Volume - 3 // Chapter - 73

2492 Words
Early morning at the Church Village. Most people who impatiently waiting for the arrival of the Church Pastor had slept relentlessly in the living room. As they couldn't handle the uneasy feeling throughout the entire night. "Does anyone came safe?" Casa worriedly asked the ones who already woke up at the moment. It was Cassandra Smith whose the one she'd asked for. Not knowing for the fact that the whole commotion and huge disarray of everything happen in one single event. ".... What are you talking about? ... I don't even know what the hell happened that made you guys feel restless." She already felt exasperate due to it, as most other people do the same thing as she did. She kindly asked back to her, suddenly felt intrigued and curious about it. Unfortunately, Casa as well didn't figure out how to start with. Not being able to understand very bluntly about everything that happened. All that she wants to know, was the current whereabouts of the Church Pastor and Levi Furiman. "He's in his room... I guess?" Cassandra went distraught and discouraged as she didn't found any thoughts of what exactly is going on. She held herself leaving the Church is silent, telling only to a place where most of the people nonchalantly heading into. "Administration Building." She repulsively took place all by herself, carrying a piece of a bag filled with a book contains magic spells and other potions that help her in dealing with the dungeon. "Take care!" Casa simply nodded with a pleasant smile on her face. Cassandra responded the same as well, slowly closing the door as she went past leaving the Church. Then, While preparing for morning chores and daily household cleaning. Misa is the second one Casa greeted in, as she spotted into the ground floor while putting a huge white curtain placing at the top of the window. "Good morning, Sis..." (She speaks in her native language.) "Good morning, Sis... Be careful up there!" She gracefully greeting towards her twin sister, consciously wary for her not to fall through the window. It was a 20ft long and 10ft wide wooden window did Casa climbs up momentarily, which causes Misa to be startled out immediately. She began attentively at her, asking for her hand to let borrowed as the result. Luckily, Misa accepted the favor, knowing for so many accidents happened every time she does cleaning onto the tight spaces of the Church due to her clumsiness and inattentiveness throughout her surroundings. Furthermore, they gallantly finish up the entire cleaning in several rooms for 2 hours prior. Much convenient and time-saving compared to the usual. As the two happily cleaning the living room, in which some of the people are still sleeping and left idle. Misa suddenly remembered certain things about her twin sister. Regarding the Awakening Race that she possessed throughout the entire time. "My Possessing race? They said it is a 'Cosmic'... What does that mean twin sister?" She solemnly asked with an intriguing gesture, like surprisingly went ignorant and seemingly lack knowledge about it all of a sudden. Sitting on a rough couch, near to the stead of Tisa and Lina's head. She began dormant on her thoughts instantly went puzzling and apprehensive, slowly couldn't imagine the things that vaguely mesmerized her innocent mind. She started to think about her Possessing race nonetheless, humbly asking for brief guidance coming from her twin sister. Even the scope of knowledge given by Misa greatly wouldn't enough to assist her. Knowing that she cannot able to dwell on understanding the text and languages given from the source that horrendously mentioning about her chosen race. !The book of Awakening! As she gallantly remembered on a certain book, the Book of Awakening itself has a brief context and direct understanding in regards to the 8 Strongest Race that the Balancer of Race ever entrusted with. Including the Race that Casa Togo tremendously possessed. "Really? there is a story about my Possessing race? Amazing! I can't wait to hear it!" She sincerely began astonished at her, knowing there is hope for her to muster any details to fill her gaps on leaving behind to become Adventurer. Sadly, the thoughts of her twin sister suddenly went gloom, upset, and sorrow to the core. As one of the books and languages that she couldn't manage on understanding very well and reluctant. Was the Book of the Awakening itself. Causes the mood and expressions given by Casa Togo to changed dramatically. Simply went distraught due to her ignorance and disgrace for being lack of intricate action intuitive behavior, far behind than any others. At the very age her, suitable enough to get married. She didn't go to school in her entire memory, far knowledgeable only on writing and reading basic languages that easy to cope up and understanding. Due to her uncertain disease that greatly affected her body and cognitive skills very saddening, she often went outside due to the sunlight that greatly piercing her