Volume - 3 // Chapter - 72

2475 Words
"Uggh... What happened?" "The last time I remembered, was I suddenly got stumbled and left unconscious for a moment." Misho Santa had finally regained his consciousness in the meantime, not knowing for the entire situation happened in front of his pale, rigid eyes. He vaguely remembered everything since then, knowing the last time he got stunned by the Church Pastor on his nape intentionally and without further reasoning. As his senses completely regaining and went active once again, he slowly rendering his time analyzing the entire surroundings whereas the place he takes in at the moment. "Bushes, mud ground, Air, Vines, and roots... filled with Bluish-dark sigils that surround me all this time?" He felt shocked and astounded as he certainly saw countless forms of sigils that valiantly protecting him for the whole time. Knowing that the sigils itself can only be seen through the eyes of a Knightsmen and other Jewish-Enochian itself. Misho's entire intuition truly believed the things they'd made are for the sake of his safety, for him dealing with reckless action in the first place, seemingly unforgivable and troublesome to be remembered. As what he resolved, he simply paused from moving, consciously wary about what's happening around him bit by bit. And focusing only on a place where the fight had stupendously taken place. "There are so many dead Sea monsters lying through the ground." "Some parts of their bodies had been seen in a random place." "The numbers of the enemies that Levi Furiman single-handedly fought are astoundingly diminished." All thoughts and disbelieved reactions had been seen thoroughly throughout the face of Misho Santa. As he couldn't figure out what exactly did the Supreme Awakening Possessor managed to man-handle all of them with ease and absolute complexity. "This kid... is utterly exceptional!" He was simply amazed by his sincerity towards him. He couldn't help watching his stance and forms of fighting that seems unique and unusual on his mind. That making with intrigued yet thrilled at his cause. "He perpetually swinging both of his arms in the opposite direction and switching forth in the interval? Amazing!" "Wait a minute... I saw that one before..." He suddenly paused, repulsively mesmerizing the past moments he held through along with the Supreme Awakening Possessor. Until such time, he certainly remembered. "The one we got into the dungeon break incident!" He shook up and his eyes went widened all of a sudden, surprisingly couldn't believe he can able to see it for the second time around. This one was the outside of the Dungeon. "I know that move, he only takes his steps forward and backward in a simultaneous position to create advantageous distances between him and the enemies. By dealing with it, no enemies can be able to predict nor managed to stop that kind of martial arts." He simply nodded with deep thoughts of being amazed on his head. Slowly being held outside the dome filled with sigil spells out of his excitement. "What was that again? .... 'Penkak Silat'?... I don't know what that kind of magic sorcery nor form of fighting he actively performing... Nonetheless, that kind of movement is one hell of effective against the monsters and other magic creatures." "I guess it should be effective as well when fighting with that form against humans..." He went thrilled with dark intentions through his head for a second, imagining a dark scenario where all that matters and possibilities are unexceptionally in his favor. ~ !Penkak Silat! The ones Levi Furiman conclusively performing and solemnly fighting against the remaining Sea monsters. In which all of them remained the strongest in their band, dealing massive damages towards him over time. !s***h! !Boom! !Bang! /Countless of strikes had evasively deflecting./ /Massive amount of magic spells had been thrown dramatically./ /Loud, deafening explosions had been heard spontaneously./ As the 8 remaining Sea monsters, ferociously charging forth with a tremendous amount of power generating through their bodies. They constantly emerging themselves putting on their utmost resolved on winning against the Supreme Awakening Possessor's unpredictable movements and impeccable attacks causes the number of their forces to diminished and unexpectedly weaker every single time they land charges and contacts against him. "Screeeeeeeeeeeeekkkk" One battle howl with an absolute prowess horrendously charging directly to Levi Furiman. In which Levi utterly surprised and splendidly stepped back due to it. With a dark, massive contrast of magic aura. Surging forth throughout its body and emitting almost as intimidating as the Dungeon boss began turning into a break. Levi began to ferment in a second, slowly taking his attentions into it knowing that might be the most annoying enemy for him to deal with very lastly. He surprisingly takes charges against it with a certain amount of momentum and reflexes on his