Volume - 4 // Chapter - 106

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!Awakening Insignia! The first two words Levi Furiman did elaborate towards the missing lead having by the person with the blood of the Knightsmen and the person having the Awakening Possession of the Knightsmen Race as well. Right after he consciously putting off his long-black sleeve for the 2nd time, also the fact that the time having his resolved on revealing the secret had finally come. With his words prudently spouted right in front of the people, Levi Furiman simply didn't reveal at the very least every detail as what he was consciously wary about it. Even though the curiosity and intriguing gestures might be seemed captivating towards his glare. He simply didn't felt affected by them after all. Nevertheless, his complete identity was nothing but an utter to worth concealed and prioritize to be hidden. As well as the convictions on revealing only for the names of the abilities, but the entire description and uses are supposed to be untold. For him himself didn't know personally about it, not even a glimpse of his consciousness simply couldn't upheave once as what he cautiously wary on it. The only person who noticed it was the Church Pastor. In which his mind couldn't be held out but to flustered every time Levi tried to explain very carefully towards them. As if every piece of a word came out into his mind were astoundingly putting into its meaning. Regardless of how it would able to understand with. 'Levi-kid... Just how good you are? The moment you talk... was more discernable when someone managed to listen very carefully...' The Church Pastor simply understood what kind of words did Levi Furiman told them. !The Supreme Awakening Possessor simply untold the name of its ability... Not on how did he got it... Nor the Description itself! 'I don't know if you're still aware of the condition that you currently have... Or perhaps you already forgot about those things in which it was worth forgetting... You sly young man... So commendable!' He simply couldn't help but leave a grin smile on his face very silently and imprudent towards the other people. Allowing Helina Booluck to notice on the other hand, as she starts to get perplexed and have suspicious intuition to the unpredicted thoughts driven by the Church Pastor. Knowing the fact for the partial knowledge of the Supreme Awakening Possessor's upheaval identity. Helina still couldn't able to catch up from the happenings already ahead by the two secretive people. . [Moments Ago] Around 5 minutes ago to be exact. It was all started when Tisa the Knightsmen started to hit the correct answer to the uneasiness feeling and irresistible annoyance to a certain kind of things given by the Pista Rambutan. "That's .... That's it!" Pista audaciously nodding. "Those marks that seemingly looking like a curse! Those that made me terrified for the entire day and night of having here!" He simply began adamant and relieved at the same time. As his right Red Eye of the Double Awakening surprisingly began manageable on control all of a sudden. His ulterior consciousness simply went putting unto his resolve as well. Yet, the activation of the said Awakening didn't seem to stop nor planning to stop following its release. He seemed invoked towards it. "So that should be it... Any thoughts on that? Levi-kid?" The Church Pastor simply nodding with a slight relief on his senses, as he truthfully believed for the progress of the said investigation had slowly been showing towards the conclusion. Tisa simply adjusting herself trying to put things out in between, as her entire consciousness had been started focusing on Levi Furiman this time around. Levi on the other hand left nothing but to face the reality that he finally came in. Solemnly being prepared already for the time when someone will ask wholeheartedly for the illness and marks eccentrically covering into his body. "I know it should be funny if this one comes from the mouth of the Church Pastor, but the truth to be told... This is called {Awakening Insignia}, and I got this when I was in deep sleep!" Levi haphazardly answering his thoughts in front of the Church Pastor and people who gallantly listening throughout the entire time, utterly putting on his resolve at the same moment trying to hack the Awakening senses driving through the entire consciousness of Tisa the Knightsmen. Without forcing him to ask the details of the said ability that he recently telling in. That for him, however, prudently wary for the usage of the full-blooded Knightsmen when it comes to interrogating other people's intuitions as what Levi Furiman adamantly believed coming from it. {Tisa was being enacted as their 'Lie-detector machine'... By generating her Awakening senses deeply attaching into one's affected body, she immersively gaining information regardless to the person who telling the truth nor lying in accordance to their answer.} That for Levi's own thought about it, escaping those kinds of ability were nothing but a delusional imagination to be left calculated. Only greater luck and astounding capabilities of skills were nothing much reliable on how to negate nor escaping with it. And so, he does it; Knowing the fact that he couldn't emit Awakening auras nor spells and abilities momentously. Only skills and luck were the ones he used afterward. . [Present Moment] As the elaboration and constant round of questions had been thrown against Levi. Cassandra Smith and Misa Togo in the meantime, relentlessly went out stuttered and intrigued all of a sudden. After the austere revelations and a drastic form of Awakening Sigils constantly glowing through Levi's upper body. The two simply couldn't hold themselves to made me curious yet terrified at the same time. As they prudently wanting their questions to be answered by their uneasy feeling that made their senses and consciousness to tingle with fear. "What... Are... That kind of... Things?" Misa nervously asked. "I've never seen such things so horrendous like that? ... How long does it seem for Levi-san to got there?" Cassandra simply asked with trembling feelings on her nerves. The moment the two keeping their eyes abruptly staring at it; The more terrifying feeling they did felt towards it. As the two sincerely began adamant and flabbergasted for the meantime. "I do have a thought for you two having an awareness of the recent situation beforehand, but the moment I'd seen your gestures far malignant and filled with questions wanting to be untold... I gladly answering that unto you." Helina Booluck humbly taking her time focusing on the two as what she gallantly noticing about them. And slowly refilling their ignorant, empty minds into knowledge with kind and serene. That causes Cassandra and Misa to felt abused and humiliated as the result. Not because of the words that kind of insults and horrible to delivered, but because two simply didn't have any other choice to listen from the ones having those kinds of information wanting to give in. On the other hand, Pista Rambutan, who solemnly putting his glare on the Awakening Sigil for the entire time since Levi started to get naked. His eye couldn't help but stare menacingly, allowing Levi to felt disgusted towards him and resulting in him putting his sleeve on. Simply not because of the cold weather of the night that genuinely breezing into their senses. But because of some obnoxious reason, Levi didn't want to show his upper body right in front of them. Ever again. Nevertheless, as soon as he starts to close out moments prior. Pista Rambutan simply noticing something about the Awakening Sigils itself that consciously wrapping out on his body. 