pale, sickening skin causes her to bleed horrendously and gone worse if medical treatment wouldn't come as quick as she badly needed. She only receives a record of 5 Dungeon experiences in her entire life as the result, in which all of them are acquired during the night. Not to mention with the help of the Church Pastor to fulfill her dreams to become an Adventurer just for once that worthy enough to be remembered. At that time, she knows absolutely nothing about the Awakening race that she adamantly possessed. Not until recently that the Adventurers Administration personally authorizing her to become an Adventurer. "Maybe Pastor Ozril knows about my Possessing race... I should tell him about this!" Casa simply went positive on her own volition, generally thinking for other things that seemingly helping her out with enthusiasm, without a single trace of being upset nor leading feelings towards her. It was the exact opposite behavior and actions given by Misa Togo as if she stands in her stead. That being amazed and astounding wouldn't likely enough to praise her twin sister through the entire well-being. . . At the Basement of the Church Building. The Church Pastor, along with Lylia the Entity and Yaka the Homo-goblin began much repulsive, maddening, and being absurd since yesterday. After the two of them had intuitively sparring the lives of the remaining Sea monsters, ferociously putting on a dark, dense room filled with chains and Awakening sigils and insignias carved with stones and other objects throughout the entire basement. It is a Jewish-Enochian mark that the Church Pastor placing around for ages to be exact. With only a small light that some torches illuminating the dark inside within a few meters surround, the number of distances to be seen on a naked eye were absurdly limited. Especially in the eye of an ordinary human being. Even broad daylight couldn't manage to pierce through the ground and some amount of oxygen inside had been felt very leaden over time. It was bluntly made for the likes of the Monsters and other non-human existence viciously lurking through the Village territory with greater malice and gone interrogated nonetheless. It was as what the Church Pastor truly intended to brought them all alive and sparred. After a sudden misunderstanding happened exactly after a decisive battle between them and Levi Furiman. This time, it was him and Lylia the Entity who were the ones having an intense commotion against each other. ~ [At that moment] /Loud, inaudible noises coming from their voices are staggering./ /The night is still silent and serene, even their voices are ear-piercing./ "It was all your fault! How could a Loli-con like you can put up some responsibility on dealing with that kind of insane Awakening Spell? It was waaaay annoying to think of it very carefully!" Pastor Ozril simply couldn't hold his vexing feeling anymore, knowing for the time and power he ascertains consumed just to wait for the Supreme Awakening Possessor to woke up. "Me? being able to get the blame? How insane you are, young man! You just always reminding me to have patience on when to decide... And guess what dumb freak? Levi-chan is unconscious! You pathetic imbecile, trying to act responsibly for everything!" She furiously reacted to the Church Pastor's allegations, solemnly counting up to the number of things that being neglect especially when Levi was badly wanted their help. Knowing the fact that the moment the Sea Monsters utterly drops to 15, it was the time he needs some assistance. Yet, their intuitions are much misunderstood and childish to be executed. Making Levi left annoyed and irritated towards them moments after. By that, thinking that the rules of the spell that Lylia gently created have an eagerness to pay with certain consequences. She conclusively favors the other Sea monsters on bragging along to a place where they can wait for the Supreme Possessor to be awakened. Nonetheless, the two believed that the one being able to understand the dialects given by the profound enemies, was nothing but Levi himself. And thus, moments later; The minds of the two became as one, initially putting them up into the same Spell that Levi unwarily took place. This time, she sets the timer for several times when a single human being used to wake up after sleeping. !8 hours! By that given time, Lylia the Entity and the Church Pastor have plenty of time putting every single Sea monster alive through the Church basement where he secretly hides out. At the same moment, Lylia was the one fixing up the entire mess given by them and the enemies as well back into a normal state. With a tremendous amount of Awakening abilities and the constant pressure of mana distribution, she valiantly finishes up in a matter of hours moments before the sun starts to rise. Furthermore, the feud between them had unwantedly continued. After Yaka starts to call upon her direct appearances towards the enemies. ~ Present time. Yaka seemed perplexed about her