Volume - 2 // Chapter - 60

2664 Words
. ~~System Notification ... Opened. [Possessor's Identification --- Modified] Name: Levi Furiman Age: 14 Race: Human Birthdate: April 21, 2016 Birthplace: Davao City // Earth Wield: Supreme // Incomplete Possessor's Race: Jewish-Enochian Skill: Unspecified Talent: Unspecified Power: Unknown Credibility: None . ~~System Notification ... Opened. [Possessor's status] Awakening Status: 2% / 100% Eye Status: 3% / 100% Activated: Right (Active) / Left (Injured) Stages: Supreme Race Possessed: Jewish-Enochian Magic Status: Unavailable Mana pool: Inapplicable Other Status: Body Status: Active Fatigue: 4% / 100% Mental Status: Partially Stable Emotional Status: Normal Physical Status: Partially Unstable Psychological Status: Stable Intellectual Status: Stable . {Status Warning... Opened} ~ Possessor's damaged body parts have been detected. Location: Left Eye Damage type: System Override / Temporary Blindness Time for self-recovery: 25 days, 19 hours, 45 minutes, 0 seconds. . ~~System Notification ... Opened. [Possessor's preferences] Level: 23 Experience: 33% / 100% Monicker: Unidentified. Rank: Unidentified. Class: Unidentified Job-Description: Unidentified Guild: Unidentified Affiliations: Unidentified . ~~System Notification ... Opened. [Inventory] 1. Grangers Black Raven -- (Unusable) 2. Black Senbonzakura -- (Unusable) 3. Cross-bladed Dagger -- (Active) 4. Unidentified Jewelry (Necklace) -- (Released) 5. . The System Notifications had been voluntarily appearing, moments after Levi finally got his consciousness. It was almost 3 days after the Incident that happened throughout the entire Central Village. Everything seems fine at first, as he graciously opened his eyes, peacefully breathing the fresh, rural air with harmony. And gracefully nodding his System Notification that seemingly irritated for him to be seen first thing in the morning. "Dammit... here we go again!" He cautiously observing his current status, which is some of it had been updated nonchalantly. Even his left eye that has to be blinded seems very wary towards his current condition. His right eye went dull nonetheless, as he noticed the two supposedly his 'Main' weapon, whereas only applicable to the Dimensional dome created by the Entities, hasn't even been used to the physical world which is for him, it was crucially needed. The necklace as well went out astounding and mesmerizing, the more he kept staring towards it. Reminds him of the days he spent with his Grandmother of the world he once living in. Surprisingly, in a spur of a moment. His mind went out puzzled, as he unexpectedly thinking about how did the Necklace, as well as the Handgun and 'Katana', had been able to bring with him into this world. Knowing that the things he has in don't fit and prudent to appear in this eras and civilization. From what he could think above it. "Old method of cooking meals, Clay Pot." "They don't even have a TV." "Not a single home nor a building had built with WiFi or something relatable to technology." "Even some people I asked what food they wanted to eat, all they'd answered was 'Potatoes and other sorts of Crops.'" "What I mean is, the entire Civilization and livelihood of the people had nothing but a similar to middle ages." "Adding some kind of Dungeons and Quest, as well as other beings and Races gathering in the shadows... At this point, technology hasn't been developing nor inventing just yet." "And so my Handgun and Katana aren't used to this place at the moment." "Wait? ... Katana? ... But Katana was once introduced in early Japan, most likely the 1100's, while the first recorded Handgun was around the 1300s in the timeline that I know." "Could this be----" As his mind suddenly went delusion for a moment, thinking for the best reasonable answer for his weapon that still couldn't be managed to appear. Cassandra, Tisa, and Misa patiently entering his room. Without taking any single pardon for entering and keeping their mouth shut on listening to all of his murmurs and self-chatters. Curiously asking for the things he recently mentioned with intriguing gestures and expressions. "Hand...Gun....? Was that food?" Tisa curiously asked. "Kata...na?... what kind of lame name was that?" Cassandra simply nodded intrigued. "Are you alright? Levi-kun?" Misa slowly asked with concern. The three notable Church attendants started to volunteer themselves, cheerfully taking care of him for at least a week or two, regardless of when did Levi woke up nor regaining back into his consciousness. They even wearing some maid uniforms, far repulsive to the ones they'd wear during Sundays. Only to the ones thinking it would be the best resolution to made his recovery speed up with ease. "Seems like our outfit we wear had taking its role to make Levi awake... I'm glad I made this plan about this!" Tisa gracefully admitted. Cassandra and Misa didn't like her plan. But then, thinking up for his recovery to hasten, they forced themselves to wear it even though the humiliation and embarrassment they received afterward was utterly staggering and tease. Especially to the Church Pastor and other people outside the Church seeing on it. "It's not helping actually. Rather, It gives me sick everything I see you guys wearing that." Levi also didn't like it as well, causing it an obnoxious idea to put on it instead. As the result, Tisa felt ashamed and distraught extensively. Suddenly went disparaging herself for being ignorant and full of confidence without even thinking. Cassandra and