Volume - 3 // Chapter - 61

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"Hooo... So you lost for the 3rd time, Lock? How unusual." Lina frequently teasing the young Knightsmen. Knowing that was his 10th time he made fun of him for the entire 3 days, since the time the fight had been started. Lock felt ashamed and humiliated, on the other hand, constantly knocking up everything that seemingly hindrances his way, as they started to head back to the church after the sparring match had been concluded. Trees, rocks, even the animals didn't even spare by his impatient behavior. Causing everyone around to feel bad and malignant towards him. "Would you stop hurting other things around, Lock? You stupid i***t!" Tisa scolded. "AahhAaahhh! I can't believe this! I'd lost again! ... Dammit, Govan-senpai... you would just submit to the enemy very quickly." Lock complained. "I'm sorry... I don't even know what should I do at that moment..." Govan simply apologized. "Just because you chickened out already! You already stumbled by just showing the enemies the spells that look like your own did." "By that thinking, you completely assumed that you already lost before the fight had been evenly started." Lock aggressively complaining about his cowardice and frail when it comes to fighting. The Entities seemingly didn't bother the murmurs and chatters given by the Church Attendants. They simply laughed, trying to interact with them gracefully. They simply commending the bout to show for their sportsmanship towards the others. "Like I care? How do I even like results of the fight, when the ones obtaining the most advantage shall be taking the loss to the end?" Lock felt morose and exasperate in some ways, which made his mood more bitter and madden for the entire day. Even if they reached the Church and taking up each other's businesses. Lock's mood and behavior seemed nothing to divert nonetheless. . . 3 days ago. At the Central Willow Village; People and everything around it had begun to return to their everyday lives after the unprecedented incident that happened right at the center of the Village. Constant and frequent inaudible noises had been heard elsewhere through the place like the entire battle doesn't see anything that happened not so long before. As well as the Adventurers and people on their side, who held of being part of the Entities unusual scheme. They voluntarily lending themselves to fixing the messes they'd done dramatically, by casting enough magic and Awakening Spells to erase all unwanted and disturbing memories that only involved their deeds. Including the ones that made Levi Furiman appeared and be carved into their minds. And so, days after; Everything seemed back into business, generally picking up the desired quest and missions without any single doubts and hesitation into their minds. In some of which had been grinding the quest and completing the chosen mission, they'd picked, to earn money and glory as what they had thought. . Present moment Adventurers Administration - Willow Village Building. As everything around had been going back into normal. So were the people from the higher position also came back into business as well. Commemorately, they started to have an emergency meeting right after the entire leaders of each department are finally having their time in peace, consciously agreeing to one particular meeting that everyone gathers around in a room once in a whole month. There are 6 total Department Heads gathered in the same room. Not included to the ones adding up with their supports. *Department head of Monitoring. *Department head of Investigation for Quest and Raid missions. *Department head of Adventurer Knights. *Department head of Internal Affairs. *Department head for the Administration Personnel. *Chief Department head for the Branch Administration. Thus, by introducing that; The monthly report had now commenced. ~ "The reports and statistics coming from the Village Adventurers had been stagnant. To the fact that every single rank of the Dungeons and Raids are very high to be acquired, as well as the numbers of request and value of rewards had been increasing." "All of it happens after the conclusion of the Village-wide dungeon break." One Administration attendant adamantly putting his report in front of the Monitoring head. Other Department heads of the Village Administration sincerely listened to the attendant's report, conclusively nodding their heads out of concern to the horrendous incident that occurred in just a matter of weeks. Sam Smeagel and Robert Steel, knowing that the two were the only ones knowledgeable for the entire happenings. Didn't seemed flickered nor startled out to their seats momentarily, as the two completely calming their minds trying not to bother the other Department heads away from their hidden agenda. Unfortunately, one of them had been noticing it instantly. "Does it seem like these two are having their time doing something hideous in the dark? Aren't you, Mr. Serious!" One Department head started to have her suspicion towards the Adventurer Knights Department head's conspiration. The eyes of the people inside the room had been focusing on the Adventurer Knights Chief, suspiciously glaring the entirety of his face while making up with some conspiracy right into its head. It was the Department head for Internal Affairs who taking up her advantages against Robert Steel. She started imitating Sam Smeagel as well. But then, she went out to Robert Steel at first. By emitting some of his Awakening Aura, his entire presence goes out wild and hostile, couldn't manage to control his temper furthermore and waiting for her to make him hostile towards him as well. "What's your point of suspecting on me, Alicia? Do I looked like something you can't even trust with?" Robert calmly asking his sovereignty towards her with a passive-aggressive expression. Sam couldn't cope at the moment, forcing himself to wake his senses up and trying to attend as much as he can. Not knowing the fact he just arrived from the place where Yaka and others are taking themselves safe and distanced against the Adventurers and other Hunters inside and outside the Human territories. As the result, he went to sleep at his table frequently, constantly snoring himself and bothers absolutely everything inside the meeting room. "Does Sam okay? He seemed tired and worn out, by just looking at his eyes... it went out darkened and wrinkled... Poor thing." The Chief Department head couldn't leave himself but to feel bad and reasonable at his current condition. He then started to ask the other Chief's permission on relieving the Head of Investigations for taking up his rest patiently, understanding the things he'd encountered for the past few days of handling the recent Dungeon break incident. !Sniff..!!Sniff...! Nonetheless, The keen senses of smell acquiring to the Chief department head had instantly reacted, the moment he noticed some of his wounds and other bruises covering through the entire body. Began oddly intuitive about his actions, very repulsive than he was expecting. 'I've never thought that those wounds don't come from the monsters and other magic creatures lurking around the dungeons... And yet I was wrong, definitely wrong with this one...' 