan is to look over those and see what we can find out. And yes, one of them is yours.” “I’m glad she got copies, then. I don’t even know what of mine they might have gotten their hands on.” “Yours and Dorian’s, as it turns out,” Adam adds with a smirk. “Oh. That is unfortunate,” Tian comments, now starting to worry. Much of what Dorian has ever written was never meant for anyone to see. It was from when he first started having the dreams, before they realized the true nature of them. Once he realized that he could see potential futures, and that sharing anything he saw with others who might be tempted to act on it was dangerous, he stopped talking or writing about his dreams. Tian finds himself hoping that whichever of his journals Luna’s Grace has discovered contains only dreams of things that have already come to pass. Adam shoots him a curious and concerned look, but Tian chooses not to explain himself further. He won’t know exactly what there is to explain until he can see the texts for himself, anyway. Instead, they watch Kylie interacting with the pack for a little while longer until Alpha Magnus steps forward and concludes their assembly. “Will you be staying with us tonight?” Adam asks Tian as they walk together to where they are supposed to meet Kylie. “I don’t wish to impose on Richard and Melissa, so I can find my own place to stay.” “Kylie and I decided we’re going to spend tonight as Alpha Magnus’s guest. Things were weird with Melissa this time. I’m not sure what all it was about, but apparently she’s not happy that we’ve brought war to her pack.” “I see. In that case, perhaps I will stay. I have some updates for you and Kylie as well.”
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