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Katherine was unable to recall how Marshall had escorted her out of the bar. Her puke caused her recollection to suddenly well up. She felt completely sober and rejuvenated. She was given a glass of water by the person next to her, which she took, gargled, and got up. "Almighty God. It feels so much better now." Standing next her, Marshall unbuttoned his collar, eased it up, and started a cigarette. He spoke softly. "Get in right now if you feel better, I'm leaving." His restlessness had subsided due to the refreshing night wind. He was still a little uneasy, though. His voice completely frightened Katherine off. She leaped from the chair. Marshall? What brings you here?" With a scowl, Marshall took a drag. "That guy would be f*****g you now if it's not for me." Katherine stood up slowly, turned around, and saw that she was in her apartment. She looked intently at Marshall. "So you also attended the bar? You removed me from that area?" Marshall said nothing. Katherine should be sent home, he wanted to ask the driver. The driver was unsure of how to get her into the car after realizing how inebriated she was. Marshall could therefore simply drive her home. Katherine was experiencing distress once more. See? Just as she had predicted, he did rejoice over the divorce. Her temper boiled over and the booze began to take effect. With a startled smile, she approached Marshall carefully and rested her body against him. "What? Want to have a little fun too?” Having grasped the essence, Marshall looked directly into her eyes. "Too?" Katherine looked attractive with her makeup and grin. Marshall was wearing a white shirt and pants after taking off his coat. With a flirty voice, Katherine reached out and snagged Marshall's belt, showing off her audacity like never before. "You ruined my fling, you have to make it up." As she took the tucked shirt off, she said. Marshall snatched up her fumbling hands quickly, his gaze narrowing. The alcohol was starting to get to work on his thinking. The chilly wind has quelled the interior fire, which is now blazing even more furiously. His gaze remained fixed on Katherine as he inhaled deeply. "Katherine, Are you doing this correctly?” "I know," Katherine chuckled, "don't you?" Marshall paused, and then a small smile appeared on his face. Grasping Katherine's chin with one hand, he extinguished the cigarette and dropped it to the ground. "You wanna have a one-night-stand at the bar?" Gazing closely at Marshall, Katherine was overwhelmed with resentful resentment once more. She had been in love with this man for a very long time. But despite their marriage, she continued to lose him. She stood on her toes and carelessly kissed Marshall's lips. "What else could it be?" As soon as she was done, Marshall moved. Bending over, he raised Katherine in his arms. "Great then, you brought this on yourself." Katherine said, "Ah," and encircled Marshall's neck with her arms. Marshall strolled over to the residence. He had to use the fingerprint scanner in order to get in. Fortunately, Katherine's print was still visible on the access control system. With one hand free to unlock the door with Katherine in tow, Marshall stepped into the room without hesitation. Katherine staggered toward the bedroom, her mind rapidly going blank. How she and Marshall entered the room was unclear to her. However, she turned her back on Marshall just as he was about to make a move on her. It was a question she had long wanted to ask but had been afraid to. "Marshall, had you betrayed me in our marriage?" Marshall was flat on his back, his speech raspy and his eyes dark. "No." Katherine was pleased with how that sounded. She lunged towards Marshall. She is new to this, though. She grudgingly hummed. Now, she was at a loss for what to do. Luckily, Marshall established himself quickly. But today was the day of their divorce. Was this the proper course of action? Regardless, they were unable to stop. After drinking, Katherine nodded out abruptly and consciousness. However, Marshall was still awake. with a trace of weariness, he turned to face the ceiling and peered at it in the dark. After quite some time, Katherine turned over and felt around like she always did. Still comfortably asleep, she squirmed toward Marshall after sensing him and gave him a hug. Marshall scowled but remained motionless. After shoving Katherine away for a moment, he stood up and took his phone out of his coat pocket. He gave Peter a call. He started talking as soon as the phone was connected. "Look into Martin, see if he mixed something into the wine that he brought to the bar today." The next day, Katherine awoke to find Marshall gone for good the following morning. She scratched her hair, feeling a little lightheaded. She could recall some of what had happened yesterday, but not all of it. However, she was certain that she remembered the bizarre incident she had with her ex-husband. How come? Was I really that crazy? Sexing your ex-husband the night after the divorce? Hey, life's not all drama. How may the hurt of a divorce be eased? She remembered what she had searched for online the day before. We had all had one night stands and drunken encounters. She turned the sheet over to look in the mirror. She might still enjoy some of the night's insanity. One could always become delirious from immoral activities. She trudged to the shower, her body hurting. As she emerged from the shower, the phone on her bed began to ring. Her response was prompt; Peter was on the line. He informed her that he had secured her an itinerary to Asela Island. The destination didn't matter to Katherine. "Good, when does the plane take off?" "It's tomorrow morning. The sooner the better, as you stated, so how about this?" Peter said. Katherine gave a nod. “Yes, it really is the best. I'll go to the airport tomorrow; text me the boarding time." Peter made no mention of bidding her farewell. After hanging up, he sent Katherine the information she had requested. Katherine dried her hair and sat on the bed to read the texts. She sighed deeply and put down the towel when she was done reading. This time, she had no idea how long the trip would be. However, she believed that after her return, she could let go of Marshall. She got dressed and then headed out to eat. Afterwards, she went to Marshall's grandfather after purchasing some flowers. The grave of the old Mr. Grant was beautifully constructed and sculpted. The Grant invested a substantial sum of money in it. Before the tomb, she arranged the flowers. "Grandfather, Katherine, it's me. I come to see you. In addition, Marshall and I are getting a divorce, I believe I should notify you." After giving it some thought, she went on. "I hold him not responsible. Perhaps he was simply unable to fall in love with me. It hurts to spend the rest of his life with someone he doesn't love. I'm also in agony over it. Now, things aren't all that horrible. In order for me to enjoy a nice life thereafter, he handed me a huge amount of money." The image of the elderly Mr. Grant on the tomb appeared to be very serious. However, he was genuinely a generous and compassionate person. He was the only member of the Grant family to treat her so well. She did not cry, even though her eyes were full of tears. She thought that if Grandpa saw her crying, he would be concerned. "I don't know when I'll be back, but I'm leaving. When I return, I'll bring some specialties for you” she remarked. Before leaving, she spent a considerable amount of time babbling to the lifeless stone. Returning home, she packed her belongings. As a matter of fact, she didn't have much to pack. Katherine didn't pack many belongings because she was just here for a few days. Additionally, overpacking is not necessary. She could not have fit even a small suitcase into it when she was finished packing. After reflecting while sitting on the bed, she made the decision to give Marshall a call. ‘I think Marshall is taking a nap right now.’ The call was promptly returned. Marshall had a robotic voice. "What?" She was eager to discuss what had transpired the previous evening, but she became impatient upon hearing Marshall's icy tone. She had hesitated before continuing. "I'm leaving tomorrow, so it's not a huge deal, just so you know. I have no idea when it will return. Just give me a call to say farewell." Marshall seemed uninterested in the news. "I see." Katherine felt ashamed and bit her lip. Before she could say anything, she heard a woman's voice on the phone, which made her want to preserve her dignity. "Marshall?" Katherine was taken aback by the voice in some way. She hung up the phone right away. She felt relieved and then irritated as she held her phone. What frightened her? It's only a female. Angrily, she pounded her fist against the bed.
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