body, seemingly wary of the other Sea monsters as well at the same time whenever they attacked nor reaching him on their scope of ranges. !s***h! !s***h! !s***h! /Massive amount of blood had spilled thoroughly./ /The ground was greatly filled with blood./ 3 Sea monsters who slightly managed to deflect Levi's constant knife attacks, had caused some part of their bodies to threw apart and left stumbled onto the ground. They faced their immediate death due to the loss of blood moments after. The four remaining Sea monsters had nothing to deal with anymore but to face up their death as well, simply screaming throughout the sky with pride on their hearts and regret absolutely nothing to the ones they created first in foremost. And fighting with no other thoughts on their minds but to dedicate their lives to a certain monster. That ended up facing the Supreme Possessor until its very end. !Bang! /Ground slowly shaking with a slight intensity./ /Dust and smoke cover widely./ /Air and humidity suddenly went tense./ As soon he started to land his strike against the remaining Sea monsters. The Church Pastor and Lylia the Entity had started to appear in front of him all of a sudden. Without getting noticed and as quick as a lightning. "Hoho... Mind if we stepped in for a while?" Pastor Ozril greatly asked for his slight introduction with a proper tease on his feeling. Levi initially getting annoyed for a second, quickly being irritated at the face of the Church Pastor, and went pouted in a vulgar way. Lylia simply being hand-washing herself, knowing that she forcefully getting involved in a thing that uncertainly redundant in a spur of a moment. "Why are you guys having here? Does something matter?" Levi bluntly asked with insecurities. Purposely redirecting their thoughts on questioning the entire happenings throughout the night. "Don't ask me about it... 'Why are you here instead?" Pastor Ozril already knew all of his alibis and redirection of any topic, utterly left smugging on his face out of tease and insults coming back into him. "Well, I just came here to pick up some moonflowers... and ended up messing with these ugly monsters out of the blue..." "I mean, I didn't intentionally have to face them all. But, most likely they're the ones attacking at me... So I took back against it, tenfold." He simply explaining like he's the one being innocent in front of the authorities. The Church Pastor greatly having his discontent towards his explanation. Utterly smugging on his face with awkward gestures moreover. Lylia couldn't hold herself. She took her entire attention towards the remaining Sea monsters in her own, by collecting their thoughts and intentions on each of their minds. With the power of the Entity ability that specifically possessed upon her. Misho relentlessly putting out of the bush once and for all, after the intense course of the fight had been concluded in an expected victory. He is slowly being attended to, generally getting closer to the ones he seems familiar with on his consciousness. Not knowing the fact that he was started getting closer to Levi Furiman, which is undoubtedly remained sharp and active on his senses. !Bang! And unintentionally striking up with a powerful blow into the poor Adventurer Knights Personnel's neck once again. As Levi finally regained his senses back to normal, he surprisingly thinking about whoever he lands a final attack on his back. He suddenly went apologetic towards him and instantly began panicked thinking he might overdo his kick that unwantedly causes a sudden death very unfortunate on his sleeves. "He's alive... no need to be afraid of it..." Lylia attentively helping the now unconscious and completely stunned Misho Santa on laying the ground very prudent and wisely, knowing the impact of the sudden dropkick on his neck might causing his life if she didn't put his stead very careless and without proper treatment from it. Levi felt relieved after he heard some pleasant news from her. Pastor Ozril does the same thing. Yet, he couldn't help but scold Levi for his irresponsible behavior, which instantly put all the people that were genuinely close to him into certain danger. Levi suddenly began wary about it, instantly began apprehensive through his conscience for being reckless and selfish towards the care and trust have given by the others. He felt down and distraught as the result, couldn't hold to nod up into the eyes of the Church Pastor out of his discouragement and disgrace of what he had done completely. "Don't be sad about it... What's done is already done... Let's go home for now and take some rest... We had a very long night to deal with these folks up in the end." The Church Pastor sincerely accepting Levi's forgiveness with a grim smile on his face. Levi felt relieved and at ease on his feelings afterward, simply asking for the Church Pastor and Lylia the Entity on leaving the remaining Sea Monsters into their hands voluptuously. Pastor Ozril simply nodded. Lylia