Chapter 11-1: Luna's Grace

1977 Words
The call they have been waiting for finally comes in shortly after checking into a new hotel only about ten minutes from Luna’s Grace territory. Kylie is resting on the bed, her head in Tian’s lap, Adam’s hand gently rubbing her back as he watches a program on TV. Adam notices that the caller ID shows the number he has called twice now, and he immediately mutes the TV and answers the call. “Hello, this is Adam Brentwood,” he announces to the caller. “Alpha Adam, this is Alpha Magnus of Luna’s Grace,” he introduces himself. “I got your message, as well as receiving a reference from Richard Morgan, my father’s former Beta. I am interested in meeting you, though I am bit confused about why you’re calling the meeting.” “Alpha Magnus, it’s a pleasure speaking to you,” Adam begins his response, wondering how carefully he needs to tread with this man. Richard and Melissa only joined the pack about ten years ago, and Adam has never been there in person to see if it lives up to its reputation. “I feel I should inform you that there has been a misunderstanding somewhere,” Adam continues, hoping he doesn’t regret revealing this. “I was Alpha of the Spirit Moon Pack, but that role has since been passed on to my son.” “No, there has been no misunderstanding. I was fully informed. I was also wondering a little bit what sort of man you are and am pleased to discover that you’re an honest one.” “Fair enough,” Adam chuckles, silently patting himself on the back for deciding to be up front. “To answer your question about the purpose of the meeting, it is to discuss an alliance I have been involved with and some of their future plans. To be quite honest, it is your army we have interest in.” “Ah, I see. I should warn you that though we value having the army and keeping it in top form, we rarely find cause to use it. I will meet with you, however, and see what more you have to say in person. I feel as though you have earned at least that much.” “Thank you, Alpha Magnus. I do not wish to monopolize any more of your time, so you just tell me when and where and I’ll be there.” “Tomorrow, my office, first thing in the morning. I will text you further instructions.” “Much appreciated. Take care, Alpha Magnus.” “You as well.” Adam slowly pushes the disconnect button, still reflecting on his initial impression of the man. “I don’t know what to think of him so far,” he admits to Tian. “He seems straightforward and professional, but he also seems to like to test people. I don’t know what to think of someone like that.” “Dorian would know what to think of that,” Tian says with a chuckle. “My advice would be to tread lightly and tell him only what you feel you must. He might be the sort to use everything you say against you when he sees an opening.” “I was thinking the same. I didn’t mention Kylie, though, and I don’t know whether I should have. I feared that announcing that we will be bringing a woman would prevent us from getting a foot in the door, but he also seems to value honesty.” “I suppose at worst, he won’t allow her in the meeting.” “That’s a pretty bad worst-case scenario, though. First of all, she doesn’t like to take no for an answer. Beyond that, she is a critical part of the plan, and we can’t just pull her out at the last minute and shout ‘surprise’ before we head to Black Moon.” “It is true; however, without knowing ahead of time what we will be up against, I really don’t know how to advise you to prepare. Prepare to have him reject her, I guess. Prepare to have him flat-out say no to us. Either case leaves us no worse off than we are currently.” “This is also true. Thanks, Tian.” *************************   The next morning, they decide to head out a little early to leave plenty of time to get to the location Alpha Magnus indicated. Playing it safe, Kylie chooses something a bit more conservative to wear than usual. In place of her jeans and t-shirts, she selects a knee-length pale blue sleeveless dress and a light cardigan to go over top of it. After a bit of spinning around to admire the way the skirt flares in the mirror, she slips into her shoes and joins the men where they wait for her by the door. “What do you think?” she asks them both, gesturing to her outfit. “You look really nice, Kylie,” Adam compliments her, reaching out to touch the fabric and brush his thumb across her cheek. “I always think you look beautiful, though. I just hope it’s comfortable enough.” “I agree with all of that,” Tian adds. “Blue might be your color. It brings out your eyes.” Tian and Adam begin to make their way down the hall to the lobby. Kylie tags along behind, still pondering what Tian said. “I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to having blue eyes,” she comments, and then adds quickly, “not that I’m complaining. I always wanted eyes like Jonah’s. But still, it’s strange suddenly having that wish granted. It’s just so different. Green was always my