'All of a sudden, why did I manage to read that kind of letters conveying in a certain kind of Awakening Sigils?' Pista simply couldn't hold on mumbling thoroughly inside his head. That generally putting him in stunned mid-air. Genuinely asking for Tisa's ulterior consciousness for his unprofound misconception for a certain period. "If you can manage to read it... Then those are probably the numbers in which constantly running down into its limit..." Tisa bluntly responding towards Pista's utter uneasiness. But then, Pista still didn't content to what Tisa's compelling response to him. Deliberately trying to unravel furthermore in accordance to his unresolved questions moreover. "Yeah, I do know about it... Those sigils are kind of minutes and seconds just like it was ticking down like a timer... Nor perhaps it should be the one kind of a timer itself, trying to conceal at the very least every single form of Awakening essence putting altogether inside of Levi-san's body." Pista blatantly putting his resolve towards Tisa. Levi and Pastor Ozril simply went silent and began focusing on their stead listening to the sudden conversation between Pista Rambutan and Tisa the Knightsmen. As the two were completely wary of the information, they redundantly gathered by just a gist of seconds from what Levi prudently relinquished towards them. That instantly made up thinking on his mind for spoiling everything and generally went too far from what they adamantly expecting. "So you managed to read at the very least most of the Awakening Sigils putting up on Levi-chan's body? But how?" Tisa abruptly asked with curiosity on her face. Pista simply couldn't help himself in answering the details about the drastic changes of his appearances, hardly apologizing to her for being incompetent as far as he knows himself about it. Even his right Red Eye of the Double Awakening that he previously acquired didn't seem knowledgeable about its existence. All that he knows of it, as he thoughtfully attained to a certain village located outside the territory of the Main Kingdom. 'A Village outside of Saint Haven? It seems kinda interesting to beseech' The minds and consciousness in which relatively being tedious for the time being had instantly went sharpened all of a sudden, right after he heard very loud and clear about the origin of the intimidating and bothersome power he gallantly attained towards it. Nonetheless, the intuitions and shivering thoughts had been putting as well from the minds of the Supreme Awakening Possessor. As he suddenly went stuttered and stagnant in accordance to the origin of Pista's unusual power. That the System Notification itself began sporadically as what he bluntly noticing about it. . . For an hour of redundancy to the commotion in which it seemingly obnoxious for a battling between the two. Cassandra Smith and Misa Togo finally held outputting on a hot seat this time around. Thinking for the fact that the two had been called for the same thing as what Pista Rambutan and Levi Furiman did for a purpose. The Church Pastor simply asked sincerely and direct to the point of their topic. Knowing for the fact that the time itself had slowly run out and a soft, gentle rest of slumber is a must for the part of the Adventurers and people around them. It was past 11 in the evening as Levi silently nodding to an hour clock made of wood as its base. "Old man... Can I go to sleep now?" Levi simply asked with audacity in his stead. Tisa, Misa, Cassandra, and Helina repulsively being surprised as the rude and oppressive behavior given by Levi Furiman had been seen compacted without ulterior consideration. "He simply being rude to Pastor Ozril just like that?" Misa and Tisa surprisingly went synchronized for some reason. "I've never heard of him calling 'Pastor Ozril' for the first time... Not even once!" Cassandra began disbelieved as well, simply trying to put in her mind on imitating Levi's casual acts whenever she had a time with the Church Pastor shortly. "My... My... It seems like one of your 'Children' had been seen as rebellious... I couldn't believe it." Helina simply went disbelieved as well. Rather than that, she utterly held herself focusing on the Church Pastor and blatantly jesting him as if she finally caught her deepest opportunity on gaining her payback. The Church Pastor didn't have a word for their response and leaving a grin smile on his face afterward. Momentarily, He solemnly went back to the topic which seemed to be left hanging from behind. And solely asking the same thing for the second time around. "The Administration Personnel... What sorts of things they had been tackled aside from the recent Sea Monsters territory invasion?" The Church Pastor humbly asked without taking any sort of meaning towards his question. Misa couldn't be held answering the questions herself. Simply not because of her self-idleness to the entire happenings being held inside the Administration Building, but because her entire senses couldn't rely on being active anymore. As she felt sleepy as well, generally resting herself on the couch in which relatively sitting right in front of the Church Pastor. Tisa conclusively felt the same, intuitively laying beside Cassandra and Misa on the couch. Knowing for the fact that the couch they substantively putting on their rest was seemingly huge (as huge as it was like a king-size bed regularly), All three of them, including Helina Booluck was fitting at the couch right behind Cassandra Smith in the middle. Leaving Pista Rambutan awake and readily prepared, deliberately putting himself of being wary towards the information that gathers given by the strong-witted Adventurer. Cassandra alone was always prepared and heavily contrasted towards the hot-seated questions given by the Church Pastor, without showing some tentative reaction coming from him. She truthfully believed there was nothing worth hiding from the gist of his strong presence, regardless of what kind of questions he had been thrown against her. As what she utterly believed for the thoughts that had been predicted. It was all regards to the Selection of the Adventurers, that might be putting their lives at risk located outside of the territory of the Main Kingdom. . . ***To be Continued***
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