does the same thing. With a pale, exhausted body he valiantly used up against the band of terrifying Sea Monsters. Levi taking his force once again, repulsively spending all of his remaining stamina to move voluntarily and heading straight through to the Church building. And slowly walking sub-consciously as if he walks like a dead horrifying lurking in the dark. However. "Levi... to the other side..." The two people completely began helplessly all of a sudden, thinking for the worst possible to happen for Levi walking in the dark, alone and senseless. He mistakenly walked in through a random direction, relying on his sense of hearing at the moment due to it. Lylia began worried about him, intuitively putting her Awakening spell right on his body, and slowly abating all of his wounds to sealed up momentarily. Levi's eyes couldn't manage to open as his body as well couldn't lay any single muscle to move, because the amount of force and exhaustion on his body being used in accordance has already exceeded its limit. That resting in peace and assurance had nothing but essential for the times he badly needed. !Entity Magic! !Ethereal Slumber! /Small, round ball of void grasping through Lylia's hands gently putting on Levi's forehead, like massaging his head out of tensions and comprehension extensively built upon his mind, and completely left off-guarded throughout his own volition./ In a matter of seconds; Levi unconsciously sleeping on the Entities' lap, unnoticingly getting in touch with her spell that allows him to sleep and takes his rest for a certain period. Without any sorts of hindrances on his physical surrounding and slowly going through to what he imagined recklessly. "He's sleeping... He tightly rested on his dreams by now." Lylia simply assuring her thoughts to the Church Pastor, whose being concerned and worried about him for a moment. As the two being able to remain active and alive for the entire night of long, anticipated battle. The Church Pastor and Lylia the Entity had certainly put their minds as one all of a sudden, in regards to whether they ended up sparing the lives of the Sea monsters which they can gain tons of information about the current standing deriving through the whereabouts of the Sea Dragon. Knowing the amount of magic presence they horrendously emitting for the entire time, showing up the superiority of their ranks and power against one another. They intuitively believed those 4 remaining monsters had any knowledge nor information about everything about the known Dragon that they hardly searched for. "If these guys can speak like us... things should be nothing but convenience to ourselves." Lylia instantly went vexing with the monsters they sparred in. As the monsters generally couldn't talk like humans, they simply ended up in an absolute misunderstanding and meaningless to buy-in. Only the possessors of the Supreme Awakening can be able to understand it. "If this kid can spare his time and energy for this... things would be amicable for all of us here." Pastor Ozril thinks the same thing, simply nodded as the entire situation they're in had slowly turned up into a mess. Slowly turning into realization, the importance of bringing back Levi Furiman into his consciousness had been seen as urgent, instantly asking for the efforts of the Entity to wake him up on his slumber for a certain period of reasoning. Sadly, the amount of the spell given by Lylia was far redundant, greatly effective to human beings. Especially when putting on it in the instances of the Supreme Awakening Possessors. Meaning to say, they're the most unfortunate ones able to brag to the spell that the Entity people nor possessors ever created. They simply couldn't be held on escaping the said spell, nonetheless the amount of power and auras that were enough to negate it could tell it some different story. In other words for Levi (In which being worn out already and began submissive to all incoming spells that putting around into him), he couldn't escape the spell that puts him to sleep. Not unless the fact that the time given by the said spell would pass out and voluntarily diminished. That was the one rule that the spell greatly mentioned to the minds of other people. "So... we can't brag him out physically?" Pastor Ozril sincerely understands the rules given by the spell, utterly thinking of other methods trying to do anything so urgent at this point. "Sadly... Yes... we can't... But worry not... For I've set the timer for him on when he would wake up..." She seemed approachable to him, which causes Pastor Ozril to be startled out all of a sudden. "And when is it? ... " He sharply asked with assurance. "...... A week from now!" She gladly responds with a soft smile on her face. "................" That causes the mood of the Church Pastor to changed dramatically; from a happy-go-lucky old dude to a succumb, downtrodden old man. . . ***To be Continued***
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