feeling, as the two completely didn't want to give in their pride on whoever made the mistake for the entire night. Not to mention for this day they gradually continued with the same expressions and allegations incompetently. "Would you guys stop fighting already? you guys are nothing much like a dog fighting for a slice of single meat to throw... Enough of this nonsense and start working!" She instantly getting annoyed by their behaviors as the result. Sadly, as the two finally getting their silence inside the room. The thoughts in their minds had nothing much similar, constantly blaming once again like the usual. As the two had now focused on the main objective, a sudden surge of Awakening auras and presence emitted by the Church Pastor and Lylia the Entity began tremendous and horrifying. Horrendously spreading with malice in one place, splendidly manipulating the entire flow of magic presence being emitted into the air, and consciously controlled forcing not to spread through the outside of the basement. A bluish-light Awakening aura resembling a Jewish-Enochian Race spurring through the left. While a Dark, silvery-colored Awakening aura resembling an Entity Race spurring through the right. All of it was performed with absolute mastery and focus throughout one's senses. Not to mention that the massive flow of Auras are directly intact into the Sea monsters' senses, causing them to be startled out and horrified in their accordance. "Amazing!" Yaka bluntly felt inside of it. More likely, she allows seeing the aura in a very prudent observation. Knowing for the amount of presence that constantly surging in one place. She began adamantly to felt her Awakening senses. Due to the emergence given by them that covers almost every part of her existence, she hardly managed to compete by rising her Awakening presence to a maximum level. Both voluntarily and recklessly. However, that wouldn't be the case. Is she trying to figure out the altered motives on why did the two suddenly bursting out some of their prowess in front of the Sea monsters? 'Did these two just wanted to terrify the unarmed monsters? How childish!' She began to exasperate towards them, forcefully generating her massive reserve of Magic auras right through the middle, to gain advantage and control of the momentum that they had in. "Mind if you guys stopped what you are doing!" Yaka instantly stopped their actions momentarily, right after she landed a strong blow aims at their heads. At least 3 counts of lumps had been seen into their foreheads. Moments began, the situation inside had been changed. They seemed solemn and vile as the face they'd shown is nothing much peculiar than being malignant with sincerity. In addition, Lylia the Entity simply responding to the questions given by the Demi-being. In which regards to her appearances inside the secrecy. "To look for an interpreter that already lost to our grasp, we need a certain substitute towards our resolute. That is why we called you... Yaka-san." Lylia solemnly asked for a favor towards the other Strongest Races, with clean motives on her mind and solid intentions through her soul. She utterly believes very well on how the importance of making deep cooperation coming from one another. Not as much as how Yaka deeply understands the entire situation without asking both sides at first. But then, seeing them put their thoughts as one is enough for her to be convinced that the situation they'd in is nothing but worse. Especially when it comes to the certain kind of monsters that are capable of annihilating the entire kingdom as much as they will. "By seeing these monsters tying up with chain filled with Awakening sigils, consciously planking with log and bricks... Are you people wanted to know about their true motives? Or you guys want to punish them without interrogating?" She repulsively asked with direct intuition and assurance, instantly sharping her senses into its peak, and stood spontaneously right in front of the enemies. The two became silent, the moment the thoughts given by Yaka are nothing but true and convicted frantically. "Are you certain that you can understand what they're saying all this time?" The Church Pastor felt discontented, completely asking for her assurance out of her respect. But then, surprisingly; Yaka's response to the Church Pastor's uneasy question had been given pretty redirected. Far shockingly than what they expected on her. !Screeeeeaakaaakkak! !Rooooaaaxxccckkeee! !Krrhuufffkkk! !Sshhiiuucckkk! {"The Sea dragon will rise from its deep slumber."} {"Everyone who dwells upon her gaze will die in no vain."} {"The resistance of the perpetrators will be an absolute nuisance."} {"And the fall of the Supreme Possessors will come to an end. In no time."} Every piece of their scream comes translated through the mouth of Yaka the Homo-goblin, with an anguished gesture on her face and a certain leaden coming from her senses. . . ***To be Continued***
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