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Katherine arrived at the airport early the following day. She was going to be sleeping all the way in the airport because the flight was scheduled to take off so early. The news that her flight was ready for boarding began to air as soon as she got to the airport. When she boarded, the seat next to her, which Peter had reserved for her, was unoccupied. After putting her bags away, she sat down and yawned a couple more times. Single by single, passengers began to board. Katherine noticed that there didn't seem to be many people on this flight. She gave the boarders barely a fleeting glance before adjusting her seat so that it would be comfortable for her to sleep in. Donning a sleeping mask, she fell asleep quickly and deeply. She was unaware of and unconcerned when the passenger next to her arrived. The sound of the stewardess' cart wheels startled her into wakefulness. After receiving a light prod, Katherine heard the hostess ask. "Sorry madam, would you like any beverages?" Katherine took off her face mask. "Please, a Coke with ice. The male adjacent to her handed her the beverage. She expressed her gratitude without thinking. The man spoke after she had taken a sip. "Just lift a finger." Katherine hesitated a moment, the voice so familiar. She glanced around slowly, and suddenly her face went blank. After a few moments of staring at her, Marshall looked away to look at Peter across from her. Peter avoided looking at Marshall and put his palm over his face. Ever since Marshall discovered that his seat was next to Katherine's, he had not ventured to glance at Marshall for even a brief moment. Peter's back was to Katherine and Marshall. Pretending not to be aware of this coincidence, he put on his headphones. "Peter booked the ticket for me, I don't know anything." Said Katherine. Marshall merely nodded curtly to her. Katherine wanted to ask him some questions, but he was still as distant as he had always been. She chose to watch some dramas on her laptop because there was no way she could sleep right now. She prefers to watch dramas to pass the time when she's bored. Her gaze, however, shifted from the TV to Marshall as the scene unfolded. Wearing anti-fatigue glasses, Marshall worked on his laptop analyzing some files. This was unlike anything she had ever seen in Marshall. She glanced at Marshall a few times on the side. She had to concede, he really is gorgeous. Marshall could even make himself stand out among the handsome male Grants. She most likely developed a crush on him right away for this reason. She, in particular, believed that women are superficial. Katherine knew herself. She fell in love with Marshall because of his appearance in the first place. Later on, though, it probably wasn't. However, what had turned into the cause for her inability to confirm anymore. In their married lives, he could make her smile ridiculously just by looking at him or even by thinking about him. She'd never felt that way about any other man. She pulled her eyes away from Marshall and silently hated herself. These kinds of thinking wouldn't affect the reality that you are currently divorced. This man might be the ideal partner because of his many attractive qualities. However, such characteristics mean nothing if he doesn't love you. She closed her laptop and replaced the sleeping mask. She didn't want to see this man, but she couldn't sleep. She leaned back in the chair, hugging herself. However, she quickly saw Marshall was taking off his seatbelt and walked away. She removed the sleeping mask surreptitiously. She assumed he was heading to the bathroom and went back to her work. A minute later, she felt the man beside him return and jab her arm. However, she feigned slumber. The man then prodded her once more. Katherine scowled and tore off the mask. However, she spotted a stranger rather than Marshall. The visitor appeared to be intelligent. He gave Katherine a smile. "Hi." "You need anything?" Katherine asked clumsily. The man smiled shyly at her. "Nope. I'm simply a little bored by myself as I sit there. You also appear to be bored. Thus, I believe that perhaps we could have a conversation." Did I appear uninterested? She thought as she scowled. Marshall had indeed come back, but upon noticing a man occupying his seat, he paused to observe. It seems like he was making advances toward her. Katherine seemed foolish due to her confused expression. She was unable to discern the man's objective despite it being so clear. She added that at the time, she was hoping to have a brief affair at the pub. She is just absurd. Marshall remained motionless, merely observing. Katherine didn't realize the man's goal until he asked for her phone number. She was uncomfortable and unsure of how to turn him down. This was not what she had ever intended, especially on such an occasion. Peter had been scowling at her. After stuttering, she looked up to see Marshall a short distance away. Katherine assumed he had been watching for a while based on the look on his face. However, she didn't notice any jealousy on his face. It couldn't really bother him that another man was making out with her. Then, with a quick wink, Katherine smiled and offered the stranger her phone number. In all honesty, it doesn't matter whether they are disclosed because she had no intention of keeping this number. The guy entered her phone number and made an immediate call. "This is my number, my name's Smith." Katherine nodded, grinning, and said, "I'll call." The man had achieved his goal, so he left without further delay and went back to his seat, which was in the row behind her and rather close to hers. Marshall didn't return to his seat slowly until that point. Katherine ignored him, focusing instead on her phone. Marshall also asked no questions. He threw himself back into his task. As soon as he sat down, the guy began sending messages to Katherine. He explained to her the reason for his journey, the length of his stay on Asela Island, his destination, and the people he will be seeing. Katherine appeared to be patient as she read the notes, but none of those caught her attention. Plus, the guy enquired about her schedule. Katherine explained to him that she was simply passing through and had no set itinerary, adding that she could depart at any time if the location did not live up to her expectations. In response, the man tried to convince Katherine to stay for a few more days by telling her that Asela Island was a nice spot. Katherine didn't respond in kind. After a short while, she received another text from the man inquiring about the hotel she intended to stay at. She thumbed through the note Peter had sent her, realizing she hadn't really paid attention. Since the hotel Peter reserved for her was close to the coast, she had a nice view of the sea from there. There was no way she was going to inform the man about the hotel. She informed him that she had a friend on Asela Island who would come get her later in order to stop the harassment from happening. She sent that message and placed her phone down. She glanced back at Marshall irrationally. Katherine perceived that he had no regard for her at all, as he did not even look away from his laptop. She suddenly felt depressed. She remembered how unaffected Marshall was when someone tried to make a move on her behind their back when they were still married. Now, his response could only be typical. He didn't care because he didn't love her. That thought made Katherine feel quite uneasy on the inside. The year prior, she had made numerous attempts to win Marshall's affection, but to no success. When Marshall announced his decision to file for divorce, she would have postponed it if she had seen the tiniest chance of success. She looked out the window with her head turned. She closed her eyes after inhaling deeply. Katherine and Marshall didn't exchange words until the plane touched down. While the other passengers hurried off, Katherine remained motionless. She had no desire to jostle anyone in the crowd. However, Mr. Smith approached her once more. He disregarded the two people seated next to Katherine and simply carried a computer bag. He said, "I'll call you soon as I'm free,If our locations are sufficiently close, perhaps we could get a beer or something.” Katherine forced a grin on her face. "Sure." Marshall barely grinned next to her. He got to his feet and gestured to Peter. "Let's go." After casting a disapproving glance at Katherine, Peter moved aside to make room for Marshall. The last person off the plane was Katherine. As soon as she went out of the exit, she discovered the hotel receptionist waiting for her. After she got into the automobile, her head hurt. Thinking that she and Marshall would never even be able to have a decent farewell, she closed her eyes and leaned back against the backseat. Their story had a bad start, a poor middle section, and an even terrible conclusion. At least she wouldn't be thinking solely of regrets when she thought back on their past. Now even that felt like a hopeless dream.
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