Volume - 2 // Chapter - 58

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Time: 8:37 pm (Not related to the time on the story, I was just resembling their time when it happened :)) ) It was the time Cassandra Smith finally arrived at the Church. 2 hours later, after Tisa first came in. As she slowly opened the door, exhaustedly worn out and eyes slowly went dim to sleep. She relentlessly putting herself on rest on a couch of the Church Living room, trying not to cause any sort of unnecessary noise that making other people to awake. "Cassandra-san, you arrived! Thank goodness..." Soft cheerful greetings coming from Tisa to her, after she'd done worrying about the others still not to come in. She went childish, casually crying out loud in front of her and asking for her conditions thoughtfully. "Yeah, I'm fine... thanks..." She answered gracefully. Tisa went nodded with relief. She began nursing her stead for a while, knowing that she couldn't hold herself eating alone anymore due to the sudden happenings they'd encountered since the entire day. She made her hand lending instead as the result. "What happened to the others? Are they coming back already?" Cassandra asked with curiosity, thinking it would be the same fate as what the two taking their place just recently. Unfortunately, Tisa as well didn't know about it. Only the thing that makes her speculated was that. "The Entities, are coming." As all the words that what she heard intervally towards the mouth of the Church Pastor. Cassandra was simply shocked out of her intuition. Knowing the fact that it had done the same thing as what she encountered against them the whole day. The two went out flustered and perplexed as to the result. The more they coincidentally thinking about the sudden course of situations, the worse intuitions they had possibly created against it. And so, the worries made by them became the worst. Restless and frustrated were the ones they'd made entirely. !!!?? /Footsteps gently stomping, nonchalantly approaching towards them./ It was the Church Pastor himself starting to approached them, holding a cup of tea and a huge bulky size of a book that seemed intriguing and intimidating. The two simply gulped their throats out of their apprehensive feeling. "My... my... if it's not Cassandra... you okay out there? where are the others?" Pastor Ozril simply asked the perplexed Cassandra with his aura had slowly emitted. Tisa also felt dubious as well, trying not to intimidate her restless feeling against the Church Pastor. But then, Apparently; Pastor Ozril simply noticing it. He began explaining thoroughly the reasons for his current actions. "The Book I recently holding was surprisingly emitting some unknown Awakening presence, allows to anyone who grabbed this book to react and guzzled at least half of your presence momentarily and thoroughly. As what I resolve with these, I simply allocating my Awakening presence into a quarter, trying not to consume its full force while constantly grabbing on it." He simply answering their uneasy questions with ease and compactness. Cassandra and Tisa had now regained their uneasy feelings afterward, being relieved and cunning. "Afraid not, by the way, I have no intention of scolding you two... Besides, I just came here... to watch all you came back to this place, alive and complete." He went out worried and concerned towards their life furthermore. "By the way... Where are the others?" "They're still fighting the other Entities, should we help them out?" Cassandra replied. Tisa answered the same thing, having her worries and concerned towards Lock the most. The Church Pastor simply defying their suggestions on busting forth to the enemies empty-handed, thinking it would be the best resolve not to interfere their fight and letting them in until the match had already settled. Knowing the fact that it might worsen the situation if someone started to interfere. "Let them." "What? ... Why?" The two began anxiously once again. "Did you two have any sorts of trust in your friends?" He simply nodded. "Yes, we do have... but their enemies are might be stronger than them!" The Church Pastor went pause for a while. "Huh? So you didn't have any sort of trust and convictions towards your friend and comrades. Right?" "Then let us hope and trust to them on surpassing their limits, whoever the enemies might be facing against them." He went out smiled with confidence, thinking for a certain person that valiantly taking care of everything that happens entirely. . . Inside of Levi's mind; Moments before taking his cataclysmic attack against the off-guarded Entities. {Oh, there is one thing I forgot about a certain situation, whenever you entered the Entities' domain.} {Like I said, all the weapons that seem unable to release in the physical world, shall avail on the Entities' domain.} {But there is the only thing, that made every single Entity people regret entering a Supreme Possessors into their den.