Misa began scolding Levi out of their reflex. Levi instantly felt regret for what he had done to her, immediately bowing his head and went gullible towards her. Tisa left nothing but to pout her mouth at him. Levi felt relieved with a soft smile on his face. . Outside the Church. Lock, along with Govan and other Entity people are having themselves sparring in a broad daylight of an open field. Constant throws of magic spells and loud explosions had been stagger throughout the surroundings. !Elemental Magic! !Vine sprout! /Roots and Vines had to spur out through the ground./ /Ground trembling with magnitude./ The magic spells Govan cast are vigorously aiming towards the Entities as horrible as possible. Lock constant charges in opposite distances. Solemnly charging forth against the enemies with stealth and concealed. Bringing an intense, massive flow of Awakening aura, infusing on a huge stone hammer, which is double in his size and triple on its weight, recalling it as his 'Main' weapon and pounding forth towards the enemies with a tremendous force around it. !Boom! !Boom! !Boom! /Extensive force pounding through the ground had been immense./ /Small shockwaves resulting in a short and weak earthquake had been felt a short distance away from the field./ Some Entities, who patiently nodding and felt restless by just watching the fight. Suddenly went out sweating apprehensively due to the intense battle between them and the Church Attendants. Whereas, spectating the bouts in which supposedly be called 'Sparring' hasn't seen applicable to the recent happenings around them. As they saw the constant amount of magic and Awakening presence that all of them had been emitting was astounding and seemingly for a real. "Are these people unlikely to kill each other? I thought this one was a sparring match?" Malina curiously asked about the current happenings. Other Church Attendants had thought the same thing as well, knowing the fact that it was all Lock's culprit that causes the entire commotion into a whole new level of the mess he'd done in the first place. ~ Earlier. 3 days ago. 5:45 am (Still not related to the time on the story, I was just resembling their time when it happened :)) ) The exact time the entire Entities have arrived is what Tisa and Misa Togo planned for them. Their Appearances are so casual, that even staring at them for a long time doesn't seem anything like an Entity, nor other races far similar to an ordinary human being. Unlike the Knightsmen (Which as a whole dark-toned skin on their bodies, some of it had carved with a lot of tattoos and other piercing accessories on their bodies in a far hundred chapters later on.), their race and appearances are far distinguished and easy to recognize, than any other beings throughout the entire 8 Strongest races. In other words; The outside body of the Entities is nothing much like humans completely and significantly. As they finally approached the main entrances of the Church. The lock was the first one who managed to open the door, without thinking about the worst possible encounter that occurred first thing in the morning. /Lock slowly opened the door without any hindrance./ "Hello, welcome to the Church ---." He stopped his introduction all of a sudden. !!!?? He was stunned and terrified at first, had nothing to say anything about what just he saw. In a glimpse of a second, amongst all the people who can manage to conceal every single part of a person's nor beings' body without taking any slight of noticing from the others. The Knightsmen people were the fastest in terms of recognizing the presence and aura of certain people and other races. Especially when it comes to concealing and keeping the presence hidden. The Entities went out shocked differently, couldn't figure out the worst possible case happened, exactly the things they didn't want to exist. "Encountering the Knightsmen!". Lock's eyes went out widened, startled for a long time, and couldn't handle the oppressed feeling he just felt towards them. Began acting strangely, keeping himself attended, and started to take advantage of them by alarming the others about their current approach. "The Entities... are Coming!" He simply shouted out of his surprise and terrified. "Entities! Entities! They're coming... Run as much as you can! Run as ---" He tried to run back, as soon as he saw an opening on taking a retreat. !Bang! "---Kuuh..." Lock stumbled to the flood in an instant, left unconscious, and passed out. It was Tisa whom was the one knocking out Lock at the moment, solemnly apologizing for his vulgar deeds afterward. Lylia and the Entities clearly understood for some unprecedented happen, simply left slipping out the incident and forgot what just happened. "We'll preparing some goodies and breakfasts immediately, please be convenient at some point." Misa took herself attending to them for the meantime. While Tisa was the one attending to the kitchen, along with Govan and other Church Attendants as well. The Entities casually taking their time waiting in the Church lobby, elegantly sparkling their eyes out of intrigue and ignorance. Couldn't put their hands touching the things that relentlessly attaching to their eyes. Chairs, tables, rug mats, even the altars and pulpit they didn't even spare from their curiosity. Especially for the eyes of the young Entity people. That seemingly new to the world they know for a very long time of slumber. As Lylia and Malina calmly explaining everything to Misa, which is seemingly confused and flustered