color before, but I guess you’re right, now it would be blue.” Tian slows his pace to fall into step with her, shifting the satchel he carries to the other side so he can reach out to take her hand. “Green is lovely on you as well, don’t misunderstand. Blue just makes those electric eyes pop more.” “I’m not having an identity crisis or anything,” she laughs. “I just find it interesting is all. A little bit gut churning perhaps, considering that the eyes I thought were mine, a gift from my mother, turned out to belong to a witch who brought such devastation upon our family.” “Imagine what it must be like for your mother and her sister, Evelyn, who had those hazel eyes for at least twenty years longer than you. For your mother especially, whose daughters’ eyes have all changed as well.” “Yeah, no kidding. You know, it’s her my heart aches for the most. My sisters are probably safe and haven’t had to deal with my father for long, but Mama has suffered so much, and she is finally free of her captors, only to be forced into a new sort of captivity.” “I would advise you to hold onto that ache and let it drive you all the way through this, starting with the meeting today. Keep yourself in check, to be sure, but do whatever you can to not accept no as their answer. The allies we already have supporting us might be enough, but our likely outcomes will be much more hopeful the more forces you gather at your back,” Tian reminds her. It doesn’t take them long to drive the short distance to the location indicated by Alpha Magnus. Kylie had pictured something totally different when Adam told her that Luna’s Grace clings to the old ways. She thought that it meant they live simply, maybe some rustic cabins in the woods or something. But no, it soon becomes clear that her preconceptions are entirely misguided. The address Alpha Magnus directed them to looks like a cluster of corporate offices in the midst of a well-populated city. It is the same city they have been staying in, which seems to be a mix of humans and werewolves. This seems odd for a pack that values ancient traditions and supernatural law above all else. Why risk living in such close quarters to humans? “This can’t be where they operate their pack,” Adam voices his similar thoughts. He takes out his phone to double-check the address. “But this is definitely the place. I guess let’s go on in, then.” “I expected more pomp and circumstance,” Kylie agrees. “There aren’t even any guards or anything.” She sounds slightly disappointed. Tian chuckles from the backseat. “I’m sure plenty of exciting surprises await us indoors. Unless Alpha Magnus isn’t taking you seriously in the least, Adam, then somehow I doubt that this will be all there is.” They exit the vehicle together, Adam unable to fight the urge to keep Kylie close. He snakes an arm around her and pulls her into his side, allowing Tian to open the front door for them. In the lobby of the building, they are greeted by a security guard. “Do you have business in this building today?” he asks them in a friendly and only mildly threatening tone. “Yes, on the third floor,” Adam informs him. “And you have an appointment?” the guard presses. “Yes,” Adam confirms. He isn’t certain how much information he should be giving out, so he chooses not to include the detail about the meeting being with Alpha Magnus unless asked directly. “Give me your name and I’ll call up for clearance.” “Adam Brentwood. Appointment for 8 a.m.” “One moment,” the guard requests, holding up a finger and backing up to the desk behind him to use the phone. He keeps his voice low enough that humans would not be able to make out what he is saying, though the current company has no difficulty discerning that he is speaking to Magnus and confirming the appointment. Is this more what you were looking for from this experience? Tian asks Kylie over mind-link. She grins at him and responds, Yes, this is more like it. The guard hangs up the phone and addresses Adam again. Kylie wonders whether he is seeming to only give attention to Adam because he was the one who answered him initially, or if it because the guy has something against women or vampires. Once she becomes aware of thinking that way, she tries to shake it off. She can’t be making judgements already based only on things she has heard. The form of this building being entirely different than she expected should be lesson enough that she doesn’t know anything for sure about how they operate. “Come with me,” the guard directs Adam. “I’ll take you where you need to go.” He gives one subtle, disapproving look to Tian, but otherwise does not say or do anything to prevent Kylie and Tian from accompanying Adam. The elevator doors close behind them with a soft whoosh and the guard waves a key fob over the bottom of the control panel. Once it beeps, he selects the button for the third floor and the elevator begins its ascent.
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