} {...... And that is ---} "Supreme Possessors can able to override the System Notification, and allowing myself to surpass those limits endlessly and virtuously!" Levi started to enlighten his mind once again after he consciously mesmerizing the thoughts and reminders that were seemingly usable and unpredictable by the minds of the others. By doing so, he initially calming his mind completely. Didn't want himself to bother the incoming magic spells that aiming horrendously towards him. !Breathing Heavily! Levi constantly breathing, creating a loud, synchronizing noise of his lungs, and body mass went out heavier and denser. !Awakening presence emitted calmly and solemnly! His entire appearance went out to dim and blurry, to the point that seeing him from afar was only a dark-colored shadow with a bluish-colored sigil surrounding throughout his body, and his weapons as well. The more he breathes heavily and vigorously, the deeper the blurry effect on his body had been appearing. As long as he keeps focusing on it. The System Notification now started appearing. . ~~System Notification ... Opened. [Possessor's status] Awakening Status: 70% / 100% Eye Status: 90% / 100% Activated: Right (Active) / Left (Inactive) Stages: Supreme Race Possessed: Jewish-Enochian Magic Status: Unavailable Mana pool: Inapplicable Other Status: Body Status: Active Fatigue: 80% / 100% Mental Status: Stable Emotional Status: Unstable Physical Status: Unstable Psychological Status: Stable Intellectual Status: Stable . ~System Notification... Opened Warning: System Notification - Override. . {Status Warning... Opened} ~ Possessor's damaged body parts have been detected. Location: Left Eye Damage type: System Override / Temporary Blindness Time for self-recovery: 9 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 50 seconds. . At that point, it was a point of no return in the minds of Levi Furiman. Knowing the fact that every single information he gathers was given by the Unknown Being, it was an understated answer for resolving all of his crucial situations intuitively and tactically. But then, his awareness for causing his life would be absolute. To the point that the System Notification itself had been insignificant towards its appearances on a difficult moment. Causing him to flustered and hesitant in the middle of his concentration. However, that wouldn't be the case. As if it was the only way for him to attain his very last resort towards the might and will of the Entities, he is very certain for what he is done for the sake of winning against them. "If I lose with these, I might die horribly." "If I win, I might die as well due to the consequences for doing it recklessly." "If I'm not doing this, All the people and Adventurers gathered into this place might be trapped and controlled by the likes of the Entities..." "F***ing Dammit... Looks like I got checkmate on my move against them..." He suddenly smirked while concentrating all of his breathing. "Guess I'll play Queen at this moment." He went solemn once more, instantly went deeper on his breathe and concentrating as much as he can. Other Entities, whose taking charge of attacking directly against him at the moment. Immediately felt a wild, peculiar presence surging horrendously towards the Supreme Possessor, became apprehensive in an instant, and couldn't lay on their fingers trying to approach him thoughtlessly. With a huge demeanor on their minds, they acted recklessly. Putting their weapons to dive against him, desperately gaining some advantage to the fights and constantly slashing forth on his body. It was as good as dead for not making up on their plans at first hand, knowing that the entire appearance of Levi Furiman was astoundingly wide open and very redundant to be able to attack. Nonetheless, the situation had gone changed drastically in a blink of an eye. As the grounds they're standing in, and the Atmosphere they held in as well had suddenly changed. To the point that even the skins of their bodies had been reacted strangely, and started to felt shivers around it. All the locations they had felt, was coming through the stand of the Supreme Awakening Possessor. They simply backing out with their plans, generally taking their warnings towards the other Entities. Unfortunately, It was already late for them to respond. The same goes for the side of Lylia and Malina. !Bang! !!??? ...... In some unprecedented happened. In a spur of a moment; The entire Domain that the Entities formed and created had started to open. Viciously breaking through the walls of space that putting them into a different dimension, and the magic ball filled with terrifying spells itself had instantly gone, reduced into atoms in a blink of an eye. A clear cut of the surroundings had been seen dramatically. Resulting in the entire space and dimensions negating and unable to regain back on its own. A simple, and complex move created by Levi Furiman was the only one making the entire course of situations turn on its tables relentlessly and virtuously. Lylia, Malina, Ais, all of the Entity people especially those who are near him simply went out shocked and petrified. As they saw him nonchalantly slicing the entire Magic spell they'd created in a single swing of his 'Katana', and momentarily felt adamant towards his actions. "Amazing... The only thing he aware and aiming at it... was the Domain we'd made in the first place?" Lylia went out astonished and complementing what Levi has done just recently. So was Ais and other Entities as well. Malina felt different than them, as she couldn't imagine how Levi did manage to escape on her magic spell she