Volume - 2 // Chapter - 59

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In the meantime. [The Sixth and final part of Sam Smeagel and Pista Rambutan's unknown and unvalidated Misadventures] 10:43 pm (Still not related to the time on the story, I was just resembling their time when it happened :)) ) The moonlight shines brightly throughout the darkness. The Air and the wind suddenly changed timely and silently. Humidity that felt on their skin was astounding. As the sudden course of negotiation between the Strongest Entity and Pista Rambutan had gone out intense. By the time Pista Rambutan unconsciously activating his newly acquired ability in the middle of his insanity. Causing the minds and intentions of the Entity people to changed horrendously in the middle. "Let us stopped this nonsense commotion and letting this one an unexpected slide instead." The Strongest Entity simply negotiating once again. Knowing that the sudden change of appearances coming from the eyes of a desperate Adventurer, mesmerizing to the ones that nearly taking their entire race to its brink of extinction. He knows he couldn't lay himself a single finger furthermore, trying not to mess up against it once more. Other Entities furiously declined, as if they had no idea what matters to the consequences for what they had done anytime happens. Pista on the other hand is oddly accepted. On behalf of what Nascondra begging for him to do so. 'We can't... fight them... in their own... Advantage...' 'What matters the most... is that... I'm alive... and still breathing...' She simply responded with a forceful smile on her face. 'If you fight them... All of us will die in a meaningless way...' She started predicting the worst possible happenings whenever Pista began to rage and aggressively attacking the enemies. As the result, Pista couldn't hold himself but letting this battle and unprecedented incident. Even though the result was utterly once sided by the side of the Entities. But then, for the sake of saving the lives of the others. He chooses the most safest and unselfish decision, that made them spared and to gain peace. "Will you guarantee to me that others had been spared as well and no one else will die on each side of our team?" Pista nonchalantly asking with assurances. The Strongest Entity quickly nodded. By slicing his palm very squishy, the Strongest Entity began taking his appearance whose wisely hiding from the dark, and graciously approaching himself towards the stand of the lone Adventurer. Seeing no sign of killing intent, audaciously walking forth in the middle of the night, and only the bright of the moon had been shining throughout his body. 'White eyes' 'White clothes that seemingly very expensive to purchase, even from this country didn't see anything like this.' 'His hair looks white, perhaps it is quite silver.' 'And his presence seems dark and eerie. Yet so calm and chilly.' 'I don't like what this is happening.' The minds of Pista Rambutan suddenly went mumbling everything the Strongest Entity had slowly getting near towards him. Nascondra instantly felt it as well. Rather, she seemed horrified and frightened that causes her to cling heavily to Pista's upper body. Pista himself couldn't afford to stand in front of the Strongest Entity, knowing that his lap was too heavy and starting to feel numb due to the cling given by Nascondra. He simply waiting for him instead with his eyes and focusing only on him as what he resolved. The Entities who furiously observing the current happenings had suddenly felt chills on their spine, as they couldn't imagine how the tables had instantly turned in a blink of a second. Moreover, they didn't even manage to lay a finger towards the Adventurers and Demi-being anymore. Knowing the consequences for doing the repulsive things that miserably cause their lives. /Right hand audaciously lending./ /Blood from his hands nonchalantly dropping./ As soon as the Strongest Entity had reached their position. He simply lending his hands to Pista's, virtuously promising himself not to cause any sort of trouble into them anymore. Pista on the other hand suddenly went apprehensive. Couldn't move his hand momentarily out of his stunning reaction, and cautiously asking for Nascondra about the sudden happenings. "That's the way... of showing... other Races... Promises..." She extensively explaining while the wounds and pain she received haven't healed yet. "Promises? How do we know that their words are sincere nor not even showed any signs of seriousness?" Pista went flustered at the moment. Furthermore, Nascondra conclusively explaining. "If both hands filled with blood, and taking it partly with solemnity. Then the promise itself is true and just." "However, If one of them didn't cut loose into their hands. Then the Promise itself was null and meaningless." "The same goes to both hands that don't show any blood at all. It shows no moral and disbelief for both sides of the Races." And thus, as she'd done answering very briefly towards the perplexed Pista Rambutan. He began stabbing his right hand consciously and intentionally deep, so deep that the depth of cuts created by the Strongest Entity had became doubled to what Pista made on it. Afterward, with a strong virtue and not having any second thoughts of being discontent. Pista gallantly shaking his hands very proudly and might. Hoping that the fights between them had finally come to cease and gaining peace. ~ On the of the side. The bouts and fights between the Entities and the Demi-Beings had come into ceasing. After the Entities suddenly heard a massive noise coming into their heads, resembling a report from the Strongest Entity towards them. Asking them to stopped the fights and started reverting to the place where they heading to. The first one who came in and arrived was Sam Smeagel along with 2 Entities battling against him at the very least. "These guys... Are pretty rowdy to deal with..." He simply commending the fight, casually walking towards Pista and Nascondra. His face was constantly covered with blood, his bodies had been abused to a fight that strangely became a deathmatch, and a strong, forceful Awakening aura of a Demi-being race, tremendously surging throughout the forest. Completely intimidated by the likes of the Entity and went out startled maliciously. "Hmmm? Seems odd... What's going on?" A horde of Entities, far more than what he anticipated. Had started emitting their Awakening Auras that aiming through the inside of him. After they saw the two other kinds of them, unconsciously stumbled down and half-passed to their senses. Thinking the only way on taking an avenged, they furiously surrounded him and wanted to charge advance against it. "Stop it..." /Ground and Atmosphere suddenly went heavy./ /Winds constantly surging./ The actions and movements made by the Entities had gone halted and stunned all of a sudden, completely felt regretted and distraught for some particular reason. The Strongest Entity simply stopping its reckless actions before the insightful happens might occur. Sam Smeagel went out startled, suddenly felt an immense, eerie presence that made his skin to felt shivers beforehand. 