for a little. She then started to understand what they had felt entirely and solemnly. Her eyes went dimmed, down into sorrow and nothing but heartbreak, the more she kept attending to listen to their past and agony throughout their lives. Not knowing the fact that the ones she'd shared her thoughts towards Misa were the ones that maliciously indestructible and seemingly unlikeable to be imagined by the minds of the 8 Strongest Races. "The curse of the Sea Dragon." It all started hundreds of years ago. After the defeat of the 'Supreme Awakening Possessors'. Every single being fighting against it will receive an inevitable curse, punishing with malice and destroying the lives of many, in which only a few of them had been managed to survived and regaining back into their senses. Including the lives of the Surviving Entities with the help of a contract made by Levi Furiman. Lock on the other hand, completely went frustrated and unfair to what his feeling besides it. Annoyed and irritated towards their physical presence and appearances as well. Without having any sort of second thoughts on his head. He viciously attacked the ones looking at the same age as him physically with malice and rage, repulsively having grudges towards them with no certain reason and history from him. "Lock... Don't!" Misa screams shockingly, completely went out of her mind thinking for serious consequences he'd against them. Other Entities felt the same way, immediately taking their actions by stopping Lock's movements thoroughly. But then, Their actions haven't been profounding. As Lylia suddenly stepped in, asking for them on letting him do as he pleases at some point. Simply went smiling on her face while cautiously predicting the best scenario that occurred in just a matter of seconds. Not knowing the fact that the one Lock's aiming up his grudges against. Was the one resulting in some huge dispute for approximately 3 days since then. . . Present-day. Ais constantly evading Lock's charging attacks with poise and ease, generally watching the stone hammer while pounding an unyielding force towards her, and graciously smirking her face off against him. Lock instantly didn't want the expressions given by her intuitively, simply got mocked and insulted for not sending his attacks directly on her pale, slim body. And keeping his weapon more pound than he usually did. As soon as the distances between the two had to make its gaps, even a slight radius away from Lock. Ais had finally made her move. By casting a magic spell that seems familiar to the ones they'd acknowledged for. !Elemental Magic! !Vine sprout! /Roots and Vines had to spur out through the ground./ /Ground trembling with magnitude./ At this point, everyone from the Church Village suddenly felt shocked and amazed, that their eyes went out glazing due to being amused, as well as being terrified for being a copier created by the spell of others. Causing the entire senses of Govan to flaunt and disarray. !Bang! /Vines and roots horrendously locking up Lock and Govan's movements tremendously./ Thus, the match between them has been settled, moments after Govan asking for a decent surrender. ***To be Continued*** ~~End of Volume 2~~ Hello dearest Readers..... I guess its time 'Again' to know our Character preferences and their information ^_^>>> Let's start with the Supportive Characters ^_^ Part 2: . Name: Pista Rambutan Age: 24 Race: Human Birthdate: March 01, 2096 (The date of the World where the story goes in.) Birthplace: Saint Haven // Althea Wield: Double // Incomplete Possessor's Race: Knightsmen Hair Color: Yellowish-brown Skin Color: White Height: 6'2 Bodyweight: 45kg. Horoscope: Pisces Likes: Trees Dislike: Cutting it Hobbies: Planting Trees. . Name: Sam Smeagel Age: 27 Race: Human Birthdate: February 14, 2093 (The date of the World where the story goes in.) Birthplace: Unknown Kingdom // Althea Wield: Superior - Quarterly Complete Possessor's Race: Demi-Beings Hair Color: Greenish-white Skin Color: White Height: 5'11 Bodyweight: 50kg. Horoscope: Aquarius Likes: Ethnic foods Dislike: Disgusting foods Hobbies: Painting, Disrupting trees, Climbing. . Name: Robert Steel Age: 30 Race: Human Birthdate: November 18, 2090 (The date of the World where the story goes in.) Birthplace: Saint Haven // Althea Wield: Superior - Incomplete Possessor's Race: Knightsmen Hair Color: Black Skin Color: White Height: 6'5 Bodyweight: 80kg Horoscope: Scorpio Likes: Junior Subordinates Dislike: Senior Subordinates Hobbies: Bullying juniors along with Misho Santa . Name: Yaka Age: 125 Race: Demi-being Specification Race: Homo-Goblin Birthdate: July 20, 1995 (The day of the World where the story goes in.) Birthplace: Unknown Country // Unknown World Wield: Unknown Hair Color: Green Skin Color: White-brown Height: 6'7 Bodyweight: 48kg Horoscope: Cancer Likes: Humans, Other Demi-Beings Dislike: Other 6 Strongest Races (Not included the Jewish-Enochians) Hobbies: Eating, Fighting, Reading picture books. . Name: Helina Booluck Age: 42 Race: Human Birthdate: December 2, 2078 (The date of the World where the story goes in.) Birthplace: Saint Haven // Althea Wield: Superior - Quarterly Completed Possessor's Race: Astral Hair Color: Purple Skin Color: 80% white, 15% yellow, 5% brown Height: 5'11 Bodyweight: 59 kg Horoscope: Sagittarius Likes: Pastor Ozril Dislike: Pastor Ozril Hobbies: Cleaning, cooking, and other sorts of casting magic spells indefinitely. . ~~~~~To be Continued ^,^ ~~~~~
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