forcefully bursting out against him. People and other Adventurers started regaining their consciousness, moments after the Dome began breaking. Regardless of what they saw everything from it. Everyone seemed shocked, startled to their senses that couldn't be managed on coping out to the recent incident. Didn't sincerely believed what exactly happened in the first place. "Who did this?" "The place was slowly reverting, does it mean that the Entities had finally done playing against us?" "That kid out there was suspiciously frightening!" Everything that comes into their mind, was directed into their mouths. As people and the Adventurers around the place had started judging the things made by Levi Furiman. Both malicious and despicable. Thinking the fact that the moment pausing on its thoughts and other convictions was the time the Entities had started to control into their minds. Thus, their actions went out continued straightforwardly and unjustly. Therefore, another set of commotion had been unwantedly started. Levi on the other hand, who's already halfway through to passed out and his eyes slowly went dim, completely stumbled down to the corner and trying to force himself regaining on his consciousness. . ~~System Notification ... Opened. [Possessor's status] Awakening Status: 100% / 100% Eye Status: 100% / 100% Activated: Right (Active) / Left (1/100 Active) Stages: Supreme Race Possessed: Jewish-Enochian Magic Status: Available Mana pool: To be Developed Other Status: Body Status: Active Fatigue: 99% / 100% Mental Status: Unstable Emotional Status: Unstable Physical Status: Unstable Psychological Status: Unstable Intellectual Status: Unstable . {Status Warning... Opened} ~ Possessor's damaged body parts have been detected. Location: Left Eye Damage type: System Override / Temporary Blindness Time for self-recovery: 29 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, 1 second. . "Misa-san... get... out... of... that... cage..." His last words mentioning to someone before he felt unconscious furthermore, as he glanced at a huge cage cautiously fitting on a person. Conclusively lying down to the ground beside of Lock and other Church Attendants. Lina suddenly heard from it, completely widened her eyes out of shock due to it. And instantly asking for someone who has any knowledge of Misa's whereabouts. Unfortunately, not a single response coming from them had been heard from it. Insults and mockery were the ones tearing to their ears hearing from them instead. The Entities and other concerned Adventurers, including Misho Santa and Robert Steel, started to confront the rampant and savagery coming from the crowd. For a particular reason, they felt envious, down-rooted to the bones, and wanted to hurt the Supreme Possessor very bluntly. Until such time; Ais finally stepped in. !Entity Magic! !Memory Deliberate! /A pinkish-white fragrant dust spreading across to the crowd./ By swinging her white elegant scarf covering her shoulder. Ais can manage to cast her Awakening Spell very prudent towards her specific target, which allows her to remove all of her target's memories in a short backtrack of time. In other words; She can remove a person's core memory 10 seconds before it happened. (Knightsmen Races are excluded from this spell.) As the result, the crowd's rampant voices had become silent. So silent that the humming of wind was heard by everyone. Lylia and the Church Attendants simply felt gratitude towards her. After a while, the entire surroundings had gone back to normal. Lylia and the Entities began apologizing for what they had done against the Village people, never intended to bring that too far as what they'd planned from the start. Thus, likewise to the Department Head of the Adventurer Knights Personnel, as he gallantly accepting their apology towards them on behalf of all people and Adventurers they're interrupting in. Others didn't seem happy about it. But some are already forgiven, including the Church Attendants. People and other Adventurers as well started to celebrate themselves for their survival didn't show any signs of gratitude to the ones saving to them regardless. "These ungrateful Bastards." Robert couldn't believe their reaction. He then thanked the Church attendants, especially to Lock the Knightsmen for battling alongside him against the test of the Entities, simply giving his token of appreciation for him additionally. Misa on a faraway side finally appeared coming from out of nowhere. She hurriedly putting herself on reuniting with Levi and others, after a colossal loss of a fight she held against the 2 suspected Entities, conclusively receiving her biggest mismatch and disadvantages she faced so far. Tears and emotions had been mixed through the sides of the Church Attendants, as they went back to the physical world alive and complete. That rejoice and relief wasn't good enough for celebrating their whole day of fighting. Nonetheless, Levi Furiman was casually rested and falling asleep on his stead in Lina's lap. And thus, the entire fight that happens throughout the day had finally ended. The current time was; 12:49 am (Still not related to the time on the story, I was just resembling their time when it happened :)) ) . . ***To be Continued***
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