'Who's this guy anyway?' 'And why is he glare at me like he's going to eat me alive?... How terrifying...' Sam's mind instantly perplexed and flustered as a matter of fact. Soon, moments after; Yaka finally reaches in. Approximately 10 minutes after Sam Smeagel firstly came in. The three other Entities whom she held in fighting had been faced the same fate, as the other ones that Sam made. Unconsciously Stumbled down and half-passed. "Those youngsters... Are seemingly weak!" She commending the enemies' efforts with mockery and insult. Causing the other Entities to felt anguish and frustration as soon as they heard of it. Like what they'd done in the first place, the entities had started to surge their Awakening presence once again. This time, it aims to Yaka the Homo-goblin. "Wait... What just happened? what have I done?" She unexpectedly acting innocent immediately. Sam quickly noticing it, started to make fun of her at the moment. Didn't take any sort of bothering at them nonetheless. But then, however; The Strongest Entity slowly getting annoyed throughout the happenings, intuitively stopping all the movements they made, both sides of the Entities and Demi-beings. The same as what he did to them as well. Soon, moments prior. All remaining Demi-beings and Entities had started to appear from the Dimensions and place they'd also created. But then, at some point. The results had received an astounding one-sided. As most of the Entities went out unscathed and slightly injured, compared to the Demi-beings in which they received serious and fatal injuries during the battle. Broken Limbs. Fractured bones in some parts of the body. Mild to fatal wounds in some of their bodies. And many more. However, on the good side; All of them were alive and seemingly breathing harshly. The eyes of Nascondra, Yaka, and Sam had gone out dimmed and darkened as they saw the agony and pain that the Demi-beings received by the hands of the ruthless Entities. On the other hand, the joy and laughter made by the Entities had been rampant and wild. As they all thought that the majority of the bouts was astoundingly pleasant and boasting, to the point that mockery and insults are savaging through their mouths against them. Pista and the Strongest Entity had gone silent and abhor, trying to test their patience throughout the sudden happenings surrounding them. Pista's right eye was constant red, the left eye was dark filled with the Awakening race of Knightsmen from both of them. While the Strongest Entities' eyes were pure silver, with a darkish-colored pattern resembling his Awakening race from both of eyes on it. As the two became insignificant to each other, the Strongest Entity became abase to himself all of a sudden. Thinking it would cause a huge commotion to deal against him by only just glaring a murderous, malicious intent towards it. And asking for forgiveness for the unnecessary actions given by his kindred. Pista seemed calm, eyes already sharpened and glaring comprehensively against him. Thinking it wouldn't be enough to atone all of their deeds very easily. Asking him back to leave the forest as quick as possibly can, on behalf of the entire Entity Race that causes them a huge uproar. Therefore, as he thinks it would be the best possible resolution for his vexation. He rushes in to order all Entity people on leaving the Forest, without giving all sorts of reason to them, they went following into him in the end. Knowing that the unknown and terrifying Awakening aura Pista emitted had starting to suppress once again, instantly intimidated the entire squad of Entities and other Demi-beings as well. As expected to what Sam Smeagel and Yaka felt from it. They went shocked and alarmed at first, couldn't believe that the unknown and horrifying Awakening aura they felt is seemingly located in Pista Rambutan. "So dark... and repulsive..." "I can't breathe much longer... The more I sensed that malignant Aura, the more I felt terrified from it..." "Pista... What happened to your eyes?" Sam worriedly asked. Yaka was stunned and startled as she finally noticing it at first. "Wait... Is that ----" She couldn't take her response as she felt nauseous the longer she kept staring into it. Pista patiently stopped their surprised and flabbergasting feelings for a minute, trying to divert the current situation they had in eventually. "We have to focused on healing them as quickly as possible... Chief... we have to do something about this..." He valiantly suggested. Sam and Yaka simply nodded. The two went out agreeing on what he had said. "My guess was that... The elders and other leaders are on their way to the next village that is seemingly near to them... But the main problem is ---" "The nearest village you mentioned, was at the next Kingdom to reached in." Yaka solemnly answered. Knowing that the location from it was about a month of traveling by foot. It would take a long way for them to catching up with their pace since they leave the village several hours ago. The conditions are given by the other Demi-beings and Nascondra had become worse, the longer the plans they've settled and commencing. "What do we do? What plans do you have?" Yaka nervously asked, felt restless and worried about them. Pista Rambutan and Sam Smeagel on the other hand suddenly became thinking the same thing, possibly the best and last resort for them to make the entire situation resolved and resolute in a crucial way. "You guys... need to coexist with other humans in a certain, nearest village." Yaka startled and stunned by her own volition at the moment, couldn't believe his answer completely. That entering on a territory of humans would be an absolute taboo and dangerous to exist amongst them. For an obvious reason, she knew that people would start panicking whenever a monster starts to appear in their eyes through the houses, nor other properties with their radius of territory as well. But then, in the end. She left agreeing to what they'd said. Knowing that the lives of her kindred are in a crucial state of condition is important, to be able to risk their lives on concealing themselves by the eyes of others. She knew it would be worthwhile for them to take some audacity. By doing so, the three of them had been started to find a shelter that could be managed to handle at least a lot of people, which seems bizarre to exist. Without any sorts of hindrances nor commotion that causes their names into an uproar. . . ***To be Continued***
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