Volume - 3 // Chapter - 74

2378 Words
!Sckkkkeeekkekekeke! {"Those prophetic ones will die as the wrath of the Sea Dragon will come unto thee."} !Shooockeeke! {"All Supreme Awakening Possessors will stand no chance against her! Surrender to her with all your heart before things will perish!"} !Shock---! {"This kingdom and other place surrounds it will ---"} As the Interpretation coming from Yaka, the Homo-goblin continues for at least a couple of minutes. Pastor Ozril couldn't hold his restless feeling throughout the entire time, asking for a break on coping with his thoughts towards it. Yaka simply understands what the Church Pastor's feeling at the moment, genuinely stopped from mumbling at the front and taking her permission on shutting the Sea Monsters from screaming involuntarily. Knowing the fact that all words and inaudible screams coming from them had become vexing and horrifying at the same time. For her, it clearly said coming from her understanding that the entire happenings and situation had become worst and inevitable. !Preventing the incoming invasion will be meaningless! That was the first thing Yaka thought whole-heartedly. As the horrible words coming from the unexpected and vile enemies are far worse and disturbing than she could imagine. "Sounds like a death threat to me, from thinking on the other side." Pastor Ozril inexcusably mumbling on himself, still couldn't render for a while, imagining how to deal against the incoming enemies in private and secret. !Fighting is the best option for seeking peace and liberty towards one another! Lylia simply justifying the entire problem, by taking others getting involved directly as what she resolved. Knowing that fighting alone and lack of manpower would unlikely cost a huge disadvantage coming from them and eventually die horribly. However, the consequences of taking many people and Adventurers fighting against the forces of the Sea Monsters will cause them a huge pile of unfortunate casualties in such way. By thinking that manner, the three people gathered inside the basement had gone restless and uneasy for an insanely elusive answer and head-breaking. Knowing that both of their options are both terrible and life-costly. /Fire slowly dried out./ /Oxygen runs out indispensably./ /Dark calmed room had now felt momentary./ The three people began leaving from the basement, leaving the Sea Monsters beneath the building with an absolute chain on their bodies and tied up heavily and sincerely guarded. As the silent atmosphere coming from them continues, Lylia simply breaking the calm, quiet surrounding by dealing her a certain suggestion that changes the course of their submissive minds in an instant. "Perhaps we should lend a hand from the others." Lylia valiantly asked for suggestions. "What do you mean?" Yaka simply responds with confusion. Though she fully understands what thoughts the entity could be meant, she is vaguely able to gather most of the people of her own volition. Knowing the fact that most Demi-beings living in the present time are nothing much comparable to an ordinary Human being. She hardly takes some time on making them a warrior nor seemingly enough to fight against monsters and other magic creatures in no such time. Not only that, all Demi-being people she once gathering outside the Village territory had been relocated to the other kingdoms nor other territories far immeasurable on counting its distances and time-consuming to seek in. As the result, she felt hopeless. Distraught on the inside on making an absurd decision beforehand. Lylia seemed understands to what the fearless Demi-being's feeling at some point. Thinking the fact that the ones having its culprit of insurgency that time was her fellow kind and nothing more to blame about other than her. She deeply apologizing in front of the Demi-being as what she resolved, on behalf of everything for what they'd done to her and other living things as well. At the same time, she made herself announcing as she tried to gathered all Entities lurking around in the Village. Simply asking for spare time finding all of them with greater effort and haste. She also stated for a certain amount of time when she had stopped from seeking and fully prepared for everything on their accordance. "We wait for you until Levi wakes up." The Church Pastor gladly nodded with a soft smile on his face. Leaving all the remaining Entity people in his care from the absence of Lylia for a few days. Yaka simply nodded the same thing, began inattentive for Lylia's ulterior departure through the forest, and gone for at least an uncertain amount of time. The Entities, who silently watching their strongest kindred leaving the Church Building in a broad daylight and exactly afternoon where the heat rises. Most of them began worried, simply couldn't hold