'Could it be ---' His thoughts suddenly paused for a while, thinking it would be worth saving for the best moment after he starts to wake up his consciousness. Leaving Sam resting in the other room, the situation became harsh and leaden. As everyone started to suspect the Adventurer Knights Department head, regarding the recent happenings they'd encounter during the past few days. Refers to the same day that happens when the Entities started to launch their attacks against them. "3 days ago, numerous counts of Adventurers had been found in the state of traumatic condition inside and outside of the dungeon, some of which had ranged between mild to grave situation. Others received severe injuries coming from it." Alicia repulsively adding to her conspiracy against Robert Steel. Robert defending himself, with an atrocious response seemingly believable and sincerely reporting all of his actions very nonchalant towards the others. Including the ones, they'd did in his private moments. "What brings up here by the way? Is it normal for the Adventurers and people to take their lives inside the dungeon and brimming back having a lot of injuries they received? What sorts of predicament accusations is this!" He aggressively reacts against Alicia. "That's not what are we talking about..." Alicia slightly diverting her thoughts immediately. Robert went out suspicious at her, the moment she derives her thoughts in mid-air. "Then what is it?" He started assuring. "About how did they get the traumas, as well as the injuries they had acquired." She simply concluded with a grim smile on her face. At that point, Robert suddenly went off of his mind, couldn't figure out how did she get those intuitions, whereas the ones putting it at all were by Sam Smeagel's jurisdiction. He was stunned and perplexed as to the result, sarcastically answered her question with insults and tease with complex and unjust. Until such then, she stopped comprehending against him. Without adding questions and follow-up concerns about it furthermore. After the Chief Department Head completely stopped their nonsensical argument between them. "Now, the tension was over... shall we proceed to the next one?" Other Department heads simply nodded. The next report to be made is coming from the Administration Personnel Department. !!?? Eventually; Everyone began enthusiastically all of a sudden, as the reports they prepared had been seen intriguing and interesting by the thoughts of the high-ranking people. That they knew it would be much busier and hectic than any other events they've managed to make. Especially to the minds and thoughts given by the Chief Department head, consciously remembered the things he deals with a few days ago. . . 2 days ago, Prairie Town; In the perspective of the Chief Department Head. Things inside the Town's Administration Building had been hectic lately. Not only to the Willow Village but other villages as well. More or less 32 Villages occupying through the Town's territory to be accommodated at least, not including the ones far distanced and isolated throughout the Town's outer mainland. Willow Village was considered Isolated. Thus, it was hardly able to be counted accordingly. But generally, the said village itself was currently under the governance of the Prairie Town, since it was located at the very least far away from its territory. Therefore, all sorts of problems and disputes regarding the politics and other quest-related problems within the scope of the Administration's jurisdiction were held and covered by the Prairie Town Adventurers Administration itself. That was the first thing the Chief Department head started to work in the first place. The recent Dungeon break occurred in his backyards. The minds and behavior of a 45-year old Chief Adventurer are begun stagnant and exasperate, causing his entire senses to tingle and nerves to begin sharpened, itching for fighting against the ones creating a huge ruckus that placing under his territory. "That f***ing bastard... I swear I will certainly kill this one after I finished this compile of paperwork!" He felt annoyed and irritated towards the daily papers he'd made entirely. As he couldn't manage on creating some spare time to rest, focusing around on allocating all the quest and raid missions, delivering throughout the selective villages momentarily. !Knock! !Knock! "Who's that? Are you youngsters blind? Can't you see I'm busy!" The Chief Department Head aggressively scolding to the ones knocking up the door. Not knowing the fact that it was a certain familiar person, seemingly close to him the most was casually approaching. "Woah there... Don't give me that kind of attitude... Or else I'll leave this place empty-handed." He went nodded with a tease. "Luther!" He even calls his name very casually. As soon as he approached the Chief Department head nonetheless. The face given by him began shocked, deep down through the senses of being astonished, and instantly remembered the times he had in with him during their prime. "Ozril! ... It's been a while... How's life?" He gracefully greeted his old friend in an instant. His anguish and goofy behavior began wiping out and immediately changed into a childish, friendly appearance that even a small kid wouldn't make itself bothered closing in towards him. The face of the Church Pastor does the same thing, simply greeted his old friend like the ones used to before. Instantly mesmerizing their past life and Adventurers having with him for a very long time. "I'm good, living with the kids... The same as usual..." "Looks like you've got some lots of paperwork to do this afternoon... Should we burn it?" Pastor Ozril humorously joking. "I wish this pile of workload should be done in seconds... But I guess I'm getting used to it seeing this bunch of papers compiled..." "Hey dumbass, what did you say burn it?" "That doesn't mean I don't like it, does it mean I burn it! How insensible are you, dipload!" The Chief Department Head went out annoyed and in disbelief. "Hahahaha... Good times!" Pastor Ozril simply laughed, giggling with excitement on seeing his friend for a long time of separating. Likewise, The Chief Department head does the same. Sitting on a soft, fluffy couch that Luther requested to the office. Pastor Ozril mercilessly teasing it, allowing Luther to felt teased and humiliated even more. "By the way, what brings you here actually?" Luther gallantly asked. As soon as he started to direct his main objective in putting on a topic. The facial expression of the Church Pastor had been changed dramatically, emerging some Awakening aura that causes the entire senses of the Chief Department head to tingle and alarm. Knowing that he appears only in a serious, crucial matter. Asking for a thing that made his mind completely passed out and hesitant towards his request. "I'm pretty sure you're aware of the upcoming Village Adventurers Assessment, aren't you?" Pastor Ozril solemnly asked without having any second thoughts. "Ye-yeah... So what's the point for that..." "I want you... to postpone it in the Willow Village." He simply asked for his favor towards the Chief Department head with a serious gesture on his face. . . ***To be Continued***
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