their emotions on following her trails everywhere she goes. However, the Church Pastor horrendously stopped their movements. By placing up his trap spells right through the ground and began activated whenever someone unnoticingly stepping on it. "Let us go!! Stupid Old man!" One Entity furiously maddened at him repulsively didn't like the things he'd done against them. "Calm down you brats... Your mother is just out for the caves to hunt some food for hibernating..." Church Pastor suddenly went being sarcastic towards them, resulting in all of them exasperate and things getting worse due to it. /Sigils creaking./ !Bang! !Bang! /Trap breaking./ /Sigils smashed like a sound of broken glass./ /Loud, panting breathe and forceful footsteps had been seen entirely./ Some Entities who being held caught from the Church Pastor's traps had been managed to negate the trap spell and constantly taking their opportunity on following the trails given by Lylia with extensive will and convictions coming from their hearts. Ais, Malina, Neto, and Renrub were the notable ones being held to escape, quickly charging through to Lylia with haste. Yaka tends to stop them, but the Church Pastor simply halted her action as well. By gently grabbing her left wrist and putting up some trap spell right on her feet on the spot. 'Huh? When did he?' She seemed surprised and flustered, the moment the ground starts to lit up all of a sudden, and lots of Awakening Sigils attaching through her skin momentarily. "What's the meaning of this? I thought you have the responsibility of keeping an eye on those entity people? But why did you let some of them follow?" She horrendously asked with an anguish expression, greatly having some misunderstanding to what the Church Pastor's ulterior motive on having the exact definition of responsibility towards them. But then, the answer of the Church Pastor is very simple and on the point. "Mind if you watch them running towards Lylia-san... Does anything seem casual to you?" Pastor Ozril gallantly asked with a lot of other meanings. Ideally, Yaka replied with absolute normal and common for the thoughts of an ordinary. "They're just running like the ones being afraid of losing their mother from being out in a long time." She left annoyed, yet being held to answer anyway. "What does that mean to you?" "I'm not done asking dumbass..." The Church Pastor simply continuing his questions towards her. "Have you seen those other Entities whose being eroded and upset from not being able to escape from my traps?" Yaka simply nodded sideways, hence she couldn't able to move completely due to the Trap spells that still attaching to her feet. "Yeah... they still couldn't escape from your spells utterly..." "Wait! what does it mean on this by the way! You made the entire thing became complicating..." She began blunt and acted frantically towards him, generally being vexed entirely. Not to mention the traps putting on her feet that now seemingly became a hindrance that causes her lower body to feel numb and stunning. "On a scale of 1 to 100 percent on measuring how strong the Sigil trap that I put into all... I hardly believed it was at least close to 20... That amount measures on how they man-handled that power ables to negate and counteract against it." "Meaning to say, those who can manage to deflect my spell with that certain amount of level, was most likely the stronger ones and quick-witted towards the situation they'd in... It makes no sense for them to left idled the whole time doing absolutely nothing, without honing their skills and abilities throughout the battle for some future moments." "However, those absurd and unfortunate ones trying their very best on deflecting the trap spells would unlike being weak nor powerless at the moment... More appropriate for that." Pastor Ozril solemnly explaining to Yaka the Homo-goblin whole-heartedly. "They didn't stand a chance against the uncertain and invincible enemies coming from them in such time... Also the reason for testing them out for the right ones who can assist Lylia inside and outside the battle... I see, I briefly understand it." She began adamant towards the Church Pastor's resolve, simply commending his actions and convictions thoroughly. "By the way... Why did I didn't get this through? Is this far beyond 20 percent of the Sigil's trap strength that you'd made?" She suddenly began remorse at this point, thinking about how she managed on escaping the trap spell that seemingly didn't remove on her feet. "Yeah... That is still 20 percent of that strength... Did I just think what I unimaginably thought about you? hehehehehehehe" Pastor Ozril suddenly turned out into a pathetic jester out of the blue, repulsively teasing Yaka from hardly being released to the spell for at least several minutes. Not knowing for a fact that it was already 48 percent of its strength that he put towards her. But then, due to his jesting behavior, he utterly didn't say it to her. Not until she managed to get rid of his trap spell. . . . [Willow Village Administration Building] 12:39 PM (Still not related to the time on the story, I was just resembling their time when it happened :)) ) The Ambiance of the people and receptionist is pleasant yet solemn for their selective jobs and task throughout the entire half-day. Right after the Events made by the Adventurers Administration that held on the said village. Some Receptionist is preferably busy putting up some files and paperwork for the new and re-evaluated Adventurers who are being registered to their branches. In which some of it being added to the list, nor acquitted from their service. Cassandra Smith was the one being acquitted from the service. Knowing that most of the important events and gatherings that the Adventurers are taking it as a must, and absences are being held as penalized. Cassandra was the one being notable due to it. For not being referred to as dismissal of a license, She forced herself back from being active on Adventuring and dealing with the Magic creatures and monsters once again, trying to redeem the losing points and attendance she intentionally missed through the whole time. People who know her inside the building hall had seemed surprised, like seeing a dead body rise from its grave all of a sudden and gone frantic as nothing happened. Intrigued and Curiousness, as they didn't believe the sudden appearance coming from people through Cassandra Smith. Knowing for the last time they'd saw her during the 3-man dungeon quest that horrendously turning out into a break. One attentive receptionist having her time dealing with Cassandra at the moment. In which she couldn't hold her uneasy feelings in front of it. With a prudent, selective word she could hardly be prepared just for her. She simply asked about her intentions of having along in the said building. "I just want to take a decent quest... Any recommendations?" Cassandra bluntly responded towards the receptionist, with a slight humble gesture trying not to startle the personnel. At first, she began restlessly and initially taking her way on finding the said quest that filled up her acquired satisfaction. Thinking that the ones being held on taking care of Cassandra inside is a newcomer to the field and knows absolutely nothing for what kind of job she utterly handled. One superior officer coming from the said department suddenly appeared on taking the newcomer's work back to its pace. It was Nathalia Condor who was the ones having her time attending to Cassandra, holding up a pile of quest papers surprisingly holding up on her left arm and measured nearly 3 inches on its thickness, Not to mention on her right arm whereas holding up some numerous amount of existing files she gracefully took insignificantly. "Mind if I am the one taking good care of you... Cassandra Smith of the Willow Village Church Attendants." She unwittingly attending on her, simply airing some malicious atmosphere only directing to where they sit in. And both of their eyes became stagnant and sharp relentlessly. Due to her sudden appearances right through her eyes, Cassandra simply felt unravel on her feeling. Her mood became changed and her mind suddenly went redirected. As all the matters of her being held in around the building are nothing but a decent quest to deal with. Not in the sense of attending with one of the Strongest Adventurers of the Branch Administration would rather be intimidating and exhilarating at the same time. "You seemed hasty recently... Does something bothers you?" She asked with proper accordance and patience towards her. Cassandra couldn't hold to reply at first, instantly blacked out to what she put on her mind thoughtlessly. "I... I just want... a Decent Quest..." She nervously replied with fear and insatiable trembling right through her lower body. Without any other thoughts and malicious intention coming from the Administration Personnel towards the restless and pale Church Attendant. Nathalia Condor casually rolling up some of the quest paper right in front of her, generally finding the certain quest that was seemingly decent and highly applicable to her selective capabilities. /Pages rolling./ /Papers flipping./ Several minutes had passed. Nathalia finally caught one. At first, Cassandra felt gratified and thrilled by knowing there is a quest that capable of her skills and abilities. But not just that the end of her early pleasant mood, as the quest that Nathalia intentionally picked up, is something that made Cassandra forces her to take those challenges the most. . . ***To be Continued***
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